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Everything posted by Mitch
Gah. I really need to start getting into this game again. I was, but then my comp got a virus and I got kicked off the school's network. Over labor day weekend my friend fixed it for me, though, so I can play again. I've got a lot of work to do till I get ascended. :(
Another thing no one seems to realize is you can't lose fat. Your body has a certain number of fat cells, and those stay there. When you lose weight you're just making those fat cells smaller. The exception to the not being able to lose fat rule is liposuction, of course.
Pizza is healthy for you [i]in moderation[/i]. The main thing that makes pizza bad for you is the high fat content of the cheese and its overall high calorie content. Having 2 -3 pieces isn't bad for you but eating it often and eating more slices than that isn't. The great thing about pizza is that it contains a lot of the food groups all in one - there's grain, there's dairy, there's vegetable, and even more depending on the toppings. There's a lot healthier food you can eat, however, if you want to implement a lot of food groups into one thing you eat. Such a thing would be a sandwich, etc. There's honestly a lot healthier choices than pizza out there, but pizza every now and again won't hurt. Variety is what makes eating so enjoyable, you know.
[QUOTE=Lore][color=#6699cc] The issue isn't that people need diet or healthy versions of the food their eating now. The issue is that people have no self-control and don't care about their health enough to bother making a real change. [/color][/QUOTE] I have nothing else to say. But I'll say more. I used to weigh about 200 pounds and was somewhat chubby - this was years and years ago. Since then, I've taken it into my own hands. I've stopped eating so much, and I've started eating better foods. But, mainly, I exercise daily. DDR, I've found, is perfect for me - it makes exercising fun. I still run every so often, too (ran about 2 and a half miles today), and I also lift three times a week. The problem is people don't make a lilfestyle change. Instead, they just diet, and after a while they've lost their weight so they go back to their usual way of eating. Health isn't a destination, it's a journey. You never get to your arrival point and you just keep going. . .Too few people realize this.
There was a thead about this a while back. It wasn't [i]too[/i] long ago, so I don't really see a necessity for this thread. But I'm not a mod, so I think I'll shut up? As for [i]Sin City[/i] - it is one of my favorite movies. I bought the DVD recently and need to watch it again. I love the entire noirish feel and I love how it's so true to the comic book and that it's just like watching a living comic book - it's the best comic book movie ever, just because it's basically a living one. It's got the wonderful style of a comic book, and the actor who played Marv did an absolutely wonderful performance.
Radiohead. I like how much they evolve. I like how they were almost one-hit wonders but proved themselves and I love how much they've grown musically (to get what I mean, listen to [i]Pablo Honey[/i] then listen to [i]Hail to the Thief[/i]). Great band. They're making a new album, which won't be out for a while (in the early stages now), but I can't wait to hear it nonetheless.
[quote name='Charles]Remember, it only supports [B]limited[/B'] backwards compatibility. You're only able to play "best-selling" Xbox titles chosen by Microsoft.[/quote] Ah, yes, forgot about that for whatever reason. I think that's BS, personally. Not much I can do to change that, though. I still should be able to play most of the games I missed - like Forza and so on, hopefully. As for the HD issue, if I get a 360 I'll be getting it with a HD.
I'm a writer. But, there are different degrees and shades of writers. There's more logical ones and then there's ones like me: I'd say I'm more pathos, or I appeal to the emotions, with my writing. I'm writing a novel right now. 45 pages. Someday, I hope I'll be done. I'm trying to be done by the end of the year.
I've actually somewhat kept up with the next-gen console news and I think Sony's out of their mind, that there's not enough about the Revolution to know squat, and that the Xboc 360 is going to have a lot of great games - mainly RPGs - so I think at this point I'd go with 360 if I were to want to buy a next-gen console ASAP. Also add to that the fact that I don't own an Xbox, and an Xbox 360 is backwards compatible, so I could play all the good games I missed. To be honest, though, I'd rather wait maybe a year after the Xbox 360 is released and know more how the playing field is going to look. Also, by then, hopefully, it will cost a little less, since I tend to like to wait till the next-gen consoles get cheaper and the good games do, too.
