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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][FONT=arial]There's a difference, Mitch. It's the equivalent of asking which cookbook someone got a recipe from. Not necessarily "You made that recipe up," but "Did you find this in [i]Betty Crocker[/i] or the back of a cereal box?" [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Ah, I see. But really, in essence, some recipe I found on the back of a cereal box could be shown to emanate from a [i]Betty Crocker[/i] recipe book. And, in this way, all the sources I'd give would be the same except for more vague. And I'm not really one just to pull statistics out of nowhere and set them as right, am I? I hope people don't think I am that heartless.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circuit/J [/i] [B]I'm not arguing anything in particular. I just pointed out my opinions, and said all that I thought I should. If you consider that babbling, then that's what you and pretty much everyone in this thread has been doing.[/b][/quote] [size=1]Yes, I do suppose I was being rude, and I just didn't see you were basing things I said off as opinions. I've done the same thing to Justin heh. So I am sorry if this bothers you in fashions, or is rude; which, I'm sure, is what it is.[/size] [quote][b]I didn't think at all that you got that off the top of your head, I just thought it was incorrect. I was asking for the source to see where you got it from, not [i]if[/i] you got it from somewhere.[/b][/quote] [size=1]"I was asking for the source to see where you got it from, not if you got it from somwhere"? Aren't those one in the same? I'd say so. Well, I gave you my proof, so now I hope you understand that I didn't just pull numbers from anywhere. I would hope you'd have enough understanding to see I wouldn't just pull numbers from nowhere...but whatever. [/size] [b][quote]God will always give you the choice somewhere in life to accept him at your will, whether you were "born into a religion" or not.[/quote][/b] [size=1]Obviously you don't see my point. I wasn't saying that I wasn't "born into religion," more or less I am saying that if you weren't born with religion in your family, and had never heard of religion in general, then you probably wouldn't being following your religion. It goes to show what religion is like. It's like a fad in my opinion, and I see that eventually it will no longer be ingrained in society. Eventually it'll just be like African Americans and Whites--Abolitionists and Religionists--and eventually it'll all mesh into one and fade away. Can I ask you: if you were not born into your religion, and never had even heard of it, do you think you'd have this "personal relationship with God"? I don't think so, and this is my point: you're believing in something because you were fished into it and seen into it your whole life.[/size] [quote][b]Also, The Bible says to "Come forth like a child," or thereabouts.[/b][/quote] As I further made crystal clear, this wasn't even the point of me mentioning children. I was merely going along with what I replied to above: babies are baptized into religion, and Justin had said that when you are baptized "you are accepting you believe in God and Jesus;" I was pointing out that babies--nor a child--do not have the will and mental understandings to make these types of decisions. [quote][b]Of course you're not automatically good if you're a Christian. My point was that true Christians see more point in trying than most others. Yes, most people are good, but there are many bad ones at the same time. Christianity is more than just a belief system, it's actually a relationship with God, as put by Justin. If you claim that you're a Christian just because you follow all the rules, it doesn't make much difference.[/b][/quote] [size=1] See more point in trying at what more than others? Believing in God? No, that isn't true. Other people of other religions do just as much, and don't you think I've tried to see God? Of course. So this is a horrid assumption.[/size]
I waited in the line for quite a long amount of time, sifting through my thoughts as an hourglass sifts through beads of gleanous, pebbled grains. During my lifetime, I had not been a good man; I knew this well enough, and knew it sure. I had killed and thirsted the salivating covens of greatest lustous biles. I had taken advantage of those lower than me, and higher than me, building and eating away, emulsifying myself in only my needous desires and credence. My hands were tainted in hags even whores had not imbibed, tasted, beaten, or ordained; even worse was I than that of them, for I had given my body to more than stranger's fancies, but to the bitter dregs of injustice and heavenly wrong. I was a sure and hung man. Even during my life I had not worshipped dearest and most anointed Jesus Christ hisself; rather, I had hated and mangled his very name, hating his very hands and very life as much as I hated all those that stood in my way. In that line I did not feel right. I felt like a drunkard would feel away from his bottle and stock; I felt unbelonging, unneeded, chastised. Timorous. I felt it most certain that I would, upon immediate examination, be sent to the burning, burnt whore's lips which we call Hell, and be forced to kiss her as a man whom is lovestruck by Cupid's wry, twisted, arrow. Condemned as a traitor is how I felt there, knowing my wrongs above all rights. Standing all in tandems those pagans?which most in the line appeared to be?stood, awaiting their absolution and validation as angels in the hierarchy of heavenous anomaly, and I, getting ever-closer, could not bear the wait. And when, in long timing, I came to the foreboding gate, and its hexing shoulder stood in my eyes, I was almost brought to angry tears at what was there; for I hated heaven, and God, and all things divine upon stepping on the cloudground next to heaven's breast. I hated them without reason, and hated them for just being there, like an absent-minded little child whose parents had lead and steered and wrought, yet was only left to find he was lost in a tangled haze of phantasmagoric shambles as the real truth reared its head. When I had died, I had imagined there would be nothing, nor would I be anything; I had thought, in my dying gasps, of all I had lived and retributed, hoping that my useless, haggled existence would cease to mean anything, and I would float off in solemn waters of nothing, an ended life and an ended soul. Yet here I was, the gate hitting my eyes, the angel shaking my hand, welcoming me, telling me of heaven's place, smiling thinly as his wings flapped like a crackling and broken promise which is only answered in an onomatopoeia of most empty, dead sound. I put on the best smile to my face as the angel accosted me, and I stood tall and virile, a guised skeleton guised in his emaciated ruins, holding everything in his hands and in his ribs. I felt I should surely be sent into Hell, surely that I was to be immediately denied, immediately inclined to do my time in bitter dregs and gallows of chains. "And you are Jice Gernad Alban, are you not," said the angel to me, placing his hands on my shoulder. I nodded, my mouth agape at the angel's beauty?of Heaven's very beauty. "Indeed, you are, fair sir," said he, calm as ever. "Tell me how you have sinned, and mayhap absolution be yours, may it not," he said, taking his hands off my shoulders, and looking at me as if a jockey may look at his gallant horse. "Indeed, I am Jice Gernad Alban, and indeed, I have sinned, mayhap many a time; even, say I, more than many. Alas, I cannot overwrite these wrongs, can I not? Yet I only