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About Mr.Nightfall32

  • Birthday 01/26/1993

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Writing, Reading, Video Games, typical nerd stuff!
  • Occupation
  • Favorite Anime
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
    Soul Eater
    Fairy Tail
    Death Note
    Etc. :P

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  1. Gonna have to follow CaNz with this one. I'm amazed at how much attention this has gotten and I agree that if there's only a few spots then someone who has a very good quality sign up should get to be apart of it. Haven't had much time to edit my sign up anyways, so I'll just go ahead and drop out of the running as well! ;/ Lots of really good sign ups here from people, and I hope you guys that do get accepted have fun with this, it's really a pretty great universe to adventure in. xD Anyways, good luck to you all. I look forward to reading all of your posts in the Theater section! Edit: I would say I'm dropping out more so because of personal reasons. I'm not sure I can commit at the moment and I don't want to get spot if I can't commit! :P
  2. This sounds really fun :P Big fan of Fairy Tail. [u][b]Basic Info[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Claire Hawthorn [b]Nickname:[/b] None as of yet. Iâ??ll leave it to your characters to decide. :P [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Casual Appearance:[/b] [url="http://media.photobucket.com/image/Serah/DIGITAL_HOMIE/Misc/Serah_Farron_003.png"]Claire[/url]. [b]Battle Appearance:[/b] Despite being a Holder Mage using requip, Claire does not possess the ability to store full bodies of armor. Because of this she chooses to wear her casual clothing into combat, using the magical abilities of her scythes to compensate for her lack of armor. [u][b]Magical Info[/b][/u] [b]Circle Colour:[/b] Purple [b]Type:[/b] Holder Magic [b]Magic:[/b] â??The Shinigamiâ? (Requip Magic) This is basically a scythe oriented version of â??The Knightâ? and other Requip magics. (If you hadnâ??t already guess that :P) Allows Claire to store weapons inside of pocket dimensions and call them at will with magic. [b]Magical Items/Spells:[/b] Every weapon that Claire uses is a Scythe as they are the only weapons that she feels comfortable using. Different scythes allow her to have access to a wide range of skills that compensate for her lack of ability to re-quip armors. [u]Basic Items/Spells:[/u] [b]Scythe[/b]: [url="http://www.profilebrand.com/imgs/layouts/34fantasy/1346/1346_L-grim-reaper-skull-throne.jpg"]Shinigami Scythe[/url] [i]Allows the user to call upon two skeletal allies from under the ground to aid them in battle. These skeletons guard the user against attacks with shields made of hardened bone. They do not possess combat abilities beyond this however. [/i] [i] [/i] [b]Scythe: [/b][url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/143/d/a/Marluxia__s_Scythe_by_YenSid_kun.jpg"]Extendo Scythe[/url] (Lol I'm terrible with naming things, I'll probably change this) [i]Allows the user to access the spell [/i][b][i]Extend.[/i][/b] [b][i] [/i][/b] [b]Extend - [/b][i]The user is able to extend the blade of the scythe outwards in order to hook around enemies easier. The blade can extend to twice the normal length and can easily shift directions as if made of rubber. The longer the blade extends, the more of a toll it takes on the Scythe's user. [/i] [i] [/i] [i]*Going to Edit with More*[/i] [u]Moderate Items/Spells:[/u] *Going to Edit with More* [u]Advanced Items/Spells:[/u] Items/Spells that you will learn much later (this section is optional). *Going to Edit with More* [u][b]Other Info[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] Claire is bright, cheerful, and direct. She takes notice of everyone and has no problem with meeting new people. Sheâ??s enthusiastic (maybe a little [i]too[/i] enthusiastic at times) and confident in her abilities and in her overall being. She is fiercely competitive and sometimes she can be described as bossy and assertive as she has no problems telling people when they need to shape up and do better at whatever task theyâ??re doing. She constantly strives to do the best she can at any task and expects others to be able to keep up with her. Because of this she sometimes forgets to consider the feelings of others, which can result in conflicts with her fellow Mages. In battle, Claireâ??s determination knows no bounds and she faces down an enemy no matter how strong they are. Sheâ??s not afraid to fight dirty and can often be found just punching an enemy in the