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Everything posted by neoakira70

  1. me and one of my lecturers had a big arguement today about proper grammar which one of these is right
  2. i was at the local comic store yesterday (i say local but it is actually about 30 miles from where i live) with my dad, he bought a copy of Ranma 1/2, i read it before he did and i must say i really enjoyed it,its funny, beautifully drawn and well written has anyone else read this great manga
  3. thanks for all your help everyone, i'm sure she'll like it
  4. i'm 16, i like pokémon, the games are fun, the tv series is decent and the card game was also gud but the games can only really be played by kids 10+ any younger and the game is kinda complicated
  5. what are u talking about, babidi didnt make him evil, he was always evil thats why kaioshin (supreme kai) and kibito call him the king of DEMONS also i hated the fact he was turned gud by whoever did it he was a very serious character and look what they to him hopefully they won't mess around with my characters when i release my novel
  6. am i the only one who thinx this card should be at least 5 stars it has a defense of 2000 and attack 1300 and somehow remains to be a 3 star card this is just wrong
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]am I the only one that doesn't want this to happen? ;_; ... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah you are
  8. Well don't forget that Pan is Gohan's daughter and Gohan lost the ability to go super saiyan so maybe he didn't pass that gene onto Pan.
  9. I think the sequel will be about the events after FFVII But who knows :laugh:
  10. hi there i need help u all might think this is corny BUT i wanna write a poem for this girl i like, buts its harder than i originally thought this is what i got so far: You're as beautiful as the sky is blue, You infect my heart like a flu, My feelings for you are true, I wanna know if you feel the same too? Please help
  11. ok you may be thinking i'm talking bout FF X-2 but i'm not Yoshinori Kitase (final fantasy producer) is considering doin a FFVII sequel and many other staff members are hoping this is true, but square don't want to put out a half decent sequel, so its still in the talking stages more info soon
  12. what year was the ps2 released i can't remember
  13. if i could make a final fantasy spin off it would be to follow seifers journey in FF8, he could have his own Gfs aswell another gud one would be a FF7 spin off, not a sephiroth one but about the rebirth of shinra, adn the main charcters could be the children of the heroes of FF7
  14. hey there are there any uk animé fans here, most ppl in the boards are american and talk about stuff thats ahead of us and its hard for us to keep up
  15. hey there i was in a video/dvd store looking at what they had and my eye caught the manga logo, so i looked at the dvd and it reads: 'THE FIRST LIVE ACTION MANGA' and i'm thinkin live action i thought thew whole point of manga was stylised drawing, i mean manga means comic book for the sake of heck is this even possible i can't remember the name (dum me) can i have your opinions
  16. neoakira70

    DBZ rpg

    hey there now before u start i don't mean an online rpg i mean the rpg created by talsorian, u know paper and pen has anyone else played this apart from me and my friends
  17. hey there as you all know by nnow, there is going to be a live action DBZ movie and of course many questions arise about who will play the roles of Goku, vegeta, etc... but there is one question which kinda confuses me because there has already benn dbz movies what will this one be called 'DBZ 15' or sumething like that hope to hear from u soon
  18. [clears through] Me the pimp, You all my bitchez, Once i lay down my skillz... i'll be covered in riches [bows graciuoslly] :rolleyes:
  19. the card i relate to the most is probably the summoned skull powerful and when combined with the red eyes black dragon, can cause some serious damage. the magic card i most relate to is the change of heart card, allowing the control of your opponents blue eyes can be fun
  20. my deck in yugioh focuses on spellcaster and fiend types, especillay if they have a dark attribute
  21. does anyone know where to download anime music i've looked all other all help will be appreciated :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty:
  22. bey blade is ok, but has a losey concept for a show it doesn't really compare with DBZ or Gundam
  23. thanks for all opinions, i intend to do more, try to get more people to my site please
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