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The Evil King

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About The Evil King

  • Birthday 04/10/1985

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  • Biography
    I live in barrow alaska, and BRR it sure is cold
  • Occupation
    none of yo buisness

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  1. I like Greek Mythology, like Herculese and that kind o stuff!
  2. 1. Do you spend much time in this forum?A- Yes 2. Do you contribute a lot of poetry? A-No 3. Do you read a lot of poetry posted here?A- No 4. For the most part, do you enjoy it? A-The stuff I read yes 5. How would you describe most of the poetry posted here? Insightful? Light hearted? Moving? Mind-numbingly depressing?A-lighthearted 6. Do you write [or have you, in the past, written] much poetry that could be considered "depressing"? A-no 7. Did writing it make you feel any better? A-no 8. Do you prefer reading "depressing" or "lighthearted" poetry? A-lighthearted 9. And does the phrase "you have to suffer to write" mean anything to you? A-yes
  3. I have both, and have BEATEN them, includeing the Linked Version. I like Ages way better, but Seasons is excellent! lol, it is kinda funny, I bought a Gamboy Advanced just for the Zelda Games. I LOVE Zelda, and I would reccomend getting them!
  4. Come on! You call yourselves Zelda fans??? Listen, the ending to Ocarina was one of my favorites! I LOVED the music when you talk to Zelda in the end. It sounds like a version of Zelda's Lullaby, with notes added to it! I liked the ending. My FAVORITE ending was to the oracles, as the music was excellent, AND Princess Zelda actually kissed Link!!!
  5. Well? Anyone ever been to Alaska?
  6. I live in Barrow Alaska, and I am 17 years old. Heh, i have been to San Angelo, Texas before. It was really nice to escape the freezing cold weather! Anyone ever been to Alaska?
  7. Majora's Mask part 5 Link wondered what to do next. He decidded to ask a villager. He saw a guy in a yellow fox mask(Masked Man) walking arund, putting mail in a mailbox. Link-Yo, I got a question. I am on a quest to find a fairy named navi. Where should I look first. Where is she? Masked Man-If she was up your butt you would know. LINK-What did you just say? Huh punk? PUNK!!! DIE PUNK!!! The masked man then ran away. TATTLE-That was rude, mean, totally uncalled for, and VERY funny! He he he ha ha ha!!! LINK-He ran off like a little girl! HA HA HA! TATTLE-Hee hee hee! LINK-HA HA HA! NAR.- Okkkkkk, time to continue on the quest, morons! LINK-BOY! I am in controll here! NOT you! NAR-actually, I am the one writeing this story, so I am in controll. I can write that 50 men came and beat you to death with broom sticks!!! LINK-You wouldn't! NAR-Wanna bet on that? LINK-No. TATTLE-HA HA HA!!! You tell him link! HA HA HA! NAR-Ican hurt YOU to, Tattle. TATTLE-You wouldn't dare! NAR-I would LOVE too! TATTLE-........... LINK- GO AWAY! Link decided to go to the forest. Suddenly Tattle started to talk. TATTLE-If we don't make it, I just want you to know that I *love* you! LINK-HUH?? you are a FAIRY! TATTLE-But should that really matter? Love doesn't just stay within races? LINK-IT should! TATTLE- But I love:love: you! LINK-Where did that smiley come from? TATTLE I don't know! LINK-I hate you! TATTLE-I LOVE you! LINK-YE GODS!!!! HELP MEEEEEEEEE! *starts running off into the woods! Will Link ever get away from Tattle? Will she stop loveing him? Will this quest ever continue? Find out in part 6!!! How did ya like part 5?