face rather than using her weapons. Sheâ??s not so keen on battle plans and would rather just charge into battle and give it her all. Despite her overall air of confidence, Claire can be extremely sensitive to criticism and failure. She has no tolerance for her own failure and often when she does fail, she falls victim to feelings of depression and can often be found crying or screaming into her pillow at night. She can often be seen lounging around with a book or scroll as she finds books to hold all the knowledge one could ever need. [b]Background:[/b] When Claire was seven years old, both her mother and father passed away, leaving her to live with her Grandparents in Enca. It was soon revealed to her that her parents had both died while trying to complete a higher level job for their Mage guild and that both of them would be remembered for their good deeds as mages. This was the first time Claire had heard of Mages and although she was devastated by the loss of her parents, she couldnâ??t help but feel a thirst for magic. As time passed, Claire pleaded with her grandfather to teach her how to wield magical weapons, as that had once been his speciality. Although he declined many times, saying it would lead her to the same fate as her parents, he reluctantly began to teach Claire how to wield weapons and requip them. When it finally came time to choose a weapon to specialize in, Claire chose the Scythe. In recent years, Claire has honed her skills and believes herself to be ready to finally join a guild just like her parents. She has her eyes set on one guild in particular: Excalibur. [b]Flashback:[/b] [i][b]â??Out of all the weapons you could have picked, why choose that?â?[/b][/i][i] asked her Grandfather, pointing at the sleek weapon in her hand.[/i] [i] Claire gave her grandfather a smile and rubbed her hands up and down the sleek wooden grip of her scythe. The sharp black blade at the end gleamed in the afternoon sunlight. Although it felt a little bit heavy in her hands, she couldnâ??t help but find the weapon beautiful.[/i] [i] [b]â??It just..called out to me, Gramps,â?[/b] she replied cheerfully. [/i][i][b]â??So will you teach me how to fight now that I have weapon?â?[/b][/i] [b][i] [/i][/b][i]Her grandfather looked her over a few more times, taking in the small eleven year old girl wielding a giant scythe in his back garden and then suddenly he began to laugh heartily. [b]â??You look just like your mother at that age,â? [/b]he exclaimed, [b]â??although your mother was never one to want to use exotic weapons like that.â?[/b][/i][i] [/i] [i]He walked over to where she stood and rested a hand atop her head. [b]â??Yeah, Iâ??ll teach you how to use it, but you have to promise to at least give a normal sword a try, I canâ??t imagine you swinging that thing around in a fight!â?[/b][/i] [i]Claire beamed up at him and give him an affectionate peck on the cheek.[/i] [i][b]â??Not a chance, this is the weapon Iâ??m using and thatâ??s that! Now teach me!â?[/b] she replied.[/i] [i]Her grandfather chuckled and then backed away a few feet. [b]â??Alright, but please do your best not chop down any of your grandmotherâ??s plants with that thing.â?[/b] He said playfully. He drew his sword from the sheath at his waist and pointed it at her.[/i] [i][b]â??Are you ready?â?[/b] he asked.[/i] [i][b]"Bring it on, Gramps!"[/b][/i]
  3. [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Throughout Takeoâ??s story about his demon mother, Mary tried to look interested, but she was failing miserably. Her mind kept drifting to other thoughts as she watched some of the other students walk up to the nun and then leave the room, but when Takeo had mentioned the part about his family being killed, she genuinely felt bad for the guy. [/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Please forgive my coldness. Speaking of her always seems to drain my spirit. But please tell me about yourself and your demon parent of you donâ??t mind, Mary. Iâ??m all ears.â? Takeo said.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Evidently he was done sharing for now. [/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Well..,â? Mary began. â??I donâ??t really know what to say.â?[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Takeoâ??s face twisted into a friendly smile. â??How about we start with one question at a time. Whoâ??s your demon parent?â? He asked.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Itâ??s my father,â? Mary muttered.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Alright thatâ??s a start! Now what do you know about him?â?