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Everything posted by SeDoc

  1. About half way through watching Attack on Titan and wow, this anime...damn :ohmy: This anime...! :biggrin:
  2. And BOOM! The new season is upon us and as usual, the spring line-up is packed I've yet to pick out what I'll be watching but how about all you guys? There really is something for everyone this season, so have a look at the handy preview below and voice your thoughts! [url="http://randomc.net/2012/03/29/spring-2012-preview/"]http://randomc.net/2...g-2012-preview/[/url]
  3. [quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1322014741' post='710312'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Well now, I'd be lying if I said I expected any of that.[/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#800080"]*silently nods in awe* O.O [/color]
  4. [color="#800080"]Well look at what was announced this morning:[/color] [color="#800080"] [/color] [color="#800080"]--------->[url="http://www.animenewsnetwork.co.uk/news/2011-11-13/tiger-and-bunny-anime-gets-2-films-starting-in-2012"]Tiger & Bunny [NEXT Project][/url]<------------[/color] [color="#800080"] [/color] [color="#800080"] [/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wow.gif[/img]
  5. I was sort of just reading this on automatic but, [i]damn, [/i]it has my attention now. Definitely favour the Izuna theory. Although the rest of the chapter was ... meh ...
  6. [quote name='PiroMunkie' timestamp='1317521027' post='709706'] [color="#006400"]Toooootally called the ending to this season's finale. But now I don't know what to do with my life until next season. ._.[/color] [/quote] [color="#800080"]Fear not! There's still the Christmas special with Bill Bailey! Oh, and a little bit of anime goes along way [/color][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wow.gif[/img] [color="#800080"]And let's not forget Moffat's "Sherlock" too... ^^[/color] [color="#800080"] [/color] [color="#800080"]I did not see that as the ending at all. I was being distracted (quite ingeniously) by the story-telling [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sweatdrop.gif[/img] Hooray for creative misdirection! [/color]
  7. So I was wondering if people will be following much from this upcoming season....? I'll be checking out [color="#800080"]Guilty Crown[/color], [color="#800080"]Fate/zero[/color], [color="#800080"]Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon[/color] and [color="#800080"]Shakugan no Shana III[/color] [color="#800080"](Final)[/color] (Although I need to watch [color="#800080"]Fate/stay night[/color] and [color="#800080"]SnS I[/color] and[color="#800080"] II [/color]first) [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sweatdrop.gif[/img] Oh, and here's a preview for the season: [url="http://randomc.net/2011/09/20/fall-2011-preview/"]http://randomc.net/2...l-2011-preview/[/url] So, what will [i]you [/i]be watching?
  8. [quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1316363059' post='709495'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Definitely needs a second season surrounding Ouroboros. [/size][/font] [/quote] Agreed. That scene at the end was priceless [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wow.gif[/img]
  9. I deemed Pottermore not nerdy enough with no background music. Cue LOTR complete recordings.

  10. Whoohoo! Proper sport back on the tv! Hooray for rugby! XD

    1. CaNz


      Oh, I thought you were talking about football...

      how misleading! d:

    2. SeDoc


      hehe Nah I mean't proper proper sport :P

    3. Gavin


      Haha, true.

  11. So the latest in "books turned films" category is Suzanne Collins' [i]The Hunger Games[/i] trilogy, and I am liking what I'm seeing so far, even if it is only a poster. But what a poster. [url="http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=79955"]Official Motion Poster[/url] Like, [i]damn.[/i] [i] [/i] So, your thoughts, expectations, misgivings, yadda yadda, etc.? Oh, here's the [url="http://www.thehungergamesmovie.com/"]Official Site[/url] and the [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1392170/"]IMDB[/url] page as well and the normal poster if you want it [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wow.gif[/img]
  12. Day 3: Pottermore access granted *applause*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gavin


      Ah, so it probably has been just a timing thing. Might give it a look when I get home after work.

    3. SeDoc


      Apparently for the last 4 days the questions are easier (which is quite an achievement cos the first three were ridiculously easy O_o )

    4. Gavin


      Heh, well they may be easier from the point of view the stories of the last few books might be fresher in people's minds.

  13. Waiting in a queue for Pottermore. There's a damn virtual queue. WTF!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gavin


      Apparently the first million who registered on July 31st got early access. The rest of us Muggles have to wait until October.

    3. SeDoc


      Actually it's a seven day competition. You've seven days to register, with a different clue each day to solve and create the URL to get to the registration page. If you can get on the damn page when the clue come up :/

    4. Gavin


      Oh, interesting, I assumed it was a first come first served basis. Might give it a go then just for funsies.

  14. "Stand back everyone, nothing here to see..." ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gavin


      "The hammer is my penis."

      I don't know how he kept a straight face saying that so many times for the cut.

    3. Ellerby


      It's cause Nathan Fillion is the effing man.

    4. The Spectacular Professor

      The Spectacular Professor

      I hate the homeless

      -ness problem that's plaguing our community.

  15. Must stop watching Neil Patrick Harris on youtube... it's 3am... *headdesk*

  16. Well Google+, so far, you are working. Congrats. Now surprise me ^^

  17. Hey there! Just dropping by to say hello cos NotBoo told me you're a DW fan (So it's all his fault :P ) ^^

  18. I have just finished Neil Gaiman's [i]Stardust[/i], and am now looking at my pile of "to be read" books which include [i]American Gods, [/i]Terry Goodkind's [i]Temple of the Winds, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo[/i] and [i]Hunger Games. [/i] Also, [i]The Hobbit [/i]is lined up for a re-read. Oh decisions...
  19. Why hello there LOTR Extended BluRay Boxset on my coffee table... Goodbye sunlight.

    1. Ducky


      Do want.

    2. SeDoc


      Much giddyness involved ^^

  20. Is in serious thinking mode. Blame good mood and insomnia. Plus side- maybe Boo will get podcast ideas. Miracles happen...

    1. Boo


      I approve of this.

    2. Gavin



  21. HBO's not holding back with this one. They're planning SIX SEASONS based on the novel. And there's a little bit of hope that the [i]Sandman[/i] adaptation may not be dead... Perhaps Comic Con will shed some light on both... [url="http://www.slashfilm.com/american-gods/"]http://www.slashfilm.com/american-gods/[/url]
  22. [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif][size=4]"There's a problem with the Daleks. They are the most famous of the Doctor's adversaries and the most frequent, which means they are the most reliably defeatable enemies in the universe," Moffat on "resting" the Daleks for the rest of Series 6. [/size][/font][/color] [font="Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif"][color="#333333"][size=4]I just thought the quote hilarious so I had to share. :D [/size][/color][/font] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif][size=4] [/size][/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif][size=4]Also, my River Song question is now redundant... [/size][/font][/color][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sweatdrop.gif[/img]
  23. *screams at television* Damn you Steven Moffat, damn you across time and space!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeDoc


      *sniffs* Yeah, but there is Torchwood in about a month :)

    3. Gavin


      *Pats* There there. Sherlock is on the way.

    4. SeDoc


      Torchwood, and Sherlock *happy dance*

  24. Pizza, ice-cream, FFXIII, and, most importantly, a Macaroon bar. Heaven says I.

    1. James


      Macaroon bar? I had no idea those things even existed!

    2. SeDoc


      Ireland is a magical place ^^

  25. I'm appalled that tea's part in breakfast was brought into question. Deeply, deeply affronted. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/pout.gif[/img]
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