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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Name: Valadar Gutonar Location: Bismarck, ND Apperance: Big blue eyes, full eyelashes, about 6ft.1in. tall, 185pounds, long blonde hair. Gender: Male Weapon of Choice: Broad Sword Items: Wallet full of pictures, Asprin, Three Nutragrain Bars. Stature in Dark Order: Archon
  2. [color=red]Just face it. People are always going to say you are 'weird' just because you like Anime. When you choose to like something, you like it because you like it, and you shouldn't care what another thinks about another series or movie. I hate it when people just judge you by what you like. Hate it.:flaming: [/color]
  3. This is also gonna be my first RPG.... [color=red]Name: Gurthang Race: Human Animal: Dragon Location: 3(going against Mist!)[/color]
  4. OOC-I'm new to this forum but i'll try my best. I suppose I will be an evil god. [color=red][i] Gurthang was a truly mighty warrior indeed. The mightiest of them all. He always fought alone, and was afraid of nothing. Nothing except for maybe himself. He had one son, Goron. Goron was a mighty warrior himself, if not for his father, he would be the best. So he decided he would assasinate his father. He was to cowardly to do the deed himself, in fear he would be killed, so he hired a bounty hunter named Zem. Zem's plan was to sneak into Gurthang's palace and kill the man while he was still asleep. To do this he dressed himself as a Royal Guard of the palace. The dark sky only fortold the evil deed of which was to happen that night as Zem slowly approached the palace. Stealthily he moved about outside of the palace, looking for a secret entrance of which Goron had told. Goron had said it would be someplace in back of the palace, but he didn't say where exactly. After carefully finding the secret entrance, Zem slowly made his way to Gurthang's bedroom. He was going to assainate Gurthang by simply beheding him with a sword. As Zem approached Gurthang, he slowly pulled out his sword and crept into the room. He could hear Gurthang's loud snore wheezing in and out as he drew closer. Suddenly Gurthang began to mutter something unaudible. Zem was frightened momentraily, then regained his composure. Holding up his sword to ready his swing, he beheaded Gurthang in one blow. That day was a day full of woe and sadness. No warrior as strong as Gurthang has ever come, or ever will. Zem was killed also eventually, writing his doom with the destruction of Gurthang. But of this tale more is to tell of Gurthang whence he became the God of War...[/color][/i]
  5. [i][size=1]I decided to write a poem that has something or another to deal with rain last night. Here it is...[/i][/size] [color=red]Downpour [i]The rain pours down in an endless wave washing away everything I saved it moistens the floor cleaning it of everything in an endless downpour I look up at the sky wondering why why does life have to be so unfair? does life even care? I tried my best to do things right and it all amounted to nothing why do I even try anymore? all I get is an endless downpour a slimy wetness deep in the interior it makes me feel so inferior nothing I do anymore feels right to me the rain inside is making it so hard to see always questioning me why I agree and these thunderous thoughts echo in my head they've gone so deep they're becoming an ulterior a deep wall my will can't overcome made of misleading downpours of fallen hopes the rain surrounds my mind in a tight perimeter of cloudy greys of misunderstandings and I feel I'm losing myself in this impenetrable wall of apathy I'm falling apart from the inside imploding into an endless black hole that sucks in everything it can find becoming empty of myself losing all of my feelings I can't remember what I used to be all I feel is an emptiness unrelinquished the only thing I can see is my suffering in an endless reality I can't escape[/i][/color] Any comments????
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]I dunno...but lately, I've been doing the whole, "What is my purpose?" bit. I keep wondering if people really like me for [i]me[/i], or if they only like what I do...if they are only nice to me for as long as it takes for me to go away. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Why does it matter what people think of you, if they don't like you that's [i]their[/i] loss not yours. As for how you are feeling, yes everyone gets this feeling. I've had it multiple times. All you have to remember is that you are important (at least to some people) to people like your parents, grandparents, close friends, and so on. And look at yourself in a mirror, and say yes, I am important. Just try to be optimistic, try not to be so negative. You'll get over it. Just stay positive.[/color]
  7. Mitch


