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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. [b]She Tells[/b][PG] She tells her children, "Don't have sex before marriage." She has sex with a burlesque man most nights. They aren't married. She tells them, "Keep your rooms clean." Her room is a chaos of bras, panties, shirts, pants. She tells them, "Don't swear." When not around her children, she uses profane language. Such sweet hypocrisies.
  2. [b]Flattened[/b][E] The gun smoked, the world was shot. The ball deflated. Lopsided it careened into a black hole. It was sucked in. Crashing out, it emerged. Banging against another world in another dimension, it floated freely in space. The other world blew to who knows where. Our flattened world stood in naked black space.
  3. [b]If Time Does Tell Redux[/b][PG] Cells grew. A certain cell had the fortunate circumstance to do so uncontrollably. Its ilk had the same mutation, until inside his body was a tumor. By the time he realized this, it was nearly too late. "It's already metastasized," the doctors said. "But there's hope." [i]Hope[/i]. . .that thing of dreams . . .
  4. yes, once upon a day i was a mod and i had my rod and i showed 'em who's boss isn't that right, hoss? yes, once upon a day i was a mod but no longer; my position was gave up to other bright hopeful head-over-heels faces. (and let it be known i put some people in the hospital with that rod) _____________ so shall i dumb with the history that is mine? i was mod of otaku lounge then mod of what back then wasn't called anthology - it was just a forum where writings were posted then i wasn't a mod the end. [center][quote]As I've said before, "it's just a message board". ~_^[/quote][/center] No. THIS IS MY LIFE.
  5. [b]rose's thorn[/b][M] i would kiss you with passionate eyeings whenever walking by me you came. undressing you with my eyes i would visualize & sensualize. i would touch when no touch. you were fragmented into my mind & forever busting around inside me. i dwell in lusty shadows. i write this to you. let us bleed.
  6. I as i am a bleeding heart writing in blood my art i will watch this coming day as roses are gave & kisses are said to be forever II bleed will i upon the floor till fall i over for none of those shapely pears have i III that pear shall sweeten till succulent it is eaten goodbye sweet innocence IV "goodbye," and will i wave to a passing dream? flowers blow and the wind moans as those stems holding red sway
  7. [b]Walking Smoke[/b][PG] She walks on the sidewalk, brings her hand holding a cig toward her mouth, puffs, blows out, lays down the hand. I see her from behind. The sky is gray. She enters the building. I follow suit. Before I walk in, I see the cig lying on the ground. Smoke rises from the ashes.
  8. [b]Utopia[/b][PG] It was the perfect society, and because it was perfect, there wasn't pain. And no pain made it dull and boring. There was no rush to life, no incentive. It needed flaws. It needed imperfection. That was why a man was born to his destiny. Nicknamed later Spartacus the Second, he was this utopia's downfall.
  9. I said i would get you a rose, so here it is: it's bloomed, lipstick red the petals look fragile the scent is pleasing its stem is green of envy the roots soil in ground draining nutrients it's bloomed, blood red a heart green at the gills dipped in blood and dried to suitable color it's bloomed, but as every rose it has its thorns prick them upon your palm and feel their pain this is the rose i give you nothing fancy, but i hope you can see it.
  10. [b]Lucifer Beside Me[/b][M] God was growing devil horns. He stared at them with His omnipotent eye. " I DON'T UNDERSTAND," He boomed. It was like that fable Humans had, about Pinnochio, only instead of lies, it was for misdeed, instead of the nose, he grew horns. Faith in Him was dwindling. He needed to change.
  11. [QUOTE=Lore][color=#ff6600] Second, [b]be yourself[/b]. It sounds lame, sure, but if I had to redo high school, I would take it far less seriously. I don't mean that I would be apathetic--that won't help you. But be yourself--don't worry about the opinions of others. I know that whatever personal hell I went through was, in retrospect, worth it (for me).[/quote] I find this very true. Up until this year, I wasn't fully acting like myself. Now I'm very outspoken and participate in class, and people have caught onto me a lot more. People say hi to me in the halls all the time, and I seem even somewhat "popular," if that is the right term. Also, definitely people are all too serious about their high school. I don't even really try too hard, because classes are easy. I don't take it seriously to a point. But I still get A's and B's, and a few C's. People get too caught up in it and don't have the fun that's happening all around them. [quote]I guess I'm just going to say this again: things are what you make of them.[/color][/QUOTE] This is a nice grain of wisdom, as well.
