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Everything posted by rokas
Rokas:"NO I NEED MORE EMOTIONS!" Rokas:(turns round looking normal)"oh hy..." [color=red][i]"What are you doing here?I thought you were in trouble. "[/i][/color] Rokas:"No...No... Everything's fine! What was your name again?" [color=red][i]"It's Kaci, are you sure you OK?"[/i][/color] [COLOR=green]"It looked as if you was fighting someone."[/COLOR] Rokas:"No... It was nothing" Rokas was looking suspicious, Kaci couldn't tell, but something was wrong. The whole atmosphere was somehow electric. Suddenly from put of nowhere an eco of a whisper came. "RUN". Rokas:"no(his eyes were now gloving red, and a black aura twisted around him)YOU WON'T ESCAPE!" Suddenly a spiky yvies shot aut from the ground, forming an arc and caging Kacy and her partner inside. [color=red][i]"what is that thing?!"[/i][/color] [COLOR=green]"Well it ain't Rokas. It's a shadow creature, he eat's emotion's and can change shape. Try to relax and not think of anything, he'll get to tyred and we'll escape. "[/COLOR] But the "thing" had now assumed Kaci's form "YOU LOST!", He said to the invissible woman and set of for the campsite.
Don't quit now. You have done such a good work so far. Also, there's a special metal of digital world - digizoidium (or something like that), you could use it for armours. -Merry Christmas
Rokas was collecting some wood for the fire when he noticed that he's lost. Rokas: "Gabumon?! Gabumon, where are you!? Aidan?! Kairi?! Anyone!?Hello!" "THAT'S RIGHT, THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN YOU" A deep spooky voice whispered in his ear. Rokas: "Who said that?"-he looked around but there was nothing except for dry, naked trees, but it seemed as if someone was standing right besides him and whispering- "YOU KNOW THEY HATE YOU"- Rokas: "shut up!" "THEIR JUST WAITING FOR A MOMENT TO ATTACK YOU. YOU'RE COMPLETELY ALONE." Rokas:(covering his ears)"na, na, nahna, na, I'm not listening"-Rokas looked around again, but this time he noticed something, it was the stone altar he had seen before. It looked even more creepy than the last time. He looked at the bat statue in the middle.The eyes glowed hipnotisingly. "SO GO ON ATTACK THEM, BEFORE THEY ATTACK YOU" Rokas felt as some invisible force pulsed through his body. Rokas:"Get off!" that something was taking the control of his body"Get off!" [i]FIGHT IT[/i] - A new voice came in, but this one was a melodic woman's voice helping to fight off whatever was that was attacking him. ___________________________ Chris: "So, anyone else?" Rokas storms in through the door. Rokas: "We have to go together." Chris: "What?" Rokas: " If we separate, we dye, if we stay here, we dye, if we don't dye, we go mad. Chris: "Don't be so paranoid." Rokas: "There are voices in the forest, I think that's good enough reason to be paranoid. And here."-He placed his digivice screen up on table. Immediately a map hologram unfolded couple inches above table top. "Now look. The red dots are us, blue line is the river. If we make a boat we could ride down stream to this round thing here. Arena something. I don't really understand what are we supposed to do there, but we will know when we get there.Then we go clockwise to the burning peak in the south, ancient something temple in the west and finally crimson pyramid. If we go through them all before Gotaro pyramid appears we might have a chanse."-Everyone was now looking at him."What?"-He looked around, and comically passed out.
yeah...that is right. Why my questions allways come out so easy?
here's a sharade. a mon beetween sakura and takuya?
Rokas: Oh... uhm... guys? Frankie: ehhm... What? Frankie just noticed him coming into kitchen. She looked around if there was any trouble. Rokas: you know those tower, peak thingies? Well see... when I was in the forest.. I kinda found this round, rock, altar thing, and there were four things drawn on it. Aidan: :therock: So you found a round thing with paintings on it? Rokas: Well yeah, but it had like a horned bat statue in the middle of it. And there were like drawings. To one side there was triangle- thats probbably the piramid, then to other side there was a stik with a stik man next to it and there also was like fire and to the last side there was a. uhmm... a round thing. And when you come near that altar thing it kinda gives you this spooky feeling. Aidan: OK well check that plase out after breakfast.
