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Writing Digimon: Two Worlds, One Destiny [Go Time]
rokas replied to Patronus's topic in Creative Works
nice way to introduce that charecter and ower all nice work -
[b]Name:[/b]Rokas Rakauskas [b]Age:[/b]26 [b]Languages:[/b] Lithuanian(native) Russian and English(with a huge accent) [b]Country:[/b]Lithuania, but it was conquered by Russia [b]Description:[/b] Blonde hair, grey/blue eyes, 5 feet tall,square shaped face, unshaved for few days, isn't realy muscular as he takes up aerobics and being lightweight helps [b]Biography:[/b] born in 1984 summer in Lithuanian countryside. spend his young days camping in forests with his father, learned to survive in the wild(recognise poisonous mushrooms, avoid dangerous animals etc.) but his pearants died in 1993 when Rokas was just 9 and only started school. He was put into childrens home, but he escaped from there to live on his own in the city. He soon realyzed that was a mistake, life was hard, he had to fight for living and sleep in the steets, but he learned that in real fight there was much more than who has more power, he mastered psicology(though he didn't even know that term) as a tool in a fight, then he created his own technique instead of usual grapling and punching. The trick of it was to surprise the aponent and it olso could make him look silly or mad if he wanted to make aponent let down his guard or scare him. In 2001 he finaly came out from underground and returned to schooling, that didn't work out, next year as he became 18 he joined the army, he was trained there for 2 years. He got an opportunity to join spacial police squad "ARAS" it took him about a year and a half of studies and hard work, but he finaly joined the elite police at the end of 2006 . Rokas worked there for 2 years untill Lithuania was conquered by Soviet Union again. his talents were noticed and he was called to serve the Russians. He developed the technique he created as a kid to be used in more advanced fights. From working in Aras and army he olso learned to use guns, and some heavier equipment, but above all he proved to be useful in missions that recuired stealth and disguise. He sees his service to Soviet Union as his duty. Disobeying his orders,no matter how much hedisliked them, would bring him a lot of trouble, that's why everything he does, he does with cold profesionalism, even when he looks relaxed, foolish or ordinary he creates that look for a reason.
Pulse pounded into his head, making coloured lines appear in front of his eyes. The game, itself, was silly. The cards had some symbolic pictures drawn on them and a title (like "justice" card had a blindfolded woman with a sword in one hand and scales in the other). Richard's, head was filling up with different ideas, the most comforting one was that the whole thing was only a commercial stunt, made by the company selling the strange symbolic cards. That way, he would be only imagining that man before him radiated coldness and evil and that his life deppended on that "game". Though, Richard knew he couldn't just have simply "imagined" what he felt, he knew it was real. But the game still seemed silly. There was basicaly no point to it all there was, were twelwe face-down cards on the table and a turn each to pick a card. Richard had so far picked "Courage", "Chance" and "Justice" the cloaked man had picked "Power", "Time" and was picking a third card when he said: "We have visitors"-His red, faceless eyes gleamed in the shadow of the hood. Sudddenaly he hit a cristall ball in the middle of the table, with his boney palm. It was as if the ball exploded, a force ran through the room, which now changed shape, it was round, like the ball itself. It seemed that it took richard forever to turn his head back and see two kids standing in what had to be a doorway. Then they dissappeared, together with the force that filled the room. As he turned back Richard noticed two smokky figures drifting inside the Chrystal ball. "Is that them?" "Play,"- was all that the man said. "It is them.Let 'em go,"-his woice quivered a litle. "Your turn,"- man picked a card from the table. It was "Duel". Anger blanced out all the other emotions inside Richard, He no longer wanted to play some stupid game, he no longer wanted to fear the hooded man, but what he realy wanted was his friends. "NO!"-Richard hit the ball with his fist and unnecspectadly smashed it. the effect was the same as when the man hit the ball, only now a dark hand of energy materialized where the ball was and grabbed Richard. It pulled him in to drowsines, darkness into something inside it. He couldn't fight it. He felt tired... Something stabbed him right in the palm. Pain jolted through the arm, shocking him into awackeness. He pulled back, something new was holding on to him but it wasn't draging him back it was helping him, pushing him. He got back full control of his body, he got hold of the new energy and pulled it hard. Two of them dropped outside the blank wall and landed on hard, stone floor. "Where's Jacen?" Terra asked imediately. "That man took him." Richard rubbed his hand. Jacen had