  8. I have nothing to do, so here is part 4 Majora's Mask part 4 Link and Tattle ended up working together. They had become friends. LINK*to NAR.*-No, we are not. NAR>-then why work together? LINK-it is part of you'r story! NAR.-oh, well back to it! Link realized he would need to get to the skullkid. He heard of a secret tunnel to a BIG telescope, via a bomber. He ended up going through the tunnel. He saw the austronomer there. LINK-Move over, old man! I wanna use the telescope. Old Man-BOY! Respect yo elda's, foo! LINK-Oh shut up, and move over! Old Man-Foo! Ya are a punk! Foo, respect yo elda's! Oh eva hea Gangsta Rap! Sa big hit wit us elda's these days foo! Now use da telescope! Link used the telescope and saw the skullkid. Then a moonrock fell and link retrieved it. He gave it to a deku scrub in Clock town. The scrub carried him to the doorway to the top of the clock. At midnight of the third day he went up and saw the skullkid. SKULL KID-He he he, you cannot defeat me! Link then jumped up, and smacked the ocarina from his hands useing his ears. When he got the Ocarina he had a flashback! ~flashback~ ZELDA-you are leaving arent you? LINK-Yep. ZELDA-Why? LINK- to get away from you'r sorry butt. You stuck up little princess. ZELDA-But I love you!:love: LINK-Where did the smiley come from?!? I hate you! ZELDA-the song of time reminds me of us! LINK-I hate you! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? ZELDA-Love is wonderfull. I *love* you! LINK-AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH! ~End flashback!~ TATTLE-Wake up moron, we have only 5 minutes left! LINK-I will play the song of time! Link pulls out the Polls Voice Flute and playes the song of time. A mist swarms him and he wakes up in front of clocktown! TATTLE We traveled back in time! LINK-Ya don't say?:rolleyes: TATTLE-Where did the smiley come from? LINK-I don't know. Link went to the Happy Mask Salesman. HHS-hello I can heal you now! He plays the song of healing. HHS-now will ya help me> Oh and take the polls voice mask! LINK-Thanks, and no I will not help you. HHS-WHY:bawl: LINK-Where did the smiley come from? HHS-I have no Idea...HELP MEEEEE! LINK-well if you'r going to bawl about it.... HHS-YEEESSSS! THAT SKULLKID TOOK MY MASK! GET IT FROM HIM! LINK-YOU DON"T HAVE TO YELL I AM RIGHT HERE STOP TALKING IN RUN-ON SENTANCES! HHS-okkkkkk...bye! LINK-Bye. NAR.-part 4 is done now Link. LINK-NOOO! NAR.-yep! LINK-Please come on! NAR.-This is already a long post, and the readers might get bored! LINK-This is funny! NAR.-Whoes 'we'?Got a rat in you'r pocket? LINK-I have no pockets, I wear a tunic. NAR.-No, you wear a skirt! LINK-No I don't. Part 4 is over so tell us what ya think! How did ya like part 4?
  9. Origionally posted by char-char-charmander-"And if they start kicking members out with no warning, they're not doing their job. If you ask me, I'd say they're avoiding it. They're using their power to do what members can't, in ways that aren't fair to the people who can't do anything about it. This applies especially to the people getting kicked out!" I had something to say about this, but I didn't get a chance to reply. I know a member who was banned about 2 days ago. his name is ganon997. I know him from some other forum. Me and him got to be good friends, and I am conserened about what he told me. Ganon997 told me he tried to log on and was banned with no warning! He didn't even get an e-mail! He was banned for PM'ing people about Zelda Universe. He also toled me that that rule wasn't in the rules untill the day after he joined, and he didn't see it! He was banned for no reason! I think it is messed up when you do something like this! JAMES if you read this, please let him come back! On the othere forums he is on he does not ever break the rules! AND you SAY that you give a warnng to newbies! Ganon997 didn't get any warning, and he was on for 1 or 2 days! HE was a NEWBI! I thought you said they get a chance! I think you should let him come back. Will you? I will E-Mail him the answer you give me.
  10. Majora's Mask part 3 SKULL KID-If I make you something you want to be, it won't be a punnishement. LINK-Why not? SKULL KID-Because you will like it! LINK-How about a Iron Knuckle? SKULL KID-You will be a polls voice! LINK-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SKULL KID-yep!*casts spell* LINK-I..I'm a polls voice! The Skull Kid ran through a stone door and it closed, but Tatle wasn't able to keep up, and ended up with link. Alone. In the same room. LINK-why you rotten little stupid uglt lt- TATTLE-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I was made to do it! Please don't hurt me! Please! Please! HEEEELLLLPPP! LINK-Okay, just stick around. I am looking for Navi the Fairy. She stole 500 rupees from me! TATTLE-Okay open the door, jackrabbit! LINK-What did you just say? I may be a rabbit-looking creature, but I can still hurt you! TATTLE-[SIZE=1]sorry![/SIZE] Link and Tattle went through the door. They came upon platforms. Link,being a polls voice, went through theplatforms and into the door. They came out and were stoooed my the Hapy Mask Salesman.(HMS) HMS-please help me, curssed one! LINK-no HMS-Why? LINK-Because I am a polls voice! HMS-Okay listen to this song!*plays song of healing* LINK-I have no Ocarina, moron. HMS-well I will change you back when ya get one! LINK-okay, deal! Link walked through the double doors. He saw a city! LINK-wow! TATTLE-We only have days, moron, so move it! LINK-you talkin ta me? are YOU talkin ta ME? TATTLE-Darn skippy! LINK-SHut up, or i'll put the sword to ya! TATTLE-You cannot hold a sword, idiot! H AHA HA HA! LINK-I WILL KILL YE!!!! Will Link ever get the Ocarina back? Will he help the happy mask salesman? Who knows? Will I ever shut up? Only time will tell... How did ya like part 3?
