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[color=red] Nope, never heard of them...but this brought another funny band name I've heard to mind. [i]The Bacon Brothers[/i] it's funny because me and my cousin started this thing where we always say bacon all the time. Now it has become one of those overused words of ours...:laugh: [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1] I think that some sequels are well done, and some were...well, crap. Example: Good Sequel= Rush Hour II Bad Sequel: Men In Black II My reason for RH II being a good sequel is that it held onto the hilairious flare of the first movie, and it's plot was as well-done as the first. My reason for MIBII being a bad sequel was that the plot was too simple and it wasn't as funny as the first one. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, but I'm just saying that it couldn't eve hold a lighter to it's original.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]You think MIB II wasn't as funny as the first?? I think it was way more funny. Especially that talking dog... Anyways, yes, there are to many movie sequels being made. As Aries said I hate disney a lot to, and I find it funny to when they do sequels to classics and mess them all up....it's so great....:laugh: [/color]
[color=teal]I've seen the movie around 4 times. Great movie. I've never read any of the books, I didn't even know they had books as a matter of fact. I've seen the TV show, but I never got into it. I've always liked the movie the best I guess.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue] The lazer scene was great, and I agree that it did have good graphics. I think...wait, no spoilers, crap, I had some good insight about parts of it, too. Anyway, I look forward to #2, and when she wakes up in the lab in the city, you can see a sillouette of Mat. That isn't really a spoiler, since no one knows who Mat is, and even if they did, it doesn't mean anything if they didn't watch the movie. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *Spoiler*[color=white] Don't you remember Matt mutating at almost the end, and the doctors taking him away. One of the doctors said "Save him for the Nemesis project." I remember it clearly, because it hinted at what the next movie is about.[/color]*End Spoilers*
[color=red]Very good. I can't wait to see more of your work :D ![/color]
[color=red]Woh, what is that thing. It was supposed to be a Digimon originally? It looks like some kind of dragn-ey thingy. But it does look cool. I'd like to see what it looks like when it's colored![/color]
[color=red]It's intresting, but it doesn't have enough depth. It's to simple (this is the first time i've said that) although simplicity is good in banners, this one is just to [i]simple[/i]. Nonetheless, it is still a pretty good first "original" banner. I really like the banner in your sig, it's cool. At first I just thought it was cool, then you told the story, now it's both funny and cool, lol. [/color]
[color=red]They aren't the best thing out there right now, and they have to much publicity, which I stay away from. I like bands that are little known or just becoming known, so yeah. Crawling in the Dark was ok the first few times I heard it then it just got really annoying, running away was ok the first few times I heard it, then that to got annoying. I like them a bit, but they just don't fit in my liking list.[/color]
[color=red]Mwheh, I forgot to mention Suggestions, that is another one of their very cool different kind of songs. [i]Watching from a post up high......[/i][/color]
[color=red]Hmmm...well, I haven't really seen much anime. So I really don't know any funny moments. Nope I'm blank on this topic. But that pic that Angelus attached is pretty funny, both of them :laugh: :beer: :laugh: :blowingup: [/color]
[color=red] Sounds like fun. I'll have to PM Harlequin for my heros abilties... Name: Gurthang (of course :D ) Hero: Paladin (Aries took mine ) Abilities:Holy Light (Heals the living, damages Undead/Demons), Divine Shield (Creates an impenetrable shield around him for a small amount of time), Devotion Aura (Basically an armour aura to him and those around him), and Resurrection (Revives a newly dead person) [/color]
[color=red]If you ask me it looks like a portal, and the center is showing where it leads. Very interesting, very, very, interesting. I like this one a lot. 8.7/10. Keep up the good work Piro. It took me like 35 seconds to get that, I hate AOL.[/color]