obviousy stabbed him with his sword while in smoke form to wake Richard up, that's why he couldn't grab him in time. "Stop, you cannot do this, it's not right." A female ghost was standing in front of a group of angry looking male ghosts. "Why should we stop? They came here by free will, now they will suffer the consiquenses." On of the angry ghosts eyed two kids. "Do you have any dignity left, can't you see right from wrong any more?..." Something jumped in Richards mind. It all fit up. He looked at the cards he was still holding. Courage, Chance and Justice, it all happened, courage was when he stood up against the hooded man, chance was when he broke the chrystal ball and justice was what the she-ghost just said. On the other hand-what if he was only imagining the link between the cards and reality, what about the mans cards? Power, simply enough that must have been the chrystal ball, Time- Richard looked at his watch, it was showing exactly midnight, but clock struck twelwe when they entered and that was long time ago. And Duel... "We have to go," Tera nudged him, not turning away from the angry ghosts. "Or be eaten" they moved slowly down the corridor away from the ghosts. They walked
He hated this part most. Silence. Ghosts, falling shandiliers were quite exciting, but simply waiting there in pitch black, was annoying and well scary. He tried to take his mind of what ever he saw standing there. Then he remembered the chandelier. From outside the castle look anccient, how could there be a chandelier? He imagined that people at the time castle was build, lit everything with torches or something, but this big expensive thing for candles, it somehow didn't fit. In the dark he bumped into a door completely unprepered. "Eh guys! I think I found something! Guys?" There was no reply. Richard pushed the handle. It was a bit lighter in that room, though there was no source of light. In the middle of the room there was a table, by it sat a cloacked man, his face invissible in the shadow of the hood. He held an anccient pack of cards in his hands. "Hello Richard, sit down and lets play." The man said in a haunting voice. Richard turned arround spooked out, trying to leave, but there was no door on the wall. He sit down, man shuffled the cards. ''''''''' Ignore the attachement, please
"What a hell was that?" "Sounded like someone laughing, maybe there really is someone living here." Richard said exitedly, "oh and the door ain't budging" "What? You're doing it wrong, let me try!" Austin tried to turn the master key in the lock of the big, oak door, nothing happened. The creepy laughter echoed through the main hall again. "Wait a second," Richard listened intensely. "I think it's some creaking hindges, there must be window open or something" He grabbed his key and ran towards the stairs others slowly followed. suddenly someone shrieked "Watch out!" Giant shandelier fell to the floor in the middle of the group of kids, everyone jumped out of the way. Light flached and went out they were all covered in such darkness that they were unable to see each other. suddenly darkness something twinkled in the darkness, a ghost appeared at the top of the stairs, everyone ran their ways. OOC: you're all separated, the first thing you'd want to do is to find each other and awooid ghosts and traps. good luck.
Ok change of plan as people are probbably too scared to joyn(I hope), I will start this RPG a bit earlier. I didn't want to have a lot of people as it gets quite confusing when there's too many players all trying to turn the story line their way, though game of four is still kinda small, but well it's much better than no game at all. So, go to adventure arena, find tread called "The Castle and start playing.
[b]Name[/b]Steve/OCA (One Cyborg Army) [b]Age[/b]40 [b]Time Line[/b]Techno Times [b]Wepons[/b]Being robot on outside gives him the advantage of being a walking arsenall- Spining mashine guns, rocket/grenade launchers, paralyzer unit(a bolt of electricity that can paralyze people, olmost the only close range wepon he got eccept for blades and stuff). No magick.Wheals, rocket engines and flight ability. [b]Personality[/b]Steve died when he was about 17 years old. The only way to save him was to put his brain in a robot's body. As his new life started He spend few years without the ability to moove, which he spend reading books and simply learning. New updates came, his brain could be connected straight to the computers, compact, usable and preaty powerful motors gave him the abitlity to move and take care of himself and then he got some guns. Guns were part of his job in defence. Military saw a 8 foot mashine with strategick brain, computers and guns as a perfect wepon against some new incoming alienhorde(in that timeline there's always some new incoming alien horde) and after some real bloody battle after which only he was standing, alone in battlefield full of dead boddyes. That's when he got his nicname OCA One Cyborg Army. Guns rusted after that as He remembered one spiritual book he had red in inability years and returned to spiritual peaceful life, up until he was called to fight the Howlers.