[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??What do I know about him?â? Heâ??s a scum bag. I wish heâ??d never come into our..my life.â?[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Takeo nodded, encouraging her to continue. It was odd, Mary thought, that this guy could be making her feel comfortable enough to consider sharing how she felt. Sheâ??d been holding things in for almost two weeks now and she felt close to exploding.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Why is he a â??scum bagâ???â? Takeo asked when she didnâ??t continue speaking.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Heâ??s..well he wasnâ??t always. Actually, he used to be an angel.â?[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Takeoâ??s eyes widened and Mary couldnâ??t suppress the slight smile that tugged at her lips. It was ridiculous to think that her father had once been an angel. [/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??He was once the Angel of Lightning. He was one of the major generals in the war against the demons a really long time ago. Iâ??ve read in some ancient books and bibles and stuff that he was a hero. I bet nobody thought heâ??d ever fall.â? Mary continued. [/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Do you know why he did?â? Takeo asked.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??No, but from what I can tell he got cocky after the first big war and thought he could surpass God. It didnâ??t go that well for him. He was kicked out and it drove him literally insane. He became a fallen angel and ventured into hell where eventually he met up with the â??big baddiesâ?? down there. After that I donâ??t really know what happened. He morphed into a shell of his former self. He no longer an angel. His wings have fallen off and he has no control over his own mind.â?[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Takeo exhaled the breath he must have been holding in. â??Wow. How do you know so much about him? I thought you said you were new to all this?â?[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Actually thatâ??s the funny part. I never met him until..until a few weeks ago.â? Mary replied. She was trying hard not to mention her sister. She knew that if she did sheâ??d probably end up crying and she refused to do that in front of anyone, especially not some guy she just met.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??Go on.â? Takeo said.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??He paid me a visit when things werenâ??t going so well and he..gave me these guns.â? She gestured to the holsters sitting next to her on the desk. [/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]â??And then the next thing I knew I ended up here..â? Mary finished, trying desperately to hold her emotions in check.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#006400"]Takeo gave her an awkward pat on the back and another smile. â??Well I think thatâ??s enough info for now donâ??t you think? Do you wanna go grab some food or something?â? He asked politely. [/color][/font] [color="#006400"][font="'Century Gothic"]Mary nodded slightly, but didnâ??t look at him. She grabbed the two pistols, strapped them[/font][font="'Comic Sans MS"] [/font][/color][size=2][font="'Franklin Gothic Medium"][color="#006400"]back to her body and stood up. She began walking out of the room with Takeo following behind her.[/color][/font][/size]
  4. [font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#006400"]â??Begin!â?[/color] [color="#006400"]Mary scowled. A research project on their parents? This definitely wasnâ??t what she wanted to be doing with her time. On top of that, she had no interest in learning more about her father. Even if she did..every second that she wasted, Sophie became further away from her. She still remembered what her father had told her the day he abducted her sister. [/color] [i][color="#006400"]â??Youâ??re strong and determined, but you never play for the right team. Iâ??m going to let you in on a little secret. Thereâ??s a plan in action by some of the big baddies down in Hell and Iâ??m sure theyâ??d love me enough to let me back in if they get their hands on you. SO! Iâ??m going to use this girl as collateral. You do something for me, and I give her back. Itâ??s a simple game!â?