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  1. - Just epic Tsundere Caramell- Haruhi, Taiga, Asuka - The evil Caramell -Sasuke, Aizen, Shia
  2. The first anime I watched was when I was about 4, Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Time passed, and I started to get addicted. After about late 3rd grade or early 4th, I became literally, Addicted to anime and manga. I was obsessed with so much different Genres. Not much people thought I was weird, since it turned out, well, i'm not the only one in the class who is obsessed with anime and manga. It was pretty fun through Elementary, I guess.
  3. - Reading and watching [b]The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya[/b]. Its pretty good so far. - I finished [b]Otaku No Musume [/b]recently I liked it, but the ending was...iffy. - I'm planning to read [b]Happy World[/b] again, since I didn't understand the ending last time I read it, which was about 2 years ago. - I'm reading/watching random episodes/volumes of[b] Naruto[/b]. I just can't read it in order oAo'' - I'm watching [b]Kodomo No Jikan[/b].
  4. Yeah. But they're not figma or anything special...^^; Just cheap ones from cons.
  5. - Lots of money - Phone - DS - Camera - Extra Bag - Snacks
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