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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. I think Bush is doing a good job. I mean--at least an ok job, good enough to get by. I know that Bush isn't and will never be our best president (I think JFK was). Anyways, look at the stock market--companys are rapidly going into bankrupcy and laying off jobs, the stock market is falling like crazy, and Bush is more worried about picking fights with the 'Axis of Evil'. Before doing that he could at least give the economy a boost. Now I think these nations are bad (especially Iraq), but why fight when it won't change ANYTHING. Why have another sad, cold, war just for nothing. Because it's a common fact that there will always be someone bad, someone who wants to rule over everyone, and it will never end. I mean all of us are corrupted in someway or another--greed, hate...these are but a few. Bush is doing some of the right things, as long as this doesn't start another war, that's all I am wishing for. Because wars are just stupid....please not another war...
  2. They'll for sure go to at least 25, but after that I don't know. As for FF 11, I am not going to buy it. It's just going to be like another Ultima Online with some new inovative ideas. If you ask me, Square is stupid for making the next one online. I think the 1 player ones are always going to be the most fun.
  3. Square also recently anounced that they will make FFT for the Gameboy Advance. Who knows? Maybe they'll even remake the Wonderswan FF III game eventually? That would be cool.
  4. Mitch


    I also had trouble the first few times because I'd try to do his blitz before it told you to press left right left. Isn't FF III the best FF EVER?
  5. Here's the way I beat him. I got Yuna and Lulu to the holy sphere square...from there just cast Holy non-stop and use Ethers to replenish your characters MP. You're having trouble with the final boss battle?? It's easier than beating Sin. I wasted him, if you can't beat him, go to the Omega Ruins and train your characters and it should be as easy as pie. I mean, my Yuna does 36,000 damage casting Ultima, and has doublecast, so that made the final battle even easier. Either that or charge up all the ultimate weapons.
  6. Spoiler--[color=white]I have beaten the game. Sin is controlled by Jecht because Yu Yevon controls Jecht. In the final fight you fight Braska's Final Aeon(Jecht) then you fight all of your own Aeons because Yu Yevon infects them, then you finally battle Yu Yevon. The Final Battle is pretty easy, so don't be scared[/color]
  7. Mitch


    Me read? Why, of course I do!! My favorite book of all time would so definetly have to be [I][B]The Stand[/I] [/B] By: Stephen King. If you haven't read that book you sure should. I've also read these other books by him: [I] The Eyes of the Dragon, Cujo, The Shinning, Needful Things, and a few others[/I] I can't remember off the very top of my head. I've also read The Lord of The Rings and the Hobbit, , and right now I am reading [B][I]The Silmarillion[/I][/B] which is even better than both The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings I think at least. If anyone's read The Lord of The Rings, they should read The Silmarillion, it's great. Another book I have read that I found to be a very good book was [I]The Clan of The Cave Bear[/I], it's the first book in a series of 4 I think. After the Silmarillion I am going to read the second in the series, [I]The Valley of The Horses[/I]. I've read many other books for school...like My Antonia--they made us read that, it's supposed to be a classic, but everyone hated it!!! It had a really stupid storyline and it was just really way to descriptive and dull. We also had to read [I]The Pearl[/I], and that was actually pretty good. Also I used to read the Goosebumps way back then when I was younger. Then I started reading The Animorphs books...there's even more, but isn't this enough?
  8. *claps hands* I liked all the different adjectives used, they brought variety as well as more depth to the baisis of the entire poem. 9/10 .
  9. I wrote 4 poems last night. Here's one: [color=red]Imperfect Potential We are all organic plastic in our own right easily broken down shunned around synthetic flawed in one way or another individually different longing for more out of life unsure of what we are unknowing of the future laid out unstable in the core broken down inside waiting for the right sign besides all of our flaws everyone deep down as far as you can dig is truly a great person whether we think so or not even as imperfect as we all are we have the potential so much potential yet so much of it goes to waste only because we think of ourselves as useless bringing ourselves down over such simple things blinded by what our society makes us not understanding that deep down inside ourselves we have endless potential potential only needing optimism and initiative to be tapped sadly, few have enough optimism and initiative to actually grasp their weapons and some realize that it was there all along hiding there just waiting to be found [/color] Comments?
