[font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#708090"]I think Sailor Moon is a first for most. It was for me :)
I was watching that as early as...hmmm 97' ish? I didn't even know what it was, but I liked it. Then I went to my first anime fest at a local comic store, made some friends, and watched some more anime, it was the first time I saw more heavy stuff, like X.
X will always be my most precious and favorite anime. It was really my foundation as a fan.
As the years passed and I got older, I actually began to watch less and less anime. I'm still a fan, but only watch occasionally when the mood hits me, or if I feel nostalgic. It's mainly my art that keeps me going at this point.
I must say though, that I recently got addicted to Kuroshitsuji. It's like, the perfect anime for me. [/color][/font]