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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Parabola- [/i] [B]Ok, my bad, I should of said, "Some ignorant American people". It's not only that, that they're mad about, it's because I have different opinions. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, fine. Its my OPINION that you a ****ed up little dumbass vegatable dork. Now arent you going to get mad at me? People can still get mad at your opinions, no matter how good or bad they are.
Saiyangohan2002, You are full of it. Your just another false prophet trying to warn us, there are so many of you kind of people that its sick. They have been saying its the end of the world for years and years and now we have you HERE saying it. If you want to advertise your stupidity SO much, then send it in to CNN or something, but leave otakuboards the **** alone. SInce when did we become a religious forum?
I never did drugs. But my parent were potheads and I dont know if that will efffect me.
Hitler did want a "perfect society" in his mind. He wanted everyone the same, and everything the same. He trained his soldier's and convinced them they were superhumans. He wanted a world of superhumans where he ruled. However, genetic modification will not make us perfect. With GM comes superviruses, perhaps breeds of creatures made to kill. Even if GM is made perfect, there will be at least six children produced in an experiment, one will be perfect and the others deformed. Theres much more to learn about GM before we go making superhumans. We probably wont even get the chance to do that, because currently we are capable of making superviruses, so they will most likely kill us off before we have the chance. The method I favor of GM is Viral Vectors. They are easy to create, and can be used in different ways. Back to the point, I beleive that Hitler was wrong in his methods. Now, I hope we can end this talk on terrorism and hitler. Shallow minds discuss people, Average minds discuss news, and great minds discuss ideas.
I know a way to end all of the probs. Destroy the world!! Blow the whole goddamn thing up. That way nobody can complain, and all the wars will be solved! Every country is ****ed up, so lets eliminate them!!!
Beleive it or not, the taste of revenge is too sweet for ANY country to diet from. I do admit America may have contributed to many incidents and the 9/11 attack. But, I have trouble beleiving that all this is happening just because of our government. The only reason America even looked at Arab countires is for their oil. The "war on terrorism" is merely an excuse to steal more oil and prove to the other countries their power. Iam an American, but Iam not to blame for this. Do not blame the people of America for what the government does. Basically, I say that America is screwed its game over. Weve gotten ourselves in a deep hole and cant get out. Almost every country in the world harbors some form of terrorism, so by declairing war on terrorism and against countries that harbor terrorism, weve created something of a world war. As for bioterrorism, well, its gonna get worse. A group of Australian (sp?) researchers accidentaly created a new strain of mousepox. Though not affective to humans, its has possibilities. They inserted the interleukin-4 gene into mousepox, in a long researched attempt to cure it. Instead of curing it though, it reversed and caused the complete destruction of the immune system of the mouse it was used on. Scientists are afraid that if this gene is inserted into the smallpox virus, it might have the same affect. And virus/gene therapy is pretty easy if you have the right tools. As a last resort Bush is gonna stop the war due to money costs and fear of some kind of WW3 and lay back. G2G, post more later.
I made it lucky, I was found, and not yet dead. I was taken to the hospital where they were barely able to revive me, but they did. But now I only have a quarter of my memory because of the lack of oxygen and blood to my brain. (which i still have now)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Children, by definition, lack maturity. Thus, childish could be seen as the opposite of mature. Suicide is a selfish act...but it is also an act which displays massive immaturity. That doesn't necessarily mean to imply direct foolishness or silliness...it means that the person in question simply lacks either the experience/knowledge/understanding to avoid suicide. Of course, there are many factors involved and I'm sure we could all go on and on about it...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] If you mean to be innocent is to lack maturity, then I can agree. There really is no such thing as a mature person, and no matter how mature a person acts, they will commit suicide if they get depressed enough. HAve you ever actually committed suicide and luckily survived it? I have. And until you are pushed to the limit you shouldnt assume (make an *** out of u and me) that all people who commit suicide are immature. I have to go soon, so I will be back later to check this topic out.
To the topic owner: You can get arressted for asking this and things like this online.
Im afraid of something that cant be explained or paranormal.
I beleive we only use 10% of our true brain power, not the brain itself.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] My arguement with TN has nothing to do with your arguement with him. And I was talking about the boy, regardless of your arguement, so just chill. We're both on the same side, and if you look at my first pose, you would notice I wrote against TN talking about children and discrimination. And TN, I do agree that suicide is not the right way to go, and that he acted like a coward, but some people are just like that. I don't believe that suicide has anything to do with being childish, as that is not a thing a child would do. However, it is the lack of finding a different solution, and an excessive amount of fear. Don't forget the guy certainly had a different mentality to you. There are those who stand up for themsleves, and then those who can't and won't do anything to stop being downtrodden. [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, my mistake. I quoted the wrong person.
