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Everything posted by garu

  1. sssaaaaaaraaaaaaah 'tis i GARUUUUUUU here to poke you *pokes*

  2. boredom kills, so do garden gnomes

  3. so i've been reading alice in the country of hearts for a while and i put up some fan art on the otaku main page and i noticed something.... IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE IT'S OWN CATEGORY! so i got thinking, how many people actually read alice in the country of hearts/alice no heart no kuni? i've seen some fanart on theO but i'm sure more people read it. if you read it then who's your favourite character(s)? mine are boris and elliot
  4. xbox 360: naruto ultimate ninja storm 2-ttebayo! blazblue calamity trigger fable 3 devil may cry 4 computer: black and white 1 spore wii: animal crossing let's go to the city ps3: devil may cry 3 street fighter ds: r4 card pokemon soul silver
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