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Everything posted by yunie7

  1. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1297189725' post='704788'] That's very pretty Anne! You applied the shadows quite well on both the dog/wolfs and the grass, and gave the two animals very realistic looking appendages such as the paws and ears. You also did a great job in capturing a rather adorable moment. Very good job! The spots that I see than can be improved upon are: background, because though the grass is pretty, the animals had no effect on it. no grass spots were bent and the dogs didn't cast shadows, and working on keeping the borders consistant. having a black outline is perfectly fine, but most of the time it's size doesn't have much variety. If you plan on taking more lengthy endeavors you can use more colors and cereate more textures, but what you have right now looks good too. It looks like you spent a chunk of time with this project, getting the small details like the furriness of the dog shadows and spikey outline. You did very well and should be proud of what you brought forward. [/quote] Hey! Thank you so much! What you said was really nice, and thank you for the constructive criticism! It's great when someone isn't a jerk when they see something that can be improved on! I do what you mean about the background and this is no excuse but I was very tired haha and I just wanted to put it up to see what people thought lol! And also, about the shadowing, I tried to make shadows behind Higes' ear to make it look as though he was laying on the grass, but I couldn't achieve what I wanted...I have to learn how to do that still. But anyway, I'm glad you liked it and thank you again!
  2. I have never really drawn on the computer because I don't have a tablet yet...which I really want. But, the other night I gave it a try with my mouse and Gimp haha....and I just finished watching Wolf's Rain, so I was feeling inspired! Hope you like it :) This photo is also on the main site in the fan art section if you want to fave it or comment! Would be appreciated! Thanks :D [attachment=15020:bluehigedone!.png]
  3. [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"]Well, [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"]I just finished Wolf's Rain...which was AWESOME! I think I found out about it on deviantart, but I don't remember lol. I have never watched an anime other then like Pokemon and Digimon back in the day haha...so this was my first real one! I fell in love with the story and everything about the show, plus I LOVE dogs and watching a show about wolves was sooo great![/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"] [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"]I'm sad though, because it ended so sad lol...and it's now over :( [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"] [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"]Any suggestions of what to watch next? Lol...I don't like Bleach, Naruto or Death Note (I know, I know, the best ones right, haha) for personal reasons haha! But what else is good, something like Wolf's Rain? I've heard of a show called Cowboy Bebop....how is it?[/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"] [/color][/font] [font="Tahoma"][color="#00BFFF"]Thanks :P [/color][/font]
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