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Everything posted by helenatroyana

  1. [color="#ff0000"]This Sunday May,15th in Managua, Nicaragua the EXPO DARKSAIJAN was take place. [/color] Began at the 9:00 am in the mornig and finish until the 6:30 of the night. This Expo was full of emotion and joy, from the many cosplayers that came whit their clothes made by hand but that came so wonderful at the end, to the contestan for video games, card games and drawing games. OF curse there was several option to buy everithig you wanted from poster to action figures. It was amaizing how many parents came along with their childs, and ther were many young couples with their childrens and babys, passing the otaku tradition to the next generation. At the end was also a family event wich make it more placent to me and the attendees. It was one day expo but for those who came it was like haven, full with people who share the love for the anime, manga and videogame world. This post is just for letting the world know something here in Nicaragua IF YOU DON´T KNEW WE TOO LOVE ANIME AND MANGA..... XD XD XD [color="#483d8b"]HERE THE LINK TO THE FACEBOOK PAGE OF THE ORGANIZERS[/color] [url="http://www.facebook.com/darksaijan"]http://www.facebook.com/darksaijan[/url] *OF CURSE THE FACEBOOK PAGE IS IN SPANISH
  2. [color="#FF0000"]This Sunday May,15th in Managua, Nicaragua the EXPO DARKSAIJAN was take place. [/color] Began at the 9:00 am in the mornig and finish until the 6:30 of the night. This Expo was full of emotion and joy, from the many cosplayers that came whit their clothes made by hand but that came so wonderful at the end, to the contestan for video games, card games and drawing games. OF curse there was several option to buy everithig you wanted from poster to action figures. It was amaizing how many parents came along with their childs, and ther were many young couples with their childrens and babys, passing the otaku tradition to the next generation. At the end was also a family event wich make it more placent to me and the attendees. It was one day expo but for those who came it was like haven, full with people who share the love for the anime, manga and videogame world. This post is just for letting the world know something here in Nicaragua IF YOU DON´T KNEW WE TOO LOVE ANIME AND MANGA..... XD XD XD [color="#483D8B"]HERE THE LINK TO THE FACEBOOK PAGE OF THE ORGANIZERS[/color] http://www.facebook.com/darksaijan AND HERE MY PERSONAL ALBUM http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.210144719016645.61983.100000633544528&l=75ea3dba0a
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