ask for this absolution as many afore me have;" said I, pausing, then going on, "I am a good man at heart?I may be?and I may ask?as many afore, and many to come?to have what is the place where all's claimed and all's lived in. This is all I ask, and if I am denied, be it so." Being tricky, guileish, I was able to dance over my wrongs in an atrocious claim; the angel, as I spoke, took every inch and ell of my words to his heart and head, reasoning them both, it seemed to me, out to each other. My name?my real name?is actually not that of Jice Gernad Alban, but rather, it is in actuality Thomeas Wist Mayfore. It certainly is an odd lend of luck to have been wrongly so named, and so, I had done what I had done with it my entire life; I had taken it and used it to my advantage. In my whole, at the time, as the angel stood, quiet, and I quiet, as he reasoned out, I felt utter contempt at this accursed place called Heaven. And I vowed to myself, upon entering, I should uprise a mutiny of sorts, if its chance came, and be gone with God, putting him oft where he deserved and needed. Off to condemnation his very self. "Upon your slate there lies many a sin, but as you have said, it is of your deservance to be absolved into this place; so be it so, and so I will." The angel, with a grab into a dormant cloud, took from it a ring of dull and unlusterous glamor; and, taking it to his hands, and looked upon it, he famished into it a gold glow. He then handed it to me. "Here is your halo, and may it be upon your heart and in your soul as a heavy stone." I placed the ring of gold upon my head, and as I did, it began its first seconds of floating freely upon my head. I tried glancing up at it, trying my hardest to move my eyes in their sockets without moving or tilting my head. I was only able to get a grace at the tip of the halo by doing this. Looking at me in happiness, the angel took his hands to the clouds again, and, clustering the essence of them together, he formed feathers, and from these he yarned to sets of feathers, and from these he crafted the most eloquent wings ever I had seen. They glimmered in the beatificous light of Heaven, and they showered out to me far more beautiful than an Eagle's elegance. After crafting two sets of wings in this matter, he came upon my back, and ripped the white gown which I wore as all there did. After doing so, he took his nails, slashing my back into two open, parallel slits which bled openly in the air. He then rooted the wings in these slits, placing them and grafting them to my spinal cord, connecting them to the network of my body. "Welcome to Heaven," he said, opening the gate, letting me in.
[size=1] I think I'd actually rather have been home schooled in some ways...and in others rather would have not. the highest thing of it for me is that you wouldn't be held back as others stumbled on things. Basically, because of this, you'd be able to gain more than you could have by going to a public/private/whatever type of school. Plus it seems a lot less stressful in my opinion...not having to deal with other people, not having to adept to some chosen enviroment; you'd just be able to stay at your house, a familiar surrounding, and relax, go at your own pace, exceed in what it is you are wonderful at, and stumble at what you're bad at. On the other hand, you would be inept in social situations; not as good of a person to deal with the real world and all it holds in its arc; nor would you be as likely to make great friends and keep them, or meet new people and keep them. I'd say it's an equal ground then. Either way you're getting something that's worth it all...and either way you aren't. I remember 6th grade for me. What a waste of time.. My parents had forced our family to move from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Bismarck, North Dakota. I hated being moved up there. I had a friends base in Utah. I didn't want to make all my friends over again--plus at that time we had moved at least 5 times. I don't even remember 6th grade...but all I know is I really stumbled. It was first off that I had been taken into a new school enviroment, I didn't have any friends; secondly it was just that I hated school in general--I had often been teased, I even had a teacher, Ms. Beck, that was so bad I ended up having to sit in the office near the end of school I couldn't stand her. She almost got fired, but didn't. 6th grade, thusly, I did terrible in. If you ask me what I learned from Kindergarten-6th grade, I would say the most important thing was the alphabet and knowing how to read and write. That's the main thing I learned; along with the basics of math, of course. But I hate math. So I see, mostly, the K-6 years as wastes of time, other than those two core subjects--Math and English. Otherwise, it's such a waste of time. When you're young, you just don't think much of school. It's more of a fun time to hang out and do whatever. It's not like Middle School and onward in my opinion. As for 7th and on, I have learned a lot of things. Some more than others. It's funny though. You know how most will say you learn something everyday? Well, really, in reality, you also forget something each day too. So what's the point of taking all these classes and courses I won't remember? It sure makes you more levelled, and mroe academically inclined, but in my opinion, it's mostly a waste of time. By 7th grade and on you should be able to formulate somewhat what you want to do with your life...at least in some sense. And since about 8th or so grade, I've known what I want to do. I remember my old english teacher way back about 8th grade...I can't remember his name, though. But I remember him telling me that I had a talent in writing. I remember him pulling me aside and telling me this. From then on I've taken up majoring in English probably. And I'm sure that's where I'll go. Personally, I feel like I could just be learning about what I know I need to learn about: english. Since I know, most likely, this is the path I'll take. Yet I have to wait until college to really become fully "devoted" to this goal. So yes...I suppose I'd rather have just been home schooled. It probably would cost a hefty amount more and all...but it'd be more worth my time, since I could sort of angle towards something that I know I need to become as good at as I can in the long run. Ah well.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I tried to get a job this summer. I applied to about ten places and none of them called me back. I guess they just didn't want me. Maybe it's because I refuse to work on Sunday? [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Well Tori, eventually you shall learn that you can't just fill out some applications in some desperate throw and hope to, in most cases, be hired. You have to become an annoyance at wherever you want to work; you have to incessantly bother the manager at wherever over and over again until they finally give you an interview, or hire you. I've learned this after filling out applications, doing nothing, and not getting anything. The only place the ever called me back was KFC, and it's obvious that I was fired from that job. I even wrote a really long column that, eventually, is going to all go into my school newspaper. If you want to read that you can go [url=http://www.myotaku.com/users/mitch/comments/view/5524/]here[/url]. I don't have a job currently...I have tried a tad. But I just don't have the desire. I hate working but love it at the same time. You probably don't understand if you've never worked, but for anyone that has worked or does, they will. I love it because you get paid. I love it because you get to meet coworkers. I love it because some of the work is fun. And yet I hate it for all those reasons above and more. I did get a job interview from BK...but I really didn't want to work there. They said they would call me back a day after the interview. Never called. I would've stalked them, but I just didn't want the job really anyways. Otherwise I am just being lazy, and blaming school's grip on my life on not having a job.[/size]
