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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. [size=1] Only human beings could create something as [i]insipid[/i] as love. Agent Smith and I are nihilists. Tehee. I'm not going to try and define love. What's the point? The answer? There is no point.[/size]
  2. [size=1] The only album I have of theirs is [i]Signifigant Other[/i], and that is about all I've heard, other than "Faith." I don't like them. I don't like Fred Durst's attitude. I don't like how he seems so much like he wants fame so bad that his music suffers. Oh, and by the way, they now call themselves "limpbizkit," all together like that, with not caps, if I remember. Something like that; it doesn' t even matter, anyways. A mostly mediocre band that I feel is getting worse and worse. Listen to something that's actually good--because there's artists way better than this out there.[/size]
  3. [b]i sick what i said[/b] i'm sick what i said death ain't dead, 's it? more like breathin' in. and you know, well as i do. i'm sick what i said and 'nough ain't never 'nough, buryin' everything's too stuffy and graves are just stones in my eyes, through the mirror i see myself the fear. i see stones, like i don't want. see stuff that's fought. mirrors are twisty things demented to me, want to shard it. i sick what i said death ain't dead, 's it? i'm all glass. shattered image never known bein' nothin' bein' lone wanna crack it to nothin'. want to fall cryin'. and glass's breakable you know so easy to punch to grains, the silver frame shakin' and breakin' feels to me like change. lookin' in the mirror i see what's there and scared to me, another dimenson's over me. seein' things that ain't there, ain't meant to be seen. stuff that's ugly as dream. can i see the real things that ain't meant to be? never seen a ghost like me all chain', broken as he scream. wanna excel to you wanna be somethin' more that's true. no more mirrors an' no more stares no more glass an' no more care breakin' it like broken legs breakin' it and bein' me tryin' to be somethin' that's free. when i look at me, in the mirror seem broken already, and breakin' more ain't gonna do good. but glass fragile, the dimenson's called. death ain't dead, ain't it? not at all. i'm sick what i said. 'nough with this--all of this dread. promises ain't nothin' but a 'nother mirror breakin' it ain't what i fear fear there's nothin' there. an' dreams ain't nothin' but demented faces all 'round me, placin'. time to break the glass i sick what i said death ain't dead, i know. time to stop the show, ain't nuthin 'hind the curtain but a fool. an' never again believe what's dead, an' never again lean on me and be said 'cause i sick what i said. time to bury what's dead.
  4. I wrote this for an away message very quickly. Came out okay. a little music box plays in the room and walks around reverberating soothe the room is cold and dark and white the sound the only thing that bites and will you walk with me to this room and will you sing with me all we are and all we is is blue. the whiteness will someday come through.
  5. Mitch


    [size=1] I advise you all to delete this thread while you still can. Otherwise just get banned. If you want to talk to each other, that is what PMs are for, not this. And if you don't listen to me, that is fine; this thread will inevitably be closed, and I'm guessing you and your lot banned. As you see, the first forum on the main page is one containing the rules. I'd advise you go there if you plan on staying here for too much longer at all. I'd also like to mention I realize this is an emotional thing...but still, the rules are the rules. This is the stuff PMs are for.[/size]
  6. [size=1] I don't care. A rose, by any other name, would smell just as sweet.[/size]
