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Everything posted by ryhooki

  1. I haven't seen or read that much of it :*( Because the editors are taking so long to translate it and send it to the one comic book store there is in town. I've only got to the Third book so far. (Cool Girl Karen V.S. Spacey Girl Sana is one of the best child's toy extra's so far!!) *My favorite character is Rei!!! He's just the best "manager"...*
  2. Kodomo no Omocha/ Kodocha/ Child's toy is the story of 11 year old, actress Sana Kurata tries to 'fix' the problems of everyone around her. And there are a lot of problems for her to solve. This great series was created by Miho Obana. I was wondering if any otakuite here has heard of Kodocha and likes it like I do. It's not a huge thing here in America but supposedly in Japan it is. The Comedy in it is great and Rei is an awesome 'manager' for Sana, Naozumi makes a healthy rival for Akito Hayama , and crazy old Tsuyoshi can't handle stress, plus Mariko has got a pretty nifty squirrel living in her hair (named Maro):laugh: Thankx!! :D
  3. Of course I like Toys In The Attic! Ed eating the Ganymede Rock lobster/monster thing was funny....Although I'd have to say that so far my favorite episode is Jamming With Edward --the little planes and the saying Spike says at the ed "Jet, You know that there are three things I particularally hate.....kids...animals...and women with attitudes....so tell me Jet Why do we have all three neatly gathered in our ship!?"
  4. Yeah I know but I just want to put my quotes there instead I hope it's not a problem *Beware Shoulderinthewallmon* See you, Space Cowboy.... "Halt! Flame Police comin through."
  5. At my school people really don't care except for those very few who believe they are the rulers of the universe and everyone should bow down to them In my area I have a friend thats actually going to start a club (hopefully) thats just anime of all kinds
  6. Thankx, I can get it from there all I have to figure out now is where the fourth guy is *Beware Shoulderinthewallmon* See you, Space Cowboy.....:bawl: "Halt! Flame Police!"
  7. I think that Links hat makes him unique because you never see anyone else with his type of hat...at least no one I've ran across so far. Heres a question for you After Zelda (dies?) why does Links adventure still be called Zelda in the other series of the game??
  8. I'm currently stuck in gerudos fortress and can't get past that one guard in the white that stands at the bottom of the hill you're supposed to go up.....What should I do???? Thankx *Beware Shoulderinthewallmon*
  9. 14, Shelton, Wa It's sooo rainy here *Beware Shoulderinthewallmon*
  10. Hey thats cool I like Blue Sub six *Beware Shoulderinthewallmon*
  11. Spike would look so funny with a haircut.........
  12. I'm supposed to be a goat-fish, in other words a Capricorn I think Horoscopes are for those who need entertainment and suspicions for the week/day/month if you know what I mean. Although they can be fun to read and compare to whats really happening.
  13. Cowboy Bebop is awesome even though its cut My fav character is Ed too. She's just soo funny, expecially when she's controling the aircrafts with her remote control device
  14. I'll have to admit I sing along with the tunes too... >How sad is that???
  15. Sakuya?? I didn't really like Sakuya.... but her being a hologram thing was pretty weird.
  16. Invader Zim is the best show on that tv station. I mean the very first day, GIR acts like a squirrel, that just really amuses me a lot. I think Dib should get a life (watching Mysterious Mysteries I mean what's up with that?) GIR is the BEST character!!
  17. HI!! I like all sports, but my favorite sport has to be softball. It's like almost the best game ever!! :toothy: Although, I like badminton too, 'cause Pickleball is just really weird. (all those rules):rolleyes: Hey, is playing game-sports on nintendo count, (ie, Blitz ball)???
  18. HI!! I like all sports, but my favorite sport has to be softball. It's like almost the best game ever!! :toothy: Although, I like badminton too, 'cause Pickleball is just really weird. (all those rules):rolleyes: Hey, is playing game-sports on nintendo count, (ie, Blitz ball)???
  19. ryhooki


    I don't have the OOT but I've got my own game on a friends, I didn't get to play with the Zora guitar:( but sometimes I do play with the ocanara. The only Zelda I've got is the Majoras Mask Ryhooki
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