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Everything posted by rokas

  1. "We'll have to wait some time until Dokugumon and the villagers get here!" Yugi shouted through the noise of the battle. They were hiding behind a giant trunk of a tree and battlefield started just few steps avay from them. "How am I supposed to find those wariors?" "Use your digivise!" Keramon answered Yugi looked at the screen of his purple digivise. All he saw was many differently coloured dots and lines."How?" Before Keramon could reply a missile growled pas them and hit a tree near the one they were sitting under. All tree of them dodged pieces of rock and tree. They got out from under theyr oak because the other one fell half a minute after being hit. "There are more mashines coming!" Shadramon pointed to couple falling trees. A single metal tyranomon stepped out, towering above the trees. Couple digimon turned to him and fired their attacks, without effect. "Nuclear Laser" Metal beast roared. Most digimon dodged out of the way, but few got cought in a blast an, that was strong enough to reach and destroy a part of the wall. Few more Metal Tyranomon stepped out from all sides, surraunding the reptilian-bird base. ------------- OOC: Sorry if I'm too controling, but Metal tyranomon were mentioned some time before and I wanted this battle not to become Power Rangers against putties. I know that many sides are battling against mashines, but they are using ultimate Andromons against our champions and they are attacking in greatest numbers yet.
  2. "I'l stay." Dokugumon wolunteared. "We Still need someone to tell the villagers that our master arrived" "Where is the village, anyway?" Yugi was confused becouse he saw only trees, bushes and giant pudles from the air. "It's not that far. This building is the first deffence if anyone would want to enter the swamp village." Keramon opened the door. "Ok, let's go." "Hey dude, wait" Shadramon got up from his table with instrumens " here's your digivise. I fixed a radio to it." Before Yugi got to check it Shadramon grabed it and flew upvards from the green building. Keramon followed him. ------ OOC: Keramon can fly. check out his special abilities: [url]http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/digidex/rookies/keramon.shtml[/url]
  3. "Should we reply?" Dokugumon asked. They were back at their tree-house again. The portal was now on. "Do not forget, that we have a master now." Keramon replyed. He was the leader of the group before Yugi came and even now they prefered to ask the rookie than the ten year old."So What do you think." Yugi has never felt emberassed before, but now when he had to give first real order as a master- he got lost."Uhm... Well... Maybe they could help us. I mean they are, Wariors, and...uhm... maybe if we joined up we would become like realy powerful and... "Just say yes or no" "Yes. uhm we should reply."
  4. They flew above the what was a battle field not that long ago. "See ,dude, that's why mashines always win." Shadramon started explaining. "With us, simple digimon, you can be sure that when you clean our clock, we get recicled into a toilet paper, in some primary village and you probbably never see us again, but mashines get rocked down, but they just fix each other and they at it again..." Yugi looked down and saw that realy, from all dead wariors, there were no bodies, but only parts of robot digimon. Though, honestly the boy had no interest in what the insect talked about, it was the first person he met that would talk as much as he himself. "...and look how the parts are shatered. I'm telling you the master... hold on!" Shadramon suddenly darted upwards. After a second Yugi noticed a black bird chasing them. "Man, that's sabirdramon. What a hell is she doing here?" ---------- The rest of the journey had no adventures. Although Sabirdramon gave them a good run, she didn't attack them. "Ok. dude, lets first turn the music on. I wanna tell Keramon about the birdie we met out there. If birds and reptiles already joined sides, that be major!" They landed next to a abandoned, green from the age, building. It tuck some time to open the front door with rusty hinges. When they entered the dark room, Shadramon started looking for a switch. when he found it and turned it on the lights went on, with a little buzz. "Hey man, we got a message!" shadramon said, walking up to some equipment in a corner.