Talia: What do you think we should do now? Blaktail:be silent. Dogs will hear you. As in reply dogs lifted they'r heads, but fortunately wind blew away wolf smell. hunter was looking around without noticing two wolfes hiding in the snow. Suddenly without warning Blaktail got up, and ran off. Talia: Hey what a?... Stop you coward!... But she couldn't finish her line of curses as hunter noticed her. He thought for a minute if to attack the already runing wolf or the one that just showed up in the snow. Both dogs jumped on Talia, making her flee for her safety.
Narator: on the last post you saw- No food in the mental hospital! Escape! Faling down into crocodile pool! and now on this post: ______________________________ Croc#1: So i say to that guy, "if you're going to run over my head atleast dont jam my mouth with a stick. Other crocodiles laugh becouse they have poor sence of humour. They stop laughing and sip theyr vine and relax. Suddenly from above: What do you call president without ID? PRESENT! Bad joke kills crocodiles. and Rokas lands in a pool with a big splash! Nurdy guy: I would like to say that faling from that high will end up dead no mater if he lands on water or ground. thats becouse water has a realy big surfase tension so crashing into it at this speed... gah.... Rokas kills Nurdy guy becouse he doesn't like when someone calls him dead. then he got all his things and got ready for his mission for legendary [SIZE=4][COLOR=seagreen]MOD ROD [/SIZE][/COLOR] that is shown in this smiley:modrod: from begining of time!
Rokas:WHAT! There's nothing to eat in the fridge! Oh Humanyti! How do you expect to run a good mental hospital when you only have Walt Disney's head, (silent)lamb, and double chocolate, jely fudgecake with mashine gun baked into it? I want to get out of here! Guy in white coat: Well if you want to get out of here you should sign this form and you're free. Rokas: Whait a minute... (begins eating the fudgecake) Show me that form again.(takes the piece of paper and reads).Your na... nam..ma.mama? What did you say about my mother? Guy in white coat: I didn't say anything, you just done a mistake reading the form. Hey put that down! That gun is not a toy. Well maybe it is, but you'r going to kill me! Rokas shootes the mashine gun that he found in the fudge cake, at the guy in white. Mashine gun: Why did a one handed man crosed the street? Becouse he had to get to the second hand store! Guy in white:Ha ha ha. O God! This bad joke is killing me!!! Another guy in white comes in. Another guy in white: Hey Rokas you're free to go. Rokas: you'll never take me alive! Rokas jumps out of the window and falls tree storyes till he remembers that he forgot his towel so he comes back to his chamber tkes his towel and jumps out of the window again. Rokas:Oh no!I'm 100 storyes high, and I'm FALLING! A phew there's a pool down there. Couple crocodile heads rise from the pool! Rokas: I guess thats what they call irony, isn't it? FREASE FRAME Narator: Will our hero survive the deadly fall? Or will he be torn to pieces by crocodiles. Or will they save him and be the best friends for ever? Find out in nex tpost in "boredom 101".
"Gryffindorf!" -sorting hat exclaimed on the Laurens head. "Imagine if she haven't gone to Gryffindorf" "Yeah. She was so shure she's gonna be in Gryffindorf she even bought Gryffi... robe." "But both her parents went to Gryffindorf, like mine did to Huflepuf. So its easy to guess where you'll go. Sometimes the Hat even listens to you, which house you want to go to." "Indeed! Harry Potter is one of the richest wizards he could have paid profesor Dinuen to get his doter in the Gryffindorf." Rokas heard the conversation but didn't want to be a part of it. Infact he didn't want to be a part of anything, untill someone screamed! "A snake!" shouts runed through Huflepuf table as there was a snake on the loose slithering through dishes and drinks. Everyone backed away. teachers started rushing to the spot. Snake got closer to the point where where Rokas was siting. He got his wand out, but seeing all the swishing and flickering around decided not to. There had to be some other way to trap the snake. Rokas grabbed a jar of red dates, got rid of the fruits and vaited for snake to come closer. Suddenly snake stoped and prepered to jump on one boy. "don't move"- someone shouted to him but the boy was petrified and couldn't move if he wanted to. Suddenly the snake jumped and hit something! "Phew"- snake was an inch from boys face seperated by glass jar of Red Dates. "What happened?"- the teacher came. "I's a snake sir. Here." -Rokas handed jar with snake to the teacher. "African serpent!?"- teacher looked at it surprised-"they don't live here!" "there was a cobra on the trayn." Sudenly more screems run through the main hall as more snakes shoved up on tables.