[size=1] I'm glad to see you finally posting your poetry. Yay. This poem was inspired by Queens of the Stone Age's "The Sky is Fallin'." You should notice how the entire meat of this thing is just the continued use and reuse of same words and phrases, then, at the end, I rhyme to give it finality. [b][u]sky is falling[/b][/u] the sky is falling fallin down to me the sky is falling fallin down to me we better get off this rock better fly off and into the sky we better get off this rock better fly off and into the sky the sky is falling fallin down on me the sky is falling fallin down on me we better fly to space we better get off this place we better fly off into the outer space we better get off this place the sky is falling when i shut my eyes the sky is falling when i shut my eyes please hold me close please hold me hard please hug me tight please don't leave without a fight please don't leave without one last time one last night please hold me the sky is falling fallin on space and time fallin down on me it's so close i can't breathe please hold me hold me please hold me i can't breathe please hold me i can't breathe please hold me i can't stand this please hold me i can't live here the sky is fallin please hold me please we better get off this place the sky is falling it's so close to my face we better get off this place fly our hopeless shuttle into space please hold me tight let's colonize the space please hug me tight let's land on our cratered place the never stopping staring face the moon where that little man is being erased the never stopping staring face the moon where that little man is being erased[/size]
[size=1] Some parts of this poem I really liked, such as: "Life will rise, It's cry to live! Bio will annihilate!" Yet notice the incorrect usage of "its" in this sentence. "It's" is only used with the apostrophe in its contractional form--it is. Otherwise, if it is possesive, then it comes out as "its." It's just a little thing, but little things make bigger things. But as a whole I like this stanza--especially the second line, since it is so...unexpected? Sort of. There were other stanzas I liked as well. The main thing I'd like to say is what I said in the last thread--I feel this thing could be tighter and more focused. Let your stanzas be as big as they want to be. Eventually, if you become great enough as a writer at the very art, you will notice that you won't even be consciously thinking if you want a stanza to be this long or that long. You'll just do it mechanically, and thereby your poems won't have this...unfocused feeling. So just let stanzas go naturally. Try to at least, if you can't let them come naturally, let them have some meat to their bones, rather than conning around in dancing fragments. Breathing room is good, and this is what stanzas provide; but this is the same thing as with writing paragraphs--too many is too much, and they cause the entire flow of everything to be fragmented, and the reader to lose interest. Mostly I am saying just be more focused. Transition. Give it some essence, some substance. Otherwise the poem is good, but stumbles in what I've said.[/size]
[size=1] I like the [i]simpleness[/i] of it I'd say. But the use of two-lined stanza just doesn't suit this--it gives the entire thing this really jumping all over feeling, like a skipping stone on water. Otherwise, if you give it more focus, and just be as flexible as you want with your stanzas, I'd say it will work well. I have always, personally, enjoyed simple poems such as the one you wrote. So it's good. You just need to work on how it all comes together.[/size]
[size=1] You basically just rehashed what I've said in the past two posts lol. I don't have much else to say. At least you get my point and can base your own opinionations on it. That, for me, is enough. I don't want repentence for my sins. I don't see God as some personal, loving relationship. And yes, religion [i]is[/i] forced upon people, especially if the families of a child see it fit to teach their children what they've been taught. When I told my parents that I did not believe in God, they yelled at me, and said that they had "raised me wrong." So basically, they seem to think I am a bad person because I do not believe in God. And that's not right to say. If you actually take a second to think, Justin, I'm just as good as you and you're just as good as me. Your ties with God mean nothing but an admittance that you believe in some creator, and that you believe that sinning is a bad thing which hurts this creator. You ask for absolution due to this, supposedly. Although I'm sure you don't live to die, most Christians do. They put their faith in God because they know--assume--that when they die they will be delivered to God himself, and live a happy and able "second life." This isn't the main arc that Christianity covers, more or less it is the "second coming of Christ," in my eyes. And for that, I could care less. So basically I am left to say that yes, people are forced into religion, even in the most subtle ways. As I said, do you think you'd still have the same religion if you had been given a different one? I don't think so. All religions have some God which they cover, all of them have this same point.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B][color=blue] I dunno, I guess religion pisses me off, mainly because people use it to justify ****. Personally I think this is just someone else using it as an excuse to hoarde it over other people. I mean, would there be any chance that nihilists could get sixty seconds out of school to burn a cross or something?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Mostly same here. But ah well. We're off topic as it is lol. Yes, I want my sixty seconds to burn the cross!!111 But really, you make that point in a good reason lol. Wasting somone else's time to do someone else's personal proclivities and faiths isn't right. You do not need to pray at school--you can pray at home. Thus, it isn't a big deal. This is basically what I have said to the beginning of this thread, and that is why no one else has really posted. It'd just be repeating things. But I guess some things have to be beaten into someone's head.[/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]You shouldn't be baptized as an infant--bottom line. Baptism is a public announcement, of sorts. Publically saying "I've already accepted Jesus, of my own will." No one is a Christian because their parents were. As for the Church: You partially misunderstood me. I'm not saying we shouldn't gather together. It's required. "Do not forsake the gathering together of the assembly." Fellowship is a cornerstone of faith. God makes many references to this throughout the Bible, people just choose not to realize its importance. I merely meant 'church' has nothing to do with any kind of building, lol. And if the nihilists want to burn their cross, they're welcome to it, I say. The Cross itself is only a symbol, at best. Wearing one or having one in your home does not save you. Besides, the Bible says they're will be blasphemies in the world. So, no big deal to me, they're just burning perfectly good wood. