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About rach

  • Birthday 07/13/1986

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  • Biography
    100% Military Brat
  • Occupation
    Taekwondo Trainee Instructor

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New Member (1/6)



  1. 1. either way, it sucks. 2. merciful. 3. my bf and/or a big pizza. 4. no contest: anime 5. games, a new dobok, all the cd's i want, buy the parts to make a catapault, a laptop. :cool:
  2. um... lemme see here... *lifts up corner of poster* yup, green walls. my mom made me clean out my room yesterday, so the shovel and wheel barrow are still in the corner. and i found out the real color of my carpet. some kind of grey. i have my tv, vcr, snes, and ps2 in one corner and a stand next to it with a fountain on top. my computer and desk are right next to the closet and my dresser's in there. my bed is actually just a hammok, and i have one wall that is nothing but shelves with anime tapes and dvd's on it. that's about it. :cool:
  3. i prefer Gundam Wing, but 08th MS Team is pretty cool too. :cool:
  4. i'm gonna have to go with: Van Heero Duo Orphen :cool:
  5. when i have short hair i look kinda like Hitomi from Escaflowne, but i have blue/brown eyes, not green ones. but when my hair is longer i look like Yuna from FFX. :cool:
  6. i've microwaved a bag of popcorn in my sleep once. but i never ate it. i just went back to bed. :cool:
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