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Everything posted by rokas

  1. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b] Name:[i] Groundwire [/i] Age:[i] 900[/i] Gender:[i] Male[/i] Race:[i] Autobots[/i] Alliance:[i] Autobots[/i] Wepons:[i] Drill (three claws on his paws connect to make a three sided piramid shape, his hands rotate fast allowing him to drill through anything, although he can't do anything else when drilling. Drill also lets out a small range spaks that will shock nearest metal source and, if his "drills" spin fast enough he can fire energy lasers.) Blades ( the tail and small wing blades he uses for ballance when jumping can be used seperately as a whip and two sword or can be combined to make a double end blade or a energy bow) [/i] Transformation:[i] Metal cat[/i] History:[i]Created not so long ago (compared to others) as a digger. He spent most of his time underground, creating new chambers for the Autobots base and digging metals from deep down underground. His unnusual animal transformation, served him better than usual mashine forms to others, since it's smaller and more manuverable. It also saved his life on the day he saw surface for the first time. The shaft that Groundwire's team were digging, had caved in. Some of the robots were trapped, others tried to shoot their way through the rocks only causing more trouble. Few however managed to get through a small gap in the wall of rocks into a narrow tunnel going up and stones falling down . Groundwire was the only one to reach the surface. However when he escaped from underground his troubles weren't over, he was in the middle of decepticons territory. [/i] Appearance:[i] Groundwire is mainly red and brown in colour. In his beast form two small wing blades stick out from his sides in his robot form the whole side of the cat turns into robots pecs. Groundwire is smaller than most transformers and only a bit bigger than most Minicons, preaty square in shape.[/i] Personality:[i] Groundwire used to be quite wise in the shafts, but on the surface everything is different and to his great annoyance he's considered a fool. To avoyd saying something stupid, he talks litle, but always tries to do something to show his worth.[/i] ***** P.S. If fic charecters ar not allowed or there's something else wrong with my sign-up, please tell me so I can change it. [/color][/font][/b]
  2. [color=sienna][b][i][font=comic sans ms] A nice start. I like the way you start with a industrial scene of cars going past and then contrasting it with the misterious figure. Though there are some things that are tad bit off. Like you say that all people should be sleeping, but then who is driving the cars? Well You'll see them when you revise the story [/color][/font][/b][/i]
  3. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b][i] Good books make us laugh or cry. In other words effect our emotions. This sounds simple enough, but when you think about it, to be effected by something non existing(fictional) is one of the signs of madness. However, books are made to leave longer term effects, Some are even written sollely for the purpose of changing people. For example the messages hidden in "Tom Sawyer" or "Pride and prejudice". Then there are other that just succed in effecting people. The most obvious example for this would be the Bible. Millions of people are and were effected by it, people used it to start wars and create peace. Though to someone who thinks that books in the bible are simple fiction, a lot of stuff would look like mass maddnes (wich burning, for example). Also, writting in first person, usualy this is taken for granted simply as a tool to show it from the point of wiev of main charecter. However a really good writer will use it to make the reader to feel that (s)he is the charecter. But what if the author exceeds the limits of exelence, it's quite possible that a book can create a compleate illiusion, so that reader will be still looking at everything from the charecter's of the book he just read, position. Dave Pelzer's "Child called it" for example, after reading a chapter of it I had to take about a minute to realize that I never had to live in the basement, and that I was in the clasroom (it was PSHRE-free lesson) Finally the questions themselves. Firstly what books have you found moving, turning you to change your life, or atleast laugh out loud or cry. Then- do you think a book can drive you mad? Is it madness for example if a succesfull sportsman decides to quit his carrier after reading a bible, or just simple proccess of life?[/color][/b][/i][/font]
  4. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i]OCC: I'm new charecter here. Sorry for not posting for some time. I'm playing a dwarf/hobbit, craftsman Ggedi. He fastened his pace, woodlands used to be home to him. A safe place. Now the trees seemed threatening. Couple of times he thought he heard distant voices and heygh's of horses. This added to his fear. what ever these voices were(even if just figments of his imagination) they didn't sound welcoming. He needed to get to the Black Haven as soon as possible. Finaly he came in site of the town gate. From the point he was looking only rooftops were vissible behind the wall. Tails of smoke were coming from some of the chimneys. Ggedi hoped the town was as peaceful as it looked from the first glance. When he reached the town gate he took a minute before knocking hard on it...[/font][/color][/b][/i]
