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Happy Heretic Hakira

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About Happy Heretic Hakira

  • Birthday 05/06/1986

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    Under your bed, eatin' yer cookies. :3
  • Occupation
    Manga Artist & Universalist Wiccan Minister

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  1. [i][font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"]"No, Sister. I was just concerned for your well being." Rhea smiled, giving the nun a dazzling view of her pearly whites. "Tell me, what brought you here to Cross Academy? It can't just be a thirst to spread knowledge." Rhea crossed her arms, and her smile turned into a knowing smirk. "You're much too young for that." [/color][/size][/font][/i] [i][font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font][/i] [size="4"][font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]"If you honestly want to know," Miriam replied, "This is punishment for something outrageous I'd done. I won't go into much more detail than that. That is all you need to know. Otherwise, is there something you need? Would you like me to pray for you?"[/color][/font] [font="Courier New"] [/font] [font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]The nun had felt the chilly sarcasm pouring out from the student's lips when she had mentioned spreading knowledge.[/color][/font] [font="Courier New"] [/font] [font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]"I could anoint you with oil and pray. I'm sure your human side will cancel out any demonic rejection of the oil."[/color][/font] [font="Courier New"] [/font] [font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]She was grateful that the young woman had approached her, even if it she did seem on the attack. Being gifted as she was, Miriam could not only feel but experience Rhea's pain. Knowing that the young woman was still raw and trying to numb it out by being forthright, Miriam forgave her.[/color][/font] [font="Courier New"] [/font] [font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]However, she didn't make any mention to any such release to Rhea. Silence on the matter would probably be more suitable in healing these kinds of wounds. [/color][/font] [font="Courier New"] [/font] [font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]"Do you have any other classes, today, Miss?" Miriam asked.[/color][/font][/size]
  2. [font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"]As Takeo passed by the others could see Miriam sitting alone. She had sat with Christopher a while, though he'd left early to catch up on paperwork. Whenever he was around she acted bashfully but what he had named [b][i]spunk[/i][/b] was what hid it so well. She looked down at her plate. It was typical that she'd picked boring food. When she woke up she really wanted to eat something exciting, exotic and maybe even spicy. Cajun sounded good. However, this was the part where she tried to discipline herself. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"]Firstly, she had chastised herself over the supposedly lustful feelings she'd had when Christopher was near. The waft of his scent -- a mix of sandalwood and whatever sweet surprises -- came back to her memory with clarity. Secondly, she wasn't about to break any vows and be a glutton. No, she would punish herself with something simple. Bean paste and unbuttered toast. That, and a bottle of water. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"]There was that ache of contempt rising, tightening in the very back of her throat. This was the only way she'd be able to make her mark. If she followed the rules -- even though she thought most of them absurd -- she would be able to become a saint. Then she would show her true colours. Not ones of an evil person but of a person who was a positive influence on those in the religious field. She followed these regulations simply so she could gain power and change things. To make things right again.[/color][/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"]Her green eyes flattened, staring at her food. She took her spoon and scooped up some of the bean paste. It was indeed boring. There would be little flavour, if any. Hopefully, it would fill her up. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"][b][i]What are you talking about? Spunk is the reason I got put in this place to begin with![/i] [/b]She remembered her own words. It was a constant power struggle between her and the elders of the Convent. She wanted to place women in positions that they had considered abominable. There was no way a woman was to be allowed to usurp the authority of a man and become a Priestess herself! What with all the sexual assault scandals within the church, she would have thought their church would have followed the Greek Orthodox and would have let their Priests marry in order to settle any [i][b]urges [/b][/i]they would have had that would have led to violence. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"][color="#0000ff"][i][b]This is the last time we will tolerate your unspeakable behaviour! If you want to act like a demon then, by God, we will show you what demons are like![/b] [/i]Miriam cringed ever so much, remembering the last thing the elders had told her. Her grey veil fell over her back very neatly. There was also a white band over her bangs, mostly hidden by the veil. Quietly, and almost shamefully, she ate the bean paste. This would probably help her get her act together. It would get things back into gear. This was her last chance to prove to the Convent that she was eligible enough to become a full fledged nun, when, however, she really wanted something forbidden. She wanted to be a priestess. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Courier New"][size="4"] [/size][/font] [size="4"][font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]Setting her spoon down, she twisted off the cap of the bottle and took a drink. She wished that Christopher were still around but she understood that he was a teacher and needed his valuable time to do his job. Miriam gulped down her water and set it down. The bean paste didn't seem very appetizing. She hadn't even touched the toast. Maybe a small prayer of repentance and a fast would do. Yeah, that's what she was going to do. Fast and go somewhere to pray in the privacy of her own dorm. She had to get the silly idea that there was anything special between her and the teacher. Of course, they would tell her that it was an abomination and that she do sixty Hail Mother Gods to purify her thoughts. What a terrible, terrible situation she got herself in.[/color][/font] [font="Courier New"] [/font] [font="Courier New"][color="#0000ff"]With a slight sigh, she got up from her spot and went to empty her tray. Setting it down with the other trays. She hadn't noticed, but she was being watched by a small crowd of students. Without taking any consideration to look in the direction the burning eyes had come from, she left the cafeteria to find solitude in her own quarters.[/color][/font][/size]