[color=red][i] While in the lobby, Sam had found a suspicous looking bookcase with all red colored books except for one green one. He pulled out the green one, and the bookcase began sliding open. It startled him at first, but then he realized what he had found. He quickly called everyone over. [b]Sam:[/b] Here's where that damn Umbrella's at. Let's go check what's inside. They all pull out their weapons, and walk through the bookcase doorway. They end up in a dark hallway, and Sam pulls out his flashlight, holding his gun out with the flashlight as he goes around the dark hallway. There were many doors about the sides of the hallway. Sam tried one of the doors and....[/color][/i]
[color=red]This is one of your best poems in a long while. I really like it! 8/10.[/color]
[size=1]hmm....my first to poems with [b][i]stanzas[/b][/i] although not my greatest poems they are alright....[/size] [color=red] For Once [i]For once I feel content with happiness no longer a jolting earthquake of unlevel ground I'm up instead of being down For once I've thrown out everything and let it pile around I've left that pile there safe and sound I'm not spinning around For once my mind seems clear of mixed emotions no longer an ocean of insecure retorts I'm finally finding my true port[/i][/color] [size=1]Not very good, but my next one's better....[/size] [color=red] Mind Sword [i] The sword slashed him without need it wrought his malice on his knees creating pain where no need was to bear puncturing his skin leaving it in tear the sword wrought within his mind slashing wounds so deep to thine that thy suddenly fell from bliss living deep in crime for thy ignorance The sword can only injure thee not able to do anything else, you see I've only taken thine forth for yet thy time to die is yet to come, thus thee leave in pack for export[/i][/color] Comments?
Anime What are some of your favorite anime songs?
Mitch replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sensei-San [/i] [B]Isn't this a favourites topic??? :) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Yeh, this would be a favorites topic. But as long as it's open, I usually give my 2 cents.[/color] -
[color=red]Most of what everyone is saying here is what I think. You're saying that you play a game because it's a [i]good[/i] game, not because of the eye candy or the content. Although this applies to most gamers (such as most here) some others think that the eye candy and the content are what make a game. That's their opinion. But to me, a good game mainy for me has to have a [i]good story[/i] for me to ever play it. If they made a game where all you see is nudity the whole time, that's what I mean by no story. The games like that that are just pointless I stay away from. Secondly a good game has to be [i]inovative and original[/i], of course it can have some Cliche's here and there, but not to many. My point is that games don't need to have sexual content unless it is [i]needed[/i] as a part of the story line (which is just what everyone is saying anyways). So no, I don't think Videogames are mature enough yet to have to much sexual material within it. Sure, a little here and there, but hasn't there always been a little sexuality in games?[/color]
[color=red]My opinion of RPGs is I like them when they are 2D. As CWB said, if they got the right game producers, with todays technology, the game would be utterly amazing. This is why I am going to buy a GBA, because of all the 2d RPGs which will probably come out. And for all of the Castlevania games coming out for it, and also for all the old school games which I love. The only differance in 2d and 3d RPGs is mostly with 3D they can show any story with more clarity and more imaginative ideas and better effects. But I still would rather have a 2D RPG over anything else.[/color]
[color=red][i]Valadar had finally had enough of this stupid waiting. He just had to do something or he was going to go insane. So he decided to go get a few beers at the local pub. He walked in and sat down. Wow, the place was actually busy for once. [b]Bartender:[/b] What do ya want? [b]Valadar:[/b] Just a beer. As the bartender poured the beer, Valadar turned around to see if there was anyone suspicous around. After a few glances around the pub, he was certain that no one looked suspicous. But his instincts told him something more, that something was suspicous... [b]Bartender:[/b] Here ya go. The Bartender said cold-hearted, placing the pint on the table. Valadar picked up the pint and took a tiny sip, then set it down again. Something is wrong here his mind kept screaming. But what Valadar had no idea. He decided he would ask the Bartender. ' [b]Valadar:[/b] Hey, Bartender has there been anyone suspicous around this pub lately? Grim faced, the Bartender spoke: [b]Bartender:[/b] Yeh, there has been some saspicous lookin' people 'round here lately, but they left over an hour 'go. Valadar's eyes lit up with curiousity. [b]Valadar:[/b] Did you happen to get any names, or any other information about them? The Bartender