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Everything posted by lazythirdeyeakabea

  1. hello all i want to know what anime are good out there? becuse i been have hard time find anime that i can get in to now. i like cooking anime but i can't find a lot of them. if you have anime you think anyone like it just post it and tell us a little about it. i may give them look over. thank for the hlep.
  2. hello im looking for artist who want to help me out with my webcomic that i want to get off the ground. i can't draw so good that why im not doing it myself. i had artist but he have to back out for now becuse of college class and other thing in his life. i do have basic idea for the story and chars im still working on it as i put this up. it is animeish and anime fandom basic and some cosplay it it too. if you like to hlep me out and want to know more datail post down below and if you want to send me some work just let me know we talk. i do have deventart with my try at drawing if you wish that let me know i give you link to it. i hope to hear from someone soon thanks bea
  3. hello im bea that what im give you to call me im new ish to the site but newer to fourm. i love anime and japanese dramas and i start to like mangas a little. but i like the idea of cosplay just can pull it off myself. im working on something with my friend and hope to share soon with you all. later
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