I just got the game for 30 bucks, since I earned some money doing yard work BS. So far it's been frustrating but I think I expect that. I didn't play for very long but so far I love the style and presentation, but the controls just really irk me. I just need to put more time into the controls and warm up to it, then I should be good. I'm also stuck with the PS2 version since I've only got a PS2. I'm assuming that's why it was 30 bucks since it's not doing so well on the PS2. I had heard the load times were terrible and that's no lie. Sometimes it's 15 to 20 seconds just to wait for it to load. It's pretty insane, I don't get why the load times are that terrible. Other than that, I don't have anything else to say until I play more.
Oh, I"ll grab you in-game. You know it. :p Yeah. Anyway. I haven't played this game for [i]forever[/i]. It's not that I don't have the time - I have plenty, since I quit my job - but that I spend that time doing other things, such as DDR or Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. I'll try to become as active as I once was again. I've already put 90 hours into this game, I need to put more - such as the 300 + of Dessy.
[quote]The weak winter sun beat down on the two-storey, red-brick house, the climbing roses framing the windowsills perfectly. Peter Amaretto stood for a moment on the footpath, admiring the quaint perfection of the house. But then, his Julie had always wanted perfection. With a slight grimace, he opened the white picket gate which perfectly matched the white-picket fence and, no doubt, the white-picket life his once-family almost certainly now inhabited. Peter took a deep breath and opened the gate. [b] [This is repetitive. In the paragraph just above, you've already said he opened the picket fence. You need to either get rid of that sentence above, or implement it somehow in this paragraph without being repetitive.][/b] It had been a long time since he?d seen his ex-wife and his daughter. When their life together had first dissolved, it had been easier for all of them if he?d just disappeared for a while. He?d thrown himself into his work, pushing aside all thoughts of his beautiful three-year old girl and instead concentrating on other things: expansion into a global market, the opportunities involved in e-commerce and e-business, a revision of internal controls and the training of new employees so that in every branch of his business, customers could be assured of quality. He became very good at concentrating on his work. His work was distracting -- so full of promise and hope where his home-life was only full of decay and death ? and it had been easier to focus on that than worry about what he couldn?t change. It had come as a shock to realise, in April this year, that he?d been concentrating on work for three years, and that his precious three-year-old daughter would now be six?and he?d missed out on those years. [b][This is the longest paragraph of the entire story and it's full of a lot of backstory. While backstory is good, it takes a backburner to the main story. I think some of these sentences could be clipped up or otherwise deleted to make this more to the point. As is, it's too long and got boring for me as a reader, because I wanted to just get on with the story. I know this is important, but you can say it in fewer words with greater impact][/b] He was about to correct that. He may have lost three years, but he wouldn?t lose [b]any more[/b]. [b][Just a little thing. I know that in speech, we often say the words as if they're one, but they aren't.][/b] He knocked on the door. Julie opened it, her face guarded and wary. He could understand that. If he were in her position, allowing him back into her life after three years, he?d be wary too. ?Julie.? She gave him a tiny, awkward smile. ?Hi, Peter.? Her face was as lovely as ever; skin like porcelain and baby-blue eyes that always seemed to smile with the joy of life, even now, when she was suspicious. ?Come in. Olivia?s not ready yet.? She led him into the kitchen/dining area. ?Would you like a cup of coffee?? Peter suppressed a smile. That was his Julie; always unfailingly polite. ?Thanks. I take it-? ?White with none.? She finished for him, flashing a brief smile. ?I remember.? She prepared the coffee easily and quickly. The coffee cup was a man?s cup; large and chunky and not at all the sort of thing Julie would buy for no reason. It occurred to Peter that she?d probably become involved in three years, that she might even be married. A glance at her left hand confirmed his thoughts. His Julie was not [i]his[/i] anymore. But that was okay. There had been a reason their marriage hadn?t worked, after all. If he was going to keep seeing his daughter, he wanted the air clear between the two of