[FONT=courier new] The night was copletely dark. The kind of dark that you could have poked yourself in the eye and never noticed it. It was cold. Wind chased chilly howls through leaveless threes. Their tops shivered like giant hands. No stars were vissible behind heavy dark clouds in moonless sky. A lightning flashed and the conturs of a spooky castle, the same color as the night sky. "There was nothing about rain in todays forecast." someone said angrily. "It's only a lightning, it's not raining yet." "Yeah well if it doe's I'm going back." "Yeah right, you're just afraid" "Shut up" "ghosts might get you, booo..."-Richard mocked, but was soon beaten by others, in the end all of them were afraid. There were four of them, four kids, none of them reaching the right age to wonder alone at the night, especialy at the night tlike this, near a castle like that. The whole thing was Richards idea. He stole a special master key from uncle-policeman that was wisiting him and called his friends to check his favourite theory -were there any ghosts in "The Castle". "The Castle" Had no other name. It was build in some middle ages, by a Baron Bludrum and was about the only thing that made this litle fishing village from the others. Legends surrounded that place. Legends about ghosts and evil beings ruling the fortress at night. A large lock on the giant gate destroyed Richards plans before, but not this night, this was the noght to see if the legends were true. It was some way to go from gates to the front door, but they made it in hurrying steps and total silence. Only few of them had flashlights, but they seemed to dim as they entered through a giant oak door. "What's the time I can't see my watch." As if to answer the question a clock somewhere in the castle boomed ground shakingly. One... Two... Three... Finally it stopped at twelveth boom. the door swung shut behind the kids, manic laughter echoed through the walls from out of nowhere and the ghosts came out to play... [/FONT] I'm Richard the one who came up with this Idea. If [i]you[/i] wan't to see if you can survive a enchanced night in a ghost filled castle just fill in this simple form: [b]Name Gender Age Appearance Personality The one thing you took from home [/b] +++++++++++ [b]Name[/b]Richard [b]Gender[/b]Male [b]Age[/b]10 [b]Appearance[/b]Blue eyes, blonde hair, a bit shorter than the others. He wore black jeans, sneakers and a gray sweater. [b]Personality[/b]New ideas alvais swirl arround in his head, and he gets exited when he finaly founds someone to listen to them. Alvays joking around and loooking for an adventure, but he's usualy put down by others becouse he's so young. [b]What he took from home[/b]his uncles master key
Where am I upposed to find a gun, before gettingto the flying insectoid she-demon? Couse I'm preatty sure I can't beat her or open the gaitway to demon world. I have bullets and the max level wind sword, but simply no gun, so if someone would so helpfull to direct me to where it is... thanking in advise, Rokas.
man that's realy moving, and I ain't kidding! Especialy the ending duo bit. That realy creates an image of the both singing. However, could you write rhymes in columns with seperate lines It's just so darn confusing when everything is cramped into a single parragraph.
"Ehm... What happened?"- Yugi asked as he saw Shadramon sobing in front of a large rubble. Dokugemon walked over from the computer-portal, which was just a mess of wires and some hard drives.-"It was his station that's destroyed here." "What station?" "His radio station, He olmost never would leave it even wanted to `go down with his ship`." "My baby!"-Shadramon suddenly screamed as he jumped towards the rubble and started throwing away pieces of concrete. Yugi and Dokugemon ran towards him to see what he found. "My babby! What have they done to you?"-he pulled out something out of the rubble. "What is it?" Yugi aked in a whisper." "Look what they've done to my guitar!"- Shadramon turned arround and showed him a broken piece of wood. "Yugi, you have changed."- a deep voice startled them from behind. Yugi turned arround and saw a huge monster towering over him. "Keramon?" "It's my new form."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B] Thus, this chapter is dedicated to Rokas, for paying attention. [/B][/QUOTE] To me? :D ahhh... thanx, well uhmm. hehe anyways. just few chapters ago I said that storyline wasn't that clear. well that was basicaly becouse those aliens sort of surprised me. It was a good piece even without them, but now I got a feeling we are in for some hard core action, and I can't wait... {rubs hands}
