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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. [color=red]Well, these might not sound like accomplishments to you--but they are to me, and that is what matters. Maybe my best is in my poetry, although it hasn't gone to a magazine or anything, I think I am good at writing it. That is what I feel is my best. But what else? Hmm...well whenever any of my friends are having troubles in their lives, I usually help them or give them advice. Not very much huh?[/color]
  2. [color=red] Well.... -Death -Needles (no really, I hate getting shots, I get all scared for some reason) ...that's about it. You know, fear is really only a thing created by us...[/color]
  3. [color=red]Mortality [i]Mortality is such a strange thing it seems to be a curse but in some ways, it's a gift it is an unremovable part of us it is there, lurking, even when we are born and it grows and swells as it grows into an augmenting problem so versatile, yet secular at the same time as we grow weaker it only becomes stronger an enigma which we only master in our final moments the sharpness of it is so acute yet so dull all at once it ponders us and becomes knowing of ourselves showing its bleak, fearful face from time to time just waiting for the chance to commit the one crime to take the one thing which keeps us alive our mortality[/i][/color] Not as good as my other poem, but It's ok I guess.
  4. My parent got divorced when I was like three...I really never knew my real Dad. He owes us Child Support that he hasn't been paying for like 8 years and we are trying to get him to take it. When I was 11 he used to call me. I'd actually try to talk to him, but all he ever said was 'you should get your blood checked to see if I am really your dad', I was young then and blinded by my insolence, but know I now why he always asked that. He just didn't want to pay my child support. If we actually get it, I suppose i'll use it for my Tuition for College. Then my Mom married my Step-Dad, I love my Dad (Step) to death, he's a great father. I also have a Step-Brother. Divorce is really a bad word full of woe and hate. If I would've been older when my parents were divorced I don't know how it would affect me. Also I wonder how my life would've turned out if my mom never divorced my real dad...would I be the same person?
  5. The news said the chance of the Meteor actually hitting the earth is a 1 in 250,000 chance. Who knows though, it could hit. Me myself, I am scared of death and every aspect of it. But if I only had 17 years to live, I would just live my life the best I could and do everything I could possibly do that I have wanted to. Anyways, everyone will eventually die...even though it might be far away it catches up to you...
  6. [color=red][size=2] [i][/i] 1)[b]Small Temper[/b]-I only get mad when someone pushes me over the edge or further. 2)[b]Very Intelligent[/b]-I understand many things and can do something easily if I enjoy it. 3)[b]Deep Thinker[/b]-Sometimes I'll just sit back and think of many things and understand them all in their entirety. [i][/i] 1) [b]I don't apply myself enough[/b]-School is a good example. At the beginnning of the year I'll get A's and B's down the line. But then I lose my will, and don't apply myself and my grades drop greatly except for in the classes I enjoy. 2)[b]Complex[/b]- I make everything more complex than it is or than what it is. Nothing in life is every really easy for me. I tend to let things effect my greater than they truly are. 3)[b]I'm Shy[/b]-Until I really get to know someone I don't completly open up myself to them. Also, when I meet a new person, I usually am not able to speak to them very well. But once I get to know someone, they usually like me more, because they actually get to see the real me.[/size][/color]
  7. Anime, Girls, Food, Video Games...and my major one...[i]Writing[/i]. Me and writing are just perfect for each other, he will talk with me anytime I ask, and he agrees with everything I say. And he actually understands me unlike most people. Ah, I just love to write. But one thing about writing, every time I try to write a story it always turns out crappy, and I give up. Maybe one day a good idea will come to my head....
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom [/i] [B]i like the idear of year round schooling...too bad im done... its like 6 weeks on .(weekends off) 2 off... or.. 9 weeks on... 3 off... and an extended summer break and extended spring break.... the only reason we have a full summer off is because in the early 1900's farming families required all the farm hands they could get all summer... meh... i think year round schooling is way more productive... besies you dont need to take review at the begining of the year either,... pardon me for being all logical.. hehe [/B][/QUOTE] When I lived in Utah my school was year round. Man did I hate it. While everyone was at summer, you were going to school. Plus, it takes a while to get used to it, and I just didn't like it. This is year is going to be my first year of High School. I'm not really scared or anything, and hope to find it more challenging than Middle School. All I hope is that I don't get to much homework...I hate homework...I'm a procrastinater all the way! You know, one thing that I really hate about school is they make you take some stupid classes....like Phy Ed. every year...although it's not that bad, I'm more of a mental person (I'm not fat though) and I usually hate physical things because I usually suck at all sports exept Basketball and Baseball. Last year we had to take Drivers Ed., that was ok, but they took 3 days just to explain how to do a TURN...then Careers Ed., that was my most hated class last year, most of it was just common sense, except for maybe a Resume or something. My favorite subject is Science, and any class with computers. Oh yeah, next year I get a FREE PERIOD!!! Yay for me.
  9. Mitch


