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Everything posted by Mitch
[quote name='Generic NPC #3']Please don't act as if you never cared or meant a thing you said to avoid some sort of debate. If you want to joke around, why do it in a thread about someone who died? Come on.[/quote] Looks like I already have. I did it because death is a funny thing. Therefore, I've been jocose. My damage is done, so I see no reason to fix it. This is my last post in this thread. Thank you.
Haha, pointless blathering on OB, how I've missed this. I love messing with people. All I've got to say to the gamut of posts against me is this: you're taking me too seriously.
answer me this (a question about inspiration and depression)
Mitch replied to duStAnDteArS's topic in General Discussion
Exercise whets depression. Running, jogging, lifting weights. It all makes you feel better. Exercising and writing are about all that keep me going these days. Without them, I wouldn't be able to function. I used to be quite depressed, but I've worked my way out of it, mostly. I still feel depressed often, but I brush it off. I exercise some more. I write some more. Also, having good humor helps. I've got a very dry sense of that, and I'm readily cynical and pessimistic with it. It amuses me. -
As I said, I have nothing against the guy, and I'll certainly read up on his life. I'm just tired of people only caring when celebrities die, or well-known people die. Everyone's led a life that's moving in some way or another. I'm stoic. This is how I am. Deal with it. And also, to sound like a complete parrot, I don't see what there's to mourn. I'm just glad he lived. I'm glad you're living. I'm glad I'm living. I'm glad anyone or anything is living. I'm not sad something died.
The guy's death was also self-inflicted. Smoking is like suicide for those who are afraid to pull the trigger of a gun. Sure, he quit smoking 20 years ago, but lung cancer is lung cancer. I don't see how else you get lung cancer, other than by smoking. This makes his death even less saddening and even more pointless to mourn. I have nothing against this guy, but I just don't see the big deal. He's dead. So get over it. You may have liked him, but it's not that surprising he's dead. He was a smoker. It caught up with him. What I might say is hard, but this is who I am. 1,000 soldiers have died in Iraq. Mourn that instead. Millions of jews were killed in the holocaust. It was terrible. Mourn that instead. There's things more terrible and sinister to be sad about than the death of one man. Yet, the death of one is a tragedy. The death of a million, of a thousand. . .it doesn't even matter. I respect the dead because they lived, not beause they're dead. I hate how people die each day, yet their deaths don't even matter unless they were some celebrity or were some prominent figure. It's such BS. I think everyone should be remembered. . .I think we should spend our whole lives sifting through the lives the dead left behind. Then we'd realize everyone is great in some way. If you walk into a cemetary, there's so many forgotten names. So many forgotten people. The greatest travesty is that the dead don't stay alive: that we don't remember everyone when they were alive, but instead we dwell on the fact that they're gone. The greatest travesty is all these people that've died that I never knew, that I never felt, that I never touched. . .What's terrible is you have to be famous to be known, that you've got to be prominent for people to care about what your life was, who you were, what you did.
I don't like swimming. I used to enjoy it when I was little, but at this point I can't stand the chlorine smell and it's just gotten boring for me. I'd much rather play DDR or go jogging or lift weights, which is what I do.
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Mitch replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
"Boom Boom Dollar" is a nice song. However, I can't really pass it as of yet. Well, I could pass it, if I double stepped. But, I hear this was THE song to learn crossovers on back in the day, so that's what I was trying to do on it. . .with terrible results. -
I don't get brokenhearted nor sad when someone dies. I live knowing that, somewhere out there, someone's dying. Giving those last breaths, and their life's leaving them. I live knowing death is always among us. I'm just glad everyone lived as long as they get to. That's all. We should be happy someone lived rather than sad they died.
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Mitch replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Lore][color=#6699cc]I can do the steps, I can just never quite get them at the right time. I don't really play often enough (just together at friends' houses or on rare occasions at the arcade) to really [i]practise[/i'] the song, but when I do try it, I just can't get it. I start a hair too soon, or something. [/color][/quote] Ah, okay. You just need to practice it, then. I still have trouble on the part where crossovers are necessary. I'm actually trying to get crossovers cemented in my head. It's very frustrating and aggravating. My body wants to move the way it's used to, but I want it to do it the way I want it. . . It's kind of like boxing. Everything is backwards. -
Like Chaos has already said, I don't have to respect someone just because they were a news anchor. I'm entitled to feel what I want to about this guy's death. So suck it up and live with it. "The death of one is a tragedy, but the death of a million is just a statistic." - Stalin.
At first, I didn't know who this guy was, but then I saw other peoples' posts, and I see it's some news anchor. He died? So what? People die each day, and I'm sure there's some people that've died today that have met more unfairer deaths. 67 years isn't a bad timeage out of your life at all. I guess this is what happens when you don't watch TV like every other American does for about 4 or so hours of their day. Well, I'm glad I don't watch TV.
