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Everything posted by ZeoMiraiTrunks

  1. Well when I was about 4 yrs old, my mom tells me that one time I got up in the morning, still asleep and walked into the kitchen, flipped the lid on the trash can, and proceeded to p!ss in the can. My mom, who was talking to her friend on the phone said "Kathy I'll call you back." and her friend aske why and my mom said "Well, Evan just peed in the garbage can." Well I thought that was funny. Another more recent one was when I was at my lake with all of my cousins and we all stayed up way too late, when we had plans to go fishing early morning(we fish off cliffside). And apparently I woke up and got my tackle together and my cousin Dave asked "Where are you going?" and I just said "..fishing" and then they found me sleeping in the field near the cliffs we fish off. (I had MANY woodticks that day)
  2. I say go and beat the living sh*t out of whoever made him take his own life... but don't kill the person(I'm against killing), just enough so they dont forget the lesson, or better yet, just enough so they forget everything. That was cruel but so was that person in bullying your friend to the end.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] You are now one of the coolest people i know. but now to be serious. I was realllllly depressed one nithg. New year's eve of all nights!!!! I thought of suicide, but I realized that one, the Girl it was over was worth it, but I would rather spend time with her. 2) my high was wayyyyy to good, why ruin it!?!?!?!? :hippy: :smoke: :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] amen to that man I am COMPLETELY against suicide.... it sucks cuz once u die ur dead and u can't even be depressed about anything and that sucks worse then depression when u get right down to it... but I'm not against doing stupid sh!t as long as u don't kill urself
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B] [color=red][size=3]J.C. recommends you take the following classes... ENGLISH GRAMMER SPELLING --JCBaggee[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, he sounds like a reggae dude
  5. all in all your right HC, they ARE drawings.... but its ok to dream as long as you don't go as far as my friend (he says bulmas hot, but doesnt think hot girls we see at the mall are hot)
  6. evan... anyways im on episode 13 its GREAT I think its my new fave anime
  7. woah that is awesome dude. where are anime expos held anywayz??
  8. well hes banned now so it don't matter too much
  9. I have to admit that I suffer from homophobia... not because I chose to however, just I guess since my father is quite racist (but not really hardcore racist), and always made vulgar comments about homosexuals. Even though I know it's wrong to not like someone just because of something they have no control over, my homophobia is pretty bad, to the point that if I discovered one of my good friends (but not best friends) was gay I would probably stop hanging out with them. I'm ashamed of it, but I can't help it. My dad usually says things like "If there were meant to be gay people it would be Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve.". That's pretty harsh, but it couldn't really be true I don't think. I don't believe that its against god to be gay or anything since I gave up on religion(there are so many different ones and none have proof to be true, which leads to constant b!tching at one another and so forth). It just sicks me out, you know? Anyways I just wanted to get that out and don't hate me for it, cuz I truly am a good person.
  10. that's so sad....... whenever someone posts something like that it really gets me going.............. I just about started bawling when I saw that
  11. .... if it was it wouldnt be there. its BIG man... and convenient. I got DBZ movie 6,8,9,11,and 13 from there PLUS the entire Trigun series AND WAIT! THERES MORE! I also got Blade II (yes the one in the theatres that isnt out on video for another 5 months) and Resident Evil (again, just finished playin in theatres)
  12. If you havent seen it you HAVE to see it if you really love anime!! It's a hilarious story about a guy named Vash the Stampede, the legendary outlaw... but truth is.. he's never killed anyone and he won't its so funny... I wont say any more tho as to spoil it.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SakuraHope [/i] [B]Isn't the girl a transfer from Japan over to America? That is what I read in anime invasion... Sakura [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, and No.... One bad thing about the movie is it never quite explains exactly who she is.... but you are kind of led to believe at the end that she is "The Last Vampire" since there is no other reference to vampires during the whole film. Unless they meant the demons were supposed to be the vampires even tho they don't suck blood. The only thing they have to do with blood is that they can only die if they lose ALOT of blood in one blow, hence the sword Saya uses.
  14. 1. Tapion 2. Gohan, Fat Buu, Gotenks? 3. Brute ray obviously 4. THE Legendary Super Saiya-jin (or as he likes to call himself "the devil")
  15. If any one is wondering where to get the later (and waaaay better) movies, just get KaZaA (p2p download client) and u can find basically all of them on there in subtitles
  16. yeah they were just waiting for the ones they knew were strong like goku and gohan... and the supreme kai
  17. ive seen 1. Deadzone 2. Worlds Strongest 3. Tree of Might 6. Metal Cooler (forget actual name) 8. Valiant Fight! Violent Fight! Super Exciting Fight! 9. Bojack (forget name as well) 11. Bio Brolly (sucked.... Brolly doesnt deserve to be covered in sludge!!) and also the GT closing special (pans grandsons adventure)
  18. im addicted to my friggin computer, and video games and anime..... gaaahhh I was started off as a child I tell you! ITS NOT MY FAULT!!! *heartattack*
  19. I am the lazyest person alive... but I exercise alot to get ready for football season..... heres what I do every monday, wednsday, and friday: Bench Press : 140lbs Rowing : 90lbs Arm Curls : 80lbs Squats : 180lbs Triceps Press : 90lbs Seated Rowing : 110lbs Thigh Extension : 160lbs Leg Curl : 100lbs not to mention I play alot of sports and stuff.... im just VERY lazy when it comes to work and responsibilities
  20. well I would never commit suicide..... but I would crush 20 asprins and mix them with water and drink it for 500 dollars... ive done oit before I could do it again...
  21. dude this board sucks for ppl with fast connections... the 70 second rule kinda sucks say u wanna start a thread then posts to another one.... its just too long of a wait...... I have clicked the submit new thread button about say... 6 times now.... :|
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