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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. [color=red] DBZ is alright, if you like mindless nothingness spewing out forth across your mind in a redundant spray of mossy coat. I don't hate DBZ, only since it's what got me into Anime, so I still watch it. But I've gone on to better things, whith much more greater plots than DBZ could ever have. You see, I prefer something that makes you think rather than something that makes you watch. I like to guess where a show will go, which way the tides will turn, guess who commited what murder. DBZ just seems so mindless to me now, so predictable, so easily understood, that I just can't really feel anything when I watch it. It just seems stupid, if I were to say it bluntly. [/color]
  2. [color=red]Masato from Neo Genesis Evangelion, I like her for some reason...also of course Faye Valentine. Maren(Krillen's girlfriend) from DBZ was pretty cute to...that's about all I can think of right now. [/color]
  3. [color=red]My lifelong dream would be to become a proffesional writer of some sort. It's possible as with all things. We'll see if I can make it. It sure would be awesome to become a writer. It depends on if I get a chance, and do things right. It's possible though. [/color]
  4. [color=red]Mmm...life is yummy *grabs big chunk and puts all in mouth* yuh this us reallay good livfe it tasthe likeh chikunh. *finishes eating it and swallows* yup life is like a marshmellow, nice a plushy... If you want to see more of my person quotes, I also have many that I made up when posting to say hello to the new people at OB. Here I'll give one... [b]Don't cross the street without any feet[/b][/color]
  5. [color=red]I don't like the reptetiveness of the 3 Vegetas, and I don't like the background. I also don't like the text in the upper right corner, the color of it is to bright, and seems to jump out at you before everything else can. I'm not saying it's bad, but it could be better. It's to symetrical for me.[/color]
  6. [color=red]I'm of course not popular at my school, of course not. I have a few friends here and there. And if I could have popularity, I still wouldn't welcome it. As for what I think of you, Cera, I think you seem to be intelligent, at least in some aspects, if not many. I don't know you well enough to really catagorize you, but I can tell you are probably a very well thought out person. You seem to be nice, but I don't really have a developed opinion of you yet, first I need to speak to you for awhile and see what you're all about. You seem nice though...yeah...but I could be wrong...:p [/color]
  7. [color=red]Plastic!!! SAVE THE TREES!! Yes! Save them thar trees....:freak: [/color]
  8. [color=red] When I was in my keyboarding 1 class, one of my friends, Michael, went to theotaku.com, then I went and checked it out, then one day I saw the forum, and clicked on it, and KAPOW! I'm here. :D [/color]
  9. [color=red] [b]1)Are good manners lost in todays society?[/b] Yes and no. To an extent there is still manners existing, but to another extent there is not. Manners are kind of a changeable thing, someone will feel in the mood to have manners one day, and the next they won't have manners at all. I've found this to be true in my daily life. Then there's those people who are always using manners, and those who are always not using them. I think it's all a point of choice. [b]2)Why don't we have as many manners today?[/b] Well, because parents don't properly train their kids to use them. That is my main answer, but also, they aren't as big of a deal as they used to be. [b]3)what do you think are some ridiculous manners? [/b] Hmm, well manners aren't ridiculous in my opinion. So I really don't think any manners are riduculous. Some are a hassle, but not ridiculous.[/color]
  10. [color=red] I just thought of another one. It's some of the lyrics from a Linkin Park song...can't remember the name, but it's from one of the songs. [i][b]"A little peice of paper with a picture drawn floats on down a stream until the wind is gone, and the memory now is like the picture was then, once it's crumpled up it can't be perfect again..."[/i][/b] I don't know, those lyrics seem to always be repeating in my mind...it's kind of weird yet cool all at once :p [/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Don't forget conceited. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red] Woh, Wrist Cutter, that was really [i]low[/i]. I'm not going to yell at you...but you need to understand [i]EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS[/i]. I mean I can see one that you have by your name on OB. So if you want to keep at this, go ahead, because looking down on someone for their problems is very [i]biased[/i]. [/color]
  12. [color=red][b]Character name:[/b] Megaman X [b]Reason for choosing character:[/b] I've always loved the Megaman X games, and X seemed like a good choice to me [b]My Knowledge of this character:[/b] I have at least some Knowlege, I've played all of the X games. [b]Starting location of character:[/b]Midgar[/color] CWB, if you could make me a profile also that would be nice.