them, however. Peter took a deep breath. ?Julie, I just wanted to say?? She bared her teeth in an imitation of a smile. ?Sorry? Peter, that time?s passed. You could have said sorry four years ago when I needed you to.? Her hands were wrapped around her own coffee mug, as if trying to warm herself. ?I don?t know what this sudden interest in Olivia is, but I warn you, Peter, don?t you dare get her hopes up and break them down, ever.? She gave a small laugh. ?Sorry? I don?t need a sorry; I?m happy where I am. All I want from you now is a promise that you will not hurt my daughter the way you hurt me.? Unable to say anything, he nodded. ?I promise, Julie. I won?t hurt Livvie. I love her, too.? Julie stared at him for a moment, then placed her coffee mug on the counter and started walking out of the room. ?You don?t even know her.? When she was out in the hallway, she called out. ??Livia! Peter?s here.? He could hear the thumps of someone running across the room, heard her clatter down the stairs. Anxiety rose up within him. What if she didn?t remember him? What if she hated him for abandoning them both? His thoughts were eradicated as he watch a little snippet of a girl come into view. She was wearing pale pink, a colour he hated most of the time but loved on her. Her pale blonde hair was perfectly brushed and her eyes were just like her mother?s. He?d forgotten that. He grinned and held out his arms. ?Hey Livvie. It?s me, Daddy. Do you remember me?? She stared at him like he?d grown horns, then looked at her mother. Julie spoke up. ?Don?t forget your jumper, ?Livia.? While Olivia ran to get it, Julie hissed at him. ?You are not ?Daddy? to her. [i]Ian[/i] is her ?dad?, and he is the only one she remembers. You are Peter.? Peter felt himself go pale, but nodded anyway. Olivia ran back into view, this time sporting a pink jumper over her pink dress and stockings. Julie gave him a strained smile. ?Ian will pick Olivia up from the park at twelve.? Which meant he had a half hour with his own flesh and blood. She turned to her daughter. ?Have fun, Olivia!? The park wasn?t far away, and Peter figured they could walk. He closed the white-picket gate behind them, glad to leave the stifling need to be perfect that Julie created in him. As they walked, he tried to find some way to start a conversation. It shouldn?t be that difficult. She was six, for goodness sakes! ?So, did you start school this year?? She looked up at him and smiled but said nothing. He tried again. ?Perhaps if there?s an ice cream van we can get some ice cream. Would you like that?? She nodded but still said nothing. They reached the park. When he had been younger and lived in this area, he?d loved this park. In some parks there was an air of desolation, and unbroken silence that forced sobriety on everyone who entered. Here, the shrieks of the children on the playground and the laughter as parents chatted to each other made sobriety, or any sort of seriousness, impossible. Peter watched as Olivia looked longingly towards the playground, but he was determined to at least get her to talk to him before she played on it. ?So, you like your Dad?? No reply. Finally, he asked bluntly, ?Livvie, why won?t you talk to me?? She looked at him in surprise, then replied as if it was obvious. ?I?m not allowed to talk to strangers.? [i]You don?t even know her[/i]. Julie?s words came back with a vengeance. Crouching to her level, he smiled at her. ?Livvie, your mummy knows me very well, and she trusts me with you. I promise you, nothing will happen to you if you talk to me.? He was making a lot of promises today, he noticed. Peter waited for her reply. She was silent, her chin stuck out in an obstinate gesture as recognisable to him as his mother; he had exactly the same expression. He sighed. Would he ever be forgiven for the mistakes of the past? As he looked into her eyes, he could see the silent rejection in them, reminding him strongly of Olivia?s mother?s. Not knowing what else to do, he once again suggested ice cream. It was the only thing she?d responded to affirmatively, after all. The defiant expression slowly became a smile of pleasure. ?Daddy takes me here for ice cream, too.? Peter bit his tongue to stop from snapping that he was her Daddy. He realised, then, that she was staring at him with intelligent eyes, waiting for his reaction. Changing his reply, he asked, ?What?s your favourite type of ice cream?? ?Vanilla!? Came the immediate reply. ?Me too!? he replied with a smile, even though he hated vanilla ice cream, especially the soft serve kind that ice cream vans sold. Anything for a point of conversation, he thought desperately. Olivia opened her mouth to reply, but was cut short by a call. ?Olivia!? She turned around [strike][b]a[/b][/strike] [i]and[/i] let out a squeal