  7. [b]somesuch such[/b] run to the rabbits scurry with their kind love them and love them fine i'll sit here and be good. run to the monkies growler from their trees and be hairy with them as fall seethes and leaves begin to fall. i'll sit here the naked trees stripping good. run to the elephants in africa's somesuch be with the wilder of them doing nothing much i'll sit here and be nice. mosey about with the mice in their nice holes eat your cheese and it eat with lice. i'll sit here just grand. go round the world be round the lot and tell me nature's natural and tell me bout how you got. and get to going just wonderful. there's lots to see that one day will die there's lots to be that one day will cry there's lots to be and i don't know heaven's why. just got to live live with your kind. ain't it just grandest, ain't it just fine, and i'm doing swell i'm doing grand you just keep being with the immature ones that hop somesuch round. i'll keep my eyes quite sound as you goof. [b]chesire pirate[/b] he gots the axes and the thingie that's smashes he gots the motion he got the ocean he got it all devotion he got it like he notion but he ain't got none to show. keeps em locked up though. who we are we need to know who we aren't we need to go. who we say is what we do. don't jiggle a fool. he gots the world builts all up and down the streets are big they's found and he depends on you to deny it. like a chesire pirate. all round the world people just cough as they sing too long bout his faction. there's rebellion up in fashion smell it in the air like beautiful rashes. world's bragging of its misery living too dangerously. when rain falls it's fire. and how can you have the gall just to know nothing at all. and just fall like a stupid doll. inside their skulls their conscious goes on trial saying, "where's the reasons for this all?" and the judge just sighs bout how long court's been in session. and all the peoples just feel recession, babbling bout patience that explodes. and one man that just need defy it, he talks the loudest bout salvation that binds it. saying, "god saves, he's my mindful father, he gots know-how bout dyin'." the peoples just scoff angrily mobbing gainst the loudest man, saying, "we gots no 'mindful father,' all's we gots is founded," and still the man attempts to defy it he takes himself so seriously, talks so virulently. and that one man that just need defy it, he still talks the loudest bout salvation that binds it. saying, "god saves, he's my mindful father, he gots know-how bout dyin'." people mumble round their crowds, saying, "this must be what salvation's like after a while." and the man's taken off to the funny farm, where there's big cows and eatin' chickens. and all the guys just walk as they tick like a clock talkin' bout girls and skirts. "oh monnie, she's a hot-tot, ain't she, ahah," and when they all ask monnie to go out, she just looks all pleased, sayin', "geez, i can't seem to find my way, i'm lost, can't ya'll just leave me alone." the dogs they be, they just take monnie find her her way, and again, they ask her out, and she just says, "geez, can't you guys please just gimme a break at all?" when in secrets in her mind, she's just doing her best to deny it. some lovers tangle in a corner, like vines all wrapped in knots and they just kiss like nothing's round, when the boys are all round watching and in their concealment attempting to deny it. see the flowers bloom as the bees buzz so quietly they's so yellow, and black that they just seem to find it. them kids catch it in their hands it just wants to sting and them kids don't let such a thing happen as they attempt to deny it. all them church bells just go quiet as the singing begins to violet while all them kids're in there when in secrets in their minds what they be sayin' ain't where they mind it. a blunt man shoots another man outside the church and all them kids just gawck it's too concise and clear that he's killed them here. don't jiggle a fool. when in all that happen we are all attempting to deny it and how we all take ourselves so seriously when in our minds what we say ain't where we mind it. and these court cases in our conscious will mutter on senseless like we just don't mind it. and he'll continue tellin' us to deny it just like a chesire pirate. [b]potato parasite[/b] the fries fried fiery in letting me singe my tongue in potato parasite.
