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Everything posted by Dovahkiin

  1. So I now have my learners which means I can start to drive, loving work but I hate my laptop and I need to buy another desktop because the laptop is crash dumping continually >:/ loving Bones, now onto season four, and i now have all the expansions of WoW......I need more of a life >.>; And I'm thinking of giving up on love and relationships....too much heartache and I keep falling back to depression, not good.
  2. if you want a movie like paranormal activity and insidious then try grave encounters.....i couldn't sleep that night x.x; in other news skyrim is bloody amazing.
  3. when ever i see lyndy's banner i keep saying in my head "your hip" repeatedly @_@
  4. i actually watched that movie last night (road to el dorado)....and in other news my mum is going to Egypt tomorrow night for a month and a half so i'm stuck with dad...yay, and when she comes back possible hello divorce papers :/ but apart from that life is good, mostly.
  5. So, I have two days of school left then I am done with daramalan for good :D I turn 17 this weekend, going to a bunch of parties and on the 15th and 16th of October I MIGHT be going up to the gold coast for EB game expo :D also, I was on youtube and found this O_o all it made me say was what the hell [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciV1zD_3j7I&feature=feedu[/media]
  6. there's a band called Karnivool and they are pretty awesome, if you like Tool then you'll probably like Karnivool. This is one of their songs called New Day. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR7SzOdW3Vg[/media] Another band is In Fear And Faith, here's Heavy Lies The Crown. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqDxCrGSxFo&ob=av2e[/media] I guess that's it for now until I find more bands lol.
  7. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1315487107' post='709338'] [color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]Move to Michigan. Although you probably won't survive the winters since you're coming from Australia. :V[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] I survived a week in Seattle during the winter...it actually reminded me a lot of Cooma (a town here) during winter....I'd have to find somewhere were I can get a job as a youth worker though because I am taking the youth work courses at CIT.
  8. Being a major 360 FPS gamer I'm looking forward to Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare3, Halo4 and Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. I'm also looking forward to Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Skyrim...and I think that's it for now
  9. I've decided that I am moving to the states once I'm finished at CIT.....mainly because I REALLLLLLLLLY want to go to PAX, COD XP and other con's....and I loved my time over there when I went on holidays.
  10. Five weeks left of high school for good, five weeks until I turn 17 and five weeks until I see an old friend from queensland, woo! time is going to fly by :D Also, don't mean to promote this or whatever but I've been trying to get a gameplay video so I can start gameplay videos w/ commentary for my YT channel, and well I finally have my first video~ [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr5kxHI9gxM[/media]
  11. being awake this early on a saturday morning should be illegal x_x

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Allamorph


      Holy crap Lyndy knows where Australia is.

    3. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      Saturday, huh? I with it was saturday here...

    4. Dovahkiin
  12. [b] Darling Parade [/b]remind me of paramore, mainly because of the singer, but they sound pretty good :D I like screamo but not that much screamo ._.
  13. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1313032705' post='708853'] [color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]I don't get pop-ups. =p But I tried uploading a photo, but I wasn't allowed to do that, either. [i]lahm[/i][/font][/size][/color] [/quote] facebook is breaking for everyone i think :/
  14. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1313032492' post='708851'] [color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]They won't let me sign out. :|[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] are you getting a page pop up thingy? 'cause i am ._.;
  15. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1313032307' post='708849'][color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"] Also, Facebook has held me hostage. They won't let me escape.[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] Facebook is creepy in a lot of ways, but how has it held you hostage?
  16. here, this will explain it. though fair warning there is a fair amount of swearing in it >.> [url="http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/cheesblog/view/245304/leaving_school/"]post link[/url]
  17. i love the fact that the people in my group are thinking the reasons why i am leaving school are stupid.......there goes my good mood :/
  18. my mood has now been turned to happy mode~ :3

  19. [center]new episode is up :)[/center] [center][url="http://soundcloud.com/xblclan/episode-2"]Episode2 Black Ops[/url] [/center]
  20. live streamed amnesia wihle on skype and mum was home......screamed like mad at some points and mum gave me weird looks x-x;

    1. Yukazi


      An average evening for you, then?

  21. so now i see the one who gave me the random add :P

  22. So my phone deleted my recording >/ anyway what I would do with a portal gun is: I would put one portal in a wall then another in the roof and set up an automatic ball shooter (thingy) but large enough to shoot out consoles, I would fill it with PS3's and set it that they shoot into the wall then crash to the ground ending up destroyed, and timing the shooter so that no consoles colid. 'Cause you know I'm evil like that and 360 all the way :P
  23. [quote name='OMNOMNOMALY' timestamp='1311440162' post='708577'] [font="Garamond"][url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14262237"]Amy Winehouse is found dead in her apartment at age 27.[/url] That is absolutely nuts. I mean I know she wasn't particularly healthy or taking care of herself but it is always so surreal to me when a celebrity dies, especially a young one at that. Not to mention the totally horrifying shooting in Norway yesterday where one gunman killed over 85 students and 7 more people in a bombing on a government building, life seems so scary... [/font] [/quote] I should watch the news more ._.
  24. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1311410281' post='708562'] I wonder what the record is for youngest heart attack victim. [/quote] What are you trying to imply? ._.
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