  5. rokas


    [color=sienna][b][i][font=comic sans ms]If one nigh, when your parent are asleep and you get your hands on a can of bear, what's the first thing you'd think of doing with it? Make an action figure out of it, of course. Ayways I got this idea when I saw how bottom on a beer can looks like a round shield, I cut that out and build a crude armored body around it. Hands are disproportional and my attempts at colouring didn't work out since I needed sticky tape to be colourless and keep the figure together. So, what do you think of my beer can art?[/color][/font][/i][/b]
  6. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i]I just hope this RPG is still open to litle kids who want to play with big boys. Name: Ggediminas(Ggedi) Kunigaikshtis Age: 25 Race: Dwarf/Hobbit Gender: Male Occupation: Craftsmen House Type: Wood house Looks: Realtively short, fat, has a long brown beard, wears rusty-color leather pants, his tool belt and leather armor padded with rabits fur. (he rarely takes of his clothes) Small Bio: Ggedi, comes from a far away unknown land of Lietuva. He was bareli an inkling when he and his family were chased away from dwarf town because they were in war with the hobit vilage Ggedi's dad was from. As he was growing Gedi tryed out all kinds of trades, his favourite thing was to write, he made a journal were he recorded all kinds of things, from positions of the stars and the types of plants he saw, to his own true and made up adventures. Unfortunately, he learned that it's hardly possible to survive on writing. He turned to choping wood and making all kinds of things from them, chairs, tables, beds, houses all compleat with beautiful acessories. In his six years of experience he learned to craft more complex things like metals and even glass. One day a man came to his workshop demanding that he madea copy of a key from a rich traders house. Ggediminas, knowing well that his "client" was a mugger, reffused. The man was furious, the wery same evening he and his gang burned down Ggedi's workshop. Craftsman survived, but now he had no home, no job and feared that mugger might still be looking for him to take revenge for something he didn't do, Ggedi turned to Black Haven for refuge. [/color][/font][/b][/i]
  7. rokas


    [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i] Another fifteen year old afraid of the dark here. I'm not afraid of the dark itself, only that every scary story and movie I ever heard or seen, comes back. actualy it takes just to be alone for me to see ghosts around me. Like when I'm brushing my teeth and look in the mirror I'm always afraid that someone else will look back from there, or there will be death standing behind my left shoulder. I could never watch X-Files, I don't know why, but only seeing those grey skinned aliens, or the flying saucers sends shivers down my spine. I couldn't sleep half the night after I saw the "Independence Day". Not only that, but when I was smaller I read my sisters astronomy book (I was bored, realy bored) and that evening I was outside when it was darkening, then fear came over me. I was afraid that ground beneath me would turn into something like surface of Saturn, with nothing to breathe, no living thing around me for thousands of miles, and I'm only falling through the dark gas into the center. Kinda dumb I know, but in dark every thing is possible. [/color][/font][/b][/i]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jubei Yagyou [/i] [B]can be midi-evil ... or whatever.[/B][/QUOTE] [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i]Hope I got it right Name: Bjorn Siksmehn Age: 37 Side: Bad (if I don't choose it, who will) Type of Fighter: Viking Varior Weapon: Batle Axe Style: His own Appearence:(see attachement) Bjorn has as much muscle as he has fat and he's realy fat. he wearsrust colored leathers, metal helmet and boots, has a shield on left had, and a huge battle axe in his right. Bio: Was a peaceful shipmaker when he was young, but one day he ws attacked and all his shipmaking tools were destroyed, seeking revenge and a way to survive, he joined raiders who went to Englnd and other lands to loot gold and kill monks. There Bjorn learned to be rutless, there he also got his surname- he ate like six men at once, he drank like six men, and when he fought it was if six men were fighting, because of the his fellow looters named him Siksmehn. On one journey he came upon some monks that had some strong powers, they killed Bjorn's friends and knocked him out into a realy strange sleep. When he woke up with blood lust, Ken was there to offer him a place as his minion. Abilities: Bjorns batlle axe, has some magick powers usefull for fighting, if needed he can also use it for shipmaking. With a strike from his axe he makes six equaly powerful clones of himself. [/color][/font][/b][/i]