  5. OOC: Master of Miscellaneous Digimon? ----------- "Yugi, could come here, we should attend to business as soon as possible!" Keramon had sheets of maps folded out on table in the middle of the room. Yugi walked over and eyed the plans. "You see these mountains here is mashine domain, we do not want to go here. This dot here, is us, reptilian domain starts somewhere here," keramon drew a line olmost touching their base. "If they join or already has joined forces with birds, thei might decide to grow they populated area and will have many problems." "Where's our domain?" "We do not actualy have one. Although, many insects live in this swamp, which is good for growing rise and is useless to mashines." He folded the map."And this is why I asked you here. We have a portal to that place, but you need to turn it on from the other side. So, Shadramon will fly you there, you tell them that you're a master, turn on the portal and training begins.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina Karusala [/i] [B] finish reading the entire RPG. [/B][/QUOTE] OCC. I think the main points in the story so far were: Furora-master of bird digimo and Ryouka-master of reptilian digimon joined forces, Haku-master of the mashine digimon (aka Digi Mage has a good, but hiden side that was acidentily heard by Dantu-vegetation, Peach the Salamon and Princess Keio-animals, two last ones leave Keios royal guard Kyukimon and set of to help the good Haku traped in Digi Mages body. [b]Kyukimon[/b](reffered to as "Kyutie", few times[img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=363195[/img] Digi Mage has also unleashed 30 andromon on bird-reptilian alliance. ultimates are fighting and failing as we speak. Dantu, who has portal sistem that lets him move quite freely around the digi world, has just discovered the meaning of ancient propecy that enables four masters Furora-birds, Keio-animals, Dantu-vegetation and Nadoka-mithical to use the "energy of the strongest of digimon". Yami-wariors has only Starmon and Deputymon in his forces, but he's looking for technology(from thundermon) and more troops. I hope, this was helped to anyone atol, because I don't want to "fix something, that's not broken" and there wasn't realy a request for rewiev. :bluesweat: Oh yeah... I think that Renamon's in Ginnys domain and Sage encourages to use rarer digis, but you can newer be certain with this things. Megas are tabu, from some pages ago and I'm not sure you can use Piedmon this early.
  7. OOC: I'm no expert, but I think Ginny only gave references to the cards just so we would know what to look for when searching for partners. _________ "So where's the Base?" They were both anoyed with each other, now. Yuji wasn't used to walking as much as he had to, this time, and his constant babling drove keramon mad. "Here it is" monster showed him a strange oak tree. "Finaly." Keramon chekt that there was noone spying on them and lifted stuck-out root, reveling a secret passage. The tree was bigger than any plant Yugi had ever seen. The hollow inside was pretty spacy and dark. Light only came from small phosporous dots on the ceiling. "Hello," a soft, womens woice came from behind Yugi. He jumped. "Well don't be so scared, it's just me- Dokugumon." "Where's Shadramon?" Keramon asked seeing Yugis baflement. "He's coming." She answered. Yugi saw spiral stairs circling round the chamber walls. He soon saw a pair of red legs going down them. "Hey dude!" Shadramon said. "And, here is your army..."
  8. Yuji screemed as hard as he could. "W-what...Who, are you?" "My name is Keramon," the creature answered. "And you're the master.. "I'm dreeming!" The boy interrupted, "you can't be real. I'm just dreaming, that's all." "You are not dreeming. Didn't you read the message?" "The message?" Yugi tryed to remember `The Message`. He just managed to read `Dear Yugi` part when the light from the screen, blinded him. By the time he opened them again he was in this strange forest. "What was there in the message?" "You see..." creature sat down on a tree-trunk. "We have been in a war, between different digimon , and insekts been separated so without knowing it, they fought against each other. "I'we been living here freely, with friends of my, and we spent some time looking for this." he gave a purple digivice, to Yugi. "Then we spent some time looking for a person who could use it." The screen of the digivice flikered and `switched on`. "Now that you are here we bugs will be united again.
  9. The man was sitting by the computer playng spider solitaire. suddenly a message appeared on the screen with a litle beep "Yuji, where are you? Could you help me with this"- Yujis dad thought that the message on the screen was simply part of some new Yujis game or from one of his friends as it had his name on it. He hesitated, becouse message might be important. Yujis dad looked at his watch.-"Oh. He's gone. And so should I be!" He quickly left computer with message still on screen and grabbed his coat . "I should clean up here someday."- He said seeing a pile of clothes on the floor of the closet. The man locked the door of the room and then the main ones when he left the house. Some time after he left, the pile in the closet started moving. A small boy wigled out from undreneath the clothes pile. Yuji was supposed to be at one of his after-school classes and if his mother knew that he was missing them for couple of days now, she would be furious. Yuji sat down in front of the computer. Message was still on the screen. It couldn't have been from one of his friends becouse he had none. He maximaized it, so it filled the screen. First thing he noticed was pictures of diferent insects. They filled the message, all different from each other, but bright coloing made them all different from simple beetles in this earth. Yuji just started reading the text when screen started to glow...