  3. [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]Perhaps she'd missed second period already? Or maybe even more than that.. Seeing as people were coming and going as they pleased. There was a lot of talk of food. It must have been lunch time. Miriam lifted her wrist up to see her watch. It was awfully late, wasn't it? This time, though, she didn't have to blame her occasional slothfulness for this one. A very strange woman she was, to become a nun and be everything [i][b][u]but[/u][/b][/i] what she was called to be. [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]She held a clip board on her lap and leaned forward, resting her elbow onto the wood and her face into her hand. This was getting kind of boring and they hadn't even looked over lesson plans yet! Where was he? At lunch, maybe? Again, she looked at her watch, then rested again. For a moment she daydreamed about how she would lecture on history, religion and politics and how they were all intertwined and how love and thoughtfulness would help the world. She wanted to lecture about the things that would make a person think, but not only that, she wanted to teach things that would inspire someone to have enough motivation to change the inhumane things of this world and to pave a better and brighter future for themselves; human and demon alike. [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Sister Miriam?" A calm voice said from behind. She lifted her head and sat up straight to find Christopher beside her.[/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Oh, hello Mr. Christopher." She beamed at seeing him, hoping to hide a bit of her boredom. [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Christopher is just fine," He said, looking her over. "You got a copy of the syllabus, correct?"[/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Yes, I did." [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Good. Are you ready to go over the lesson plan with me? We have lots to discuss regarding this course. I'm sure you'll be a great help to not only me but the students. We need someone with your kind of spunk to change things up in here."[/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"...Are you sure? [b][i][u]Spunk[/u][/i][/b] is what got me in trouble to begin with." Nervously, she laughed. [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="1"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Regardless of the uh.. The [b][i][u]circumstances[/u][/i][/b] that brought you here, I'm sure you'd be a great help and a great teacher yourself, one day."[/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]With the way he looked at her, with total confidence; and with the way he looked at her, with compassion.. It would make a woman wonder why she'd work in becoming a nun in the first place. With a slight blush, she turned downward, trying to push inward any feelings that the elders would have regarded as [b][i][u]lustful[/u][/i][/b](although in a secular sense would have been simply a small crush) and nodded, swallowing hard. [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]"Uh, yes. Just show me the way." Again, she laughed, though this time it wasn't as wholeheartedly as she'd ever laughed. It was just a way to hide her own vulnerabilities. [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][/size][/font] [font="'Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"][size="3"]With that being said, he brought her over to the desk and had her sit down with him to look over t[size="3"]he [/size]curriculum sheets and the lesson plans. She took out the syllabus to make comparisons, listening and going "Uh-huh" every few moments to give him the benefit of the doubt that she was listening. [/size][/color][/font]
  4. [ OOC: You guys are RPing a little different than what I'm used to. I'm sorry if it feels a little awkward RPing with me. ] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"]As the classroom started filling up with students, they would have been found it surprising that she was sitting there on her wooden stool. It was one thing to find a kid there with the dunce hat, kept there during lunch but it was a completely different thing to find a [i]Nun[/i] sitting there. She sat there, with her hands clasped together in her lap and her ankles crossed politely beneath the stool.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"] [/font] [font="Century Gothic"] [/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"]She had a smile on her face. Some would have interpreted this as being sarcastically pious. Others would havefound it kind of creepy the way she smiled. However, neither of these impressions were the one she wanted to give. She wanted to seem amiable and friendly to her new students.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"]The woman wore a long, light grey dresswith a white, long-sleeved dress shirt beneath it. It had the typical dressy round collar, and the straps of her dress were tucked neatly under it. Her legs were covered with sheer, beige panty-hose. On herfeet were typical mary-jane shoes, white leather with a strap overher feet to hold them in place. On her head was the typical veil, however, it was a light grey, the same as her dress. There was awhite band beneath it, hiding most of her hair. Some blonde bangs fell down over her forehead.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"]Watching the students take their seats, she awaited the bell to ring. She waited for the teacher to introduce her as their new student teacher.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"]She would have come for the first period's lesson, but she had something important to take care of.[/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#0000ff"]On the name tag fastened to her blouse was her name: [i][b]Sister Miriam Merriweather.[/b][/i][/color][/font]
