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Everything posted by ItalyBros_PASTA!

  1. Just dropped my phone in the toilet... I don't wanna renew my contract!

    1. James


      Yuck! I'm so glad I've never done that - but I've come close once or twice!

  2. As a few have said already, Ouran High School Host Club, I didn't think I'd like it, especially since it's kind of a spoof of the otaku lifestyle, but I really liked it!! It's one of my favorites now, lol!
  3. Easy!! 300, Gerard Butler is awesome, lol!.. Ummmm... "The fact that Pudgy the Parrot has a cigarette shoved into his mouth is morally irresponsible!"
  4. HAHAHA!! I completely forgot about Inspector Gadget!! I loved both the show and movies as a kid! I had to pull this one out... I still watch Tom and Jerry!!! And my bird who just passed away did, he always went crazy when it came on, lol! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cu0KOzunpI[/media]
  5. White, great choice, The Beatles are amazing, they revolutionized music, and are still huge to this day, lol! And they're one of my favs, and one of my favorite songs by them! 10/10 Allamorph, I'm going to have to say the same to you as I did to White, cause your're just as "guilty", putting someone like Motzart is just asking for personal gratification from anyone who is passionate about music, and appreciates music for what is started out as... He revolutionized music as much as, if not more than The Beatles... A 10/10 for the song, but not for roasting White, and turning around and doing something exremely hypocritical Now that's all over, let's move on and forget about it... After all, this is all about sharing our likes and opinions! ANYWHO!!! Kimya Dawson- I Like Giants [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyJChP-mzqw[/media]
  6. I'm the same way, storyline, if it doesn't have a good storyline, I just can't seem to keep going, but if the gameplay and the mechanics are amazing, they tend to grip me too. Like Phantasy Star Online, little to no storyline, but the gameplay was so nostalgic of rpgs of the past, yet modern at the same time, I invested a lot of hours into that game, lol! I'm a sucker for rpgs, even more for story-driven ones!!
  7. See, I think 60-70 would be perfect, lol! That is the perfect weather, I don't care too much for summer, I like anything warm to cold, but not hot, lol! Georgia was the worst, especially because of the humidity... You walked outside for five minutes, and came back in wet... And drying off after a shower, forget about it, it took a loooong time to get completely dry
  8. Wow Lyndy, you look absolutely beautiful! I on the other hand find my self very ugly, but oh well, we are who we are, and I love myself! (no narcassism intended!) Me and mah kitteh!! [attachment=15022:untitled.jpg] I love beanies! [attachment=15023:untitled2.jpg] PANDA BEANIE!!! [attachment=15024:0119112154.jpg]
  9. 7/10, I really liked the singer, she was really good, wasn't too big on the keyboard bits though Here's one of my favs, this cover and the original Pearl Jam- Love, Reign O'er Me [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=663L-GWQdws[/media]
  10. Oh god.... I can't stand Excalibur.... It still rings in my head.. "FOOL!!" GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT!!!!
  11. Flogging Molly!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlNPpLHAsZ4[/media] And a cover of Wonderwall by Ryan Adams [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzZhtrsbJzs[/media]
  12. Spring is finally coming here, and it's one of my favs! So I was wondering, what are your favorite seasons? I pretty much like all of them cept summer, cause it gets too hot here! I wish I was back in Germany... I liked the seasons there...
  13. I hate it when I'm working at the bowling ally, and some drunk person from our bar gets mad, and starts bein' super obnoxious and loud... I wish it was 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, floor, but it's 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, get in "the guy who fixes your lane's" face... It's worth it when they get tackled by 4 cops though, hehe!
  14. I hate it when people pee on the toilet seat.... I makes me so freakin' angry!!! Especially when it's AAALLL over the place, cause they probably did it on purpose!! I hate people who use the word "fag" too... It's not cool! Not cool at all...
  15. I've been watching Face Off and Being Human, lol! I just watched Dinner for Schmucks last night, it wasn't very good til about the middle, and it semi blew my mind at the end, lol!! The end was pure win... Now I'm waiting for Netflix to send me mah Paranormal Activity 2, cause me and my cousin are gonna watch it at like, 3 in the morning, hehe!
  16. Right now, I'm watching Hetalia and Soul Eater, I'm gonna give Lucky Star, Darker Than Black, and Welcome to the NHK a go, and I kinda wanna pick up again with Desert Punk, lol! So much to watch!!!
  17. I didn't really like the theme for Tenchi Muyo as a kid, but it ment my favorite show was comin' on!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAVx53UHQ_Y[/media] I thought Johnny Bravo was funny, lol! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Exe0IEB3hKs[/media] I miss Catdog... I was so sad when they stopped airing it... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCinDf4Jmo&feature=related[/media]
  18. Killzone 2, Killzone 3 Beta, Valkyria Chronicles, and Fire Emblem!
  19. Yo! My name is Trei, but you can call me Pasta! I've been looking for a forum to join and this one caught my eye, lol! I like... Well... A lot of things, lol! But the important ones are music, manga, and anime! My favorites are Bleach, Soul Eater, Blood+, Claymore, and Hetalia (which explains the name)! I love RPG and shooters... I'm not sure where my love of shooters came from, lol! I play the piano and guitar, but I suck at piano... I've been told I'm immature, but honestly, I'm just really.... REEEAAALLY fun loving! So, hiya and see you guys around!
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