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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Well, the thing is, I can never remember my dreams. I can remember maybe little parts but that's about it. Wonder how scary it would to actually be able to remember my dreams....
  2. [color=green]My parents are the same way and i'm 15. They never let me do anything with my friends, so the whole week I just sit at home and do nothing when I could be doing something. Sometimes I just feel like screaming I feel so locked up. This only goes on on the weekdays, but on the weekend I can go to friends houses. Also, they won't let me go on the computer because they are scared I will mess up the computer, so I go on at school. So, I know exactly how you feel. But, I can usually find things to do in my room, write listen to music, watch TV, whatever I can find to do. Hopefully soon they will realize I can take care of myself.[/color]
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