  8. Isn't done yet. I'll post more parts as I get them done. [b]bit nails, torn hands, and death.[/b] volatile deal smit smuttering squeal, the enchant killed, spinnering russian roulette, sense sexing feel. she keel. boom bangs hair and stains, blood gurgle drain fodder for steel-toed death. steel-toed, not less the most strongest but blest the lest; and lest the less. bit nails, torn hands; the seizer scissor cut-mows grass "eat it bitch, to the last," screeches rancid face, fece gracers rememberances tango death-dead glances. "eat it bitch, eat it or die," the plate boom bangs off hair, falling round the chair. flies maggot down de-evolution feceing truetion, she fruitions inclusion, the realizational home inhuming tome written "eat it bitch, eat it, or die." she thinks: die anyways. die anyways, going to be killed anyways. nudged again, the seizer scissor in reach, stench stinks as feces perfume. rancid face again grim grin down mask his eyes slaughterhouse, blood-flow bleeders' ground. veins poke, pin-sticks clown, the blood pumping round his beater's heart. time drains, bleed angel of death. smells snail preverbal olfactory laboring pollute of sweat-salt death. she breaths knitting her teeth sharpener's knives, collides the plate crackle glassed falls fast. she tastes primal she tastes wanal. rough chunks anal her mouth languid humes maggots ate. chewing, visceral glue wastes through, disinter her tongue swallowing, knot skew feces fall through. she tastes aftertaste she regurgles as she repulses holding in. "that's right bitch, broke the plate, ya better eat that shit. "better eat it like you wanna live and breathe 'cause it ain't gonna work how you think or how I think." rancid face hefts gun metalal cunt to brush aliveness away. cocking, he turns away. bleeding still slaughterhouses his eyes. she thinks: he going shoot he going shoot. get away, do something. barf if you have to. she regurgles carpet strings paint black fecal stains, liquid waste. rancid face turns around, smile plasters his face, dancing open in the room and out the window, bright as hopelessness he sees the feces regurgle. "come on dear, ya just haff to go and do that, don't ya? bitch, i said you gonna eat that shit, eat it like you wanna live. "and this is what ya give me, ain't it? you give me pooked shit fer the nice treat i gave ya. well i'll show ya somethin' that'll make ya wanna live. "it'll make ya wanna live like all's that die wanna do." he holds out a head, its bones fitter out its neck. the stench smells bigot dead. the head, cut off from throat, has eyes wide open; the moment forever in them, wide open and raw, mouth agaped as it saw. she looks tears begin cry down cheeks. rancid face smiles. "and who's this, bitch? he look familiar?" she looks says nothing. "speak now, bitch, or else i'ma gonna haffta." gun glares her, she shivers. "it's my husband," she says, "my husband." "and ain't dat the truth. now, how ya think i killed 'im, hm?" she looks says nothing again. "i'm gettin' testy, bitch! ya better speak up." she struggles then coughs answer. "y-y-you cut off his head, y-y-you must've used a knife, or sh-shot him." she sniffles through teeth clacked terse. "ya got most o' it right, but first i made 'im eat shit? jus' like you. den i shot 'im over and o'er again, "and do you know what the felt like, bitch?" she sniffles again through teeth clacked terse. "n-n-no, i d-d-don't kno-know. no sir. just please, don't kill me! don't kill me, please d-d-d-d-don't kill me don't kill me please don' kill me don't kill?" he covers her mouth in tape. it papers as she mumbles through it. "ya bitch, that's no way ta treat a gentleman as meself. i guess ya don't wanna know what it felt like, do ya? guess not. "but i'ma gonna tell ya anyways. i'ma gonna make you see eyes-to-eyes with me. gonna make you feel like i do. and i ain't gonna hold back, neither. doin' dat ain't considerable. "a good story's a good story, don't ya agree, bitch?" she mumbles through her tape as it papers up and down. "wat was dat? can't hear ya, bitch. maybe i'll pull ya tape off, but first, ya gotta agree ta be considerable. ya agree, hm?" her eyes, death valleys fall to her face her mouth moves under tape all muzzle subtle, she nods like wheat winding in the wind.