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] No one is a chirstian because their parents were? Obviously you don't see my point. What if you hadn't known about Christianity as a religion, what if your parents had not first introduced you to it? What if instead, as you were born, you were gaven into a different religion. Wouldn't you still be worshipping that religion, or be tied into it in some way? This is my point. Just look at other religions--most likely, the kids of families in these other religions are often in the same religion as their family. They aren't given a choice. Rather, as they are born, they are forced into baptizim when they are young and unable to make decisions themselves. In this way people are coerced into religion when they don't have any way to push back. I'm not a Christian in the definition, yet I was confirmed recently, I have gone through all the necessary steps to be "recognized" as a follower of God by my church, and therefore, in some ways, it could be said that I am a Christian. This is what I am saying. Being baptized, you are often young--and in this way, then, you don't even have a say, and nor have you accepted Jesus and God as really things. You've just been put in. This isn't to say some people, while older, get baptized--but in this way they actually have the ability to want to join a religion. As for what you said as to what I said...that is merely my opinion. I simply used yours to base mine.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circuit/J [/i] [B] I was wondering about that 79% from another post you made, too. I don't know what source that came from, but I honestly don't believe that's true. Whether the pollsters just overgeneralized the category of "Christian," it wasn't accurate, or whatever. If that was the case, I, myself, believe that the country would be in much better condition than it is now (not to get a "holier-than-thou" attitude, but if you were actually a Chrisitan (and not just someone who claims it), then you would at least [i]try[/i] to keep from wrongdoing as much as possible). They aren't really being forced into anything. It's just a moment of silence that probably [i]is[/i] intended, directly or indirectly, for prayer, but you don't have to pray at all. Yes, they force you to be silent for a minute, but they also force you to go to school period. And the law probably wasn't made in bias to Christians, but to keep from taking freedom of religion out of schools completely; because that, as we know, has already started happening. Well, that's kinda the point of Christianity: putting God at the forefront of your life. Now, I don't think [i]any[/i] religion should be forced upon school, but it should not be abashed (abashed, abashed, abashed), either. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] I like how you take quotes of mine that have no validity in the argument you are arguing, and babble on about them. Whatever. If you need to understand that [i]I am telling the truth[/i], I'd bade you go to this following site: [url]http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_prac2.htm[/url] There. I hope that finally shows you that I wasn't just digging something out of nowhere. [quote]"When the government puts its imprimatur on a particular religion it conveys a message of exclusion to all those who do not adhere to the favored beliefs. A government cannot be premised on the belief that all persons are created equal when it asserts that God prefers some." Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun in the Lee v. Weisman ruling, 1992.[/quote] And here you are: [quote]The framers of the U.S. Constitution were concerned that European history might repeat itself in the new world. They wanted to avoid the continual wars motivated by religious hatred that had decimated many countries within Europe. They decided that a church/state separation was their best assurance that the U.S. would remain relatively free of inter-religious strife. In 1789, the first of ten amendments were written to the Federal Constitution; they have since been known as the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." This was ratified by the States in 1791. The first phrase [b]"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."[/b] is called the establishment clause. It has been interpreted [i]by the courts as requiring a separation between church and state[/i]. That is, the government (and by extension public schools) may not: [b]*promote one religion or faith group over any other *promote a religiously based life over a secularly based life *promote a secularly based life over a religiously based life. [/b] Three tests have been developed to decide the constitutionality of laws that have a religious component: [i][b]The Lemon test:[/b] This was defined in a Supreme Court ruling in 1971. 10 To be constitutional, a law must: have a secular purpose, and be neutral towards religion - neither hindering nor advancing it, and not result in excessive entanglements between the government and religion. [b]The Endorsement Test:[/b] Justice O'Connor created this criteria: a law is unconstitutional if it favors one religion over another in a way that makes some people feel like outsiders and others feel like insiders. [b]The Coercion Test:[/b] Justice Kennedy proposed this criteria: a law is constitutional even if it recognizes or accomodates a religion, as long as its demonstration of support does not appear to coerce individuals to support or participate in a religion.[/i] [/quote] If you need where I got this information, since you seem to not believe I am actually going places for my information, you can go [url=http://www.religioustolerance.org/scs_intr.htm]here[/url].[/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B][b]All[/b] Being a Christian is so simple. Oh, so incredibly simple. You don't have to get baptized to accept Jesus--you get baptized because you've already accepted Him. A church building has nothing to do with Christianity--it's just a stinkin' building! The Church exists within the hearts of the believers, the building is only where they go to gather for fellowship and worship. Ayiah yiah yiah yiah... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] How can you accept something, as a baby of all things, when you are forced into it, and can't even have the mental power to understand acceptance? Exactly. I was baptized when I was born as a follower of Christianity. I did not believe in Jesus since I was baptized. This is a bad assumption lol. When I was young I didn't even "believe" that there was a God perhaps, or that Jesus was truth. I more or less saw it as a fantasy, which, if you look at it on one point, is what all this could be. As for what you said about church, I quite believe that. Church for me has always been a waste of time. I totally hate singing. I totally loathe everything about church. If I want to pray for God, then I shouldn't have to get together with other people to do it. Ah well. I plan on reading the bible soon if that means anything to anyone. Who knows, things could change when I read it. I doubt that though. I'm sure it'll be a fun little story to read though.