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Everything posted by neoakira70
Hello people, Gosh it's been too long since I visited... Anyway I thought I'd post a couple of links to my current project: Goths in Denim. It's a series of short stories looking at young people, mainly teenagers, and the sucultures they fall into. I set it in my home town because I could use locations I knew. Also these are my first attempts at first person. There's no real read order but I'll post the links in order: [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31725545/]I only dress like a goth[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/32130706/]Mother, you embarrass me![/URL] Please comment as much as you want
Hey, returning to forum life sure is unusual. It must have been a good few months since I placed a post anywhere. Well now I'm back, or so I say college may take a somewhat strange hold on me and confine me to work... But I digress I'm here to promote my blog: Does it inolve cheese? [url="http://involvecheese.blogspot.com/"][/url] I hope you call come to appreciate it and visit often... Well talk soon...
hey there i was thinking about wot i should buy next in the way of electronics when i wondered wot setup u guys had i way of technology dvd player? surround sound? or woteva so wot u guys got?
i watched and loved invader zim it was so funny and the best cartoon nickelodeon ever showed luckily i was able to watch the whole series but they only showed it on weekend mornings at 7...i lost alot of sleep coz of that show hard to say wot my fave episode was, so many good ones but if u like the cartoon maybe u should read comics by the guy who thought it up jhonen vasquez he is a genius and his comics rule he wrote summat called squee and sum other stuff which i don't own yet if u want a list of his work u can always e-mail me and i can get it to u i await your mails
hiya people been a while anyway does anyone here please know where i can find sum really gud playstaion roms and a working emulator for windows xp i really need 'em and if u can help u will really be helping me thanx in advance
well i must say the first anime i saw was transformers..YAY the original was so gud my first manga movie was devil man...so gud
hey ppl how u all doin...gud? hope so anyway i was wondering, wot do u clas ur self as? r u a goth, rocker, skater or woteva personally i tend to lead to a mosher taste in music with a gamer way of dressing..u know jeans and t-shirt with messy hair so wot r u?
hey wot do the manet warriors fuse into?
hey there i was thinking...wot do the magnet warriors fuse into coz i heard they do
Who was your first kiss? My cuurent girlfriend ALison How old were you? 16 How was it? Magical, best time in my life What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) Hotel, late at night What was your Worst/Best Kiss? aint had enough to say
Hello people... I've come to the boards today not just a great gamer but...a writer. Yes that's right, if anyone out there has seen my profile they would know that I am a writer. And so I have come here to grace you all with a story written by me...Jason Ince :glasses: . For you see tomorrows novels will be in my soft and smooth hands (thank my girlfriend for that opinion...I love you Alison :love2: ). I have graced you with a story I call The Untold Fight I This story is the first draft and I'd like to hear your comments...both postitive and negative. It would be better for me if you e-mailed me or caught me on msn (neo_akira70@hotmail.com) or ICQ (173572147) but its your choice... I hope you enjoy it...
thanx everyone for your support and after considering what everyone has said i'll give the relationship a shot it can't hurt...right
hey people i've recently hooked up with this i met of the net (i don't want any one talking bout safety or anything like that) ...but she lives really far away...we really ike each other and get along great, when we met each other for the first time we clicked we want it to work even though we get critized from everyone we know do u think long distance relationships can work
my first job was testing computer games for revolution software, i do it on and off evert so often so not to bad
when i'm designing manga i just draw a bunch of characters and think of a story for them
the show was pretty gud though i didn't go out of my way to watch it
hey there i saw ghost in a shell the other after buying pretty cheap but i was wondering where the **** is my ending the film ends wrongly and it doesn't seem right it is also the same with blood the last vampire, i like endings on movies but these didn't have one your thoughts...
okay...no offence but u r all really depressing me what is it with u people
OH MY GOD!! :eek: this is such a good game the graphics kick *** and the gameplay is so original does anyone else like this game
dilbert is a gud comic but calvin and hobbes is much better it appeals to a much broader audience and is much funnier
hey people i've got kinda a problem there is this girl on the net that i really get on with we like/hate the same things and get on really well but the thing is she lives so far away :( and shes 2 years older than me we've been arranging to meet up next year, which i guess is gud, but now shes talking about goin on holiday together:eek: how can i tel her i'm not ready to go on holiday together
calvin and hobbes is great, i love sum of the strips in the little red wagon and clavins sarcastic comments about his parent performance
hey there this is a cool thread:cool: but some of the best scenery within the game's are: FFVII- wutai was beautiful, especially that mountains with the statues carved into them FFIX- conde peti, that place with the dwarves, i loved the fact the whole place was expended over a canyon
results of the poem i well read her the poem and she just laughed at me, and then she tells me she has a bf and doesn't really like that b*tch oh well thanx 4 your help anyway
hey there are there any yugioh fans from the uk at the forum i think its kinda bad that there is no real card tournaments anywhere any opinions?