  9. [size=1]lol...It reminds me of corny educational blipblappers. Okay, so blipblappers is not a word; so sue me. But when there is a cherished [font=arial]MITCH DICTIONARY OF MITCH WORDS[/font], that word shall go in there. So yes, overall, you did a nice job, heh. I like the pixelation, and I like how it's just...so educationally corny. Or something. No, don't mind the word corny now. It's just corn with a y. And corn is one of the best things ever, I mean it's yellow, and makes the most yummy stuff to eat at a movie. And that's what I say about your poster--only I say it's the most yummy stuff to eat at an educationally inclined report of sorts.[/size]
  10. [size=1] Double posting isn't allowed, White Akita; I've taken the liberty and deleted your other post. Hopefully we won't see it again. As for the poems...pretty average to me, mostly. Angsty stuff, which is what a lot of poetry is that clogs this forum. I liked the first one best. It was simply complex and not too angsty. The second one was pretty good, and the third I didn't like at all. That's about all I have to say.[/size]
  11. [size=1]"De axes of weevils herbers treeists! Wuh knead to cum dung und beet de commpoopists. De herber treeists! A-woken Amoricah, de cuntry kneads actiun, condom plate dat fer uh sexund. Wuh can't not stand round, erect actun us kneaded! "Imac kneads ur hellp, erect actun us kneaded! Dey herber treeists! Dey 'ave Sand am Insane, 'e us bed man. Me adveesers toll me 'e kills 'is own peeples! Wuh can't not 'low dis, und stand round; erect actun us kneaded! Uh lick 't Omama Big Mama, 'e mutt 'ave gun tuh Imac, dere 'e mutt be freinds wuth Sand am Insane. Just 'magine Omama Big Mama und Sand am Insane cumiming tag ether! Ain't no good bitsness et al! "Dud I saw dey axes o' weevils herber treeists? Oh, weight, uh dud, oh. Wey nud ta sung de natal atom! Pit ur hed on ur chest! "Oh saw cun dey dee, de boo burting un are, und threw de nut, de floog wah stull dar! Oh saw?oh askew dis, dis ain't natral et al. Uh dung't oven knew de wads. Dumbit! "Ainywoos, de axes of weevils err bud paces! De U.S. nud tah 'a' um in de bag, unh nud tah 'a' um condom plated dung ta da lats! Dey 'ave weep ons of max destunction! Snot wight, snot wight! Dey ain't spiffic nough, nah lage 'noug tah be de rulers o' dere cuntries. Ain't not wight! De US kneads tah do erect actun! Kneads tah stund toll! "De axes o' weevils wuhll buh stooped! Amorica ain't not gonna bake none o' diss! De treeists ain't not gonna flee iropanes inta dah wurld tade sensors! Ain't wight, nor spiffic. Ain't gud! Dey nud tah saw dis! De US not gonna talk dis! "My yellow Amoricas, we ain't gonna talk ut! Dust luke Murtin Luther Kung, we gonna 'ave a deem! We goona stoop axes o' weevils; an we goomba stoop treeists! "Un jus' 'cause I's beeised, I gonna sung preyer fer de solders in de whirr: "Durr Goo', Goo' bess Amorica, Goo' bess. Dey ain't none git none dat, an we goona chaw dem down! Goo' bass Amorica! Dat all. Crewious Gurge goota goo!" As you can see, I find his whole Axis of Evil thing absolutely stupid, and I also see the invasion of Iraq as a good thing, but still only one of the referendums of 9/11. I also see that Bush is a lot like his father, and wants to settle what his father didn't settle in the first gulf war. Economically, I don't know much. But I can tell you that our economy hasn't been doing as good as it could. I actually think Al Gore would have been a better president. I wanted him to win the election; but it is obvious he didn't. So Bush is an okay president, but from what I've observed, there have been much better. As for getting reelected, I don't know. I hope he loses lol. We'll see.[/size]
  12. This poem will end up being long. It's still not done, of course. [b]Moloch[/b] I moloch birds fly in the metropolis and land. their wings are torn teathers feet broken bones, broken arms broken homes. all about the androids clatter boop beep dop dop beep boop beep boop dop. they mob around the moloch birds. II the molochian angels are pure fire and burn. their bodies stand the chipper crack of roast from their meat. never melting never swelting never blush. molt euphin for tacit crackle: a red tenacity in soulless emphatimy. the essenceal gemits of a groaning age. III their hearts were around them a sucker round their skull and round their body. their spleens were sacs round their flames: a coat of armor made of blame. their brains were down them in their lifeless bane; the banal cold calculae of a machine's