Working wasn't as hard as finding a job. Mr Fujigata was a good employer and a good man, which made Yugi feel emberassed every time he would remember how he stealed from the litle toy-shop. After parents got to know about it there was preaty much nothing they could do, so they send Yugi to work for mr Fujigata and repay for what he done. That was long time ago. Now Yugi worked for a man he once stole from, not becouse he was forced to, but because he wanted to. The job was simple- bringing stuff when asked, watching the counter when needed and cleaning up in the end. Ofcourse he was too young to work full time,so he only worked on saturdays and the money he would get, he used to pay for the sumo lessons he visited after school. Parents were stunned seeing how their son has changed, but couldn't see what started that change. Yugi knew when it happened, It was when he fell asleep infront of pearents computer. He had a most graphic dream, with strange beings calling him "master", then a war, enemies, alliances... he believed it was true only to extent you believe a story in a book to be true. No matter how he wanted it to be real he Knew it wasn't, there could be no digital neverland in a real world he knew. It was only a dream although it made him think a lot and change his ways, but it wasn't true. "Yugi, I have to go to storeroom, could you watch the counter for a moment?" and without waiting for an ansver mister Fujigata dissapeared through the back door. There were no customers, so boy relaxed in a chair by the counter. A lamp flickered above him. The shop was quite small and all filled with nothing else but toys. The craped dim space between rows gave the shop a cousy fealing. the counter was ext to the door. There was litle place for customers to place their goods becouse even the table was filled with boxes of bublegum and card packs. On the counter there olso was a scanner, no matter how small and old the shop might have looked it still had some modern equipment. Yugi looked at the screen of the computer. On top of number table showing all the sales there was a new window. The boy rubbed his eyes. the window showed a message ment for him. Still not sure if the counter-computer was connected to any network, or how a message for him could have gotten there. he moved closer. Mr Futigata came back from the storeroom to find the counter empty. "That damned kid!"
well, I'm reading this and I quite like it actualy. Becouse of the way you write reading this is not a chore, but the storyline hasn't yet formed clearly before me. Maybe it will with chapter four...
Master of Insectoid Digimon Name Yuji Gender Male Age 10 (youngest yet!) Appearance His short brown(almost blond) hair are messy. Messy black t-shirt and sweat-pants. Mostly chocolate stains, as he got tons of bars hiden in his pockets. Shorter than rest of the groop and a bit owerweight Bio Yuji is a nasty runt, he eats lots of chocolates and newer shares. His parents work hard to get him what he wants, but he feels no gratitude. He's usuay seen in Tokyo streets eating (or even stealing) chocolate. If someone sais something a out him he stomps on their feet. He doesn't know it yeat, but digiworld is about to change him forever._________________ ... And it has changed him(he lost three kilos there!). Making an alliance with wariors and escaping a metal tyranomon in dirrect confrontation, Yuji learned what kind of power he had and what kind of power he needed.instead of his old habits of stealing and free lothing he has been taken by a master in Sumo whrestling and trained till the day he got the special e-mail. The swamp village has grown into an insectoid town. Shadramon had constructed a rock and roll radio station, dokugumon found herself a place to farm and kerymon... well he's still a leader of the town while master is gone, but in the wait he evolved to a new form. That would be a surprise for Yugi when he got back. %%%%%% my slot's stil free? Right?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]?Aww,? Stevens crooned. ?You hurt his feelings! He doesn?t have a smart-*** reply!? ?Actually,? Simon groaned. ?I have one?? ?What, hot shot?? Simon grinned up at Brooks. ?I just puked all over your shoes.? [/B][/QUOTE] This bit was sidespliting. You got an original yet clear style of writing. do continue.
Cool... No realy not only the storyline is quite teasing your style of writing makes it all easy to understand and connect with the action. can't wait to get to know why those bad digis are reapering. Just one question though-if digidestined digimon are able to digivolve by themselves, why do they need the digidestined.