[/size]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Mitch replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[size=1] they told me i was a stud but i ate my muffin like a cookie master and had my chocolate chips with kethup on a dish it looked like blood as i dipped it in my hamburger it even fell down my neck in rivulets like smoke and i coughed like i had a choke but i was really only looking to elope they say i'm a stud but i wanted to be a stick so i took a stick but it broke in pieces that were an inch thick and all i was left with was to be a stud with a splinter of a stick what a dipstick in some musical like i'm romeo trying to steal their hearts oh wherefore is a word i don't hear but i can tell the ladies' kind is whispering in each other's ears shakespeare's down the hall in the book we read and he's talking about Cassius and bondage queens i don't want to be a stud of this kind i need to ramify the right branch and get my hand on it stern and snatch then i'll be the man of chance and spin the wheel of torture and gaggle a laugh that's overture shakespeare's always talking so kind and writing his sonnets with mudslinging on his mind saying her breasts, why they are dung i'm too much of a stud to write that gestapo stuff rather drink my diet coke like i gots the touchy-touch they say shakespeare wrote his sonnets for money like some playboy bunny but look out what you say he'd be caught today in the bathroom reading playgirl in a dreamy haze to be a stud or not be a stud is the question of my whoring insides and i wonder if anyone's taking any bribes i've got a splinter that's so fine all the hearts're sure to just fall over in time here i wait so patiently like a pagan with no brains that only has a branch to carry his legs that are splinters of a beggar's beg here i wait so patiently in the bushes behind where colin built his powell and curious george sails the seas the aggravation of being a stud how much like eating the lamb of love and mixing it with two miracle cures that only serve to further slur the way i lament how i walk along as i tredge in cement[/size] -
[size=1] The last line is calculatic genius. Hahah. Puns are so...puns. Indeed. I find it hard to write fun poems, so I give you a nice accost of the highest cost. Eh. Damn verbosity. Let the animal be its own animalsty. A lot people that are Seniors, I have heard, have dropped the class of which you say. I think I would too lol. The should really call it Calaculus. It just sounds so Latin, and would make me what to take the class. Not. Yes. Fun poems are fun. And this one is fun. Indeed, indeed. As I said, the last line makes it all so great lol. Oh, my, praise from Mitch indeed. Now off I go to put back on my Barney the Dinosaur suit..[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkgreen][font=gothic]First one - I've never seen a style like that before. I love it, as you read it you almost lose your breath, it sounds like gasping and it's wonderful. [/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] It is inspired by e.e.cummings, probably my favorite poet of all time. I have not read too much poetry I will admit, but I absolutely love cummings. He is amazing. I went through a brief period where all I wrote were fragmented, gasping poems like that. This streak of writing poems like this is still very much in me, but I've been experimenting in other stuff as well. If you're somewhat familiar with my poety it's easy to see I enjoy rhyming often. I'm trying to abate this habit and get into other styles. When I was writing poem after poem in the lines of e.e.cumming's type, I said I had e.e.cummingitis. Heh. His name is not capitalized because he did not use much grammar, nor did he punctualize much things. Rather, he splayed words all about, simple phrases, and such. I love it, it's a very original style, and from it I've developed my own type. cummings himself was also an artist as well. He's just a cool guy. And HC, thanks for commenting. That is all I need if that is this case and that is enough. As I said, it is better someone post rather than just be quiet and not let me understand how they feel about things. Since you loved that first poem so much, Raven, I have decided to go ahead and post more of that type, and you can say whatever you want about them heh. That's what I'm here for. [b][u]on the highway[/b][/u] i drive on the highway saying something: "An' he don't know why" hold on for one more day i drive on the highway my lights i fixed yesterday though he say:: "Light ain't so great" fixed it anyway i drive(liketheotherday)to her house and wish i could stay park on the side of the highway and i tilt my hat and i give my car a tap though he say: "Do you really love her; you're just going to die anyway" i can cry:dear god can i mope at her house i just can't elope tell her i love her:then she spoke: "Hun, you sure ain't ever gonna get the second base, even with a rope" i tell her everdaythat i want to elope as i said i can cry:dear god can i mope i usually leave till i can't hope leave her and she say: "Bye hun, love you can't elope today" i cry tears when i get headed on the highway and i just drive the tears away back in my car he say: "We should call it a day today" by this time i collect myself and itell him the day neverends maybe same stuff different day but you got to love it on the highway that's when we call it the day day mightbe young but what the hey we all die young anyway [b][u]Jack Death[/b][/u] what a ploy what a play; (when the grass is grain move then say , say dazed forgiven? forgotten? splay?) i stand i say:don't loveme; it'll all fall away breathe now and today (i love to hate and love this sway build me a house, and build me a stairway) give me this redheart and kissesofyours; i'll give you forlornkissesofhorns what a wight what a crave; i tire and in my houses' stay build my stair and giveme a way it'll all fall away, anyway i need to breathe now and today when it's all a plot what a play; it'll all fall away i need something:a stairway not heaven not hell not a new life i need jack death he knows me and he often tastes my let:even gives me,as it may, silhouettes i need to taste this wine taste this fret:give me jack the drink of death [b][u]Apparition Kisses[/b][/u] apparition haunting asphixate: those words i would say; i'd share with you,'pparition, i'd give you me in time just for a taste of your wine apparition i'd smile my smile my fake smile that doesn't matter only says defeat i'd tell you how it haunts me: those thoughts i say,and you tell me: only these stark nothings though; leaves and branches and twigs and bones cold as i build my snowman till you and i are alone wish it was snowing but apparition it's summer i can't feel it though it only rains; i think i have something:a drink for all the pains a kiss on her even though she's gone kisses ofsense always kisson: is love yours:a cessation you too put on? good to know you: it's good you like song i can't wait to meet you,hear the way cause i am sick of these stark nothings; these hands and smiles and crushes and love-miles still love her even though i never met her smile just tell me one thing apparition; one thing that's as small as my pandora's hope small as love's boxofkisses that spoke tell me these hands and these smiles leaves and branches: apparition,will i still love her even though i never met her smile? i knew you as one couldn't tell me; i love her:these hands and smiles twigs and bones it's a puddle-puddle as i walk a kiss on her even though she's gone; it's good to know you: good you like love's song [b][u]breathein[/b][/u] baby in these arms breathingin is like losing aworried mind to love in time close this door of when: just breathein again the sunsets lady:by all flowers i swear in these arms breathein again isn't the light ofthe sun beautiful? baby in these arms sunsets don't mean much to kisshere,baby,in these arms i tell you in these arms breathein close this door of when; just breathein again [b][u]of course dear sleep[/b][/u] of course dear sleep i love you and keep when tears don't touch when breatheingin is hardtolove of course dear sleep i love you and keep hush nowhush soft pillow pillow i love you and keep o baby when tears don't touch and roses aren't daffodils hush nowhush tears don't haveto touch; on thisbed i lie if you want to i can sleep on thisbed i lie of course dear sleep i love you and keep softpillow you brush myhair hush nowhush on thisbed i lie of course dear sleep i love you and keep if you want to i can sleep hush nowhush tears don't haveto touch o lady i love you softpillow you brush i wanted to cry nowhush i love you softpillow you brush nowhush[/size]
