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Smashed Ice

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About Smashed Ice

  • Birthday 06/17/1988

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  • Biography
    Danger Swan
  • Occupation
    School dude

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  1. Is it just me, or do Rockstar make the best games! I mean, all the GTA's, State of EmerGency, Smugglers Run 1 & 2, Thrasher: Skate and Destroy. They seem to have the best and most outrageous game ideas. I have posted a thread, to find the answer to a TWO questions. 1- Are there any other good rockstar games for the playstation 1? 2- Are the not-so-common Loaded & Reloaded products of the Rockstar wackos? Please post my answers, and i need sum fun entertaining not too much of a plot games for my boring PS1?
  2. No Sir. No cheat codes, just extras. Have you visited the import export garage yet foredaddy (both of them)????
  3. yesi have, and the Dodo XL is the best aprt of the entire game!
  4. Yes, the invisible wall is the game bondary, the furthest you can go but... with the Dodo, you can clear the steep grey cliff and reach the observatory.
  5. nah, not from magazines, from experience. On Shadow Gohan's post, on rumours, there seems to be a skeleton key available after EVERYTHING is complete. This inclusdes access to Garages, the fotot ball stadium. Reading up on shadow gohan's rumour of the Dodo, i find this is possible, but very hard. You must fly the dodo to the obsevatory, as there is no other way. It is then that the standard dodo is upgraded to the dodo XL! Which flies as easy as a car drives.
  6. well, the game is full of mini sets. There are two import/export garages, a emergency crane missions, many checkpoint races and other extras. If you ewant to know about those, then reply to this and ask! to fly the dodo, take it along the straight runway, and just down press anything!!!!!! just hold X, wen you reach the end of the runway dont touch the directionel pad, or the stick. Then wen approaching the bay, press up and you shud hit the bay! Just keep trying! the skill of it is, not trying anything clever!
  7. Has anybody here finished GTA3 and are just stuck with the game itself? Well i have the answers, so make those :( to :D !!!!! If anybody else knows any extras can you please reply, Thank you. Also reply if you want some!
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