looked suspicously at Valadar. [b]Bartender:[/b] Why do you ask? Matter-of-factly Valadar said: [b]Valadar:[/b] Just curious I guess. [b]Bartender:[/b] Earlier taday these people dressed in black came in and sat down. They seemed to be talkin' about something called the Dark Order or sumthing....I know I'm not makin' sense but that's what they were talkin' 'bout. I didn't get any name though. [b]Valadar:[/b] Sure is strange. Do you think they might come back here tommorow? Valadar said, picking up his pint and taking a big gulp. [b]Bartender:[/b] Well I think they said that they'd be here for the week. So maybe I danno. [b]Valadar:[/b] Thanks for the information. He said, throwing him down an extra tip and quickly finishing his pint. [b]Bartender:[/b] No problem. The Bartender said as Valadar got up and left. I'll get to the bottom of this, Valadar thought. I sure will.[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Final Fantasy X[/B] also provides one of my favorite moments in gaming. The ending is incredibly deep and superior to the finale of any of Square's masterpieces in quite a while. Once again, emotion and artistic direction played a heavy part in making this ending so memorable. [/QUOTE] [color=red]You [b][i]liked[/b][/i] the ending of FFX? Well I beg to differ. I couldn't stand the ending, it just wasn't very good. But the love between Tidus and Yuna, as you said, was pretty cool. I can't believe that you liked the ending...the ending to FF7 was [i]way[/i] better.[/color]
[color=red]Of course I'm different. I talk to myself somtimes, even answer myself. I'm usually lost in my mind when I'm alone, thinking of life and its ups and downs. [/color]
[color=red]As always, I love simple banners, if it isn't simple, I'll run away. I think what makes this banner really look good to me is the way you did the background. It helps everything easily blend in and become a whole image. And if you want to know, you [i]are[/i] the reason I can't sleep...Joking, Joking.... 9/10 aries! As for the quote, yeh it's being overused, but if it's true keep it right?:p :laugh:[/color]
[color=red][i] When Gurthang died, his spirit then left his body, and as he slowly drifted toward the underworld, his only thought was of revenge toward his son. When after drifting many an age, he finally made it to the underworld, the Devil asked him of his deeds. All he could say is that he was killed by his very own son, and would do anything for vengence. Thus the devil reincarnated him into a spirtual god of pure evil. And as ages passed, many began to fear the great God of Gurthang. As his control of influential power grew he could only think of vengence. He knew of where his son was. But another God controlled that area (ooc: that would be you Mist) and as soon as he could convert enough to his malice and will, he was surely going to destroy that god. If only a thought in his mind at the moment, he swore to himself this must be done. Thus, to speed up his areas of control, and to convert more to his evil ways, he created an afterthought of himself. One whom thinks like him, one full of evil and malice. The most feared creature ever in essence of anything created. The great Dragon Galrung. An afterthought in his twisted burning evil soul, Galrung was truly fearful to anything it set its dark-eyed gaze at. As he gained more and more power, and more and more will to his malice, he slowly began putting together his evil armies. Mostly full of men, because men are easily corrupted, but also some Dark Elves, also those Elves which have turned evil, the Orcs. He seemed to be teetering in a sure-fire victory.[/color][/i]
[color=red][i] [b]Sam:[/b] I suppose I could use a new gun. I'll go with. Him and Crystal then walk to the armory. Once they get there, they look around for awhile, and Sam decides on taking a Magnum. Crystal was still looking around. He puts away the Magnum saying: [b]Sam:[/b] Only for emergency situations. [b]Sam:[/b] Well, Crystal I'm gonna head on back up ta the lobby. See ya soon. You watch ya self. [b]Crystal:[/b] Why are you worrying about me? It's you you should worry about. I won't be long. Sam then leaves the armory and begins walking back to the lobby where the others are still waiting. [/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B] I'm planning on seeing Lain in a couple days...hop[efully I won't get to confused.:confused: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Trust me you will get utterly and completly confused. I know I did, and I usually understand deep animes. You won't be confused the whole time, but I am sure you will have to watch the series at least twice to completly understand everything. It is a good series though. I don't know why some people hate it so much...[/color]