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Everything posted by rokas

  1. that rainy night, i had no idea about digimons. it was just after my guitar lesson. i walked the wet road kicking little stone trying to remember the tunes that i just learned. when suddenly a rock hit bushes. OWwwww!-someone cried from the bush that i just hit. oh sorry, didn't see you there.-i dashed embarrassed, but still trying to see who was there in the bushes. sudenly a blue furboall walked out. i stared at it amassed it couldn't have been a dog it walked on two legs, and talked to me when i hit him. watch out-furboll cried out still running to me. i looked in front of my self. only then i noticed that i was in the middle of the road right next to the bushy turn.... ************************ Mell drove fast because she had to get home quick for her sisters birthday party. here's the last turn.... just then she saw a boy with guitar case on his back standing in the middle of the road! tires screeched boy covered himself. the something appeared in his hand some sort of three colour devise with a screen that shot out a light into Mells car. a see through white wall-a portal opened in between them. suddenly some animal pushed a boy into the white ring. finaly the car stopped. mell got out of the car and looked behind her. and there was no one there!... """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" i just got my digimon instead of having him all the time. i hope you dont mind :)
  2. it could have been ether gomamon or byomon (i heard pleciamon showed up in third season) my guess would be BYOMON
  3. so when will it happen? thought i won't be coming today... its almost eleven... passes out
  4. my real name is..... Rokas. i didn't change my name in the boards, thought its quite the risk couse theres not may rokas's where i live and if somebody from my school saw my name here, i would be forst to move
  5. rokas

    Wolf Pack

    can i still join? you know in every pack there has to be a wolf that is picked by eweryone and allways the last one to eat? so i can play that one name- black tail age-15 moths gender-male colour- grey fur, white face and black tip of the tail.
  6. i allways wanted to be in rpg.... name: rokas but you can call me rock. age: 15 describtion: looks a lot like matt from both first seasons. blond hair, plays guitar, a compleat loner, even has the same digimon. rookie-gabumon champion-gururumon if i spelled it right then this monster allready egzists, its a garurumon only vith less fethers. ultimate-(he has no crest or blue card so he uses crest of light card that turns blue when digimodifing for matrix evolution) beo gururumon- were garurumon with more armour. mega (bioemerge) trabaduramon. digivice- d pover only in tree colours yellow, green, and red.
  7. my first language is lithuanian. i could speak rusian, but when i started english i kinda forgot it. now i'm in kinda comical situation. becouse i'm learning french in english. the worst thing about knowing many languages is that i don't know any grammar. i make mistakes even when i write in lithuanian.
  8. i don't know if we are supposed to reply to these posts. Idea itself is realy good. makes ya wonder what happens next. it would be better if more people from digimon forum knew about this. there's rearly any clouds above sahara. malo myotismon was defeted in 2002(thats whay they call it 02) so the story would happen in 2025.
  9. i would take wirginity out of ewery girl i can and do other dangerous things. then in the end if playng with dangerous animals, swiming in fals, tuning on roofs etc haven't killed me i would dye the best death world has ever seen. imagine something like getting a role in a movie where my charecter dyes. lets say he jumps out of the plain with a bomb and explodes couple metres from the ground. so what if somebody did it for real? whithcameras rolling and me dying for real it would be on the news all around the world. to bad i won't be there to enjoy it.
  10. rokas

    digital school

    so ok tj just slashed vilemon, Parise is now in the middle life or love dilema and me... "AAAaaaargh!" ok shouting right into monsters face does not help but well gives a bit of relief before the monster grabs you. "where are the other"i tried to kick him but his claw tightened around me and picked me up about a meter from ground and his face. i could hardly breathe so i tryed to get out by kicking him, but he was to far away. then i suddenly noticed reachable, open door. i reched it with my leg and pushed it into monsters face. well that was enough to make him let go of me, and give me a second to hide in the room behind the door wich just hit the monster. i was holding the dor and waiting till he stars to pull. "where are the other?" monster ascked again. "i dont know" i answered hoping that monster would go away, but he only shouted something and something hit the door. then again. door cracked. then it was silence for a moment and then he shouted something else. i prepered for impact....
  11. i remember messing up in digimon pictures tread by mistaking nataniamons sigi with post. now i have done one litle mistake. i tried to make anime wersion of either ginny or cera and well now i forgot which one i started with.
  12. rokas

