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Everything posted by fujyoshi
So I just got back from animeNEXT sunday and got 2 new figures :O [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/2e37vja.jpg"]http://i53.tinypic.com/2e37vja.jpg[/url] [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/2qa7az6.jpg"]http://i53.tinypic.com/2qa7az6.jpg[/url] yea they fit in just lovely wit my current line up <3
Anime Looking for an anime club in Honolulu Hawaii
fujyoshi replied to bignatedawg's topic in Otaku Central
Well Iknow someone down in hawaii thats studying but she says there's not many anime cons over there. The last convention I think was over there was back in april. -
I'm surprised to know this forum has been around for so long for it doesn't seem very active :O although I didn't start on forums untill 05 and another forum I used ta go to is now like that as well xD
Ehh I don't know if its too late to put this here because the convention's next week -_- [url="http://www.animenext.org/"]http://www.animenext.org/[/url] Hope there are some local residents around because the doubletree just sold out :O Who else is going?
^ /heh on the topic of cosplay I might could make a good shinobu from no more heros ;p personaliy wise I could take a good crack at shou from Yu-Gi-Oh GX ;p on an emotional stand point I could probably take a crack at riku in KH2. I'm not surprised that I don't relate to many female characters but I've seen some 'a myself in tear from tales of the abyss from playing it recently :D
^ I always tend to look for figures of male characters :O Seeing that there are tales of ... figures makes me think I can hunt down a few xD <3 the mario plushie [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1306979850' post='707773'] [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/aetev5.jpg[/img] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]'s'not much [and I can't take pictures worth a darn]; the only one there that's not marketed to kids or little boys is KOS-MOS. I need to get to some cons again...[/font][/color] [/quote] uea where'd you get your shadow :O also I have the FMA pocket watch too ;p [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/2gt40n5.jpg"]http://i53.tinypic.com/2gt40n5.jpg[/url] [url="http://i54.tinypic.com/2hqbas4.jpg"]http://i54.tinypic.com/2hqbas4.jpg[/url] ^ necklaces ;p
[quote name='Zesty Orange' timestamp='1306839764' post='707702'] [list=1][*]Bishounen (Pretty / Girly-looking guy)[*]A guy with hidden powers / identity[*]No annoying harems[*]Not so much romance[/quote][/list] oh wow I'm glad to know someone else has seen chrome shelled regios and yes that does have a bunch 'a hot men in it xD I cosplayed shanti from that series 2 years ago :O ok getting back on topic I might be your girl for this :D starry sky has some pretty hawt guys in it downside is that the episodes are probably 11 or 12 min long but theres 25 episodes so I guess that kinda evens things out. I'm surprised you haven't seen rorouni kenshin :o that has alot 'a cuties in it too and taking place in the past is always interesting. On the topic of ancient history why don't you check out hakuouki while your at it ;p I was gonna say neo angelique abyss but thats got that kinda reverse harem so I don't know if you'll like it but you DO have kyou kara maou listed so I don't know what to think there. Togainu no chi is also good but if you play the game then you might not appriciate the anime xD Oh you also might like saint beast and D gray man too. Gah I keep thinking of more every single time I put the entry through and keep having to edit it, oh well start off wit those for now so my throbbing head can rest a little xD so thats starry sky, rorouni kenshin, hakuouki, neo angelique abyss, togainu no chi, saint beast, and d gray man.
[quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1306895809' post='707736'] I hate sunburns. When will I learn to use sunblock?! IT STINGS ME SO!!! [/quote] I've been traeting my acne wit lemon juice I hope that doesn't cause me to get a sunburn ><
gee did I post this in the wrong spot X_x
[quote name='Lilt' timestamp='1307038788' post='707794'] [b]Thanks for reminding me about that show too! xD I forgot all about The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest. I actually looked forward to when they would go into the VR game. Actually, I remember there being a 'wall of fire' in Reboot on one episode. I wonder how many internet/computer related terms I would notice from that show now? (When I first watched it, I never went online.)[/b] [/quote] /heh I was just thinking that how many internet/computer terms would I know now if I saw it because back then it was mostly foreign to me xD
yea those zelda figures are pretty old I was surprised I was able to hold on to them since I was 10 :O I used ta have another Link that was bigger like kinda just a bigger version 'a that smaller one you see there but that one got broken >: I used ta be obsessed wit zelda way back when xD
well we all know 4kids for not exactly having the best dubbing and the such. As for localization they practically re-create. This is especially obvious if you compare the japanese versions of Yu-Gi-Oh and One Piece to the 4kids versions of them. But I guess when your that age you really don't think about that so in a way even though they're making it suck to you at age 15 or something it probably served its perpose at age 10 for you specially some' a those that grew up during the pokemon explosion.
[quote name='James' timestamp='1306886786' post='707733'] [font="palatino linotype"]Is Tales of the Abyss any good? And don't worry about being late to the good stuff, haha. Although I do buy a lot of new stuff, I seem to discover some gems very late in life. For example, I'm [i]still[/i] playing through Fallout 3! For a lot of people that one is ancient history. :P[/font] [/quote] its pretty good xD I actually found it when I was trying to look for tales of symphonia xD but yea I hear ya I'm always late to the good stuff too. Like I got okam(wii version)i for christmas last year right, then a few months later I picked up no more heros 1(now I got no more heros 2 as well). I always say that even if you get to the good stuff late atleast you found it :D but hey if you REALLY wanna laugh then just a month ago I got kingdom hearts 2. Yea I'm pretty late but not that late because I beat the first one years ago after borrowing it from a friend. Back then my brother still had the ps2 >< [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1306888686' post='707734'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Now I'm riding the bias steamroller like you wouldn't believe here, but Tales of the Abyss is fantastic. Unfortunately, the PS2 release is marred with terrible loading times and slowdown on the overworld map [as well as some other minor glitches that don't affect gameplay], but it's one of the finer RPGs out there, both in terms of story and character development. The Tales series overall needs more love [outside of Symphonia, which is kind of the FFVII of the franchise, being the only one a lot of people have played or know of]. Although the Tales series is also notoriously fickle with the PAL region [or any country not Japan for that matter, although they're getting better about that], so I'm not sure if you'll be able to play it without a modded PS2. But there's a 3DS port coming down the line, so maybe it'll turn up there. BUUUT like I said, I'm riding the bias streamroller, but it's hard not to since I consider it my favorite game ever. > >; Not perfect by any means, but still a darn fine game.[/font][/color] [/quote] ahh I've been trying to find ToS because I borrowed it years ago from a friend but my GC burnt out or something and I never got to beat it >: tales 'a the abyss does have alot 'a laggy parts I notice and slow loading times like you said but the plus is definetly story and character development so they even each other out xD And hey I think Luke ACTUALLY grew on me <,< I wanna cosplay Tear one 'a these days though.
[quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1306880878' post='707727'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]I'm antisocial enough as it is, so it's not much of a point of contention with me. That said, I routinely wear various nerdy shirts [Eureka Seven, FMA, FLCL, and Zelda], and brandish my DS at times, so I'm open with it to that extent. No one really pays much attention either way, although my Zelda shirts have received many compliments before, but probably because it's a more mainstream and "accepted" series, if that's how you want to put it. As for my family, my parents fully know of my nerddom, but don't really care too much. "There's far worse things a college student could be doing" is the way they look at it, I suppose. Really, it's just like anything else, such as personal beliefs and things of that ilk. It's not as black and white as "OH I AM AND AM GONNA RUB IT IN EVERYONE'S FACE" or "oh I do but I dont want anyone to know shhhhhh". It's just there, I'm proud of it, and if people can't at least tolerate it, then their loss.[/font][/color] [/quote] I'm actually kinda like you except for the fact that my family isn't as accepting. So they know I like anime and of course they know I play video games(dad = contributor) but they tend to complain about the anime alot because they're all religious and stuff. Its kinda troublesome I guess because its like you said theres so much other worse crap I could be into and they're complaining about me cosplaying a boy or something. But yea I got my share of anime t-shirts too and a few zelda shirts as well :O I even got a kingdom hearts shirt and jacket and got a necklace wit hte triforce and another necklace wit hte nobody's crest from KH2 xD so yea I'll be decked out in that anime/video game gear. The anime shirts I have are from vampire knight(my mom complained about that), MoSH(haruhi), bleach, soul eater, and voltron :D I also have some anime necklaces as well like my d gray man necklace and shakugan no shana pendant(someone actually reconized it once :O) /heh wow I ranted :O anyway thats pretty much daily wear and the such so like I said I'm not up in everyones face about it but it CAN be displaying from my t shirt where I stand xD
Ehh I've never hidden the fact that I like anime and video games but I know not everyone is like me. I'm pretty up front about it and if someone doesn't like it then screw them. Can't really say I'm a positive rep because I'm actually quiet reclusive myself. I do think alot more people are into anime, manga and video games nowadays though because I know when I was younger and especially as a female I didn't run into alot 'a other girls who played video games or watch anime. I didn't even start running into fellow "otaku" until I got into high school and even now I still occasionally wonder "man where were these people when I was 5 o_O". I don't know if the rep of anime/video game nerds will ever improve but atleast I know its not so obscure now and thats a start :D
well I just beat no more heros 2 recently and I'm playing tales of the abyss now :D meh I know I'm late to the party I ALWAYS get to the good stuff late -.-
I like stuff where I gotta figure something out usually getting those brains working. graphics are always a good catch(and will determine sometimes whether I become attracted to the main character or not). I like a good story too I've been playing tales of the abyss and thats got a pretty good and crazy story so far. In terms 'a figuring stuff out zelda games are good on that. Sometimes I like fighting games although half the time I'm not that good at them. Smash bros is always fun though and alot 'a the street fighter games are good too ;p then again I made a contribution in the soul caliber topic too so yea. Sometimes I check to see if a game is good or not by seeing random videos of gameplay in youtube or something. I used ta do rentals before my local blockbuster went out 'a business and that would be the best help xD
[quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1306866487' post='707712'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Some things get better with age. Just sayin'.[/font][/color] [/quote] thats a positive way to look at it :D now that I think of it I should pick up 3 since my brother gave me his ps2 recently /heh
[quote name='Japan' timestamp='1257406321' post='686098'][list][*]Jacket[/list][/quote] ya know I shoulda brought a jacket at the last mini con I went to back in february. I was freezing my butt off as marufuji shou from Yu-Gi-Oh GX xD good thing most 'a the event was inside though so I braved the weather as I would do when I wear black in 90 degree weather xD another thing thats good for anyone that speaks of bringing a pen is if a certain guest is coming like a VA or something bring a poster or DVD from a series they worked in :D
Does anyone collect any anime figures? I have a few [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/1zbs6qc.jpg"]http://i53.tinypic.com/1zbs6qc.jpg[/url] [url="http://i54.tinypic.com/29d8c8w.jpg"]http://i54.tinypic.com/29d8c8w.jpg[/url] [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/dxobqr.jpg"]http://i53.tinypic.com/dxobqr.jpg[/url] [url="http://i56.tinypic.com/14az9g5.jpg"]http://i56.tinypic.com/14az9g5.jpg[/url] I might come across another pretty soon :O
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
fujyoshi replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
it seems like anime barely comes on tv anymore. I do watch FMA brotherhood and kekkaishi sunday mornings and Yu-Gi-Oh and sonic x saturday morning but thats about all I see in terms of tv. -
oh man are your parents some kinda religious? I know that makes everything harder. Good luck wit that though ><