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Mitch replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Lore][color=#6699cc]I really despise [i]Tsugaru[/i']. I've never been able to do it well. No matter what level I try it at, I'm always off.[/color][/quote] I don't know how helpful I can be, but I guess my main question would be, do you know how to gallop? Knowing how to gallop is pretty much essential for Standard or Heavy of "Tsugaru." Other than that, all I can say is practice it. I learned how to do gallops by going into Training mode and putting "Tsugaru"'s speed slower. Then I only chose the gallop part of the song and did it over and over and over and over again until I got it. Might work for you, if that's what your problem is. I don't really get how you could be off either. . .the steps follow exactly to the beat of the song, nearly. Just like "Holic." I really like "Holic" as a song as well as its steps on Heavy, too. I think that, if I kept at it enough, I could full combo it on Heavy, actually. I've already gotten a 200+ combo on it before. Yeah, I think "Butterfly" is a fun song, too. Its Heavy steps are also nice and jumpy, which definitely suits the song and is nice. I think any of the "Max" songs are good songs in their own right. Although I can't yet pass any of the Maxes on Heavy, I can pass any one almost with an "A" on Standard. The exception would be "MaxX Unlimited". . .I think I've only gotten a "B" on Standard on that, heh. What about "Afronova"? It's a fast, hard song, but it's also a great ethnic beat song as well, I think. -
[URL=http://img105.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img105&image=max300standarda1hh.jpg][IMG]http://img105.exs.cx/img105/1688/max300standarda1hh.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] :) Oh, and check this: [url=http://img279.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=sdsds0016kb.jpg]t3h sick leg gallery!!111[/url] That's what happens when you become addicted to DDR and play it nearly every day. Hell, there was one week where ever single day, I burned 1,000 calories. How hardcore is that?
This game is still so far away, but I'm very excited. Actually, lately, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts again. I originally had a save where I had already beaten the game and I was just trying to beat Sephiroth. . .but my brother deleted it. So now, I had to restart and since then I've been enjoying playing through it all over again. It's been fun since I haven't played KH in ages, so it's really like playing the game for the first time all over again nearly.
Ever since I've heard of this game, I've wanted to buy it. Money's an issue though at this point. I'm going to be a college kid, and you know how that is. . . I can tell this is my type of game. It goes against what a usual game would be, and instead is full of artistic flair and kind of does its own thing. I'll be getting it. . .sometime, that is.
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Mitch replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
Yay, another DDR thread. "You're Not Here," is an excellent song. It's actually from Konami's [i]Silent Hll 3[/i]. The steps for it on Heavy are also awesome. "A" is awesome as well. I like the more techno-ey songs on DDR, they're nice. I also like how this is a tempo-changer - it goes really slow at the beginning and then just speeds up a lot all the way to the end of the song. "Tsugaru." This song is wonderful. It has the best beat ever. . .I can just hear it in my head right now. The steps for it are also excellent. Guess that's enough for now. -
Well, I think it's going to be a good thing. Charles, let's just hope it doesn't become some type of Newbie Lounge. :p / inside joke.
On a good day I capitalize God and I consider myself Agnostic. For those who don't know what that is, well, it means I don't care if there's a God and I believe there's no way to know for sure if there is one, so why worry about it? I also don't really believe in peoples' usual monotheistic beliefs. I don't think there's this one ultimate, omniscient, omnipotent being that made everything and is everything. Monotheism is such a Western idea, I mean, come on. On a bad day I don't capitalize god and I'm an athiest. I think today, I feel like an athiest.
Ob 1s t3h sux!1111 S4m3 thr3ads all the t1m3 4nd stuff. O.o. When you've been here as long as I have, anything in OL just seems like a thread you've seen a million times already. . .it gets old. I barely even come to OL anymore. I only go to the Guild Wars thread. Yes, I am a loser. If you look at every forum that makes up OB, you'll see there isn't a post quality problem. Mods do their jobs so the ungrammatical are banned and the insipid flame warriors are cremated into pretty ashes I smush my foot under.
Twenty-five is when a man reaches his prime. It's all dowhill from there. So, my plan is to do myself in when I hit twenty-five. By then I've got to cement everything I ever wanted to do and hope it's dried. Then, when I die, I can do a Jim Morrison, or a Kurt Cobain, or an insert-celebrity-who-died-young's-name-here, and then I'll be famous and remembered and be a legend. It'll rock.
Love at First Sight.......Does it exist?
Mitch replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
What about love at first site? Can you fall in love with a certain location and have hot sex with said site endlessly? I think so. -
DDR is [i]the[/i] arcade game for me. It's true to say that while arcades aren't as active as they once were here at the states, they still exist and aren't as gone as the thread starter seems to think. With games like DDR, arcades have more life in them than you might think.
You guys need to get it out there when you're going to do Guild vs. Guild stuff so people liike myself can join in. I've not been frequenting the game lately, so it'd be nice to be told when such a thing is happening either here on OB or by any other means of communication that's possible. . .AIM, etc., etc. That way if I'm around when it's happening I can join in, you know?
This is ridiculous. I already own the game, though, so I really don't care.