  10. [b]Master of Insectoid Digimon[/b] [b]Name[/b] Yuji [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Age[/b] 10 (youngest yet!) [b]Appearance[/b] His short brown(almost blond) hair are messy. Messy black t-shirt and sweat-pants. Mostly chocolate stains, as he got tons of bars hiden in his pockets. Shorter than rest of the groop and a bit owerweight [b]Bio[/b] Yuji is a nasty runt, he eats lots of chocolates and newer shares. His parents work hard to get him what he wants, but he feels no gratitude. He's usuay seen in Tokyo streets eating (or even stealing) chocolate. If someone sais something a out him he stomps on their feet. He doesn't know it yeat, but digiworld is about to change him forever.
  11. I played with fire in my own time too. My dad was woodcuting and once took me along. He let me to light the fire and not I being able to took some gas without him seing. I didn't notice that I already had a litle spark going there on the wood and as soon as gas touched it... Flames went upwards, I jumped back, the neck of plastick canister gass was held in-started melting and I don't remember how, but some trees were left on fire. There wasn't too much damage tree fire was only on sticking-out roots, but we could no longer put the lid on melted top of canister. I also set floor on fire hen I was about 5, when I saw I couldn't put out the flames, I simply went downstairs and pretented that nothing hapened. It's good thing my sister noticed the smoke(perants were away at the time)and put out the fire in time. Parents told me that when I was three years old I tryed to set kitten on fire. Couple days ago I acidentily spilled tea on the keyboard and now I'm using on-screen one. so excuse any spelling mistax
  12. [b]Name:[/b] Petka [b]Age:[/b] unknown [b]Class:[/b] RAcast [b]Race:[/b] Android [b]Weapon Class:[/b] Non energy based [b]Weapon:[/b] Two mech guns [b]Appearance:[/b] A giant robot, about two meters high. Where he's not covered with green-white armour he wears camouflage suit. It's hard to see his face becouse of shot-out chest armour and half of it is hiden under metal plate. Only his eyes are vissible, one of them has luminous see-through bulseye on it, for targeting. [b]Bio:[/b] He's been only activated on the planet with his memory deleted so his knowledge revolves only around Ragol. Misha made couple upgrades for him like special sleave-armour compartements to keep his guns in. Fealing gratitude he goes to look for her. ------------- P.S. I know nothing about Phantasy Star so I used information from here [url]http://pscave.com/pso/racast.html[/url]
  13. ScoobyDo: Luke. Every pilot turns around to face him. ScoobyDo: Erhm. may the tumbs, leaves, lava, ketchup, fat, blades and electrisity be with you. He greats everyone in turn. Then pilots turn back to the fighters who were playing cards and having coffe with doughnuts. ScoobyDo: Full speed ahead Seven different rockets ignite at the same moment in seven different directions so ship doesn't move at all. At the same moment Bepalbeep is chasing Ceepee3oh with his giant hammer. Suddenly Bepalbeep hits a litle buton and ship disapears. -------- [b]somewhere in the universe[/b] Pointy ears guy: An object coming in fast. I think it's from another dimension. And so thing warship appears in star trek universe. Will they find their way to their home dimension. find out next time on Thing Wars. ----- [O/O/C] sory for making such a big jump in storyline, but noone was posting so I thought "better a bad post than no post at all"
  14. Swishmon comes in runing like mad Swishmon: Don't fight! They feed on digivoliution energy. I heard storyes.[to devils] You killed demidevimon. Why did you kill him? Everyone stoped fighting, but scanned the devimons for any sign of attack. [COLOR=deeppink]Blush: What are you talking about?[/COLOR] Swishmon: I heard stories. One fethemon digivolve dand them three found him becouse they feed on digivoliution energy and they can smell it. So they found him and killed him. I was realy young when they did this and we were all hiding from them three... [COLOR=deeppink]Blush: That's not how it hapened. I was the third one at the time and we used to make rades on wilages, steeling their suplyes and I remember demidevimon. He had a lot of ddigivloliutionary power, but we didn't attack him and that's why he digivolved again. [/COLOR] Swishmon: What!? [COLOR=deeppink]Blush: That's one of the reasons I left. They had a new third one...[/COLOR] Sudenly Swishmon understood what she ment. Devimon was digivolved version of demidevimon! He joined the most hated team in vilages all around. BlackAgumon: Hey where's the third one? All the time they thought devils were just prepering for attack they actualy were using some hidden psichic powers to hide Neodevimon's absence. In a blink the devils telescoped they arms. IceDevimon grabbed both Labramon and Devimon took BlackAgumon and Swishmon. All four of them lost their conciseness as the Devimon's touched them, so they didn't notice how they took of and flew towards theyr layer. And invisible to any eye there was a ghost folowing them. -------- Neo devimon: Come on, you know soon worlds we'll be ours and you could be rulling by our side. BlackGatomon: Show yourself, so I could scrach your face off. Oh wait, YOU DON'T HAVE A FACE!