[/color][/i] [color="#006400"]Before sheâ??d had a chance to reply, a shock had run through her entire body and knocked her out cold. Sheâ??d woken up the next day with a package sitting at her feet. Inside she found the two pistols that now hung at her waist and a note that read:[/color] [i][color="#006400"]These are your seals, darling. Iâ??ll slit your sisterâ??s throat if you try and screw up my plans, so Iâ??ve given you these weapons in order to suppress your powers. Anywho, since I know your just so willing to help me, hereâ??s your first task: [/color][/i] [i] [/i] [i][color="#006400"]Go to Cross Academy. Bye-Bye! <3[/color][/i] [color="#006400"]Mary grinded her teeth. It still pissed her off that sheâ??d been so helpless against her father, so useless to her kid sister. Sheâ??d tried searching for her sister every place she could think of, but in the end the reality had dawned on her that she probably couldnâ??t find Sophie on her own. [/color] [color="#006400"]She hadnâ??t wanted to do anything for her father, but she swallowed her pride and went to the address on the back of the note. It had led her to Cross Academy.[/color] [color="#006400"] [i]â??Youâ??ll get her back, donâ??t worry,â? [/i]she thought.[/color][color="#006400"][i] â??Maybe..maybe these people here can help.â? [/i][/color] [color="#006400"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#006400"]As if in reply, a voice at the back of her head howled in laughter. [i]"Help you? These people are the offspring of Demons. They only care about themselves."[/i][/color] [color="#006400"]She did her best to put the negative thoughts out of her mind and scanned the room for her partner. She had no idea who Takeo was and she really didnâ??t care. As long as he didnâ??t talk much or ask to many questions theyâ??d get along just fine.[/color] [color="#006400"]She watched as the others in the room began to pair up.[/color] [color="#006400"]She saw Kaiel (whoâ??d asked her to call her â??Kaiâ? instead) turn slowly to the guy beside her, who had shockingly crimson red eyes. The eyes made Mary a little uneasy, although she had no idea why. Suddenly she felt the need to pull out her guns and point them straight at him, but she resisted. [/color][/font] [font="Comic Sans MS"] [/font] [font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#006400"]The two exchanged a few hushed words and Mary could see that Kai wasnâ??t completely overjoyed with the guy at the moment. [/color] [color="#006400"]As she was staring at them, trying to figure out what it was about the guy that creeped her out, a boy with slightly damp hair trudged over to her. His eyes were a dazzling bright emerald green. Mary guessed that he was about her age, or maybe a little older, but she could tell. The boyâ??s face was still quite young looking and friendly.[/color] [color="#006400"] She realized sheâ??d seen him before on her way here. Heâ??d been in the pool area with a few others she didnâ??t know. It explained why he was still slightly wet. He looked a little dazed, but he managed to give her a smile.[/color] [color="#006400"]â??Hello, whatâ??s your name? Iâ??m Takeo.â?[/color][/font]
  5. [font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"]OOC: Sorry it took me a little longer than I planned to post this. Hope it still flows after Sazabi's post :P Also hope it's not terrible! First time doing this in a long while haha. (: [/size][/font] [font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"][color="#006400"]Sheâ??d only been at the school for hour, but already Mary hated it. It didnâ??t help that she was already in a terrible mood or that her new teacher/protector -Christopher as he called himself- was a complete and total tool. Sheâ??d felt instantly relieved when heâ??d finally walked her out of the schoolâ??s main office and passed her off to the girl with the dark cloak and blue hair. She watched Christopher give a sly smile to the girl and then disappear around a corner before she could say a word. From what Mary could see of the girlâ??s face, she didnâ??t look pleased. She glared for a moment at the spot where Christopher had turned the corner and then sighed, turning toward Mary. Mary raised an eyebrow. The girl had a unique look about her. She looked about Maryâ??s age with long blue hair, pretty features, pointed ears, and the dark cloak that obscured most of her face in shadow. A pendant in the shape of paw print hung loosely at her neck. What really captured Maryâ??s attention however, was the girlâ??s eyes. They were a brilliant yellow - an odd color, Mary thought - and although they held no hostility, they looked completely feral. That combined with the rest of her looks, the girl looked less like a girl and more like a beast. After a long moment the girl sighed again and held out her hand. â??My name is Kaiel. Iâ??m sorry you had to deal with my jackass brother,â? she said flatly. She did truly look apologetic. As soon as Kaiel had opened her mouth, Mary had spotted the overly pointed canines. They further confirmed what Mary had already deduced. This girl was someone to watch out for. She eyed the girlâ??s hand for a moment, looking at the nails that were more like claws, and then shook it gingerly. â??Mary,â? she muttered in reply. Kaiel seemed to be waiting for Mary to say something else, but in all honesty, Mary didnâ??t feel like talking to this girl. She was clearly part demon and right now Mary had enough demons to deal with. â??Well then..,â? Kaiel said awkwardly, â??I guess Iâ??ll show you around the school now..