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Iron Otaku

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About Iron Otaku

  • Birthday 02/10/1985

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  • Biography
    HMIC of ACB, Writer of Vampire and Werewolf Novels
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  1. Paintball Wargames are the stuff! (For lack of cursing). There are a few important things to know if you play in team games or tournaments... 1: Wear Lots of Body Armor -Sweat pants under your jeans will help. Army Fatigues are made for this purpose. -Two shirts, sweater, jacket (preferably Gore-Tex), gloves, and boots are good shields. -Get a good Mask, or a Kevlar helmet if you can (See pawn shops). 2: Weapon -Semi Auto matics work best. Autos lock up alot. -Scope -CO2 cartridges -carry a few backups and ammo clips 3: Strategy -Keep your guys informed of formation and strategic moves -Play lots of paintball so you get to know how others play and you can learn how to strategize around them -Ask any Marine or Army NCO about combat tactics and they will be more detailed. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, you could be a real bad ***. My guys use ranks, and I am the Platoon leader, Sergeant First Class. I am that good. If you want a match one day, look me up. I'll gather my guys and you bring your team. Nice friendly game, huh? Iron Otaku~
  2. The light of the sands blind me Trudging through the deserts of humanity Faith and hope hath fled from me Is there no rest for the weary? The crimson hues intertwine behind me The cerulean aura shines ahead Beyond the reach of mortal man Lies true love that I am unworthy of Luck has not been with me in the past My simple desires are denied always My thoughts and feelings are the last When your mind happens to wander to me Why can't I gather strength? Why hath courage fled me? Why has misfortune seeked me out? Why can't the heat just kill me now?
  3. Hey, it isn't exactly a poem, but more of a quote. I will gather my Poetry and post it all under another thread.
  4. Hiya, Children! Well, I am hailing all the way from El Paso, Texas. Nice to see other Texans around. I have been in country for only four months, but i look forward to the HOT summers. Sorry, never been to Alaska. Been to Germany! Mwahahahahahaha! I feel old... 17 years old... February, yeah! Nuff said~ :naughty:
  5. (Yes, I know they are identical, but it is time everyone knew where I was coming from. I took this quote from VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE. Its a nice game to play... Better than Dungeons&Dragons... so try it sometime. Thank you for not pointing out the obvious.)
  6. Down among the lepers and the lunatics, I have seen the truth, I would show it to you, but it would only drive you mad. Only I am strong enough to bear this knowledge without fear. As you can see, what I have learned has not affected me in the slightest. My eyes? A mere trifle; it usually takes a few days for the bleeding to stop, each time I pluck them anew :demon: :naughty: :devil: :mad:
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