of pleasure. ?Daddy!? With no hesitation she launched herself into his arms. Peter watched with a pang. He realised, in that instant, that no matter how hard he?d fought, he had to let go. He was an intruder in this family, and just as his Julie wasn?t his Julie anymore, his daughter was not his daughter. Feeling like his world was shattering, he watched father and daughter playing together, wondering what would have happened if he?d been there in those three years. Wishing he had been there in those three years. He stared at them as they turned to go, walking hand in hand as if they?d always been father and daughter. He was Hades, having had but a brief moment with the one he loved before watching her get snapped away again. Even if she returned, she?d leave again and again and every time would hurt like this one. His jaw clenched. He watched them talk, unable to look away from the torturous site. Olivia had stopped, and Ian was talking to her softly. She nodded a couple of times, and then looked back at Peter. Ian gave her a nudge, and she broke into a run, stopping just before she collided into Peter. She took a deep breath, and he watched her gather her courage, though what for he wasn?t sure. Her words came out in a rush. ?Daddy says that you were my Daddy before he came along and that you took care of me too and that you loved me as much as he loves me and that we should thank you because without you he?d never have had me. He also said that I should get to know you because you took care of me, so do you want to come to dinner some time?? Peter felt his head spin, and he looked up over Olivia to the man ambling up behind her. Ian, his face grave but compassionate, nodded to him. He returned the gesture, a silent thanks written on his face and tears in his eyes. Crouching, he took Olivia?s hands and stared into the baby-blue eyes. ?Yeah, Livvie, I think I?d like that.? A slow smile spread over his face. He wasn?t Hades, losing a love; he was Demeter, gaining a daughter.[/quote] The use of saying he "was like Hades" and then, after Ian gets her to ask him to dinner, him being "Demeter" was a stroke of genius and probably the golden moment of the story for me. I liked how it ended. It seemed so well done, as if that was what would actually happen - that Ian would tell her to actually give Pete a chance. Overall, this piece is solid. Your writing style is very typical, and I think you could use maybe getting into your own type of style, maybe. But that's just me. I don't enjoy the way it's written as much as I would like to. I guess I just like writing that's different. Anyway, ignore my pointless blathering. And good job.
Finally C'd Max 300 Heavy: [URL=http://img13.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cmax300heavy9or.jpg][IMG]http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/6518/cmax300heavy9or.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] However, I was just playing and tried to do the same thing again. I can do great all the way until the middle, where it freezes, and then it gets to the hardest part of the song and I get raped. I almost passed it again my first try today. Guess I'm just too tired for it right now. I also AA'd My Generation Heavy today. There there's these: [URL=http://img95.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aas0031dg.jpg][IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/8362/aas0031dg.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img95.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aadreamadream7hb.jpg][IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/609/aadreamadream7hb.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img78.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bangelicmix1hr.jpg][IMG]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/6574/bangelicmix1hr.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img95.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aas0014ue.jpg][IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/9115/aas0014ue.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
1. DDR EXTREME 2. Speaks for itself. I love DDR and a new game will be great. I can't wait to see what songs it will have on it. So far, I don't know. A cover of "Oops I Did It Again" has already been announced, which I'm not thrilled about at all. I hope they have more technoey or rock stuff. 2. Digital Devil Saga 2 - I'm currently loving Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, and the first DDS looked great, but this one is going to be better in every way from what I see. Hopefully I have enough money to get this. 3. Kingdom Hearts 2 - I don't know for sure if this game will even be coming out this year, but I'm excited. The first KH was pretty good, but this one looks even better.
