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If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Mitch replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
[color=red]Hehe...nobody wants to be me :bawl: ...wait...Char! does hehehe:toothy: . Anyways, if I had to be anyone on the boards, it would be Aries because I know him more than anyone else I've met here...and if it had to be a girl...probably Mist, cause she's nice :D . Or I could just be James...but that isn't me. Bond, James Bond...right[/color] -
[color=red]Yeh, I mean a single tape with 3 Episodes costs usually 20+ dollars, and a whole series set usually costs 160+ dollars. So I was wondering what your thoughts on why anime is so expensive? I know Anime is a special thing, but I'm not made of money. I'd see maybe 15 dollars for 3 episodes or something...20 is just a little to high for me. I'm not saying I'm not buying Anime because it's to high, it just makes it less accessable to me because it costs so much. When I get a job finally I am going on an Anime Binge all the way![/color]
[color=red][i] Far away, so far away Sam could hear someone knocking on a door somewhere...he just didn't know exactly where...all the others except Blake followed him as he speedily ran to where the noise was coming from. *Knock* *Knock*, then the noise suddenly stopped, then started again. Stopped, then started. [b]Sam:[/b] It's a survivor, it just has ta be. [b]Lauren:[/b] What if it's Nemesis, or something even worse?? [b]Coty:[/b] I'll take my chances. Finally catching up with the noise, they quickly unholsterd their weapons and walked up to the door. Sam is the first to push open the door, gun aimed ready to shoot. He saw a figure standing there, in the darkness, holding a Shotgun. The figure put her hands up. [b]Crystal:[/b] Don't shoot. I'm on your side. The ominous black figure screamed.[/color][/i]
[size=1][color=red]Simplicity [i]is[/i] a good thing for banners. That's what makes so many diffrent banners be able to say little, yet say so much. That's why I really like this banner 8.5/10.[/color][/size]
[color=red]I like the simplicity of it...simpleness is good with banners to me. 8/10.[/color]
[color=red]Yesterday I went to the grocery store. Anyways, my main point is that I saw some Shiitake Mushrooms, which reminded me of when I once mispronounced the word, and asked my parents what it was (I'll leave the way I said it for you to imagine, like you don't already know anyways) Anyways, I was wondering if you've ever pronounced a word in a funny way that brought a laugh.[/color]
[color=red]It's better than I can do to. Hehe....I have the Harlequin's last name as my first name...don't kill me please for saying that Harlequin....:nervous: Mitchell Grant Smith....I hate my middle name...[/color]
[color=red][i]Valadar had lived in Bismarck, North Dakota his whole life. He had had your 'American Dream' sort of childhood. With nothing going wrong, everything going right. Then when he had turned 18, everything started going wrong. His parents were killed right inside his friendly home, as he hid away in a corner. His parents had been long-time members of The Dark Order he later found out. It seemed like the perfect thing to do, he could get his revenge. So he joined The Dark Order. Going his way slowly up the ranks, pushing effort after effort a little higher up the ladder. He had just been promoted to Archon status. Know he was waiting for his next assignment, pushing his time until he could get out of the hellhole that was Bismarck. Biding his time for his deep hearted revenge burning inside. He could wait...oh, yes...[/color][/i]
[size=1]Wow, last night I really wrote a poem to outdo myself, well at least I think I outdid myself...anyways, prepare to have a feeling of senses overload...[/size] [color=red]The Dark Side [i]A scream gaped into a mirror horror renching into inaudible blurrs dark encompassing shouts of indrid distrust a dry desert of apathy blown away in the dust shedding skins of shuddering create dieing promises decomposed of untimely faith drowned emotions wettend with overpowering hate a tsunami of mixed and blended emotions decaying in a deep grave secret gaps of shuddering, torn enslaves blood soaking into a second inbred skin shuffled cards all pooled into one brim sin so deep and grim of spoiled fruits beaten lies forced so suddenly shoved in a hat a slow growing shamed and bittered sour root of unseen torture a curled paper pushed tightly inside my mind an unceasing repercussion of insanity soaked into a damp towel wounds infected hopelessly tearing inside molding with missuse embedded fears shocked in a buttered shell of displace my soul traumatizing abnormally in its very lace torture so deeply netted, vesseled all around my mortal form all these feelings conflict inside of me deep inside my imperfect substance a substance of abuse and continuos reuse I've dug out the dark side of my being my deepest enemy[/i][/color]
[i][color=red]After looking around the Police Station for a few hours, the group decides to meet up and discuss what to do next. As they all walk in, they see an unfamilar person standing inside the lobby with a sword in his right hand. They all quickly fish out their weapons. [b]Sam:[/b](Pointing gun at Cody) Who the hell are you?? [b]Cody:[/b] My name's Cody, nice to meet you. The figure says, sheathing his sword quickly. [b]Blake:[/b] I'm Blake, Sam, Lauren, Coty. He says, pointing his finger at each as he says their names. [/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]To me, they become mainstream when there shown on things like WB, Fox and when your able to get *example* Pokemon cards,tapes,dvds,actionfigures,clothes, uh, shoelaces and ... coffee mugs. Thats how I think of mainstream. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Exactly what I think. Just because an Anime is mainstream doesn't mean it's not a good Anime, at least that's what I think.[/color]
[color=red]This is actually a pretty good game. Although the graphics aren't the greatest, I think the combat system was great. I also liked how everytime you play through you can do things differently. It's kind of like 'what if I do this', it's great. Although not the best game for the PS2, it is at least a rental I'd say. The whole game only takes about an hour to beat, but there's so many different endings, their is some replay value here at least. So has anyone else played this game, and what did you think?[/color]