  13. [color=red]I already thought about the auto potion idea...the thing is, I saved it to where I can't go anywhere else but the battle with Wiegraf...but I'll beat him eventually, hopefully that is..thanks for the advice though...[/color]
  14. Mitch


    [color=red]Of course I read. I finished The Silmarillion, then went on to On Writing by Stephen King, and Carrie, and am now reading Nightmares and Dreamscapes. I read quite often. Reading is great to pass time.[/color]
  15. [color=red]I by no means will go along with the legalizing of any drug, no matter how unharmful it is. And this particular drug which they are going to legalize maybe, will never be legalized.[/color]
  16. [color=red]I took it, and I got 126 as well Mist. So I'm smarter than the average bear...yeh Some of those questions were just confusing upon themselves...and to many of them were about math. And I suck at math. But really, I think anyone is pretty smart at certain things, like I'm good at Science and English...and someone could be good at Math while I suck at it, and someone could be good at speaking speeches, and so on and so on and so forth...so no one is stupid, everyone has a gift from god, a talent.[/color]
  17. [color=red]I think there are two forms of use. When someone uses you to feed their apathy, and when they use you for material things. I myself have found most of my very few friendships to be very hard, and sometimes really hard. Trust is a really hard thing to have. Really, I don't think any of my friends really trust me, nor do I think I really trust them. But there's always someone who does, somewhere out there.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I have never seen someone more conceited in my life. Seriously - between some posts I've read and some stuff in your journal, you really have an ego problem. Seriously. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]It's only recently, though. I'm not denying it nonetheless either. I don't know....these days I just feel the only thing there is to feel is myself...I think everyone goes through it. I do have an ego problem...well at least when I talk about myself on the internet. In real life I'm a shy person. Really shy, and I keep pretty quiet unless someone talks to me...but I won't deny I have an ego problem. I think everyone does at times. Truth is so explicit...:confused: [/color]
  19. [color=red]Woh, this RPG could be something if we got the right people. It really could be something... Character 1 [b]Name[/b]: Gurthang [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Equipment[/b]: Broad Sword, provisions, tent, and a radio. [b]Bio[/b]: A former soldier of The United States Military, Gurthang was caught in the middle of the battle between the Xirak'Tel, and was almost killed when it happened. A peice of lava had hit his arm, leaving a great scar of pain upon it. [b]Location[/b]: Upon an unnamed floating island, which he calls Ferantoe. Character 2 [b]Name[/b]: Illuvatar [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Equipment[/b]: A mighty bow and a quiver of arrows, provisions, tent, and a coat of chain mail [b]Bio[/b]: Also a part of the battle, he was also lost, and later found, by Gurthang. They thus have begun a search for other survivers, upon an unnamed floating island within the Earth's gravity. [b]Location:[/b] Upon an unnamed floating island, called Ferantoe by Gurthang. [/color]
  20. [color=red] Well, I recently bought FFT finally, since it was only a cheap $15. Well, it has been very challenging thus far, and I have had many problems, but I made it through most of them. What I need help on is when you have to battle Weigraf at Riovanes (I think that's what it's called...) Castle. You can only use the main character, which I named Gurthang of course...anyways, Gurthang (the main character) is at lv. 36, and Weigraf's only at lv. 26, but I can't beat him. He uses that lightning stab attack, which does 140 damage, and kills Gurthang in about 3 hits. Does anyone remember how they beat him, or have any tips or anything, because I really could use them. Thanks in advance.[/color]
  21. [color=red]This is a very short poem I wrote which I am recalling from my memory, so it won't be exactly the same but pretty close [i][b]"Cloudy water endlessly deep for someone to keep only underneath that cloudy water will you sleep."[/b][/i] that's it take what it means for what you want it to...[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][color=teal][size=1]The test wouldn't load on my computer... Bleh. That's okay though; I don't really need a test to tell me that I am retarded. :) --Mike[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red] Wouldn't load for me either. But I know I'm smarter than an average person. On my SAT's when I was in the 6 or 7th grade I scored a 12th grade+ on English and Science and a little lower on Math 'cause I suck at Math. So I know I am pretty smart. [/color]
  23. [color=red] [b]Question #1[/b]: If I were to find myself, would I then still be myself, or would I be a completly different person? [b]Question #2[/b]: Why are so many people so prejudice? Is it because different is weird, is it because human nature makes people that way? [b]Question #3[/b]: Why am I so lonely (to no one in particular...) pretty stupid questions, but hey, I've got questions, you've got answers :babble: [/color]
  24. Yup, I've got me one. You can check it on out if you must...[url]www.livejournal.com/~lover_of_anime[/url]
  25. [color=red]Ok, I'm only 15, 16 this October. I've only been writing seriously since about a year ago, so I have much room for improvement. I have taken no offense in what you have said, and I think the advice you haven given is very worthy. Because if I don't figure into my own style, and work out the kinks, then what is improvement? I didn't read everything you said, just skimmed some of it. I usually write to vent, and that comes to my best poems, but these few I have posted weren't for venting, just for fun. So I really don't think these are my best poems, or me writing at my best. Because, obviously, when I write and force myself to, I just can't write as well. I think it is this way for most people as well... anyways, I really would like to become a proffesional poet or writer or whatever, if it is possible, so any advice from anyone is open to me. I also think I need a more grasped understanding of grammar, as I think you mentioned. If anymore advice you have, go ahead. Thanks more than I can give.[/color]
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