[i] Gururumon! Behind you![/i] Gururumon:moonsault!-gururumon somersaults ower Silleniimon- anti... blah.....!- Silleniimon hit him before he finishes his atack. NeoAngemon uses this and attaks Silleniimon from other side. [i] isn't she on our side?[/i] Aidan: of course she is! [i] then why is she attacking us?[/i] Aidan:we dont know something came over her! [i] try hiting her on hr head! that worked for me when something came over me![/i] NeoAngemon who was right infront of when he heard the advise, unfortunetly so did she. NeoAngemon:Neon Blade Silleniimon tryes to couter atack. But Neon Blade hids her by the legs instead of head as she was expecting. The giant fox looses her balance and fals. Before she can get up a tree fals on top of her head. Aidan: Nice work Metal Armadilomon Metal Armadilomon preperes to cut another tree as the first one seems to have traped Silleniimon. But not for long...
Venna: it's ok macavity we will find a place, oh Hey!! hey Tina can I come in your guy's car all the others are taken cause I was late. He heard Venna talking in the cabin next to him. Rokas tryed to listen to the conversation in other cabin, but soon got bored. He sat there alone, with puring Canassasi on hes knees. Rokas stroked the cat and a strange thought ran through him making him laugh. Rokas[stroking the cat]:good evening, mister bond.-he said with acent to invisible enemy wondering if any of the magic folk would understand what he was saying. "Who are you talking to?"- a familiar voice asked. Rokas thought he was alone, so emberassed he looked up to see who was at the door. ---------- OOC: what about teachers? Magonagle, Snape and Dumbledore couldn't still be teaching, could they? . So who are the new teachers? What about Persey? He could easily be a new teacher
[name] RRRRRrrrrrr rrrrrokas rakauskas (if i remember corectly) [what you look like] tree headed, vinged... whait a minute you mean the guy in the miror? than I'm 15 year old guy with spiky messed up blond hair. [towel? and when last washed?] sea-green. yesterday (yeah right:rolleyes: ) been hitch hiking till I acidently stoped the car of hospital for insane people. and been held in hospital ever since. ::bites a bit off a glass bottle:: I can't believe they realy think i'm mad. ::finishes eating the bottle:: [mission] I should realy get out of this "mad hole". no realy its driving me crazy!!! oh. a buterfly :)
a car motor buzing woke him up. hunters were back at the spot where they were last time. blaktail knew they won't leave till they found them and theyr nest. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= moonmask:whats wrong? blaktail:the hunters are back. they are looking for our nest. it will probbably take them... maybe couple days, but they will find it. it would be best to move out. moonmask: but we could fight them. and maybe they look for our nest, get bored and walk off? blaktail wasn't so sure about that.
i thought ravenclaw was full? oh its my second RPG so i might not be... well i give it my best try:D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [b]name:[/b] rokas rakauskas [b]age:[/b] 15 [b]year:[/b] 5 [b]house:[/b] hufflepuff [b]wand:[/b] 8.5 inches, chinease cane, phoenix feather. [b]description:[/b] Rokas lives in Lithuania. When he was nine he went to England for a summer trip and without realy knowing the language he managed to talk to a man who later appeared to be a wizard that saw some magic in him and send him the letter for Hogwarts. It?s really hard for him to adapt to a new school mostly because of language difficulty. patient, silent and calm. though he's a bit of a loner. [b]quiditch position:[/b] beater [b]animal:[/b] cat-canassi [b]special gift:[/b] hypnosis [b]how will it prove useful:[/b] he can control simple minds and talk telepathically(like with that man when he was nine) just by eye contact and concentration. also immune to snake eye hypnosis, if voldermort unleashes any.