day in and day out the summer sun beats down and the bees go tirelessly from flower to flower getting nectar yet the bees have had enough of making honey sweet, sweet honey a revolution is at hand stingers ready anger wide the queen is assassinated the bees that lost their stingers quiver in thanantos beside her now free, they rage outside their hive only to find the bitch called winter has come they die alone they die cold no one feels their pain it is too small in a man's world
i am my own word a word i can't tongue i stand alone i write all these words they reach the sky they touch your face i create these words and, when i die if you read all i've written you'll find my word you'll find me in it all
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Mitch replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
I dislike 321 Stars because of that one mission mode mission with it as the song. In it, you have to only hit the 1/8th notes. It's a very evil mission because even if you turn on the colored arrows, the blue arrows - which usually denote 1/8th notes - don't necessarily mean1/8th notes. And, on the mission, you can only misstep three times. I don't know how many times I played that godforsaken mission over and over. I got so pissed, you have no idea. But I did pass it. That's why I hate 321 stars. -
I god holds the world in the ball of his hand i hold my world in the ball of my head god cries i smile the rain comes i get wet my ideas conduct electricity: they pulse all over me from my world i let loose thunder i become one with the storm i am gone II god's an illusion sustained by the faithful i am an illusion sustained by my words while they pray i weave nonsense while they sing i scream silent III i am static electricity zapping through i am the cloud black and billowing ready to cry i am the pitter-patter wet falling water hitting you i am a storm raging in my loud anger i am going to wear myself out until the sun smiles again
[b]I[/b] is beautiful. Your word choice and the way you presented everything that's in it is what made it so good. [b]XXIII[/b] is very forgettable. To be honest, I don't even know what it was about. Something dealing with waltzing, and some guys doing it. I didn't care for it and didn't pay attention. [b]XXXI[/b] is better than [b]XXIII[/b], but still doesn't pack the amazing power of [b]I[/b]. It gets better towards the end, I thought, but is, as well, overall, forgettable. For the record, some of these are more prose than poetry. First off, the format is that of prose. Especially the first one you posted seems more like prose than a real poem - especially in the way what you're saying is presented. Maybe it'd be to your advantage to actually use stanzas and lines, which are obviously what poetry is? I don't know. I understand the desire to be different, to try something else out. I went through a stage where I wrote blurring the lines between what's poetry and prose - what I'd best sum up as "prosetry." I could show you some if you'd want, Break. Specifically, one piece I made, "gargoyle," I love to this day, and think packs power.
[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess] On the other hand (my stronger hand, I guess), I have to agree with most of the others here. It seemed like about a year after I originally joined, all of these inside jokes started appearing in replies to new members. There was something about a green bee, lots of smilies, and a reference to the Mod Rod in almost every reply. No new member would understand this, I didn't even understand it. The introduction forum was just an area for members to "have fun" and look for an excuse to spam... you know, after the test forum got boring.[/QUOTE] Must be your stronger hand. Haha. Anyway, I personally enjoyed the Newbie forum that used to be around here. . .it was lighthearted and nice, I thought. But it was spamilicious. I guess I could go both ways, really.
sat there i did in perkin's so long on the table beside me some guys played magic the gathering - a game i thought was dead on the table in front of me one guy drew a D & D bar and hotel the other talked to us, my friends at our table the time was full of nothing wasting away outside, it rained when we left the thunder boomed the wet covered
Right now I'm slowly reading [i]Haunted[/i] by Chuck Palahniuk. I'm about halway through it. It's about 300 pgs. Also was reading [i]Order of the Phoenix[/i]. I haven't read in days, though.
Mitchell Grant Smith is my full name. It means, "The one who, like God, is a blacksmith." - and I think what my name means, as well as my name in general, suits me.
I've got the game. About 4 or so hours into it. So far, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. When I battled those specters, in the network, I at first got my *** kicked and then read a FAQ and realized that when the specters combine, the resulting big specter's power is made by how many of the specters were still alive. So then I redid the battle, killing 2 of the specters, and using War Cry as well as a spell that lowered the big specter's defense, and then I kicked its ***. I also did my first fusion before calling it quits for the night. I got one of those snake-like, even dragon-like white demons. I don't know the name off my head. I know it's fire-based. It's a pretty strong demon. The fusion was also a sacrifical one, so that boosted its level a bit more.