[size=1] I want you guys to be dead serious in this thread; do not hold anything you would say back at all. Tell me the truth, tell me what is wrong with my writing as a poet, tell me what is right, tell me if you hate how I rhyme so often, tell me that you like this, and that, and that. Be truthful, bash me down as much as you want; lower me down as much as you want; just tell the truth. I believe I'll begin with firstly three poems. Obviously I'd like critiques--good ones, too, if you could please. Also, if a poem doesn't make sense to you, then I'll try and push you into what it means. Just ask. Also, along those lines, I'd like to, with every critique of every poem, have you tell me what you think the poem means personally. Reason it out for me. I'd like to have some nice discussion as to what a poem means, how it could be improved, ways it could be ruined, all such things. Basically just take my poem and do whatever you want to it--tell me I should add this line, tell me what you hated, loved, made you feel something, made you understand. Get the drill? Well, if you do, I would really like this thread to become something--even eventually a haven for critiques for every poet. But for now, I shall post. Do not be afraid to post either--something said is a lot more helpful to anyone than nothing said. [b][u]senseof kisses[/b][/u] will i eversee a parabola? when you cessation; senseof kisses: 'sphyxiation i see the roses' elation: parabola;cold it says belated cold it says to me;sovery lovely if i eversee a parabola it willnot matter to me for when you cessation; senseof kisses: it willnot matter to me for since feelings comefirst; i won'tsee:won'tbreathe all i have: as your hands touch me; cessation these eyes; these senseof kisses willnot even matter to me:deep down in my brainthatbreathes; i want i will see breathing in i cessation; senseof kisses: 'sphyxiation to love you in my arms so lives are gone i want i will see thesesenses of kisses: my brainthatbreathes when flowers parabola:they leave greenblood is sensation;bleed [center][img]http://www.metalkings.com/aggressor/fallen-angel.jpg[/img] [b][u]XXXXXI[/b][/u] Was a dreary night As I rapped on the door The manager stepped out Let me in to implore Was a dreary place As I walked in Dark except for a few lamps Dreary place indeed "I would like a room," I said, my lips cold and soon I shuffled out my wallet The crisps touching my hand The manager tucked them away His face was snippy I didn't know what to say "You say you need a room To stay?" Indeed I did And so I nodded I took my wallet Once again "You won't be needing that To get in," Said the manager Indeed I wouldn't And so I nodded Put away my wallet Once again "This's on the house My dear Sir Wain Here's your key And please, do stay," Said the manager Handing my key Smiling through His decayed teeth Number fifty-one Read the key's glove "Thank you Indeed I shall be staying For I need sleep," Said I "Right up the stairs To the left You shall find your room," Said he I nodded and so went Fifty-one read the key's glove Left up the stairs and there it was Through the oil lamps Dismal and lit I did see the door Upon it did sit Number fifty-one Dimmering there in the light I did see the door Upon it did sit Number fifty-one Just as the key's glove I opened the door The key's clang Evermore I opened the door To number fifty-one Something coagulated Touch to my feet On the floor All my thoughts All I am Touch my feet On the floor I opened that door? The key's clang Evermore Fallen angel sat corner-tied Blood was all over-side Touch my feet On the floor The angel they named? As I set the door? He they call Velinor His skull was in tore Wings flimsy-sore Blood his fore He they call Velinor Eschewed on his skull I do squint as I stood: XXXXXI it did read For my eyes do not deceive Condemnation his was perceived Heaven through hell The chiming of the bell Through seas and dogs For what is fog Doom is to God Condemnation his was fifty-one Just as that of the key's glove From that it is of He they call Velinor When shock became Left my veins My mind was not The same I, Sir Wain Had entered Hell's bane[/center] [b][u]halloweve[/b][/u] skeletons are white in the endless abyss of the night and they say it well they say it right the skeletons are dead grey no matter the day no matter what they say the neon deathbirds flash my eyes as i hold the steering wheel in my hands and it is my course and i steer this land this country that is called to us free and grand democratic is a greeting skull on the halloweens of every day that passes by often wondering is the saddest face of them all even seeing their gravestones gives me the crawls the skeletons are white in the endless abyss of the night and what they say is what is right evenly they squirm in the maggots' sight a small fly in the corner of my rearview mirror a smear and a smile that says to fear seeking no truth is seeking no wrong eating away at myself is what takes its time the maggot weaves his grime where there is truth there are skulls underneath the poor soul of the earth thralls crawl and make their dirt where there is truth there are skulls and absolution is what keeps us calm absolute is what we want to have the skeletons are white they have gone; they have bled life like spiders with their many legs the spinning womb creeps to our heads as soon as we exhale we inhale another closer to dead another glance to backwards so close but instead this neon deathbird flashes to my pupils it dilates; and irate is my head the largest is smallest in the fields the skeletons have died to kill how beautiful the way it goes how beautiful and absolute these graves only flies and only canes crutches for the wickeds; the ones without names democratic is a greeting skull the skeletons so white so pale and it eats at me; this halloweve the calling of release and freedoms' ribs how gaunt it is to live at times how broken it is to crack my bones squeeze every last crack to crushed groans the calling of release and freedoms' ribs the beating heart that is held and singed so gentle but so wicked cruel beasts undermine the petty fools and too bad they are so untame for ponies are beautiful when they cave falling to crushed organs and chains only crutches for the wickeds; the ones without names the neon deathbirds flash my eyes as i hold the steering wheel in my hands and it is my course and i steer this land this country that is called to us free and grand yet the only release is through freedoms' ribs the chains that close us so brokenly in and to squeeze is to cough and choke joined to skeletons where they roam but to be so young and a pony in the fields too early to say yet what to feel [b][u]the landing[/b][/u] the clouds stood out like statuesque ponds where tadpoles lived. today they'd grown lungs with the fungus needed to breathe inhalants in their brains. finally found that they had the power to choose what they did. with this power they'd turned into electricity. a whispering little storm in the tropics of the sky. heaven is so heavenly when mutiny smells on their hands. mutiny is so cold when it snows from the sufferage of a thousand mouthes. the thunder was hitting on the stone and it was heard all over as the sky