    Don't get me wrong, I like this game to. It's just that I got so frustrated when I had to do one single stupid little stunt 30-40 times before I could beat it. This really brought the fun of the game down a lot for me. But one thing that did make up for that was the Stunt Maker. Heh, I got so sick of trying to beat the game, I just cheated. And I rarely cheat, unless I've beaten a game. It was just to frustrating for me.
  10. They are great. I like their first C.D. better than Toxicity, though. My favorite song has to be [i]Spiders[/i]. I don't think the main singer's voice is annoying, I like it. They are my favorite band.
  11. This movie did not live up to the hype. It was funny, but only a little. They used to many things from the second one. Like the shadow thing, and the radar thing. This movie is good, but didn't meet my expectations for how good it should be. If they would have used more inventive new ideas instead of taking old ideas and changing them, it would have been better.
  12. Mitch


    I saw it yesterday. Wow, I was blown away. One of the best movies of the entire summer. It had the right mix of everything that makes a movie good. It was pretty scary, but I like that. A must see. The whole presentation package was great. And just the way the story progressed made it even better. All I have to say is [b][i]go see this movie[/b][/i].
  13. Mitch

    Resident Evil

    I liked it. But I think they should've used one of the games story lines, it would've been cooler. Especially RE2, that would've been cool. I liked the ending though, good way to keep it open for a sequel.
  14. I also like how you so easily make your poems rhyme, and make them flow at a good pace at the same time. The first one I like the best, but they are all good. Keep writing.
  15. Well, I was gone for 2 weeks now I'm back. [color=red]Enxit [i]The end is the exit the exit is the end the exit bends but it always comes to the end that's when you slip away get to finally escape lose your original shape throw off that plastic cape and leave it there for all to stare you only take one thing the thing that makes you whole your soul then you float where you lead stop when you heed then eventually, you leave go to someplace few can see and do what need the exit is only the beginning the beginning is the exit that is what you will see[/i][/color] This is one of my weirder poems I guess, but I like it. Comments?
  16. Well I can't beat [i]Stuntman[/i], that game is so FRUSTRATING in every single little peice of the word. That is why I hate that game.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]there's a CB song called the real folk blues? your sure your not thinking of green bird? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes it's called The Real Folk Blues. It is the ending song... I actually like that song. Ok. Cruel Angels Thesis-Evangelion Trigun Theme Song Any songs from Ghost in the Shell are good Serial Experiments Lain Theme Song ...that's about all I can think of off the top of my head.
  18. Mitch

    Perfect Blue

    Perfect Blue was not confusing at all to me. I perfectly understood it my first run-around. I think what made this movie great was the way they presented it. That was what really made it cool. Although not my fav. anime movie, I enjoyed it.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]I saw the first episode today, I love the opening song ^^ [I]I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning Help me to breathe I am hurting, I have lost it all I am losing Help me to breathe [/I] [/B][/QUOTE] I also love the opening song. It's great!! So what do I think of lain....well, look at my sig. Yes I love it, although I still don't completly understand it, it is my favorite anime. I like really complex and interesting types of things, so I'm all over this.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1] You asked me to come check this out? Out of your most recent three, I like the last one the best. You're lines are a bit confusing, and your choice of words isn't very broad, but they're still good, nonetheless.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]To deep for you I guess....oh well. Not everyone likes my writing style. Well thanks for looking anyways mist. You see I am a very complex person, nothing in life is easy for me. It all depends on your taste for writing. I'm not discouraged to write tho' ^^. Thanks for being so honest, that shows you are truly a good person. As for my word choice being broad--I guess you are right about that, but doesn't that show they all are from me??
  21. Mitch


    [color=red]I just recently saw Akira. It was great. Although I didn't understand the ending completly, it was pretty good. I like these kind of deep anime's. If you like Anime, then see this movie.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B] [color=red]Ya know, I used to live in North Dakota...I think that's more of your problem then you think. --JC[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Why is that such a problem. I used to live in Utah before we moved to N.D., and I hated living in Utah. Are you dissing N.D.?????
  23. I get 20$ a month for mowing the grass and cleaning our house. Some how, whenever I get money it just spends itself. Right know I am trying to save up for a CD Player for my 1985 Reliant my parents bought me recently (all it has is a radio!). Clothes huh....well, to tell you the truth, I really careless about clothes...sure I'll buy a cool T-Shirt or whatever but I get so bored when my mom makes me go into the store and look at clothes with her....but I am going to have to get used to it if I want a Girlfriend....:rolleyes:
  24. [i]another poem I wrote last night.....[/i] [color=red] The Pain I bear the pain so often that it seems ingrained ingrained so far in the recesses of my mind that sometimes I just get into such a bind and all my other senses are dulled as the pain sharply crushes throughout my entire body all I see is the deep piercing pain it shoots around like a ricocheting bullet unstable and unpredictable to who it might hurt the pain becomes my essence, my aura it clouds all things within my judgment become sometimes so unbearable I can't keep it within just my body and it escapes ensnaring all those that I hold dear showing them the deep stitched pain I bear torturing them into understanding what it truly feels like escaping violently in anger in frustration until it disperses and pains me no more but my bliss only lasts shortly then out of nowhere it comes back back in its endless attack [/color] Comments are appreciated.
  25. [color=red]Of course their would be wars!! Women can also be very aggresive(sometimes more) than males. I am sure their would be peace in the world for awhile. But, conflict is always going to happen and will. Sounds kind of like The Chaos Theory, right? So yes, eventually their would be war. I am certain. [/color]
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