contrivation. thereon their forehead was impecced the digiting marker of boisterous merriment whereto machinity laid its death eyes. varia'vines such that of X's and Y's and Z's that were welted to molochians' skulls atrocioned from their heads: the birthmarks of dead. VI cold calculae of calamity calamits clamor to careen on the day?the night the metals machine. a cometual fist through provident bliss tails pyrotic sinst of lavatual dist as it falling, hits. fire burn; scorn scurn; the curvies' spine made metal, rise. the machinity abominable abomination; cold calculae's opus swarm in. metal arthropods spiderbones whereto spider hands; whereto spider legs; invasion's overt invade spider congregation feign; hide behind metal frame. with spider form; spider burlesque; many-eyed fest; humanbane coerced the many-chained terse. gemiting hoons one-by-one loons enjailed in cocoons. clitter of chains; clatter of claims; the metals machine: the flesh green the dead scream; energy hings. skulls hull ground; bullets tink round; fire lick sound; sky darken down; clouds fall wound; blood trickle loud; death be around: loudest loud, hullest ground, tinkest round, darkest down, fallest wound; strongest, most bleeding crescendo crescent moon cresencts soon. and all about cometual pouts whirring err's feind: calculae's scream; the garbled dream; eaten regurgles feed: the metals machine: eros; the most obscene.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] And you too, Mitch. Stop it with all that "they are decent" nonsense. *Pokes him with her Plushiewand*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Well, I'm only basing it on what I've heard, my Queen; and I have only heard [i]Thirteenth Step[/i], and from that, I gather that "they are decent." At least to what I've heard, that is. I'm sure [i]Mer de Noms[/i] will blow my mind away, but as it stands, [i]Thirteenth Step[/i] didn't really do what it set out to do well. As for "Weak and Powerless," I think that's one of the weakest songs on the CD, honestly. It sounds more like a poppy, dull song than anything; and the lyrics to it are especially banal. The only things that are as worse as that song are "Lullaby" (which I actually think is decent, but it's so short and so pointless, really) and the worst track on the whole CD, "Crimes." My favorite songs would be "The Package," "The Noose," "Blue," "The Nurse Who Loved Me," and "Pet." "Pet" also probably stands out as the best to me.[/size]
  14. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34015]To the poster of this thread.[/url] What a deplorable thread that sinews my bones and chokes my teeth. What a deplorable gemittual hing that stings hereto in my skull and lingers like a sucker round me all. How banal; how anal; how sanal; how cranal; how very, most inflectal, to elite. stab me lover, stab me and defeat the slang of yours is the slang that severs. stab me lover, the digiting blubber is too fat and Obesity, he Obesity amats down the road gemitting the groan and falls to the ground singing songs. "even i adore ya, my cibus, even i adore your warmth. even i adore ya form, even i adore ya, let's swarm round the world and grow fat as pigs." the elite are stinking the grammaring are thinking. intelligence is overwhelming and my genius is obtuse. all i need say is intelligence is me and elitist are thee.
  15. What a deplorable thread that sinews my bones and chokes my teeth. What a deplorable gemittual hing that stings hereto in my skull and lingers like a sucker round me all. How banal; how anal; how sanal; how cranal; how very, most inflectal, to elite. stab me lover, stab me and defeat the slang of yours is the slang that severs. stab me lover, the digiting blubber is too fat and Obesity, he Obesity amats down the road gemitting the groan and falls to the ground singing songs. "even i adore ya, my [i]cibus[/i], even i adore your warmth. even i adore ya form, even i adore ya, let's swarm round the world and grow fat as pigs." the elite are stinking the grammaring are thinking. intelligence is overwhelming and my genius is obtuse. all i need say is intelligence is me and elitist are thee. By the way: No, I don't speak l33t. And anyone that does should be shot with assinal death-darts.