Fuijinmon and Phoenixmon were still battling in the sky. Pheonixmon was now chasing Fuijinmon, firing red flames that he easily dodged. Finaly when she picked up some speed, he stoped. Pheonixmon had to dodge his blades as she couldn't stop that fast. Fuijinmon was now behind her. Fearing to be stabbed in the back, Pheonixmon did a sharp 180 turn and fired a red flame. It sliced the air and hit nothing. Fuijinmon wasn't there. "What?" Dantu screemed through the battle sounds. "There's something more about MAGE virus, in these tablets!..." Zassomon voice cracled in the comunicator. Fuijinmon was now next to Dantu. He extended his arm and grabbed the boy, still holding the comunicator. "Starlight explosion!" Pheanixmon hit Fuijinmon in the back. He started laughing as molecules left his back and dissolved in the air. His grip on Dantu loosened and he dissapeared completely. The comunicator fell to the ground. Furora looked at it. It was completely melted. --------- "What a hell is that?" Shadramon screemed pointing at a big blur on the screen. "Well it is certainly not a digimon," Keramon pressed couple of buttons on the board, "I think it is a ... VIRUS?" "A naked virus? Dude, a virus can't just live in the air with no body." "It must have some carrier or other body somewhere..." Keramon checked it again, running his fingers through the keyboard "Where is it headed?" Shadramon asked "Towards the Vegetation domain." "I go there too"Shadramon ran through the door without waiting for a reply and took off leaving Keramon in the green building. The naked virus was a realy dangerous fenomenon in the digital world, but Keramon knew there was no way Shadramon could stop it. ---------- "Sir?" Zassomon asked, but no one replyed. Suddenly comunicator started to crackle, it heated up. "What's going on?" He dropped the comunicator. A thunderbolt came out of it and static filled the whole room. Suddenly as if alive static moved towards the tablets left on the table. Tablets concentrated on the rock and turned it into dust. -------- Shadramon was near vegetation domain when a big flash of light shot out from the middle of it. "The virus" Shadramon exclaimed, shielding his eyes. When he looked again, a green monster was now standing where Zassomon home was. He laughed out loudly shaking the whole ground with his woice. -------- OOC: Sorry if this looks too controling, but I must remind you that only becouse guys got few cannons or giant swords, that doesn't mean they only some sort of war mashines with only goal-to couse destruction. I think MAGE virus proved itself to be clever when he was controling Haku(he became the strongest master ever, didn't he?) and the tablets hold some information about him, that gives us an advantage. So the virus heard about it (when Dantu was speaking through the comunicator) and made a move that gave him the most power. Now the group near mashine domain is complitely blind. They don't know where to search and they don't know that Fuijinmon is alive. And being reborn isn't that imposibble, Keramon healed himself in the movie, with the use of the virus, and here we have three virus carriers so he has triple the power... And I'm also bored of Takuya being able to do something so close to Godmoding through use of those tablets
Writing To all my Digimon-loving buddies, I bring you "Digimon Avatars"!
rokas replied to Sandy's topic in Creative Works
cool, so you finaly posted it! Anyways, a nice story I would certainly watch it if it was a new digimon season. hhhmmmhhh now here's an idea. :) There's about nothing bad about it, maybe except that first episode takes up more space than others, but it's in the script form so I guess that hasn't got too much effect. I also would like tosee the monsters so you better start drawing them ;) (you know what I mean) -
OOC: Hey, that pic doesn't look like that, it didn't even look like that when it was scanned in, I attached what should be a better quality Sage's pic. Oh yeah. Good luck with egzams, and I'll write a letter as soon as my sister stop tearing them appart. --------- InTheContext? "I guess they only just heard that this place egzists," Keramon said Yugi just returned from the warior master to recieve good news- insects were coming in faster than ever, from all over the land. His village was grovin. slowly, but growing. Yugi smiled from ear to ear.
"Yeah sure." Keramon, who was standing besides Yugi looked as if he wanted to say something, but he changed his mind. "Ok, then, lets go." Yami said. "Any orders before you leave?" Keramon asked. "Uhm... just keep looking for new insects..." "Ok."
OOC: wonder what M.A.G.E. stands for. Sorry for not posting a lot. =================== "There's just one thing" Yugi felt emberrased in front of muscled, teenager who was much older than he was. "They are just farmers" he pointed towards his insects."I couldn't help in training, so... They are not realy wariors, but we brought rice," two roachmon brought two big bags " and we have quite a lot so if you ever need them we can give you more. But we are affraid becouse someone might attack. "So what you want is protection for suplyes?"Yami said "Yes..."
"So were are they?" Rokas was getting annoyed with being unnable to find the people they were looking for. "The laptop says that thei're right here" David was bashing the keyboard of his laptop but it still showed the same- the ones they were looking for were supposed to be were they stood, but there was no one to be seen. "Screw, your laptop!" "Shut up!I'm trying to figure this out." Suddenly a rock slided open, behind them....
Bad guy [b]Name:[/b] Rokas [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Hair[/b] Blonde [b]Eyes[/b] Blue-Grayish [b]D-tector[/b] Swamp yellow (fic)[b]Digimon[/b] [b]Rookie:[/b] Choleramon [b]Champion:[/b] Moskitomon [b]Ultimate:[/b] Skull Moskitamon [b]Mega:[/b] Dungmon