Of course I'm gonna join... [color=red]Name: Gurthang Gender: Male Location: Kinyo Weapon: Broad Sword Skills:Has great fighting skills, and a little Smithcrafting skill as well. Magic: N/A Appearance: Always wears a black trench coat, short blonde hair, black eyes, about 5'11" in height, 175 Pounds. Biography: Gurthang is a human. His father was killed 10 years ago in the war against Gix. He has great skill with weapons, and is good in battle. He is one of the best soldiers from Kinyo. With a heart of fire and a soul of hate, he will stop at nothing to bring down Gix, and to avenge his father. Other: N/A[/color]
[color=red]Fate [i]We all have a fate a fate which one day we will have to embrace some have multiple fates others only have one a death or destruction a predetermined mix of events it all compromises into something unseen a sharp turn in the path we take an unknowing time when we break it's all inside us and one day we'll have to take our gamble throw our hand out and lay it on the table and hope to get an ace have a hope that we don't get cheated from a meaningful life but everything eventually breaks down and falls to the ground by dealing that ace we only stay that fate extend our over-due wait it eventually catches back up with us and we eventually deal out that ill-fated hand of fate lose our shiny show of good luck and fall to our uncontrollable destiny [/i][/color]
Occ: Kabuki sorry lol, I changed it so don't worry. [color=red][i] [b]Sam:[/b] I donno t'ere's so many places ta start... [b]Lauren:[/b] All I know is I whant to kill that weird Nemesis thing.... [b]Sam:[/b] We can worry 'bout him later, right now we should search 'round fer any servivors we can find... [b]Coty:[/b] Sounds like a good idea to me. [b]Blake:[/b] It's settled then we'll search around the Police Station first for any survivors. Sam, Blake, Cory, and Lauren thus go in search of any survivors they can find in the police station. They all pull out their guns just in case and start looking around.[/i][/color]
[color=red]If it is all going to have just action, like Darkened Skye is saying, no it wouldn't be that good. A good anime has to actually have more than just plain action. I think a good mix of everything, without to many Cliche's would work out good. Like: action, deep plot, great characters, great artwork, great voice actors, great presentation...and so on. That is what I think makes a good anime good. [/color]
[color=red]It's free verse then since you just thought it up right?? I like it, wish I could think up poems really fast, but it always takes me 15+ mins. to write a really good poem. Keep writing.[/color]
[color=red][i] [b]Sam:[/b] Just has ta be Umbrella.... Sam said again. [b]Blake:[/b] Do you know where we might be able to find some information on what Umbrella was doing here? [b]Sam:[/b] Na not really, they might'a had some secret lab here in the police station...but who knows? [b]Blake:[/b] Well, we need to make a plan. No use just sitting around talking about it. [b]Lauren:[/b] Yeh, we need a plan and a good one. [b]Sam:[/b] Everyone is armed, right? [b]All except Sam:[/b] Yeh [b]Lauren:[/b] We need to get to the bottom of this.[/i][/color]
[color=red]Well done. Does this poem actually hold an allegorical meaning as well?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]*sniffle* Really good *sniffle* Like I said b4 keep it ^ [size=1]I wish I could write like this :([/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]You can. I used to be just another writer, then I practiced and practiced. Now look at me. Just never give up that's the best advice I can give Dark...never give up.[/color]
[color=red][i]Sam Freeman was driving to the Police Station to start his workday. Just another dull day he thought as he drove. It was strange, there was barely any traffic at all, the city seemed kind of deserted. He opened the door of his Mustang and quickly stepped out, slammed the door shut and began walking toward the Police Station. He pushed open the door and walked in. Went to his desk and saw two unfamilar people talking to eachother. [b]Sam:[/b] What'cha talkin' 'bout? [b]Blake:[/b] Something weird's going on in this city. [b]Coty:[/b] Yeh, it's really strange. [b]Sam:[/b] Somethin' weird, huh? Like what? Shoot? [b]Coty:[/b] Me and Blake here saw zombies... [b]Sam:[/b] So it's happenin' again....damn Umbrella. [b]Sam:[/b] Seven years ago somethin' like 'tis happened, I was one of the few survivors. [b]Sam:[/b] Oh, forgot to introduce meself, name's Sam Freeman, what's you two's names? [b]Blake:[/b] My name's Blake, and he's Coty. Blake points at Coty. OOC: Sorry, I was writing this then he posted, guess I'll just do this. [b]Blake:[/b] Oh, and this other guy here standing in the shadows is Lauren Lauren walks out from behind another desk. [b]Lauren:[/b] Hi, I'm Lauren nice to meet you.[/color][/i]
[color=red]Sure I'll join I guess. I'm pretty new to this forum but I'll do my best:babble: Name: Sam Freeman Age: 25 Weapon: 8 mm. Handgun Gender: Male Appearance: Green Eyes, about 5'11" in height, shiny black hair, wearing a RPD uniform. Bio: Sam is a survivor from the incident from 7 years ago. Then he was just a rookie for the RPD, he is a good mannered regular cop who makes good decisions when the time comes. Although brash and fiery at times, he's your all around good cop. [/color]
[color=red]Very nicely worded...it's really nice. [b]All I what is to live, All I'll get is to die. What I need is happiness What I have - a lie.[/b] this line is what really made the poem a good poem. Keep writing![/color]
[color=red]When I'm depressed....hmm....well, I usually don't listen to music, I write poems...but I usually listen to music while writing poems. Usually System of a Down, Linkin Park, Korn, anything that's sad and depressing I listen to.[/color]
[color=red]I myself am not a big football fan....but my favorite team is the Denver Broncos even though they are going to probably suck this year again, they were good when they had Elway.[/color]