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]To be honest, I don't think that they are practising good parenting. Who cares if some aren't virgins, or if they don't believe in god? I mean, if that is a problem...then they need to get a [i]real[/i] problem. lol [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Exactly what I think. They just don't want you to get into drugs is what I think is the bottom line. They care for you so much you don't even know exactly how much they care for you. They haven't even met these friends ever have they?? I hate it when people just judge you by what you do and don't, not by what kind of person you are. I agree with Rico, to you should invite them over if your parents actually get to know them, maybe they will change their minds. [/color]
  8. [color=red]I think everyone has had at least one of these kind of moments, even if they won't admit it. I get these alot, I'll be writing a poem or whatever, or just sitting there thinking really deep, and out of nowhere, I'll remember something. Like my dog, Bitsy, we had to put her to sleep. I think about that alot. Anything sad reminds me of her. [/color]
  9. [color=red]I like the faded text and dots. I like how you kept it so simple. Simple is good. But I like your old one better. But, if you're sick of the old one, why not. [/color]
  10. [color=red]Wow, this one I like even more than your first few! It doesn't rhyme this time, but it is even better I think. [b]Their perception is narrow, Their conciousness curled.[/b] I really like those two lines. Keep writing.[/color]
  11. [color=red]Yeh, my Dad always asks me 'why do you watch cartoons still?', next time he does I will say what TN said that would be great, lol! Also, I wore a DBZ shirt to school once, and of course, everyone is so prejudice about everything I got lots of crap. Well, you know what? I don't care what other people think, if they don't like me just because I like anime, that's their loss. I mean I get crap from people for wearing a Linkin Park T-Shirt...some people these days...[/color]
  12. [color=red]I think this movie is going to be a blowout. But you never know...it might do justice. I doubt it though. I wouldn't judge a book by its cover, nor will I judge this movie by a simple graphic. I will probably go to see the movie, just to see how bad it is.[/color]
  13. [color=red]I'm with Crazy White Boy on this. Even if Goku had a chance, Master Roshi's destroying the moon would change the tide of the battle.[/color]
  14. [color=red]What is Ghost in the Shell TV??? I thought there was only GITS the movie?[/color]
  15. [color=red]Well, My UserName is pretty much self explanitory. I really like anime, although I haven't seen much. My Avatar is a dragon because dragons are really cool (and because I can't choose my own until 500). My sig has a banner of Lain from Serial Experiments Lain, my favorite anime. And that little quote next to my banner is a really short poem that I wrote that I really think is cool. That's about it.[/color]
  16. [color=red]Cliche's are everywhere in video games. They always will be. There's to many to just pin one and say 'hey, here's a Cliche'. That's the way video games are supposed to be. An escape from the daily troubles of life.[/color]
  17. [color=red]Wow, most of them actually look like they might fit the parts, except for Red 13 and Sephiroth. What, is Nicolas Cage supposed dress up in a Red 13 costume. Lol, that would actually be pretty funny. Just picture Nick in a Red 13 costume, lol. As for the whole 'anyone can look like Sephiroth', sure but if you want to make a FF7 movie, you want Sephiroth to look like Sephiroth, be as cool as Sephiroth, and as intimadating as Sephiroth. One thing though, I doubt they would be able to get all of the star power here. I think they would be better off just using hollywood nobody new actors or something.[/color]
  18. [color=red]Yeh I agree with Aries, but I don't like to fight. If someone starts bothering me, I just ignore them. Or, if they get on my nerves leave the room where they are. But I still do have a violent side to me. I think everyone does. Even girls sometimes.[/color]
  19. [color=red]Path of Life [i]I wish I could push all of my feelings aside and just ride but life's never that way it'll stare you right back keep you off the track push you away from what you want most and take you away lead you down its long, unpredictable path full of love and wrath it nods and shoves you in the right directions showing you sections of your destiny unclouding your impending future becoming something like a creature a creature that is your guider a friend at need never displacing its emotions always understanding your approaches becoming one of your many coaches life is so many things at once it really does amount to something kept forever[/i][/color]
  20. Mitch

    Trust Company

    [color=red]So I bought the CD. I think they are a pretty good band but not the best. The songs could've been more better. On the CD the only songs that really stood out as good to me were "Downfall" and "Hover". So what did you think?[/color]
  21. Mitch


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]I went to see it last night and loved it, the audience I was in was pretty full so I fel stupid when I was the only one who jumped and screamed when **SPOILER** the alien first apeared in the home video. **SPOILER** That pretty much freaked me out, I can pretty much say I'm never going outside at night again. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red] Yeh, that scared me to. You know, you were like where is the alien, then out of nowhere, poof. That's what I loved about this movie it kept you on the edge of your seat the whole time, not a little of the time. [/color]
  22. Mitch


    [color=red]I only have the first tape (3 episodes). But I really enjoyed those 3 episodes. If I was rich I would sure buy the whole series. But I'm not. When I get a job...[/color]
  23. [color=red]The Thunder Cats, lol. Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Cats Hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Yeh, I think this is the worst anime I have seen (could it even be anime???). Besides that, Pilot Canidate, I really hate that show. [/color]
  24. [color=red]I didn't like this anime movie as much as I thought I would. You see, I'm not really into action type animes with barely any story. I like animes that have a deep, cool story. But it was ok. Just no story really.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I think that Faye was the most misunderstood charecter in Cowboy Bebop, she always came off as a tough as nails chica, but throughout the series she became more and more layered.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]That's who I think to. She seemed like this completly full-armored person that lets nothing hurt her. But once you peirce her armor, you see the true her...[/color]
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