[b]What you need:[/b][list][*]Materials - Basic stuff such as pens, paper, pencils, etc...[*] Character Profile (Design, Personality, Role, etc.) - a short description or chart about the character.[*]Story Plot - Make a flow chart or something similar on how the story would flow. This is the important part so make sure it is well-planned out (no confusing parts, no contradicting elements, etc.)[*]Script - Make a script... You should also include there where to "cut" the chapter[*]Make something like a psuedo-manga (forgot what it was called D:) It's like the manga itself (actions of the character with lines) but not drawn very detailed. It's used to test out the flow of the panels and experiment on the movements of the characters.
Then... Draw away![/list][b]Tips:[/b]
[list][*]Make sure to organize the panels.[*]Get someone to act as editor. You may need another person to judge your work, it may look perfect for you but it may looked flawed or weird to others. (Maybe a friend)[*]If you suddenly thought of some bright ideas, jot it down on a notebook. And if you want to put it in your story, make sure that it won't disrupt the flow of your story.[*]Make the characters as unique as possible. As you draw, the drawings won't look perfectly the same as others so you should always have that certain something that would make the character recognizable. (ex. hairstyle, accessory, etc)[/list]
* My English kinda sucks so sorry if you find it annoying. :)