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  1. good:i can tune all the strings on my guitar by ear using just 2 riffs(come as you are and sweet child o mine) im pretty smart i aint really a loonie bad:i cant stop the fret buzz on my guitar(can ne1 help?) apparently im a bad person cos i have long hair im a mass murderer lol
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]LOL! I'm only guilty of 1/4 of those.... While I'm here, might as well post some more.................... 80. you make a new bible that says, 'the religion of anime' 81. Your cell phone ring style is the theme of your fav anime. 82. you have all the anime posters ever made 83. you see a cat and claim that it is a digimon/pokemon 84. you think that japan has pokemon,robots and talking animals. 85. You name your child after an anime char. [/B][/QUOTE] dude my half bro named his daughter after lara croft, is he obsessed wid tomb raider??
  3. i lent my urotsukidoji boxset to my m8 and he brought it back sayin they were both weird, admittidly urotsukidoji:legend of demon womb was rather strange but good but the 1'st 1 was a masterpeice
  4. dude u ought to check out [url]www.ebay.com[/url] if your payin that much, i get anime vids for like £3.50(which is about $5) i would never pay over £10 for any anime vid, i aint got no money and i gotta buy strings for my guitar and with that i aint got owt(i dread having to replace my strings on my bass)
  5. umm i dunno if ne1's mentioned this 1 but its pretty good its called "hyperdoll:mew and mica easy fighters"
  6. hyperdoll has no1 seen it it was released in about 1995 on the anime pioneer lable the art was similar to digimon and although the age ratings were all around 12+ they had little bits of nudity and bad language and each tape came with 2 episodes 1 animated episode and 1 live action though the live action episodes were corny as hell
  7. odin,trained orgg(from magic the gathering u said ne game not computer game) and baki(my name 4 hero from suikoden 2) and y have the rest of u chose only ff characters??
  8. chojin666

    favorite song

    one song is too dificult to choose so i'll give my top 5 5.rosilita by gomez 4.inside by stiltskin 3.sweet child o' mine by guns n' roses 2.welcome to the jungle by guns n' roses 1.all along the watchtower by hendrix experience Thats it though they could change at any moment oh and 1 more thing JIMI AND SLASH R GODS!!!!!
  9. cgi isnt anything new in anime i seem to remember an anime called akira (what you've heard of it i am shocked) using cgi back in 1987 (that dna thing or whatever it was) if you dont believe me that they used cgi in akira check out the akira production report
  10. I am sorry about the mistake i was just goin on what a friend told me
  11. Rick i just thought you would like to know there were in fact 3 live action guyver movies and 4 guyver movies all together (guyver:out of control is an animated movie)
  12. Name: the guyverfeind Age: classified Personality: cool(sometimes),very very very ANGRY!!!!! How long you have been fighting: nigh on 200 years Weapon(s)high frequency blades protruding from forearms,laser(hidden in helmet) Bio: the sun of the overfeind and a female guyver Race: half breed (bio booster armour/makai)
  13. ok dont laugh but i look just like tetsuro from guyver but with the hair of tetsuo from akira and i dont wear glasses like tetsuro :mrt: hey this guy looks a bit like my dad, dad where are your glasses:mrt: :sleep: :bawl: :therock: these 3 look like me at different times
  14. a bad anime hmmh urotsukidoji:legend of the demon womb ok so it isnt that bad but i watched it streight after legend of the overfeind and lets face it most anime looks bad after legend of the overfeind cos its so cool so it is a decent movie but it dosent exactly have a good story,it dosent follow on from legend of the overfeind and worst of all that f****** german b****** he just p***** me off sooooooo much!!!!
  15. ahhh guyver the 1'st anime i ever saw it was so cool(and still is) it had everything cool fight scenes, cool transformations and corny as hell voiceovers and guyver 2&3 were so cool (i thought guyver 1 was crap) oh there was also an animated movie called guyver:out of control which ive not seen and is probably hard to get and a 2'nd animated series which i know nothing about except i can get it on import dvd for $30 and check out [url]www.warriorguyver.com[/url] for cool pics and fanfics
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