  9. [font=comic sans ms][color=red][b][i]Lyzdaika looked through the trees. A group of people were near the waterfall, he made his way around them, Shadow Panther followed. No one from Giga Omega Ki seemed to be around. This was strange, he was sure he was late, but he wasn't so late that his team would have left without him. Best course of action for Lyzdaika was to wait at the top of the waterfall if his teammates came later than him, he had the best chance of spotting them from there. He had not reached the top when he notticed the team, who hunted nearby, leave. Not many people came here, it seemed wierd for them to leave in such a hurry, after finding a utopic place like this waterfall. Lyzdaika shrugged it off, they probbably had something better to do. Only then he remembered the special compartement in the foliage, he ran his hand through the leaves untill he bumped into the door. He oppened it, a new note was there. He took the parchement out and read it. He skipped through the part that said that the meating was postponed and stoped when it mentioned Calipso. He hadn't checked the news for quite some time. the thought that he could have missed a chance to atleast try and do something about escaping this place, startled him. He read it through carefuly and then, without a brake, he accesed the "Message Menu" and picked "Send a message to off game party". "She has to know about this," he told to himself. [center]* * *[/center] There were no players around and except the usual nature sounds, it was silent. Lyzdaika , realized how long he had spent there. He had built a fire and now was feeding it with magick, soon it turned as hot as a furnace, but it didn't make any difference to him. He pulled out the coins, he consfiskated from the ninja he met in the forest and placed them in the fire. Slowly they became softer, he took them and forged them with his bare hands. Flames avoided touching his skin, even when they did there was no effect. He pressed the coins together forming a golden chain, finaly he took the both ends of it and connected them to the gem he took from the ninjas sword. He took a moment to admire his own work and placed it water, as he did that balls of steam rose upwards. "Come here girl," Lyzdaika called his Shadow Panther. Lazily, she got up and made her way towards him. He pulled out the now hardened neclace, the cat lowered her head slightly. "Ok now, here!" he got it arround her neck, with that her level went up a bit. She let out a warm purr to show her pride, but sudennly she jumped, someone was walking nearbays. "Xander?" A gregorious looking man walked out into the clearing.[/color][/font][/b][/i]
  10. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b][i] I was bullied quite heavily. In second grade this guy moved to our school. At break we all would play in the playground. I think I played hide and seek with that guy, well whatever it was, he soon came up with a new game- he would chace me and beat me up if he cought me. I moved to a new school the next year. I had a some "problems" (like short temper) and added to that- I was new. Not long after I came to that school the whole class was picking on me. Seriously- every person in my class had done something bad to me in one way or another, even the teacher. She told me to either ignore or fight the bullies. One day I took her advise and fought them. I got a notice for bad behaviour and beaten up even harder. I mean they wouldn't actualy give me black eyes or brake any bones in my body, we were only 9/10 year old then, but believe me after being spat at, kicked, punched and humiliated I was glad to come back to my old school. I had to move back to the school I used to go to and got bullied again by the same guy who bullied me in the second grade. He was mad I tell you, his dad left him when he was a youngster, and mabe he made few head dives onto cement, because he enjoyed pain no matter if it's inflicted on somebody else or he himslelf. I would like to see those who said thei would beat bullies up try it on that guy. [/color][/font][/b][/i]
  11. [color=red][b][i][font=comic sans ms] A small rabit munched on a sticking out piece of grass. It hoped a small hop towards another patch of grass, but he froze milimeters from the ground. Lyzdaika snapped his fingers and the rabit flew towards him. Rabbit was skinned and burned quite nicely on fire, spreading the aroma around him. Lyzdaika knew he wasn't the only one enjoying the smell. In numerous shadows something was moving. "Come here girl," He cut off a piece of meat and threw it towards the bushes, few moments later, a large, black cat strolled out suspiciously. She eyed Lyzdaika, before eating the cooked piece of meat he threw. "Good girl. Come here. Want another? Come here girl." He held out the rest of meat in his hand. The cat slowly made her way towards him. "That's a good girl, come on." He made a sudden movement, too sudden, the cat jumped back a bit. Suspiciously