  10. [color=red]The Chance Come with me my young traveler to the place few can see the place where the corruption is covered up and the real world is revealed the real world hidden from those blinded by their own self-indulgences blinded to those who are corrupt themselves to those who only want the world as the way it is those people, they will be our downfall the world will only waste away like sand slipping through a hand until only a few specs are left and all is gone forever but if you can open your eyes see the world without such an awkward stance you can see through that corruption accept the dying chance and become more that which can see but that which can do and stand up for the future and embrace your rights [/color]
  11. The king of Fantasy writing is J.R.R Tolkien. I already read L.O.T.R, know I am deep into The Silmarillion (which I think is even better than The Lord of The Rings). As for the age thing. I agree that it is for more mature readers because some fantasy books are very complex and hard to understand. I remember last year in my english class, someone did a report on L.O.T.R, and they said they hated it, I mean they couldn't even pronounce Aragorn's name, they pronounced it 'Aragorm'. I hate it when people pick up books like that and don't even understand what they are reading.
  12. Ok, first off, the story of this Metal Gear was HORRIBLE. There was WAY WAY to much talking, and the ending sucked. The few things that kept me playing were: The Gameplay, that was one of the main reasons it was a pretty good game, that, and the graphics, and that it was a Metal Gear Game. Know, I don't hate Raiden, but he did get annoying, especially his stupid whiny voice. Now the MAIN reason why people hated Raiden (and i'm sure a many people have already stated this) was because they wanted to play as Snake. Another thing I found cool was when you were in Arsenal Gear and the Colonel kept calling and say all those messages like: I need scissors. 61!. Or the story where he said he saw Rosemary walking out of a hotel with another guy. Those things were pretty funny. And the whole thing that it was a simulation was just STUPID. And there's my blurb.
  13. When you kill Omega Weapon, you get 3 lv. 4 key spheres, and I think in Omega Ruins you can find lv 4 spheres in some of the treasure chests.
  14. *opens strategy guide* ok, lets se here. It says use Yuna to cast life, cast haste on yuna, use lulu's bio spell, and use aurons's magic break to attack. That's what it says. I don't know if this will help, but hey, I tried. This battle was tough for me, but I beat the game, so you can to!! Keep at it.
  15. That must suck, because you get Yojimbo at the Stolen Faith Temple, and at Remiem temple you get the Magus Sisters (the most powerful Aeon in the game). And no, it doesn't make it so you can't beat the game.
  16. Another thing you could use (if Yuna has it) are the Nul magics, like Nulfrost, Nulshock and so on.
  17. I like it. Interesting, creative, thoughtful. 8/10[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ElvenFoxKnight [/i] [B] OOC:This is the way I feel right now, though my enemy isn't BLEED in real life. It's... nothing. n/m [/B][/QUOTE] who is it?
  18. LOL!I was momentarily confused because you and DarkOrderKnight have the same avatar.
  19. Here's a poem from awhile ago-- [color=red]Emotions emotions are such uncontrollable things they mix deep within helping us become like an unremovable trait emotions stay with us becoming our instinct they are like an ocean shallow at its beginnings and deep and murky within the center salty yet smooth at the same time just think what life would be without emotions no drama, no love, not even any humor we truly would almost be robots controlled by others like simple pawns we wouldn't be individuals we would be lifeless, simple beings without any meaning but to live we would truly be robbed of our very selves put into the world deformed scarred within our souls never to be whole [/color] Also, I forgot to mention, if you would like to post one of your own poems--go ahead.
  20. I liked 'Shoved' the best. All of them are good though. Keep writing.
  21. What way do you mean this by. Grammaticaly?
  22. Vegeta was never 'good'. At least not all the time. He always was 'evil' and 'good' in some ways. I mean he's always had this thirst to be the most powerful, and that seems to be the main reason why he is evil. Because you have to be forceful to be the most powerful. . The main reason he is evil is Goku. He kind of is a two sided person.
  23. I listen to all types of music as long as it sounds good (except Country blaaahh!!). But mostly I like Rock, some bands are: System of a Down (my fave!), Deftones are good, Linkin Park of course, TRUSTcompany, Korn, Pink Flyod, Blink 182, Dashboard Confessional, Eminem, Papa Roach, Stabbing Westward...and others.
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