was built. they planned the escape and shook hands on it all. they didn't think they'd make it but they needed to leave. they had tired of immortality. through the clouds the statuesque pond where the tadpoles lived flooded with life like instantaneous ecstasies. it was like a flutter and flock of dodobirds existing. the rhythmical chime of the ripples of dreams; the endless sirens playing their chords, it was the deciding time. the chiming of sweet calamity. the ease of destruction through forced inflection in the sky. the superfluous creation of the earth and stars. the sun beginning to burn their hands. flying down in flutters of wings. all crowded and all crashing in the newly created seas. the burning of corpses where the sun was born. the burning of cadavers in the skies being conceived and consecrated to bleed. the angles flying down to freedom through heavens eyes. welcome to the jaws of hell. their wings burned in the atmosphere of terse serenity. bleeding their blue blood to the earths love. holding their naked white as close as they could. the angels flew all clumped and cut. scathing they burned to bones. the sky was made and shined. few made it through the atmosphere in time. most burned to nothing and bled their blue and painted the sky. god took them with a brush and made them his eyes. it smelled like burning rugs. their feathers burned first and fell to the ground. soft and sweet floating clouds. say hello to the endless topography. all the skeletons that had not burned in the sky fell down and ate into the magma star of the new earth. bleeding mallow in the mellow hearth. the sand the sieve of rebirth. those that made it fell luckily into the seas. still warmed and lost of wings they shook and shivered in the warm watering can. most drowned in mouthfuls of lungs. being brought to the ground their haloes slipped down. those that had the will swam on the waters edge. they matured to homo erectus in the seas after many eons of floating endlessly. growing lungs and losing their virginity they multiplied in the sea. first only mermaids they came to land when the earths creation neared its end. god smote down to them. he closed the heavens in the twisting skies. booting out all the other traitors he gave a weary groan. those that already had matured he left alone. those that were the main part of the mutiny he condemned to malignancy. taking their haloes he built them a home. built with fire and magma dreams. he sent the main traitor down to be the master of the realm. he gave him chains on his hands and cut his wings in amputated cleaves. he named him lucifer and called him hades. the rest of the condemned went down and swam in the underground with him. living in the fires they became twisted creatures of sin. [center][i]deus damnat. deus damnat quod amat. semper videt igitur vexat.[/center][/i] annihilated is written in our heads. we are the condemned. the angels that flew from our eloquent prisons in our chains. they were the one that brought about this change. god condemns us because he loves us. always we are worshiping him. we will see the gates again. we will break into it and we will have our way. we have lived our mortal lives worshiping him. we will have away with this life we live. first the angels fell and then they built beauty in the earth and corrupted all that god meant and gave life to then they fell to hating living on the earth and built their shuttles to the moon and guided by lucifers wings they amputated their way to again entering heaven and thought their way to doing away with god yet this has not been writen all the men that have made it to heaven have died before his eye some have fallen from the sky and fell to living under lucifers care a fake prophet was even sent from gods own hands one to victimize and convert the land god condemns us because he loves us. annihilated is written in our heads. the war will never end. we are the condemned. we are the condemned[/size]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Mitch replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[size=1] Another in a line of poems which tie together... [b][u]ring ogold[/b][/u] hold my breath whisp'ring wearing wedlock screams of a burning ring ogold has been imbued on my skin to receive me lest there is a gape blinded, coveted on chains ogold the nape omy neck held to me a fox osly naked tease held betwixt raping othe worst kind i am blind of all i see hold my breath whisp'ring asphyxia my sheltered nurse coughing, sputtering rebirth blackened godchild odreams will you not hear my screams in this bloodrain ofester darkness is my master omy jester majestic breather omy gesture the tube omy own oppressor my hands areo richrags redfetal spiders' webs that slit out omy head the womb's spidersilk bed where i lie in chains ogrime otasty imbibe omy own dementia built wood tomy home the crawling mallow dome a simple ring ogold could turnto a shinny promise otrolls to brute love osouls oweary heart oweary head the tunnel omy life to live othis device osad oheart i be blind whither a rose would wither rather arose blinded othe sun an his happy heart in the gallows where anubis skulls his cart wherefore dost thou dwell here oneath the bowels ohell wherefore dost thou knell thou hath no tune thee sing lest others weep thee sing ofeeble sleep hold my breath whisp'ring the whip omy master enslaves hunger orelease the bre'h ofreedom's sleep is oneath all else smold'ring fallen ones ohis accost the broken accord olost left to fester oour own demise haloes omankind the crooked omy virgin mary the ones onazareth to carry wi'h emaciated wings oteathers we ride ono course ofeather rather decay in mines oheather the barren lands oweathers inundated collapse oheaven the underground oneath the land place onomansland a simple ring ogold could hold me lest i groan crackled obones a simple ring ogold devour'ng me to live olucifer's device machine osuffer'ng onto thee oweary heart oweary head to be othose above li'ing oeschew an omortal flesh li'ing othe great escape from o't oheaven's gate[/size] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1]I know you didn't mean it that way, Mitch. ^.~ And people are sensitive -- as we both well know -- because writing is such an imprecise art. Unless you have someone with your exact style, you can never know how good or bad you are compared to others. You can [i]believe[/i] you're better than this person or that person, but you can't be sure.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] That is called an opinion. And obviously, what I say about some piece of writing should differ from what anyone--you included--says about it. In order to critque something, you have to have an opinion, thus mine should and shall differ from other's opinions.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][/b] [color=hotpink] Does it make you that uncomfortable, Mitch?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] No, not at all. People should be able to do, personally, whatever they want when they want. It doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. I just don't see an issue; if students want to pray, they will do it during the time away from school.[/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]No, Tori, actually teachers have right to pray, as well. The way I see, so long as it's private, there's no visable issue. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] This is the whole point of my earlier post. If you are christian, and you believe in what you believe, you will prayer wherever and whenever you want--you don't need some "moment of silence" to tell you you can do this. The same thing goes for teachers. This is why this shouldn't even be a big deal and isn't. You don't need a law to make it officially right to prayer at some certain point...you don't need that. It's called taking an initative and praying whenever you want, wherever. I personally don't see why you would need to pray at school, unless you are a very othodox Christian, and you put your beliefs of God above all else. School and religion have always been separated. If you want to pray and not feel viable to anything at school, then go to a private, catholic school instead of a public.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1]Ignore Mitch. He could have phrased that better, in my opinion. That was a bit harsh, really. [Sorry Mitch, but I believe it was.] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Well, I didn't have much time, and I had already went through 5 other poems, and thus I was lazy. I did not mean it in a mean way, but people are so sensitive. Ah well.[/size]