she made her way towards him again, ready to strike, if needed. Finaly she reached him, cat looked around for any tricks that might be hidden, in the end sh made up her mind and bit the meat in his hand. [/color][color=orange]Congradulations, you succesfuly befriended the "Shadow Panther"[/color][color=red] -appeared above the cats head. A new screen showing the advantages of having "Shadow Panther" as a friend, materialized. Lyzdaika scanned the notes quickly. Most of the stuff he already knew. He had bin looking for a shadow panther for a long time, then all those days feeding her... Youngsters went into the game for the trill of kill, while he prefered other adventures like tameing a magical creature. There were just so many wais to gain experience points, he pittied youngsters for not using them. "Well girl, we have a meating to go to. Lets get to a place with less of these trees." He turned away, the panther followed him. [center]* * *[/center] They came in to a small clearing. Lyzdaika noticed a pile of ashes lying in the middle. It looked fresh. There must be someone around. Suddenly a ninja jumped down from a tree behind them. He ha his sword drawn and aimed to kill the Shadow Panther. Only she was faster than he was, panther rolled out from under the blade and the sword got stuck in the ground. The big cat backed away to Lyzdeika's side, she was hissing, her teeth were showing it was obvious that the cat was ready to attack. But she wasn't. "You would make a big mistake if you tried to attack us again ." Lyzdeika said, "so what would you say if I made you a deal?" "Wha?" "You give me that gem from your sword handle and some gold from that jingly bag of your's and I will give you a Roc's egg in return." As he said that he pulled out an oversized egg that could have never fitted in the bag it was just in. "I have a pair of these, so I realy don't mind loosing one." "Yeah, right. That's not a Rock's egg. There's no way you could have got it." He pulled out his sword from the ground. "So, how about I simply chop you and your kitty here and then take whatever you got. Cauze nobody messes with Louye..." Louye made a step to attack, but he wasn't quick enough. Shadow Panther jumped and hit him in the legs. As he fell, Lyzdeika made a quick spell, vines grew out of ground and tied Louye down. Lyzdeika walked over and ignoring the curses and shouts coming from now helpless Louye, and took his sword and bag with gold. "I guess that's it." Lyzdeika selected a handfull of gold coins and ripped of the red gem from the handle of the sword. Some accuracy points dissapeared with it. He dropped what he didn't need to the ground."Oh... and here's your egg," He placed the giant egg on the ground. "Sorry can't stay and chit chat, gotta a go to a meating." With that he and his cat teleported [to:jungle zone]. [/color][/b][/i][/font]
  12. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b][i] "Yeah right, studying. That man doesn't know how to have fun." Said Davis looking at the door, through whitch TK had just left. "Speaking of fun," Cody gulped some of his juice. "Anybody got any plans?" "I would realy like to see that new technology exhibition." Said Yolei excitedly. "You know they have those new computers..." "I'm not spending my whole trip to Japan, in some nerd place." Davis interupted. "Nobody asked you!" Yolei shot back. Cody drained his glass, happy that talk turned clear away from Takie. Memory of that girl brought a smile to his face. She wasn't exactly his girlfriend, he felt he was too young to have a girlfriend. They were just, realy good friends and Cody didn't want Yolei making big deal about it. [center]* * *[/center] The lunch went quite quietly after that, except for Yolei and Davis making fun of each other, from time to time. It took a bit longer, though, because Codi wanted to finish everything he ordered. He urged others to do the same, only Kari couldn't finish her noodle soup, so Davis gentelmenicaly offered to finnish it, only he wasn't as quick as Yolei... Tk was resting on a bench, his eyes closed, sucking up the sun rays, thinking his own thoughts, untill a shout woke him up. It was a realy nice sunny day and people were taking every chance to enjoy it. A grup of people were doying their noon tai-chy practise in a small park nearby. The rest of the park was filled with kissing couples and lazy sunbathers. "You know what, I want a snack." Davis said "You just ate!" "I don't want to eat, I want a snack!" "It's the same thing!" Yolei snapped. "There's a bread shop, over there." Kari pointed. "You can get your snack there." [/i][/b][/font][/color]
  13. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i] Real Name: Rokas Rakauskas Age: 37 Delta Name: Lyzdaika Delta Age: 289 Team Name: Giga Omega Ki Class: Wizard Player Rank: 4 Weapon: Magick Personality: Quiet and calm making him sometimes seem almost retarted, but he is always thinking of next move. Picture:[img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/haisar.bmp[/img] [/b][/i][/color][/font]