  11. Messageboards and Zelda for me! ZELDA!!! I LOVE ZELDA! I CAN'T STOPZELDA!!!!! I am on 13 boards! 13! 13 BOARDS!!!!POST POST POST!!! I CAN'T STOP!!!!!!!!!!! HHHHEEEEELLLLPPPP!
  12. Magora's Mask part 2 Well, Link jumped at his horse, the one that the Skullkid was rideing. He tried to grab the reins but...MISSED! NAR.-LINK! LINK-What? it is too fast? NAR.-I am going to KILL YOU! LINK-Hey, I don't see YOU trying to grab the reins of a moveing horse! NAR.-Just try again, you moron! Link tried to grab the reins of epona. and...YES HE GOT IT!!!!!! The horse was running and turning all over the place. Link lost his grip, and was sent flying to the ground. He then saw the cave. He walked in and fellllllllllll.....a long ways down. He hit the ground with a sound of crunching bones. It turned out to be just a puddle of water with some grass groing that made the crunch. He then moved forward. He saw the Skull Kid. SKULL KID-Is this what you ae looking for? LINK-MY Ocarina! Give it! SKULL KID-For that, I will yurn you into a Deku! LINK-COOL!!!! I have always wanted to be a deku! SKULL KID-What? DANG IT! Okay than a frog! LINK-Awesome, they are sooo cool! SKULL KID-WELL DANG NAB IT! LINK-Hmmm, can I be a bear? How about a keese? What will link become? Will he get to be a keese? Will the skull kid go insane? Find out on the next part! How did ya like part 2?
  13. I know I am not a moderator ar anything, but this topic is against the no sexuall harrasment rule. You are harrasing people because they are gay. I do not want to break the rules, so I will not post my oppinion. If ya want to know bad enough, PM me or just wonder. Now can a mod or admin PLEASE close this! I did not come here to read about sexualaty! I came here to have fun. (note)-I am NOT gay.
  14. This is based on Malora's Mask. PART 1 One day, Link, only 10 years old, was rideing on his horse, epona in some densce woods. He was looking for a friend... LINK*to narrator*-I am not looking for a friend? NAR.-Ummm, Helloooo, Navi the fairy!!! Duh! LINK-I am only looking for her because she ripped me off! She stoll my Giant's Wallet, and the 500 rupees that were in it! NAR.-Oh, sorry, back to story! Link was just ridin, when two fairy's startled Links Horse. The Horse reared back, and link fell to the ground, uncontiouse. LINK-I am not uncontiouse yet. NAR-IDIOT! ACT you dope! Now the horse reared back and link fell to the ground UNCONTIOUSE!!! Then from nowhere a Skull Kid came out. He found Link's Ocarina and started to play with it. TAEL-I want to play too! TATLE-You can't! You might break it! TAEL-BUT I WANT TO! SKULL KID-Shut up, neither of you will use it! Suddenly Link awoke. He tried to sneak up on the Skull Kid, but he was warned by his fairy's. The Skull Kid jumped on Epona, and she started to gallop! Link jumped at the horse, and grabbed for the reins> He...MISSED! NAR.-Link, you were supposed to grab the reins! LINK-sorry, but not everyone is blessed with the abbility to hang on to a speeding horse! NAR.-we will just have to try again on the next part! LINK-Part one is over? NAR.-Yep, it is. LINK-Good, because I gotta pee! NAR.-Well then go, don't tell me about it! LINK-Shut up!*leaves* Will Link ever get onto his horse? Will this story ever start? Will I ever stop asking dumb questions? Find out on Part 2! What did ya think?
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