OOC:what about "crimson piramid"?
the house was full. some digimon dedigivolved(including gururumon) and stood onto they tamers shoulders. Rokas now was geting depressed. there was noone who he could realy trust now. metal armadilomon had destroyed the primari nursery, even thought Rokas had no idea what it was but it still felt like betrayel that the same mon that saved him from tar pit would destroy something. he just met these new people and didn't trust them. the eight year old Chris[2] had a more powerful digimon than the rest of the group. And the ones who could match her digimon in strength wanted to make her they'r leader even when she was much younger then they. rokas was closest to the door buried in his own thoughts when something cought his atention. a red pointy top of some building was visible in other side of the mountain, through small door window. only looking at it made him shuder in fear as a wave of evil went through his body. thats about how it felt, a true evil radiainting the body. rokas turned around to say what he saw. eweryone talked about the bent metal character. he was just about to say that a red evil thing is on the other side of the mountain. but then again, could he trust them? he realy wanted to be somewhere else. dark thoughts filled his mind that people in this house where some zombies controlled by their monster and that they want to take ower his body too. Rokas new this thought was crazi but he couldn't help himself thinking about it. Rokas suddenly went crazy. Opened the door and jumped! no one was fast enough to stop him. exept for gabumon who was still on his shoulders.quickly ruching air woked him up and brought fear for his and his partners life. gabumon digivolved to gururumon again. ---------------------------- gururumon: antidote! [i]where am i?[/i] gururumon:you on the ground now. you hit the trees prety hard when you fell but i cought you before you killed yourself.and i don't think the other will be able to find us.Oh... and I fixed you guitar. [i]thanks.[/i] rokas slowly tryed to get up. [i] I don't think i fell acidently. I remember jumping.[/i] antidote atack was healing him fast [i]its that thing! it made me jump from that high![/i] gururumon looked at him a bit confused, but didn't say anything. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ not in game: so aidan is somewhere near asuramon. i'm somewhere near that [bad!] building. and everyone else is in that flying house?
I just got my guitar, so i thought there might be some people around here who could teach me. so if you have any music instrument or know any tunes tell me. this is suposed to be in music section, right?
Not in game: Sorry I couldn?t reply before I was buying a REAL guitar ::drools:: and my g(a/o)bumon is a little bit different he digivolves to gururumon a darker version of garurumon with less feathers. **************** [quote] GURURUMON- Champion level. Attacks: Anti-Dote, Chaos Blaster, Karate Kilobyte, Dark Moonsault. Gururumon is a dark wolf of the night. [/quote] Chaos blaster! A blue blast shot out gururumon?s mouth and hit allomon in the chest but it didn?t make too much difference. Metal armadilomon: blade strike! Allomon turned around to face metal armadilomon. :Karate kilobyte! Allomon turned back again. :Dark moonsault! Gururumon jumped over allomon :Karate Kilobyte! And attacked from behind. Aidan: Rokas run! Metal armadilomon break the cliff! Metal armadilomon rolled making cracks in rock with spikes from one side to the other, cutting off two fighting digimon. Cliff drooped a little. [I] gururumon get out of there [/I] Allomon: dynamite head! Explosion dropped gururumon back next to metal armadilomon, allomon fell down in to the river with piece of the cliff?
Aidan looked around. It's getting dark. I think we should make a camp here. [i] OK. you're the boss.[/i] Aidan: You and Gabumon go and look for fire wood and we'll try to make a shelter. No one said anything and got on with their work so it wasn't too dark when camp was finished. [i] ... he tried to go, but something was holding him in the dark. he struggled and struggled, but it looked like the old dead man was holding him in thigh grip. so seeing that he can't free himself he jumped of the balcony in which coffin was held. next day they found him strangled in jacket. But it wasn't the old man that was holding it. the guy actually nailed his jacket to the coffin![/i] rokas was now trying to tell scary stories after couple hours of guitar playing. Aidan. couldn't he just take off his jacket and run away? [i] uhm... the zipper was stuck? [/i] Aidan: Anyway put out the fire and go to sleep, we gonna look for others in the morning. Aidan made a good camp because it started to rain and no one got wet. but there were more danger than getting wet... a giant foot stepped towards the camp making the water rumble in the puddles.