    digital school

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by YashamonMaster [/i] [B]I dashed into the room and saw the hideous Ogremon advancing on a girl. "Halt you hideous virus!" "Huh? So, a 'valiant hero' has come to save the day from the evil Ogremon! Oh! Why don't I surrender now." His words were dripping with sarcasm. "Very funny, horn face. Golden Blade!" I grabbed my glowing sword and slashed the Champion in two. "Ow..." he dissapeared in a cloud of data. [/B][/QUOTE] :nope: ok so what happened to the girl which was grabbed by a vilemon and you flew of after? you can't change what was alredi written. if you flew of after them then you have to fight vilemon and save THAT girl which you were alredy trying to save, even thought i wrote you was going after them. if we have one character who alvays saves other characters this tread is as good as closed. please change your post Y_M. to anyone who just noticed this tread [please] if you want to be in this tread plese create a character and go[/please]
  13. rokas

    digital school

    at first i'm a boooyyyy (i guess mike is one of those non gender names)fire digimon who atacked me was darkflaremon and mud ball is mudfrigimons atack. [I]"So what are you", we were hiding under a tree in inside garden. those two monsters above were dumb enough not to notice us. so i used this time to find out who was my saver. "a digimon" "a what?" this word digimon looked strangely familiar. "how did you get here?" "accidentally. i think there should be few digimons who got here like me. but others are guarding the area for some reason. I..." he didn?t finish the sentence because two screaming girls run into inside garden. we moved to shut them up before someone notice them. we were to slow. something dived down grabed one girl and darted up with her.wardramon whispered one word"vilemon" and flew of after them. i ran to the girl which i have seen before in the school. "Parise is still inside.ogremon attacked us, then we run and she must have been left behind." "whait a minute is that a girl who knokt out garry?" i asked remembering when garry from 9c was beaten by a gir from year 8 named parise. "yes. we need to get her" i dont remember what was i thinking when i opened the door(probably trying to remember what i ate for lunch), but about a minute later i found myself in the corridor with a ghostly figure blocking my way. it looked like floating blanket with holes for a face and claws which he aimed at meaning that i was in trouble. sudden thought crossed my head. "digimon is that show on TV!"[/i] hy sage;)and monster i bumped into is bakemon
  14. rokas

    digital school

    Think of this as digimon Jurassic park, instead of dinosaurs in the park we will use digimons in the school (map attached). The story is easy. One day in the school all people suddenly passed out as in computer room (that?s where I start) screens started to glow and digimons came out. But they were evil and they had to clear the school for coming of their evil, unknown to us, king who will then take over this world. We (there is [u]WE[/u] ?) will see what happens next in the play. You can be just a kid, evil digimon, or even get/have a digimon, it?s your choice. You don?t actually need to sign up just tell who you are, and were you start. You have to fight your way through the tightly guarded school (to find a friend, cover or a way home, think of a reason yourself) . Try to show of with style;). I start first (na na naana na) Mike Philips 9n(my class) building A, second floor, computer room. [I] I woke up but didn?t open my eyes. It was hard to remember what happened and how I ended up on the floor. Eyes were still closed when someone walked in, picked something up and walked out. When I couldn?t hear it any more, I opened my eyes to look around. There wasn?t a lot to see, but something moved behind me and a foot made of dark fire landed couple of centimetres from my nose. This was so frightening that I screamed. I lifted my eyes and saw a lizard shaped monster who?s whole body, except a metal armour on the face, was covered in dark fire. He looked at me and a fright went through the body. I moved away from him, under the table. ?Dark flare? screamed the monster and table crashed. I got out from under the table just in time. Now he started to chase me. I never run so quick in my life! But just in time I bumped into a fire extinguisher, next to the window. I grabbed it and swung around. I missed him! But he missed me to, he just ran few centimetres away from me. He was turning round to attack again when I finally hit him. A second went away in shock next second was lost trying to spray on the flaming monster with locked extinguisher, and he was almost standing as a foam shower fell on him. I jumped on table so he couldn?t reach me. ?Mud ball? someone or something shouted this and extinguisher flew out of my hands and through the window. Then again ?Mud ball? something hit me very hard and now I was flying through the window. But I had to fell from a second floor! [/I] well you probably can do better. I don?t want to be In this tread alone
  15. as you remember ken inslaved agumon with dark spiral and he dark digivolved into (dark)metalgreimon.when raidramon destroyed the spyral metalgreimon dedigivolved into agumon.thats two levels taken from (dark)metalgreimon.thats defet. 2)footbal head is my best friend (not from hey arnold) i mised s3 but guess well maibe-impmon? 1.this bunny is a very good dogy. 2.dogy digivolves to... kitty. 3.guardian of primari vilage mines are alvais easi;)
  16. Ok wizardmon is TOOooo easy:sleep: so ok tell me who was the first digimon raidramon (technicaly) defeted? EDIT:flymon is incorect. (i didnt want to "double" post)
  17. [FONT=courier new]oh this looks fun can i join?[/FONT] heres one wery easy *i know magick* *im loyal to my friends* *and o yeah.im dead* so who am i?(its only one digimon)
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