  14. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b] Name:[i] Cody [/i]Main Digi-egg:[i] Sincerity [/i]Digimon:[i] Armadillomon; Ankylomon; Jagamon; Boltmon [/i]Attacks:[i] Diamond Shell, Diamond Slamming; Tail Hammer, Mega Pressure; Fried potato, Potato smash; Tomahawk Crunch, Tomahawk Knuckle [/i]Describtion:[i] Cody still has the bowl-like hair style. wears gray t-shirt(sleaves up to elbows), and brown jeans. [/i][/b][/color][/font]
  15. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i]When I was litle, my cousin died. I can still remember when I met him in his mothers, my aunts (re)marriage, we played outside, stole some vine, got drunk. than about a year, I think, we drove to his funeral. He drowned in a swiming pool on school trip. I feel like I psiched myself into crying when they laid his coffin next to our grandfather's. Maybe I was too litle to understand that he died, atleast I hope I was, because I felt nothing... Then abut five six year ago, we went swiming in a pond, me, my younger sister and my two friends/neighbours, one of them was an sixteen year old guy, the other, was my age girl. She could swim, but she still used a ball to help her. We played there for a couple of hours. Then my neghbour decided to swim from one side of the pond to the other, she allmost made it. The ball she was holding onto, suddenly jumped up from the water. She submerged. We didn't get what was happening, we awed at how long she could hold her breath, but it came out she didn't. We ran to call somebody, she was still underwater. All the time I hoped that she was still allive, that she somehow managed to hold her breath for a really long time and got out when we ran to get help, but I also was fearing that people might blame everything on me. While I was running to one of the neighbours, my friend had already told the girls mother, about what happened. She ran to the pond, another woman was already there in the water, looking for the girl. The mother didn't know how to swim yet she jumped in, they actualy found the body, only it was too deep. The mother drowned. Again I'm not sure what I felt then and I feel nothing now. It's kinda scarry whe you feel indifferent when your friend dies. Oh and somebody axed and old lady that gave me some sort of "apple chease" on my birthday. Though I was away when that happened and I didn't know her, besides that present she gave me on my birthday...[/i][/b][/color][/font]
  16. rokas


    [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i] Having your own money helps. You can buy stuff without relying on you'r parents on alowence. Except that to get hold of money you can call your own, you have to find your self a job. I found myself a part time job in a solicitors firm few months ago. well technicaly it's not a job, I'm just helping my mom in her business (cleaning), and geting money for that. So anyways I hoower that solicitors place three times a week... , but that's not what I came to talk about. What I'm wondering, is if there are any other youngsters (I'm 15 by the way) who work. So if you work, could you tell me... [/i]What was your first job?[i] Even if it was just some household chore that you got paid for. I remember when I was about eight years old, my dad was building smething in our house and to keep me outside he told me to bring him bricks, I got paid I think five (Lithuanian)cents a brick. I must have brought thousands of bricks, and then spend all the money on chocolates and icecream, yet i'm happy for doing all that, that summer is the only significan't muscle-building period in my life so far. [/i]What job do you have now?[i] I'm cleaning, it's an easy job, keeps me out of lazynes. [/i]What do you think of having job in general?[i] Especialy the phisical kind. I'm not embarresed to say that or my parents do phisical work. Everybody has to have some sort of work sometime in their life. At least I can say that I'm not spoiled. [/b][/i][/color][/font]
  17. [font=comic sans ms][color=sienna][b][i]I set my cat on fire(almost... Phew), almos burned down the house, pooped on sofa bacause I didn't get to play or something and got drunk in my aunts wedding(by stealing some vine). God I was annoying when I was a kid. [/i][/b][/color][/font]
  18. [color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][i][b] "Elders of the Empires of Undersun, I am Complex, master of the Crosstream island. I'm avare of numerous attempts to invade Crosstream from both sides, I'm olso aware that none of these attempts have brought any results. It is understandable that you would want to take over Crosstream and its threassures, so I decided that I will give them to you villingly. I will lower the barrier that surrounds the Crosstream and will allow two teams- one of four Technos and one of four Magos, to enter my island, and make their collonies there. The team that defeats, the opposing team and Crosstream itself, will vin the right to call my island teritory of their Empire." [center]* * *[/center] Undersun is my fictional world, it is populated by two Empires- Technos and Magos with Emperors of the same names. Despite their dislike or each other, Empires are not at war. [/i]Technos[i] is an Empire of robots, each one of them different from each other, by their appearance and abbilities. Most of them have high tech wepons, but Undersun is a considerably peaceful world so thei rarely need to have them. Especialy since they have metal for skin. They live in cities of metal, generating electricity and pumping oil for their motors. [/i]Magos.