â? Mary gave her a slight nod and the two set off down the hall in the opposite direction Christopher had gone. That was good, Mary thought. She had no interest in seeing that guy again until she absolutely had to. As they walked down the hall, Mary began to pay less and less attention to Kaiel as the girl un-enthusiasticly showed Mary the various spots she knew around the school. Kaiel seemed just as preoccupied as Mary. Her face was stuck in a constant line and she seemed to be lost deep in thought. Just as they were outside of what Kaiel described as their â??wrecked classroomâ?, Mary began to feel the dark thoughts creeping back into her mind. She tried pushing them away, tried thinking about happier things, but in truth, there wasnâ??t much in that category for Mary to think about. [i]â??Whatâ??s wrong my dear?â? a voice echoed in her head. â??Have you decided to stay at that filthy school instead of finding me?â?[/i] Mary grit her teeth. [i]â??Get out of my head. Now.â? [/i]She replied angrily. [i]The voice in her head laughed. â??I think I can invade my own daughterâ??s head whenever I damn well please! Besides, I have something to show you.â?[/i] One moment Mary was staring at Kaiel who was explaining what had happened to the classroom - something to do with Hobgoblins?- and the next she was falling through nothingness. [i]A dark void stretched out all around her and her fatherâ??s maniacal laughter filled the endless space with ease.[/i] [i]When she finally hit solid ground she figured sheâ??d been falling for at least an hour or more. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness.[/i] [i]â??Welcome my beautiful little daughter!â? her father screeched. [/i] [i]Mary pushed herself up from the ground and clenched her fists. â??What do you want?â? she snarled. [/i] [i]Her father stood a few feet away from her in the darkness. She could only make out his sickly yellow eyes and the outline of his dark feathery wings. Sparks of electricity danced in his hair, lighting up portions of his mangled face. His mouth was upturned in a venomous smile that perfectly portrayed the insane demon. It chilled Mary down to the bone.[/i] [i]â??How long has it been since Iâ??ve seen you, darling? A week? Oh wait, no, Iâ??ve been spying on you all day! Iâ??m very surprised you havenâ??t noticed. Youâ??re usually so on top of these things. My little soldier braving the world all by herself!â? her father mused. [/i] [i]There was a small pop and her father appeared behind her. He gingerly began to play with her hair. [/i] [i]Instantly she pushed him away and he laughed again.[/i] [i]â??So angry! Is it because of the loss of your sister? I still have her you knowâ?¦somewhere around here.â? He pretended to look around for the girl, calling her name loudly into the darkness. (â??Sophie? Sophieee?â?)[/i] [i]â??Nope, sheâ??s not here. Sorry!â?[/i] [i]Mary felt the anger bubbling up inside of her, sheâ??d been searching for her little sister Sophie for a week now, ever since this damned creature had taken her away. [/i] [/color][/size][/font][font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"][color="#006400"][i]â??Give. Her. Back.â? She growled. [/i] "Oh, I will don't worry, but first you've got to do me a tiny little favor," he chuckled. [i]Mary reached at her side for the two pistols sheâ??d recently received, the seals to her power, but of course they werenâ??t there. This was her fatherâ??s illusion, she had to play by his rules. [/i] [i]She raced toward her father, her fist ready to connect with his face, but as soon as she came within inches of his body, a field of electricity sent her flying back. Laughter again echoed all around her.[/i] â??Hey are you-ow!â? Kaielâ??s voice echoed through the void world, disrupting her fatherâ??s laughter. [i]Suddenly the entire scene shifted. Her father and the darkness disappeared and gave way to a new scene. [/i] [i]She saw Kaiel and her brother Christopher (Ugh.) and another man who looked old enough to be their grandfather. His face was contorted in pain. Kaiel looked on in horror, tears swelled in her eyes.