  15. Swishmon: We have to get out of here! Tallamon: What, what's hapening? Swishmon was paniking in a tree. Tallamon tried to calm him down. Swishmon: This is wrong! It's coming! I can feel it! We have to get out of here! Tallamon: What are you talking about. Calm down. Swishmon: Oh no! Swishmon now had a petrified stare concentrated on one place. Sudenly a flock of birds left that place, wind rushed and shadows expanded. Something was coming.
  16. scooby do: So let me get this straight- which one of you is real Luke? In a moment all Lukes turn to each other and fight starts. Bepalbeep and CeePee3Oh are watching the fight from some distance. CeePee3Oh: Oh my godness- theyr curses are as bad as your were, before you got that censoring program. Bepalbeep: Beep, beep, bulp, Beep. Bepalbeep, you perfectly know that I don't have a mother, I was made in a factory, and you lack the reproducing system so you couldn't have fu... ALARM!!! Seven different fleets from seven different worlds were surounding the interconnected ship CeePee3Oh: THEI'R GOING TO KILL US! WE HAVE TO SURRENDER AND THEY WILL SPARE OUR LIVES!!! ALL HALE THE BLACK HELMET MAN!ALL HALE THE BLACK HELMET MAN! Bepalbeep puls out a giant hammer about tree times larger than he is and hits CeePee3Oh over the head, followed by a streem of curse words hidden under his incoent beeps. All Lukes get to they steering wheels and prepere to fight.
  17. me-A light bulb (Luke Lightrunner) [img]http://www.dvdisc.co.uk/acatalog/thumbwars.jpg[/img]
  18. Both digimon dedigivolved to their rookie forms. Swishmon:You know... I think their right. Tallamon:Who? Swishmon:That wolf just there, and the black cat... Even I can sence that something's wrong. Tallamon: So why dont you go home, then? Swishmon: Can't. See, not that long ago when I was still in my in-training form - Fethemon, I lived with other in-trainings, but then I digivolved and couldn't live there any more so I set out to explore the world.{sudenly] Hey! did you feel that! Swishmon jumped up into a tree and started looking around. Tallamon: What? Swishmon: Dunno. I just can feel something bad. Swishmon was looking around woriedly. He felt something bad he didn't know what. He knew he felt this before, but what was it?
  19. Swishmon: Swishmon digivolves to... Kolibrymon: Kolibrymon Kolibrymon looks at himself Kolibrymon:cool, I digivolved BlackGatomon: devidramon's coming! Devidramon:Crimson claw BlackGatomon and Kolibrymon dodge the blast as the place where they just stood, explodes. BGatomon: Forest's on fire! For a second when BlackGatomon turns her attension at burning trees(courtesi of crimson nail) Devidramon attacks her. Kolibrymon: ultra mach! Kolibrymon flyes in speed close to one of light towards the dragon and a blur can be seen circling around devidramon. Blur forms back into solid shape of the big Humingbird. Devidramon sees that it's hard to ceep himself in his own body and that he set woods on fire and flyes away. Kolibrymon: Tell me honestly- do I look like a girl? BlackGatomon: Shat up and help me to put fire out.