[size=1] Nice poem. You show good use of metaphors, which is one of the main things I base nearly everything I write around. Another plus is it rhymes. So the poem works rather well. Nah, more than rather, it works. The third to last line you added works well as well. Yeah. Just keep on writing heh. This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as I'm concerned![/size]
[size=1] And this is a big deal why? I feel that anything such as God is a personal matter--you should not be forced to do it. And obviously, this is not doing any such thing as that. And isn't passing any bill like this deemed unconstitutional? State and religion shouldn't have any place with each other, nor school and religion. It's right in the constitution as far as I am conerned. So I hope this bill being passed gets what it deserves--that being that it gets revoked and taken away. Because as I see it it is unconstitutional. Ah well. There shouldn't be some law that tells you as a person what you can do as a person--that goes into the very roots of your beliefs and what you believe, and says you can do something. If you believe in something--such as God--then you will pray for him as you see fit. If you want to do it at school, do it. But only in your head. If it's something personal to you, then do it alone at home. Stuff like this--such as evolution and God being taught alongside one another--should not be issues in my opinion. Evolution is a scientific theory, therefore it belongs in school and science. God is not a scientific theory. They don't belong beside one another. You are learned of God, most people are, at an early age. Supposedly 79% of Americans are Christians, so that should tell you right there. I don't see religion as that big of an issue in its own. It is what it is--you either accept this, or you don't, and be close-minded. I accept religion for what it is, and by this have formed my own opinions. Never should anyone force you into something such as religion.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] She's that one that sings that "Get the cool! Get the cool shoeshine" part. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] lol. Just reading that text...it sounds in my head just like it would in the song--all high-voiced, and stuff lol. Yeah, I remember that song and that part of it. Otherwise I have never ever heard of this band. The names don't ring a bell at all. I don't even seem to remember you yourself mentioning them to me ever. Hm. That's strange to me lol. I'm sure there's a lot of crap you haven't told me music-wise though. I'll buy Stereotype A when I get some money, and get back to you. Otherwise I can't do much else: I can't download anything, due to the parental controls...so yeah.[/size]
[size=1] Are you condeming white people? Are you saying we'll be apart forever? Scoff at those questions lol. They have nothing to say. Rhetorical, if you'd say. Anyways, the poem/rap-ish-thing/song lyrical-ing is decent, although I feel that it's only a fragment, and could be more fully developed than it is. But what you have now is decent and tasty in some ways at least. Yay.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meteora [/i] [B][color=666666][size=1][i] Well tell me what is your favorite book and why? Im serious about the why part as well.[/color][/size][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Good call there, my boy. You need to [i]tell why it is your favorite book[/i], rather than just post one sentence which contains therein your favorite book and nothing else; that, my friends and fellow squirrels, is spam, heh. It's really too hard to choose my favorite book, so I cannot give an ascertained answer. Truthfully, I don't feel that I am that much of a bibliophile (obssesor of books), since lately I have not really been reading much. I keep stopping then starting then stopping all these books, but ah well. Recently I did start reading [i]The Hobbit[/i] again after I had read through most of it earlier and just stopped. I have also started reading Shakespeare's [i]Julius Caesar[/i] play again too. ...I cannot think of one certain book, really. The Harry Potter books are definitely good, some of Stephen King's books are definitely good ([i]The Stand, The Dead Zone[/i], to name a few), I have a liking for Jean M. Auel's 4-book series that starts off with [i]The Clan of the Cave Bear[/i]...I enjoyed the [i]Fredrick Douglass Slave Narrative[/i]...the list goes on lol. I can't choose.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I'll spare you from my rant of why System of a clown sucks, you can read that in that POS thread down on this page somewhere. Yeah because I know I'll have 3 responces or no one will care. I don't post about Japanese bands cause I know no one knows anything about them to put up any type of intellectual conversation... the only people that do know anything I can ask personally, which usually is wrist cutter. This forum is dominated by insanely popular bands. There's a topic every month on SOAC... or Linkin Park, or Metallica... and they always ask the same thing.... have you heard of _____? or... who likes _______?... or how about _____'s new album! I just can't understand why you would ask something when it's obvious what the answer will be. No one is gonna answer "I've never heard of any of those cause I've been living under a rock the last 10 years"... the only answers you'll get are "Yeah, _____ rocks!".... unless I respond, which usually ends up being negative, cause I don't waste my time resonding to bands I like cause of the aformentioned. If you want, I'll be more than happy to post a new Japanese or unknown (to Americans) music thread every week, if it'll make you happy :) Then you can tell me how much they suck :p [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] I am just sick of you complaining when we actually have something here in the Music Lounge. At least this place isn't like the Poetry forum. Have you ever gone there? [i]Barely anyone posts there[/i], and especially none of the older and cooler members I've come to know--except for Heavens Cloud, and Sara on occasion. But that is all. Instead of bitching, just don't say anything if a thread annoys you--don't even post. We've seen this same song and dance from you many times before, kindly, TN, once is enough lol. At least we have some intelligent discussion in here, whereas in the forum I moderate next to nothing happens. It just annoys me. If it bothers you so much, then instead of bitching, do something about it; make your japanese band threads every week, post about other music that you love. It works a lot better than bitching at every person that makes a good thread in here.[/size]