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"][color="#006400"][i] The man took out a thin dagger and stabbed it through his own body.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [color="#006400"][font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"][i] [/i][/size][/font][/color][font="Arial Narrow"][size="2"][color="#006400"]â??She is my daughter. And I will protect herâ?¦â? As quick as the image had come, it changed again and she now stood back in reality. She saw Kaiel holding her hand gingerly and Mary realized the girl must have tried to touch her while she was in her trance. Sheâ??d read her mind and seen what must have been the girl's past. â??What was that? You shocked me.â? Kaiel asked. Mary was breathing in gasps and she forced herself to calm down. â??I donâ??t know,â? Mary lied. â??Sometimes I just sort of..check out. Sorry.â? Mary had no intention of telling the girl what really happened, she was trying her best to control her rising anger at her father. She also didnâ??t want the girl to know about her abilities yet. Fortunately Kaiel seemed to understand that something had gone on, and decided to drop the subject altogether. She sighed softly. â??Well, okay.â? She said, nearing a door to their right. She stared through the glass window and grimaced. â??This is the Gym here..oh god. Jensen.â? Kaiel opened the door and ushered Mary inside. She glanced around the room until she found the guy who must have been Jensen. Somehow she instantly forgot about her troubles. Her blood boiled and a smile, not unlike her father's crept onto her lips. She liked what she saw. [/color][/size][/font]
  6. [color="#4b0082"]Name: Mary Noel Age: 20 Appearance: [url="http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/5/5d/LightningIntro.png"]Mary[/url] Mary stands at about 5â??7â?. Her eyes are sea blue and full of sorrow. Her hair is long and light pink which contrasts slightly with her pale complexion. Her normal attire consists of a sleeveless white overcoat that covers her dark black shirt, a brown mini-skirt that covers small black shorts, and dark boots. On her wrists she wears a necklace given to her by her mother when she was younger that is the shape of a small heart. On her neck rests a small pendent in the shape of a lightning bolt. Because of her demonic heritage her ears are slightly pointed upwards and her hair sometimes has occasional sparks of electricity coursing through it. Demon Appearance: Maryâ??s demon appearance is outwardly not very different. The only noticeable differences are as follows: Maryâ??s eyes turn a sickly yellow color and her normally non-existant smile now appears menacing and more than a little bit abnormal. In fact, her smile now reflects insanity. Electricity courses through her hair and body and causes her hair to stand on end. The electricity surrounds her in an aura-like fashion. Personality: Determined, fierce, and independent. Mary seemingly has no time for others. Day to day she hides the sorrow that gnaws at her heart by being cold to those around her. She can be cold and standoffish and often distances herself from those she has to work with; which stems primarily from her irritation of her parental situation and the ever growing insanity inside of her. She prefers confrontation over talking things out and doesnâ??t hesitate to cut down those who stand in her way or otherwise annoy her. Despite all of this, Mary has a softer side. It may take awhile to reach this status with her, but she is loyal and protective of all those she can consider a friend. Weapon: [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/116/01ys7.jpg/sr=1"]Two small pistols.[/url] Power: Simply put, Mary has the power to manipulate electricity. In addition to this, because the brain works through means of electricity, when she comes in physical contact with a person she can sometimes briefly catch their thoughts by using her power. She is able to create large, swordlike lightning bolts that can be thrown or used to fight. Demonic Parent: Barakiel was once the angel of lightning, but eventually he succumbed to Satanâ??s will and became a fallen angel. As time went by he began to morph into an insane and hideous version of himself. So as not to cause widespread destruction due to his insanity, he has been banished from hell and now wanders the world searching for ways to destroy life in the name of Hell. [/color]
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