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Everything posted by SeDoc

  1. Series 6 has an even more frightening concept, introduced in episode 1! It gave me chills. But I will say this. The episode Neil Gaiman wrote: sublime. Just, wow ^^ Here's a question I will put to everyone: what do you guys think of River Song? Opinions, theories, etc. (Don't forget to hide series 6 spoilers, just to be fair... [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sweatdrop.gif[/img] ) [quote name='PiroMunkie' timestamp='1305355831' post='707340'] [color="#006400"]:o I didn't realize the next season had started. I'm going to have to get on that, lol. I only somewhat recently started watching the show. I took like two weeks to just sit there and no-life it through the first five seasons (well first five of the "new" Doctor Who) several months back, lol. I was hooked pretty quick. It was a little sad to see Tennant go, though I enjoyed the new Doctor. It was an interesting change from the suave, postured Doctor to a more scatter-brained, dorky one. And the fact that his companion wasn't just another love fool was welcome. She's awfully cute, too. ;P Strangely one of my favorite episodes was one that featured very little of the Doctor, "Blink." Such an amazing episode. I've never been so creeped out by statues. I can watch any horror movie, play any horror game and not be phased. But Weeping Angels are just a downright frightening concept, lol.[/color] [/quote]
  2. Well, they're only researching right now. They've no intention of releasing it until at least 2015. When Sony released the PS3, they said it would have a run for about 10 years. Although I'm surprised that they're willing to incur extra development and research costs given the state of their last quarter O_o I am intrigued by what they could be planning to stuff into the PS4 though [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sly.gif[/img]
  3. Oh nice guess. Microsoft has just bought Skype.

  4. Is finally going back writing. Could be dangerous... :D Yay!

    1. Gavin


      Oh? That thing you were working on or something new?

    2. SeDoc


      Same story but more substance now. I'm giving this serious thought, which is bizarre lol

    3. Gavin


      That is what OtakuBoards does to you. I look forward to seeing the finished product.

  5. Ah shup. Anyhoo, guess who's 8.5 billions dollars poorer...

  6. Heh I'll consider it. Maybe XD

  7. Aye aye sir :P

  8. With the first 2 episodes aired and only 5 more to look forward to before the positively evil summer gap, I'm looking for ways to distract myself and this thread seems perfect ^^ So, a first half of Series 6 synopsis: Episode 1: [b]The Impossible Astronaut (Part 1 of 2)[/b] - By Steven Moffat Episode 2: [b]Day of the Moon (Part 2 of 2)[/b] - By Steven Moffat Episode 3: [b]The Curse of the Black Spot[/b] - By Steve Thompson Episode 4: [b]The Doctor's Wife[/b] - By Neil Gaiman Episode 5: [b]The Rebel Flesh (Part 1 of 2)[/b] - By Matthew Graham Episode 6: [b]The Almost People (Part 2 of 2)[/b] - By Matthew Graham Episode 7: [b]A Good Man Goes to War (Part 1 of 2) [/b] - By Steven Moffat [i]*edited 22nd Aug. 2011*[/i] [i] [/i] [i]And here's the second half synopsis (well, most of it) [/i] [i] [/i] Episode 8: [b]Let's Kill Hitler (Part 2 of 2) [/b]- By Steven Moffat Episode 9: [b]Night Terrors [/b]- By Mark Gatiss Episode 10: [b]The Girl Who Waited [/b]- By Tom MacRae Episode 11: [b]The God Complex [/b]- By Toby Whithouse Episode 12: [b]Closing Time [/b]- By Gareth Roberts Episode 13: [i][b]TBA[/b] - [/i]By Steven Moffat [i]*end of edit*[/i] So many theories floating around, and only 2 episodes down... and I just keep staring at the writer of episode 4 [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wow.gif[/img] On a side note: *drags thread to the land of the living*
  9. Hello there all! I'm Serina and I figured I should join since you guys let me on your podcast! (Thanks by the by ^^ ) Writing's a hobby of mine (although I've never tried my hand at fan-fiction) and naturally I delve into various anime and manga from time to time. Oh, and I'm also quite a fan of Doctor Who... did ya notice? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sweatdrop.gif[/img] Looking forward to the shenanigans around here!
  10. Still stuck for an avatar...Mm, thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Korey


      Do what now? :(

    3. SeDoc


      Commiserations to you sir.

    4. Korey



  11. SeDoc

    Thanks for the welcome ^^

  12. Planning my schedule is a right pain :D

  13. I'll add you to the list :P

  14. Guesting on the podcast was quite interesting

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SeDoc


      Ouch man, ouch :P

    3. Korey


      Don't listen to CaNz, he's too high strung from all the Futer Jokes we make at his expense.

    4. Gavin


      Pffft, your face is pretty boring CaNz.

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