  5. [font="Century Gothic"][color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"][b]Name: [/b]Sister Miriam Merriweather[/size][/size][/size] [size="2"][size="2"][size="2"][b] [/b][/size][/size][/size][/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][color="#000080"][b]Age: [/b][size="2"]22[/size][/color][/font] [font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"] [size="2"][img]http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/7263/miriamb.jpg[/img][/size] [/color][/font] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"] [font="Century Gothic"][b]Appearance: [/b]Being in the postulancy stage, she wears a grey veil rather than black like other professed nuns, proving what stage she is inbecoming a full-fledged nun. Her bangs are shown to be a light brownto blond, her eyes green. She has freckles on her beige face. Miriamwears the typical garb of the day; a dress with no real distinctdesigns, being a pure, light grey. Underneath, she wears a white,dress-shirt that is exposed on the neckline and white-long sleevesthat are exposed fully, poking out from beneath the dress. The hem ofher dress goes down to her ankles, as an attempt to not really showher legs. On her feet are typical mary-jane shoes made of whiteleather and a strap that goes over the top of her feet and buckles into the side. [/font][/size][/size][/size][/color][font="Century Gothic"] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"][b] [/b][/size][/size][/size][/color][/font] [font="Century Gothic"][b][color="#000080"]Personality:[/color][/b][size="2"][color="#000080"] At first glance in the classroom she seems quiet and shy. Typical ofwhat any demon would expect of a nun. However, she is usually veryloud and outspoken. She's a professional free-thinker which reallyirritates those who run the Order in which she's training to becomeinitiated into. The reason she seems so quiet and shy at first isbecause being placed in a school as a student-teacher of half-demonswas a way of revenge by the elders of the Order for her blatanthumiliation of them. [/color][/size] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"][b]Weapon:[/b]Anything she can grab hold of, such as a Bible or frying pan she candefend herself with. [/size][/size][/size][/color] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"][b]Power: [/b]Seeing as she's a part of the Right Hand Path of the spiritual community, most of her powers consist of healing, affirmation, prophecying / divination(which is kept secret from the Order lest she be removed).[/size][/size][/size][/color] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"][b]Demonic Parent: [/b] So far, Sister Miriam doesn't have any demonic parentage that she knows of. [/size][/size][/size][/color] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"]Sister Miriam is now a student teacher at Cross Academy due to an incident that she was involved in that was a great embarrassment for theOrder. Instead of banishing her from the Convent, they decided to keep her and force her to serve out her sentence at the Academy that was rampant with demons. Their intent was not only make her very uncomfortable but to also teacher her a lesson. If you want to act like a demon, we'll [i]show[/i] you what demons are [i]really [/i]like![/size][/size][/size][/color] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"]This young woman is in the final stages of training to become a nun; she recently took her Temporary Vows and once this three years in service is up, she'll be taking her Solemn Vows. However, seeing as she enjoyed keeping company, she has decided to stay as a Sister rather than a Nun that way she could use her gifts in service of those around her.[/size][/size][/size][/color] [color="#000080"][size="2"][size="2"][size="2"]Seeing as most of her actions are regarded more closely to the preservation of the sanctity of life rather than what the Order runs by most of the time, she's on a very thin thread with them. If it weren't for the [i]forgiveness factor[/i], they would have run her out of the Convent a long time ago. This is her last chance to prove her worth of becoming a nun. Being independent is a bit hard, especially when you question authority, do the right thing even if it's against instruction and think for yourself. [/size][/size][/size][/color] [color="#000080"][size="2"]These are qualities that might just reform the Sisterhood and the elders don't like it but they can't just kick her out for these things. They need to find something better. To save their own hides and reputations.[/size][/color][/font]
  6. It's all your fault I can't get the peanut butter off my bathroom ceiling.

    1. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      NO! It's yours because you're too short!

    2. Happy Heretic Hakira
    3. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough gag wheeze*

  7. Hey! I'm a returning member. My very first screen name was Hakira and that was back in 2003/2004. However, since then, the name got deleted or was given to someone else(I don't know) and I came back as Hyatt Hyatt. Went on a long, long, [i]long[/i] hiatus from the forums and here I am again! I chose the name Happy Heretic Hakira because [i]Hakira[/i] is reminiscent of my very first screen name and Happy Heretic because I am [i][b]heresy[/i][/b] written all over(in a Biblical sense) and I'm very happy and proud of my choice. (: I was nudged to come back thanks to my brother Inuyasha Fandom to join in some forum RPGs. This might get my creative juices flowing in other areas of interest other than my fanfiction and original novel. It's nice coming back!
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