[i] Acros the ocean from the metal covered Technos empire In wast woodlands Magical beings live. They are Magos, again each one is different from each other by appearance and abbilities a rare few carry cold weponry like swords, because they have spells to defend themselves if needed. Magos live in wooden huts, there are only few cities in their teritory, they eat preaty much anything they can find. [/i]Complex.[i] Before the Empires, Spirits like Complex roamed the Undersun, untill one day two powerfull Spirits-Magos and Technos, came to a disagreement. They moved to diferent sides of the ocean and started their Empires. Other Spirits scatered through out the Undersun. Complex found his home in an island called Crosstream. He lived there for thousands of years. His powers made the island full of treasures, desirable by both Magos and Technos. Though some have seen them no one has yet been able to bring them back to their Empire, not untill now. [center]* * *[/center] To play please fill this in: [/i]Empire: Name: Gender: Appearance: Elemental advantage:[i] No more than two. e.g. ability to swim, dig, fly, indiference to heat, cold... [/i]Wepons/Spells:[i] No more than five.Technos can not have any spells, but they have highly advanced weponry, Magos can only have single cold wepon together with their spells. [/i]Advantage in building the colony[i]Only one. e.g. Metal(for building) detector for a Tachno, or a fishing line(for food) for a Mago. Remember that in this RPG you not only fight for your colony, but you also have to build one. May the bast team vin. [/i][/b][/color][/font]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]What ... Thugs will leave you for dead... [/B][/QUOTE] [font=comic sans ms][b][i][color=sienna]Where do Thugs come in? In martial arts there are no thugs, in fighting yeah, you'll find everything there, but martial arts is a complitely different thing. that's one of the points I wanted to point out about the "flowery stuff"- it might not look efective in fights, but even the best martial arts styles won't be effective in a real fight, you'll get hit in the back, shot or simply slip on your opponents blood and break you'r neck. While the fight in martial arts is more like a game, a combination of power and the skill in the art is needed to vin, if you'r power and skill isn't sufficient you'll loose the game. Same as you have to have strong arms while arms wrestling and if the opponent psyches you out while arm wrestling and vins, it's not cheating it's just not honourable, so you don't go around whining about it, the same is in martial arts. In a real fight you have to have strong legs... to run away. About the philosophy- My moto is "Ignorance is bliss", a man can't find clear and compleate definition between right and wrong and search for it is pointless, he should simply forget the dilema, and concentrate on other things.[/font][/color][/i][/b]
  20. [font=comic sans ms][b] Question 1. [i]I didn't have any toys based on any TV series, we didn't have them in Lithuania. Well at least not the kind we have today, I had a transformer, but all it was, was a car that drove around and the front would turn into a robot. Back stayed the same so the robot had no legs it would just drive around and round and form back into a car and then round again... uhm... I also had few guns(if they are considered toys) and made quite few bows over time, I would meat up with other kids, we would all seperate into teams, and play war, sweet the memories. Then there were constructer sets, I had one metal set with screws and all, you had to bend the metal parts to be able to create the better figures, my hands were week those times so I never made anything cool. I had more luck with big plastic ones. One other thing I remember, were remote control cars, one christmas when I asked for lego set, my sister asked for a remote control car. Not really a genderised toy after all. We broke quite few of those.[/i] Question 2. [i] I loved them, but you usualy needed a friend to play with them, it's just no fun with out one. Each takes a charecter and plays, simple as that.[/i] Question 3. [i]Blah... I have few, play with them sometimes, my mum thinks the moon must be effecting me when I do. There just seems nothing there to do with them, without a friend and all...[/i] Question 4. [i]I remember how our almost pensionere teacher explained why boys played with cars, and girls with dols. There wasn't that much gendarisation when I was litle. I had a friend who was a girl (not a girlfriend, I was too young at the time, though I was supposed to marry her O.o) and played dolls with her. There was more distinctin as I grew up a litle, girls don't play with guns... [/i][/b][/font]