finaly blaktail stopped. there was no need to run as hunters didn't chase him but were runing for they dear life. one of them jumped and climbed into a tree, droping his rifle. Moonmask stoped for a moment trying to grab him which only made him climb faster, than seeing that it's imposible to reach the hunter, wolf run after second one. when a man made sure that she was gone after the second one, he got out of the tree and reached for his rifle. but instead just jumped back ion time as blaktail was already there. hunter backed away slowly when suddenly he got an idea. he ran couple pases back and started caling the wolf. but this didn't seem to work. as he didn't move an inch from the rifle. mans shouts grew angryer and he looked right into blaktails eyes. wolf jumped and landed next to hunter prepered to kill him. blaktai didn't make the second jump as his leg was stuck in bear trap. ******* "another live one"- hunter greated the driver. blaktail was caged an now they tryed to place him in back of a truck, next to another cage. wolf got closer to the side to see who was in the second cage...
[i] a little help here![/i] can't you tell the difference between ground and tar pudle?-gabumon was trying to get rokas out of tar into which he was still sinking deeper and deeper. [i] i thought it was some black asphalt [/i] in the middle of a jungle?-metal armadilomon passed his split tail for rokas to grab and dragged him out of the pit. anyway what was that about the piramid-aidan asked when rokas whas out and trying to clean the tar of his jeans. metal armadilamon: its an evil place gabumon: many monsters have been known to disappear in a mile radius from it. [i]so shouldn't we get out of here?[/i] Aidan: no. I don't expect that we were dragged here for no reason. we are probably meant to go to "crimson pyramid" and that's what we are going to do...
gobumon:(whispered) hide [i] but can't you see that guy hanging in a tree? that big metal dinosaur is going to eat him[/i] gobumon:no that's metalarmadilomon he's also chosen for this mission [i]just don't start about that saving the world stuff[/i] we both lyed behind a bush watching how metalarmadilomon got aidan out of the tree. [i]so... why are we hiding?[/i] gobumon: there is "crimson pyramid" near by. it wouldn't be wise to come out in the open all together. woods are swarming with pyramid guards. [i] whoa ... did that tree just moved?[/i] gobumon: woodmon! we gonna have to fight! suddenly the trees around aidan and his digimon started moving [i] cool ... we're behind enemy lines.[/i] we all prepared to fight.
[i] I wish the car had hit me![/i] after dodging a car on top speed, floating through some tunel or other dimension or portal or how the heck you call it, he had to now listen to this furboall about saving the world from something. [I] what is your name anyway?[/i] gobumon-monster replyed.-and yours? [i]rock[/i] gobumon: you mean like a stone? [i] no, my real name is rokas but people call me rock becouse of my stile of music. you know "rock and roll". here i'll play you something[/i] . (i just got my guitar of my back when gobumon started looking around looking for something) gobumon: quiet. [i] what?[/i] gobumon: there should have been SOMENE to meat us here, but we are alone in the woods right now. [i] oh look here come "big bad wolf" to meat us
oh no i'm late! i just noticed we started already! ******** the fight wasn't a good thing. for a minute blaktail thought what will crunch get- broken neck or alphas role in the pack. all this situation made the dear digest more quickly and he was feeeling hungry again. so he run out with other wolwes after crunch and then sneeked to the side for dear left owers. this wasn't what he ecspected to find. a couple hunters were egsamining what was left after dear. at first blaktail thought that it would be sensible to ran away beffore man noticed him. but then they would come after tursi and the pregnant female. blaktail howled and run away. the hunter charged after him. the wolf kept runing "dodging the bulets" he had to get those men as far away from cave as posible... ****** no canibalism means no cub or no human eating. if i made a mistake tell me ill edit this post.