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Everything posted by Pioneer

  1. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1299171018' post='705458'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"][center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfvvk5xigkw[/media][/center] Who'da thunk that they'd actually manage to successfully turn that insipid BINGBONG that plays when your Pokemon's HP is critical into something [i]awesome and catchy[/i]?[/font][/color] [/quote] aaaahhh. how delightfull! the original BINGBONG sounded like all your nails scratching a chalkboard. this one sounds like a hundred nails going down a chalkboard! So the short answer is: no.
  2. i will not torture anyone by having them read anyhting I write. I can however give my opinion about it and be a spectator
  3. im going through episodes of bobobo like im an addict! i love that totally absurd humor, hope that doesnt say too much about me... meh i dont care. and reading trigun#1 cant say anything about it because i just bought it. but i think cowboy style action in a sci-fi setting is pretty much what i like so its hard to go wrong on that. so im a happy person right now.
  4. hooray shogun:totalos warros demo! and in a few weeks the full game
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ3lXZT7PFY heh...
  6. gamenerd heaven! shogun and dragon age demos! :)

  7. the ending of hitman blood money [spoiler] being able to just interrupt the credits like that[/spoiler] yeah.. i think i was talking to a friend at the very moment that happend and my words were something like: this is the best game ending so far (or ever, something like that)
  8. im not going to search for it right now but im pretty sure theres a list on the internet of all the doomsday predictions :P its a pretty long list. i will now procede to bug you with an annoying cliche: live in the now!
  9. i hope i wont have to pay my watch money to go forward. i would look like an episode of bobobo! but to seriously reply to thy topique: if there was a smiling man with that slogan on the billboard i would definetly take option 1. otherwise i would probably do my very best to ignore unless its somehow funny they seem to know that funny gets mah attention these days! might as well host the cheezburgr site along the highway!
  10. youre comment yesterday applies to me today. so i called up your boss anyway. he said something like: NEIN and something with arbeit that makes frei?

    well anyway enjoy your monday because I just cancelled this day as well

  11. This saturday has been cancelled due to boring, please cease all youre activities and return to sleep.



      :C I wish that could happen. You should call my boss and tell him we have to close and go back to sleep!

  12. i prefer the cold of winter, but with a sun shining through now and then. why yes, I do think i could live in an ice age.
  13. ha! someone newer then me I can pick on!

    jk, welcome.

  14. [quote name='yunie7' timestamp='1297182786' post='704785'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00bfff"]Well, [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00bfff"]I just finished Wolf's Rain...which was AWESOME! I think I found out about it on deviantart, but I don't remember lol. I have never watched an anime other then like Pokemon and Digimon back in the day haha...so this was my first real one! I fell in love with the story and everything about the show, plus I LOVE dogs and watching a show about wolves was sooo great![/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"] [/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00bfff"]I'm sad though, because it ended so sad lol...and it's now over :( [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"] [/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00bfff"]Any suggestions of what to watch next? Lol...I don't like Bleach, Naruto or Death Note (I know, I know, the best ones right, haha) for personal reasons haha! But what else is good, something like Wolf's Rain? I've heard of a show called Cowboy Bebop....how is it?[/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"] [/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00bfff"]Thanks :P [/color][/font] [/quote] hello yunie, im something of a newcomer too on the entire anime area. i definetly recognize being interested now and having only seen thinigs like pokemon years back (:P) but only have seen new things recently now about cowboy bebop, i have (as i just stated) a limited experience with anime but I think it is really worth watching. now there s one thing before watching: there's the series and the movie. i recommend the series because it is what the movie is based on, then afterwards (if youre still interested) watch the movie. and and and! cowboy bebop has a great soundtrack and and and and! what i just said about the viewing order doesnt really matter but the point i was trying to make is that the series are definetly worth it. so have fun watching it I would say.
  15. i could sum up a hell of a lot of gameplay mechanics but to me its all about this: if I play the game the first few hours (if not more) i shouldn't be able to figure out how the game works exactly. in other words, you should be walking around mesmerized and confused. that for me means theyve done something new and thats what its about for me. games without "that" can still be good though.
  16. completely relevant to mass effect, the mass effect elevator music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTdnW6rvGZg
  17. [quote name='Magus' timestamp='1296939285' post='704714'] Eat more veggies and do more cardio workouts. I hear they suppose to boost your immune system (along with metabolism and stuff). I should be working out right now especially since I'm considering eating some taco bell tonight. [/quote] hey im all for veggies! plus the fact that im riding (sometimes sprinting) my bicycle to the train station is good enough considering i can be lazy. but the trains thats where the problems start, people with bad manners just coughing away without covering their mouth (or even trying). i can remember myself thinking "yup im gonna get sick because of bad manners some day." that very day has arrived! *pom pom POOOOOM* *dramatic reverb* ps: So as long as youre not taking the train to the taco bell you should be just fine :P
  18. problem with crossing already existing franchises (superheros from comic etc) with a gaming genre (or changing the genre once that franchise was a succes or not on another) is that it is a waaaaaaaaaay smaller target audience. i dont know the exact name but they got a marvel or whatever comic brand type mmorpg coming up. fun and all but first of all you're targeting mmorpg players and WITHIN that group the few that like characters that wear shorts over their normal pants (ok a bit of an exaggeration). But realize that those superhero comcis where only populair in the US, not that the US is a small place but youre simply alienating (also a bit of an exaggeration) the rest of the world. le part 2 of my comment: mix cowboys with sci fi, end of story. if thats properly done you wil conquer the world. or at least I will buy the game so it will conquer my world which would be nice enough eh?
  19. bah, sick again... i've always thought that after being sick youre immune system would get a temp xp boost.. there goes my theory however... maybe after being sick 2 times in a row my immune system wil get even better-er-er for a while
  20. noes! my middle finger be hurtin! at least i can still properly type the wasd keys..

    1. Ellerby


      yay gamers :)

  21. i must say most of the names i read about here sound like spells out of a wizards book! as a beginner in the entire anime area im still busy watching ghibli productions, yesterday it was horus. nice but a little too much singing for my taste. seems like lupin 3 is next
  22. i got [url="http://azerty.nl/0-970-251409/sapphire-radeon-hd-5770-graf.html"]this[/url] graphics card (ati radeon hd 5770) its cheap (because im dutch) and i must say i am pleased with its performance(or else i would get angry). you dont get te latest games up to high on every single option but mass effect2 is running with everything on its highest with 4x anti aliasing. that said there were 2 frame rate drops in the entire game (vs 1236718263 on x360 mass effect 1) so thats barely noticable also to get some better performance out of it i just had fun sliding bars in the ATI catalyst center which worked out (hooray!). plus you have the delicate matter of overclocking if youre feeling like a real cybertechgreasemonkey person. i'm not a real expert on this area but i do have a pleasant experience with this graphics card (and entire setup)
  23. this is a low quality video but the musician is quite the guitar player, or in this case guitar banjo player. http://youtu.be/14uZ08vPcdE
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