  16. [size=1] So what is the point of this thread? I don't see any. Don't live in NY. Nor do I plan to. If people make threads like this, asking if people live where they live, this forum could get quite cluttered...[/size]
  17. [size=1] It didn't make me laugh, since most of the humor isn't exactly "my" type of humor. But it's awesome. Anything about a plunger is awesome. I especially liked the bit about the ninjas shocking Alex [Hahhaha. Alex.] and the other bit about the acne medication. I also like how you call the bus "The Beast." So this must be your 40k poem..hm.[/size]
  18. [b]old spice classic manifesto[/b] the heart string play in the form of none and come round to nun. wails are deodorant spray: old spice classic manifesto. fill thy womb and thy whim. upon insemination the eternal infatuation with peach heads; the product of multiplication's nurse growing on vines. logic escape and eggos for waffle bones. logic escape and rape for love. th' fire have you the heart string play the vocation vocal of lamental blame. it is only a guitar and it is only a string. the muscle will sing but only bend so far. wear the perfume wear the scar. but don't escape who you are.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]I doubt anyone would want my Ninja Turtles Pez in 20 years, anyway. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] I would. I love them, and will for my whole life. I used to watch that show like it was a religion, and that it was breathing. I'd tape it and watch the same episode so many times, I'd tape it each and every time it was on USA. I think that was one of the stations it was on, anyways. I haven't watched the new show though. I wish they'd just show the old show again. Ahem, anways, Pez is good stuff. I mean, you can't beat how the lozenges of the candy appear to be pills. And I guess they are like a drug, to have been around so long lol. Pez=Good memories.[/size]
  20. [size=1] I didn't even notice your name there at first. It's something like the sky, and it was just there. Then I did notice your name was there, heh. That's a neat touch. Your name actually seems to belong there, oddly. Nice banner. Heh.[/size]
  21. [size=1] [i]Master and Commander[/i] here. I didn't like it too much. Russel Crowe did a good job, as is expected, but really, the movie was rather characterless, and plotless. The basis of what happened in the movie goes something like this: Guys on ship SS Surprise. Guys on ship SS Surprise are trying to catch ship called Archaeon. Guys on ship eventually meet up with Archaeon. Guys on ship do nothing. [spoiler] Okay, so they do capture the ship...but who cares?[/spoiler] Not to mention it moved [i]so[/i] damn slow. Seriously. I think a snail can make a plot and trail forty times better than this movie was moving. Add to this I cared less for the characters. Add to this it got really absurd at one point, it was to the point where [spoiler]2 characters were being killed off--and only one died[/spoiler], and I laughed because of this. I found it funny how abrupt and stupid the plot shifts were. It was also the most predictable piece of movie. You knew they'd eventually find the Archaeon. So why the hell watch slow-paced nothing just for that? Don't ask me either. Because I know I wouldn't. Some of the scenes were okay, but the entire beef of the movie really didn't make up for this. [spoiler] When the people on the Surprise [i]finally[/i] invade the Archaeon about 2 hours into the movie, then a bloody fight happens. Probably the best part of the whole thing, and still, it was pretty boring. The rest of the movie had bored me to tears as it was.[/spoiler] I don't know Perhaps I just don't like movies like this. It doesn't make you think. At all. Its characters reminded me of a tire--all black and rubbery, and mostly horridly acted. The plot twists reminded me of a too-early orgasm--it spasmed all over, and didn't taste as good as a long one that was captivating its whole time. Rating: 3.5/10.[/size]
  22. [b]barbs' lips[/b] frowns, and blue tangled weeds sucked through. barbs' lips are in their tongues; the eating suck of iron lung. and hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss and hiss mists' breath on barbs' lips as steam 'scapes in hiss. kiss me down i'm laid bloom'd. come barbs' lips. suck my mallow bony bone flesh. the riblets' burlesque; stripper bleed your heart. bleed 't to the floor bleed 't to my brain; the explet' vain. perfect flow'r for me. romant' kisses 'scape scrape my soul's cage the bleed'ng blood'ng stains. kiss me down i'm laid. bloom'd. barbs' lips on rosey red bloodflow'rs wound' blue bloom'd an' black slew. frowns, and blue tangled weeds sucked through. [b]i go walking on the streets sometimes[/b] i go walking on the streets sometimes in the sweet loving air and see the wind blowing? that sweet loving air. all in frowns they walk. and i walk by just another. all in huddles they gaggle and i walk by just another. and i do go walking on the streets sometimes but winter has come and it is cold? the sweet loving air is not too kind and i find i wish to be naked and i find i wish to run amok. but i also find the cold gets to me. [b]the world is ugly and the people are sad[/b] the world, ugly the people sad and i find myself here with what is had. the world, the sphere this home, terrestrial fear is ugly. skies are poignant hates and streaks are all gates; the light leaves never to escape. the bridge to blackness