  12. [b]Day Dream[/b][M] Naked, warm, cradled in each other's arms. Heavy breath, young lust and hormones. She was a lovely rose, he was a granite brick. She nectared him with kisses. He was left pockmarked. She had butterfly beautiful legs. Touching them felt of silk. "Frankie, Frankie." Snapped out of it. He looked at the teacher. "What?" ________________________________________ [b]One Slip[/b] [PG] Turned the corner. She held her hands out. Face said "Don't hit me!" Body language read surprise and fear. Inside his car his face lost its apathy. Brakes were applied. She continued walking to her car, with her boyfriend. His thoughts trailed. Life given was so easily extinguished. One slip was all it took.
  13. Valentine's day is another of America's consumerism holidays. The main reason it happens is because it makes the green. As for what I do: nothing. It is just a usual day for me.
  14. High school's all right. It's getting tiring, but the year's almost over, and this is my last year. I'm trying to enjoy it and learn as much as I find is worth learning. I really never have any homework. I get most of it done at school one way or another, or I end up just winging it and getting good grades. I definitely won't be able to do that once I get to college, though.
  15. each day of lunch at my high school the budgers form the third line pacing ahead of those with patience people are rude these days people are impatient these days today i stood, as always, and watched them go by like sperm racing to an ovum i would have liked to push them all back tell them wait their turn why is it the nice guy always finishes last? is his end just the end? is he too kind for people to care? people are dumb these days people don't care these days people don't think these days these days i'd like to have different days where people are patient, kind and endearing
  16. [b]The Secrets Shown[/b][M] I walked in. The ceiling panel removed, she was climbing a ladder. "What're you doing?" I asked. I was surprised. "Nothing." I wouldn't take that answer. I walked over and looked up. I saw forms in darkness. I noticed a dull stinging stench. "What the hell?" Death hung in the air. Fear held me.
  17. [b]Wrinkled Wisdom[/b][PG] The old woman gave wrinkled wisdom. "I wanted to die once." She stroked with veiny hands her granddaughter's hair. "Now my death wish is a million miles away." "I know how you feel, darling. You'll change." She was speechless. She didn't know what to say to her grandmother. She didn't want to die anymore.
  18. The part about "beards of snow" was great - I got an actual image of the shoes with beards, and old, wrinkled faces. Excellent poem. It rhymes, but not on purpose, and it all works together and flows.
  19. [b]Silenced Pistol[/b][PG] Her mouth was a silenced pistol. Each day, she played Russian Roulette. She'd spin her tongue around, softly enunciating. One day it was sure she'd blow them away with her words. They would die cowards' deaths. They would bleed from their brains. They'd savor the pain her words imbued. Until then, a baby's silence.
  20. Mitch

    Dream Theater

    I had the complete discography of them on my iPod before it was stolen, and was listening to it. They're an amazing, amazing band. I enjoy them.
  21. Well, I'm now 210 pages into it, more than halfway done. I'm really enjoying it. There isn't all too much to read into in the book, but it's extremely well-written and the story is interesting and entertaining.
  22. [center][img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00005JNOZ.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/img][/center] I came to this movie in a bad mood, and I had very low expectations for it. It's got a nod for best picture. So? I thought nothing of it. But it ended up being easily one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, and probably one of my favorite movies. The story is about boxing, but it's about a lot more. It's about emotion, determination, death. It's about too much for me to cram in this post without giving it all away. Needless to say, this is, without a doubt, the best movie of the year. I doubt any better movie will come; a lot of movies these days are extremely lackluster as it is. But this movie delivers. I don't think there's much else I can say, really. You have to go see it for yourself to hear what I want to say. The acting is magnificent, the directing well done, the musical score spot-on, the characters alive and breathing. Go see it, and if you don't, then you're missing a wonderful, wonderful experience that won't leave you for a while, and will have you hungering to see it again.
  23. [b]My Dear[/b][M] "See me after class, Ms." The class proceeded. They were taught. The bell rang. "What'd you want, Mr. Mickel?" Everyone was gone. Hot breath whispered in her ear. "I want you." She looked at his old face. He seemed reptilian. She ran for the door. Holding her back, he slammed it. "You're staying, my dear."
  24. Well, I got DDR this Christmas - for the PS2, DDR Extreme. Since then, I've been playing it on a mostly daily basis (somedays I just don't have the time, since I work and go to school, etc), and improving. I first started off on Lesson mode, which gave me the basics of how to play decently enough. And now I am all the way up to playing Heavy, getting C's and B's and a few D's and E's. Anyone else play? How good are you, how long have you been playing, and why do you love DDR? I've been playing for around a month to two months now. I love this game because it's exercise and it's fun to improve and push yourself.
  25. "Finale," by L'arc-en-Ciel. I got it off of wristcutter's My O, and I'm obsessed with the song for whatever reason. My exposure to Japanese music is, of course, limited, but this is my favorite of what I've heard so far. The funny thing is I don't know what the lyrics mean.
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