  21. rokas

    Cold War

    [font=comic sans ms][i] Rokas was lying on his stomach between two bushes with camouflage covering him, holding a sniper rifle. He could see Jonathon walking towards the plane. He reported it. "He can't make it to that plane, shoot him, NOW!" A voice ordered him through his earpiece in russian. Rokas aimed, bullseye centered on Jonathons head. "He's out of range, I repeat, he's out range. I can't shoot him" The runway was too big of a distance for a bulet to make. "Ok, change of plan." The same voice spoke again. "You will have to follow him, go back to the airport, we will contact you." Rokas watched the plane take of and fly above him. For a moment he thought about trying to shoot it down, if he hit the tail the right way plane couldn't steer, or made any hole in there the preasure could destroy it. But then again, now his orders were to follow Jonathon. Rokas creeped out silently[/font][/i]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Thats what i've pretty much been saying this entire time. But, oh well, but your right. Martial Arts don't have real codes outside of the samurai arts and the militairy like International TaeKwon Do Federation style of TKD. Martial Arts do have philisophys though. No, you don't have too meditate for hours too be a good martial artist, like Justin just said. You have too have good physical ability and knowledge of fighting. Medidtaion is only used to get in touch with your spirit, which is used in tai-chi and various other chinese martial arts. ITF Taekwon Do meditated, but its mostly just a breathing exercise and too clear your mind before class. [/B][/QUOTE] [font=comic sans ms][b][i]You don't need to meditate, you don't need any codes... but then again you don't even need knowledge of any fighting style to shoot that black belt in the head. I mean yeah Shaolins(though they are not the ones who came up with martial arts first) needed a way to defend themselves without any weponry, but they came in need of weponless fight becouse of their believes, so realy believes and martial arts are directly connected. ...Then the ages changed and the need for the self defence became less and less. Sure, people still get attacked, but they don't attack simply becouse you have strong believes, even if they do attack you, you can now get wepons. That's why martial arts changed and stayed that way for a long time, untill Bruce Lee came along and chalanged the olden believes and brought back the ancient ones, come to thin of it he didn't even do that, first form of martial arts was a mindless routine done by hundreds of emperors wariors, completely different from the "shapeless water" logick Bruce created. [/font][/b][/i]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]. Traditional martial arts are today too flowerey and overly complex. [/B][/QUOTE] [b][i][font=comic sans ms] Bruce Lee also said something about "truly expressing yourself". That's one point I realy picked out from his philosophy(even though it probably didn't matter that much to Bruce himself). Martial arts are ARTs (if you want something effective in combat, get a gun) and arts are all about expresing yourself. They might look flowery and stuff, but I think that they are supposed to look that way. Martial arts are simply a ballet that can be applied in combat. In the end, violance is bad anyway.[/b][/i][/font]
  24. rokas

    Cold War

    "May I have you'r pasport, please?" Rokas smiled and gave his forged document at the checkpoint. The lady checked it through the computer. She didn't seem to be suspicious, there was no need for her to be. The forgery was state of the art, because of the tense state between england and USSR the passport was from a neutral country so they would have no reason to send him back. Now all he had to do was to find the contact. He walked out from the airport into streets of london, few black cabs were waiting nearby. One new one came and stoped right in front of Rokas. He got in. "Were are you going, sir?" Driver asked, allready starting to drive. "Up to the London bridge, please." "I hear it's going down." "Well then, I want to help it down." At those words the driver turned around with a bundle of papers in his hands. "Your target is an MI6 agent, Jonathon Walker, he's currently staying in a hotel, you are supposed to folow him, bug his room and all that, we don't want him taking a piss without us knowing it. All you need is here." The driver said in Russsian as he gave the bundle to Rokas. He looked at the picture of his target. He shouldn't be hard to recognise, his muscles and the scar on his face made him easy to spot. Before he could ask his contact the driver where he was supposed to stay, the driver had already stoped. "You'll take the rest of the way." Driver opened the door. "It's all in the papers I gave you, make sure noone sees them" He added. Rokas got out of the car.
  25. [b]Name[/b] Rokas [b]Age[/b] 30 [b]Ocupation[/b] Woodcutter [b]Location[/b] Woodlands
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