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Everything posted by Pioneer

  1. I was playing Napoleon total war but the european campaign is utterly boring imo but i think i'll play it anyway wont be long untill shogun though! and the 3ds will be here even before that. i would like to tell you about a glitch in mass effect 1: (i dont know how well known this glitch is but its fun imo) [spoiler] on the very beginning on noveria, in the spaceport you would want to do this: -choose a character with the biotic ability "lift" -there is a crate there that is the same height as the concrete barrier wall (right out of the normandy it should be somewhere on your left, go look for it) -order a biotic lift on that crate -stand underneath it -when the crate drops you will all of the sudden be on top of it, allowing you to walk the concrete barrier -if you walk into a corner near the normandy you will fall onto the spaceport floor and will be able to walk across the spaceport and such theres some crates there (why? i dunno :P) and if you walk into the right (or wrong depending on your view) direction you will fall forever untill youre game crashes (dont say i didnt warn you)[/spoiler] i only tested this on 360 when i still had one!
  2. well its definetly something interesting. however how about someone who is born in a time of such automatic translator devices would be exposed to people speaking in different languages and thus hearing all those languages scrambled through each other (as a child) and learning all these language scrambled through eachother. this becomes a problem when there is no such device around, what language would you be speaking? fremaninish? aralish? italinese?
  3. hello everyone, around here i use the name pioneer, not because i consider myself one but because its the name of a brand that was in front of me while i was thinking of my screenname ;) i suppose the first anime i ever watched was dragonball Z and then some years of nothing until recently i heard Ghibli had made some excellent anime movies (and by that i mean that theres no crazy absurd robot alien thingies i them) I suppose you could say my interest for anime movies is developing and this seemed like a pretty good place to get started. also I suppose it would be nice to know where im from and that is that little spot on the map called the Netherlands, not that I think it matters where youre from but thats a different story. ehm well i suppose you'll see me around asking and commenting!
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