  20. hope this is the right tread.:bluesweat: Swishmon: Hey, let go of me! Swishmon was pecking devidramons claws as hard as he could, but the dragon wouldn't let go. They were darting through the woods. dodging the trees. Suddenly "lightning razor!" and litle bird was free. Swishmon: What a... Black Gatomon was standing behind them both on a branch of a tree. Swishmon: You saved me! B Gatomon looked at the devidramon who flew upwards, turned around and dived back at them. Swishmon saw it too. Swishmon: nasty litle bugger.
  21. [b]Digimon Name[/b] swishmon (looks like a litle bird) [b]Level[/b] Rookie [b]Attacks[/b] chicken run(dashes in ultrasonic speed)burning beack [b]Evos[/b] champion-kolibrymon, ultimate-ruckemon {see attachement}, mega-condoramon [b]Personality[/b] Playful litle birdy. Loves saying and hearing jokes, but can do some seriaus damage!
  22. Yin warior [b]Name:[/b] Stelth [b]Age:[/b]29 [b]Appearance:[/b] a bit shorter and skinier than others. wears black ninja suit [b]Weapons:[/b] a long ninja sword. And couple hidden ones, like: knife, nunchiaks[sp?] and blow darts. [b]Special Powers:[/b] Spying (e.g. becoming invisible,seing or sometimes even moving through the walls. [b]Bio:[/b]has been trining as a ninja for as long as he can remember, has no family at all. [b]Other:[/b] Ninja is considered a lower rank for wariors and spying(their profesion) isn't honorouble, so Stelth is newer trusted.
  23. [i]James Bond- a double 0 agent, gifted with quick thinking, in the worst of situations. This was usefull for his job, but with the cool mind also came some strong "instinkts" that he would fulfil every time he could. So, every mission had a adventure or two after it, and it's not a great surprise that some of "adventures" ended up in pregrency and litle children running around British secret agencies knew about Bonds children and took an interest in them. Seems, some kids have been left with James's genes and that reflected as early as age of tree. Secret agencies saw it as a perfect chance: kids had all the qualities needed for secret agents, so a program "fresh blood" was born. The main objective of it was to find gifted children of 007(their best agent) and train them from early age, without their dad (sometimes even their mother) knowing it. _________ ______ Finaly the litle Bonds got theyr first real mission, where the brightest of them were needed. Markus Wremir a man of huge power was secretly making a unknown wepon that was simply known as "Time Bomb". James's mission was to find out what was the wepon, but unfortunately he failed. He had to meet different informers at different parts of the world. He didn't move quick enough (he's an old man now...) and so was caught. So to find out what the "Time Bomb" is, became a mission of "fresh blood" group. That way all the "Contakts" could be "contakted" at the same time, by skilled agents.[/i] _______ ____ ____ to sign up: [b]name[/b] [b]gender[/b] [b]number[/b] double o seventy and a number of you choice [b]age[/b] [b]gadgets[/b] your car, gun and couple gadgets to start with. [b]special phrases[/b] like: "The name's Bond, James Bond.
  24. [b]name[/b]Wolf boy I mean man: Wolfman [b]bio[/b] :Wolfman was raised by wolfs. But when his forest Island was poluted he left his wolf-parents and brothers- Romulus and Remus to file a complaint form. He finds those green freeks he joins the fight for brighter future and greener woods. [b]special wepon[/b] :party poper [b]attack[/b] :poper shoots a bear trap chained to his belt. Usefull for climbing, catching something etc. [b]appearance[/b] :a blonde boy in blue, black and white furs. carries a big party popper in one hand with a chain going from it to his belt. carries knife(not for fight) and some fishing equipment behind his belt. mokasins on feet. P.S. nice artwork ;)
  25. rokas

    - Radiation -

    [b]Name:[/b] Rene Duchamp [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Skill:[/b] Infiltration [b]Veaponry:[/b] A syringe loaded with a lethal poison, or a traquilaiser and a small revolver. [b]Bio:[/b] Born in a French family. His parents both worked in film making industry. His mum was costume dessigner, his dad was a special effect specialist and his brother was a thief. When he was 3 he and his family were traveling around the world. Learned many languages, and couple trics of the trade. He can make face masks, forge documents, writing, knows a bit of acting and lock picking. [b]Looks:[/b] Medium size, white skin. Wears a brown and white jacket and a tie, nicely polished shoes. P.S. Some parts are "borrowed" from game "commandos 2: men of courage" charecter- "Frenchy"
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