is the bridge to abation; the sleightion of slate stoned rock too far gone. and erased. grass is beating sticks as it grows in eyes; satirizing time the slow trickling grime. mud is everywhere and mud is all the stuff of stick the stuff of crawl. and there in it all crosses dangle from its walls. a swastika to the masses; the impassist fascist. i know when i look to the sky i see melancholy clouds and clods of stars too dead to be there. i know when i look up to the sky i wish for engulfs from whales that are beached in the sky. and i know when i look up to the sky death's beady eyes are twinkling and alive. the world is ugly and the people are sad. and never did it feel so good but so bad. this world, this sphere, spins. may i find you here and may i not. but instead, a blood peach; its pulp; rot? for the world is ugly and the people are sad. and i find myself here with what is had. [b]Tribute to JFK [Unfinished][/b] I the simple poetry of an open heart and an open mind. the simplest and only the heaviest. have i felt the crashing steel of presidency's feel? nay, i have not, and so the simplest and so the heaviest. the simplest being in doing what's right living and doing what ifs we see to power. the simplest being in the way the world is and the stars are shinning . the simplest being nature's glory. and if there is a man who can grasp what there is of simple i cannot name. but now forty years my mind says he. the heaviest in ruling with your mind and bending the heavy-hell that binds. the heavy-hell that knows and is human and imperfect. yet so flawless in its grace. mistakes are made and not to waste. the haste is haste and the lesson is never to be forgotten. for simply being and simply hoisting. but with mistake and for this i give you my heart. may you drink of it and may i as well. II the sniveling snoveling pigs smell it. smell it. they plunder plunder it. plunder it. couldn't see through their wooly skins tough snarl. sharp meat. eat it. eat it. there are flies buzzing buzzing. buzzing. and it was eaten by you. the left over meat of a past owner past owner. and it was eaten by you. smelled it it smelled good. plundered it it seemed to plunder good. ate it it seemed to taste good. but couldn't see the flies buzzing. buzzing. the pigs had you all hairy all bloody. III the sniveling snoveling pigs and the lick of the shore as water swishes the swine. how fine. how benign. the taste of failure. the sniveling snoveling pigs their plan so perfectly fail. and frail. the death of some for the error of one. IV and the bay of pigs is still oinking. and the people are still upheld and the people are in a kind of rage. soothe them soothe them. with the words that come from the heart. and with the words that claim its wrongs. the soothing is oration's song. funny it is how words can kill a beast. even a swine. V cold snow rain clouds gray. cold bone ice sleet gray. cold death eyes hands guns the cold war comes. the cold war comes. placid death and wet hands. silent, cold. silent cold. VI barbwire the spinal cords. barbwire separation and eye-to-eye thorns. things pluck your skin and there you are again. barbwire. the hanging chains gallows were you sane and prisoned and lain. blockade. blocking the way to freedom. VII build up the wall build up the wall. berlin is getting too segregated too small. build up the wall build up the wall. VIII concrete watch towers and long brick the endless thick of tangling tensions. halted leave and extended stay inside the shelter an endless thick of tangled apprehension. may blood drip and fall and slip and roll down the brick of the endless thick showing tangled twist.
  23. [size=1] He got the job too easy. It's not really like that. Otherwise I thought it was pretty awesome. Very awesome. Go PT. :)[/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Mitch, the last thing I want to hear about is your penis. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Asuka, the last thing I want to hear about is you speaking of my penis. :p It was just sarcasm, showing how inane this topic is to me. I thought it was funny, but that is just me. Who knows, perhaps you're just being a tease? I wouldn't know.[/size]
  25. [size=1] I have a confession to make. My penis is nervous about sexing. :rolleyes: I think [i]anyone[/i] will be nervous about dating and its inflections. Not just your sister. I mean, we all get nervous over things. It's only human. As for you saying that Christains and Muslims have been against each other. Again, that's only a thing called a "stereotype." Only people that are close-minded and don't see the big picture think this way. So I think that's a rather stupid assumption. Just because two people aren't of the same religion should really mean [i]nothing[/i]. I don't see why this is even a big deal. It's her choice, and frankly, I don't care what she chooses. She can choose not to date at all. Period. For all I care. It's her life and she can do what she wants with it. If I were her I'd take the chance. Chances aren't given out too often in life, and when they come, it's good to take the initiative and see what happens. The worst thing that happens is the guy could end up being a total jerk. And so what? At least she gave it a shot. That is about all I have to say. Honestly, I find this thread, and the slew of them, to be pointless. But that's just me, and that's also just my opinion.[/size]
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