I think this means we only use 10% of a hidden spot in our brain which has unimginable capabilities. Ive read of people, who did psychic exercises while connected to an EGG machine. They generated unknown brainwaves and a reading showed that they were using 70% or around that of their brain. Who knows what the possibilities of the brain are.
Fight a huge raging fire with a huge controlled fire? I think if we did that, this board would get clogged badly. Its almost impossible to reduce the depression factor here because of those topics.
Its starting to get boring with all these depressing topics. Im mean, suicide, drugs, broken hearts, trust, love and life, and many other topics where people go there and feel sorry for themselves. Ive gone through a great share or troubles too, but I decided that if I never got over them I would get nowhere in life, and I would always be held down by those memories. But, I moved on. I mean for one thing your life cant be that bad if you have ANY access to a computer. Most people in other countries dont have a computer, nonetheless the internet. Ive read stories of people who have gone through way harsher problems then ours, but they decided that to always be under the memories was not a good life to live, and they moved on. All I ask is that we atleast try to move on, try not to talk about what has happened.
Who are you to say this discussion to end? Come back when your a mod and then you can do it the polite way and close the topics.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B] That just shows you are the iddiot everyone clames you are. Seriously what kinda person dosn't even know what year it is cummon,just admit it that you cant count worth ****. I fell very sorry for your firend! [/B][/QUOTE] Escuse me, but when did you come into my argument that was ONLY against Transtic Nerve? And the year, well, when you live my life the year is nothing to you.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] You're being way too practical and stubborn in your arguement. Have you ever been bullied, to the point of suicide. I believe YOU'RE in the wrong, as you can't imagine how the boy must have felt. The practical solution was, obviously, to go to te police. But realistically, they would believe they have more important things to do. In such a desperate situation, I doubt the police could be trusted. You can never argue from just one side, otherwise you will always make a poor and ,isjudged arguement, as you are not thinking of why he killed himself, why he believed he had no choice. Don't forget the boy was in a different state of mind to you at the moment. You're thinking what you would have done if you were in your current state of mind, not if you were desperately seeking your way out of a never-ending nightmare... [/B][/QUOTE] WTF. I was talking about TN talking about children and discrimination against them. I wasnt talking about the boy. So maybe YOU should wait before you present your argument.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Dude... He's 19. Birthday >> March 22, 1983 Last time I checked, 2002 - 19 = 1983... Get your facts right before you start 'judging' people. As for the matter at hand... What can I say? :( [/B][/QUOTE] Good attempt at making me feel insignificant in my judges. However, it failed. And before you go attempting the aforementioned assualt, know that I was judging it to be the year 2000. Have a nice day.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Not to sound rude in this time of grief, but this is just another reason why I can't stand children in the least. I'm sorry your friend had to chose the.... wrong way out.... I dunno any other way to put it. I don't think suicide should be committed for any reason. My deepest condolences though... Gah I can't stand children. If I had a choice, I'd all hit them with bricks to knock some sense into them... f-ing morons.... BTW, if I were you, I'd advise the family of the guy to press charges for involuntary manslauter against the guy who drove him to suicide. You may not win, but you'll get a stron message across and scare that little sh*t and maybe knock some freaking sense into his stupid a$s! [/B][/QUOTE] Your only 17, your still a child by my judging. And so am I, and Im 18. People your age still act like morons, and need some sense.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]did you ever see the episode where homer tripped balls after eating the hot pepper? lol adam said it before i could... illegal sales of weed would come to almost a complete halt if it were legal (not including adults buying for minors, fake id's, etc.). i think libertarian... we should only be punished for crimes against others. smoking weed/doing drugs only counts as a crime against the self. [/B][/QUOTE] More than against the self. AGainst the family, friends. I would know.
Im sorry. God let his soul rest in heaven.
no, eertng s screed up on m computer. eertng.
m sorr or ts topc, but need lot o elp. tnk e rus, becuse m computer cn onl tpe certn tngs, nd ts screng up. cn none elp me? :( plz, m beggng u. n33d lp tt m3 computer
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]Someone once told me this: "Be glad that your parents are overpertective." I thought, yeah, and let them ruin my life? I can understand them being worried about certain things like letting me travel to Japan by myself, or other things. But with my friends? That, is something I cannot stand! [/B][/QUOTE] They wont ruin your life. Its good to have overprotective parents. Sometimes it may seem awkward, but you havent seen the same world they have.