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Everything posted by Dovahkiin

  1. my mind is soon going to lose the plot because of school x_x monday i have an in class english essay on two short stories, have no flipping idea what to do for it and then on tuesday is mod day and us year 11's have our AST prac test and no one has said if we have to study or not...........damn college
  2. i think the chat on theO is broken for me >(

  3. [quote name='Lyndy' timestamp='1297541700' post='704927'] [color="#556b2f"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]"We ran out of guests" I said I would be a guest. >( [/font][/size][/color][/quote] i offered to be a guest as well >.> but yeah nice podcast
  4. one thing i hate/dislike about australia is our download limits/plans...they are crap! >( [s]sorry for the cursing >.>[/s]
  5. well, i guess you would like to see the person behind the hands *points to avi* anyway here ya go [img]http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/612/15639212361750812671735.jpg[/img]
  6. xD ah that made me lol, epicly....and no rush :P
  7. i hate it when people say/spell my name wrong >.>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaNz


      but Midget Ninja just rolls off the tongue!

    3. Dovahkiin


      *headbangs desk* people like to spell/say my name shar-ney instead of shar-nay (like the sound a horse makes >.>)

    4. Felix the Cat
  8. >( you also now have ree and NICK calling me cheelet *bashes you with a frying pan*
  9. i hate summer >(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dovahkiin


      it was 37 here today, i was melting x_x

    3. Magus


      Am I missing something here? 37 and 40 are cool temps here.

    4. Dovahkiin


      we are talking celcius not farenheit :P

  10. hey skitz cat, reckon you could draw one of me beating dave with a frying pan for calling me cheelet?
  11. bah, i go back to school next monday. not cool!

    1. Morbo


      awww poor cheelet... Some people have to work 48 weeks of the year.

  12. [img]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/3163/kekkaishi.png[/img]
  13. [quote]I'd definitely like to play co-op online. That'd be heaps of fun.[/quote] Let me know when you want to, i'm free basically all the time, apart from work.
  14. i can't figure out my modem page, damn belikin.....any lag for me on reach matchmaking is doom
  15. agreed, halo 3 was crap when it came to maps and matchmaking. And i hate my net sometimes because i always get that message saying that my NAT isn't open and i don't know how to fix it >(
  16. if they had more then three maps it would be better i think, but that is bungie for you
  17. sweet. you mean noble map pack? i got it and the maps are ok but i don't like the choices for game play, they kinda suck.
  18. haha, sure thing...i'll start practicing griffball! and i play to win >)
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