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Everything posted by Intru

  1. So I just finished watching[font="Arial"][size="2"] Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru, it's 4 am I haven't slept in 3 day between school/work and Anime and I just want to know, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! What was the point of the entire anime! I'M SO CONFUSED![/size][/font]
  2. Being at the Library at 2am is glorious!

  3. Yeah we go "all out" on Halloween. Thats the closest to cosplay you will ever get me to do. Here's a real picture of me [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs274.snc6/180205_1567138906851_1486770059_31446906_1553370_n.jpg[/img]
  4. Yes!, I've always love any excuse to put this picture up on the internet, I am Lando Calrissian and yes I do have a natural perm! I have since lost the mustache I kept getting arrested every time I walked by a middle-school.
  5. Hey people, So I use to watch a bit of anime when I was younger, I was more of a video game freak got addicted to WOW for a bit, 4 years sober. Now I got a lot of free time between work and school so I though why not get back into anime! I like to do a lot of thing mainly with stuff but sometimes without stuff. But yeah I ride/make longboards, rockclimb, a bunch of outdoor things....what else? Oh I'm a history buff, I love cookies and beer and I don't share. You can call me Intru or Ken I don't care. Ps. My grammar sucks, not a native English speaker, deal with it :P
  6. Some late night Toradora! finishing the series of before passing out. *Edit... and some SoreMachi and some [color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, Arial][size=2][/size][/font][/color][font=Verdana, Arial][size=2] Welcome to the NHK after :P[/size][/font]
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