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Everything posted by James

  1. [font=franklin gothic medium]We've talked about this for a while, as it's part of a newer iteration of Virtual Bulletin. Basically we just haven't decided when the best time is to implement that new stuff. I suspect that it might be a good idea to add it before we do the new site, if only because the new site is still a ways off at the moment. Main problem right now is just Justin's time. He's got so much to do that I don't really want to add another thing to his plate. But perhaps we can find another way to get that stuff done, I'll see how it goes.[/font]
  2. [font=franklin gothic medium]You can submit as many as you like. But don't forget that a) you can only attach up to five images per post and b) I want to ensure that people don't double-post in the thread. So, feel free to work on as many ideas as you want. :animesmil [/font]
  3. [font=franklin gothic medium]It's that time of the year again, folks! :catgirl: As you may remember, we had a special Halloween theme for uh...Halloween. But that was designed by me. This time, I'd like to open up the design process to our entire community. So I thought I'd hold a little contest. I am looking for a member to design an incredibly cool Christmas-themed banner for OtakuBoards. But before you dive right into Photoshop, let me layout a few really basic guidelines first. [b]1) Dimensions/Requirements[/b] Basically, your banner needs to be the same size as the current banner. If you wish to view [i]only[/i] the OB banner itself, you can either right click and save it to your computer, or you can go here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/image_top.jpg[/url] That link will show you the banner on its own. As you can see, it has a single pixel border running along the left, bottom and right (with none at the top). [b]All[/b] banner submissions must use this format. In addition, all banner submissions must include the word "OtakuBoards" somewhere. You may choose whatever font and colour you like for the word itself, though. That's up to you. So, apart from sizing and border, you can pretty much design the image as you like. You may want to keep the banner the same as it is now, but add a few decorations. Or you may want to do something radically different. The choice is up to you. [b]2) Other Stuff[/b] I will probably close this competition on the 20th of December (in about ten days from now, or about five days before Christmas). The winner will obviously have their image on the top of the page, but I will also make an announcement about it too. You may ask questions within this thread if you like. And you can submit your banners here too, as attachments or external links. Please try to keep your banners sharp and clear, without blurriness or muddy colouring. Good luck! :animesmil [/font]
  4. James


    [font=franklin gothic medium]I think the key is to play it yourself, rather than watch it. Watching almost any game can be boring if you aren't at the controls. Rez is one of those games that I can imagine being boring to watch; it really has to be played. [/font]
  5. James


    [font=franklin gothic medium]Basically I think a lot of people just don't know how to interpret performance numbers. What this thing lacks in terms of RAM it makes up for in terms of being less complex than the competitors. I would be surprised if Nintendo opted for some kind of multi-core/multi-threaded CPU. At least now, it seems as though the CPU itself is more or less based on the GameCube's processor. As I've said though, think about GameCube graphics and then think about a system with about four times as much RAM and a reasonably sophisticated graphics chip. You'd certainly be getting something on the level of the latest PC games in terms of graphics, I'd say. As Tony says though, it's also true that so many details haven't been revealed. I would definitely hope for a low price point with this system - I think the end price may surprise some people.[/font]
  6. [font=franklin gothic medium]As I always seem to say, it's way too early to be making any judgements about next generation systems yet. Even Xbox 360 - which is already out - can't really be judged just yet. I mean, it's only just launched. We won't really be able to compare it to other systems until it's been out for a while and until the other systems have had a chance to show us a good lineup of software. I can understand wanting PS3 for some of the sequels that have been announced (ie: it's a no-brainer if you're a MGS fan), but honestly, I don't know how people can make judgements that go any further than that. And Revolution is also a mystery. Sure, we know that you can play a library of old games on it and we know that new games will be very different as a result of the controller. But we've seen no specific software yet. And nothing has been playable on PS3. So, yeah. Way, way too early to be writing up your shopping list just yet I'd say. Or at least, it's too early to make any detailed comparisons, except to talk about the philosophies behind each system.[/font]
  7. James


    [font=franklin gothic medium]Ahh!! REZ! I love this game. If you are a fan of the Panzer Dragoon series, you will probably enjoy it. You'll [i]especially[/i] enjoy it if you like something a little different. In terms of gameplay, it's very much like Panzer Dragoon...but it combines that type of gameplay with a music/rhythm game. When you fire at enemies, your shots actually add layers to the music. So your shots also represent different notes and different instruments. Also, the level progression is very unique. Each "level" includes layers. So the first area in the game might include four seperate layers. You can transport to the next layer at certain intervals, but it is always optional. Each layer builds on the last, too. So the first layer may include just coloured lines that pulsate, while the next may add some basic textures and new objects. The game generally follows a path of evolution - you start as a little cube and you develop into a complete human being. The very last level actually tracks evolution on Earth, as the first layer begins underwater and the final layer has you flying through a forest full of life. So, yes, if you can pick this up (either on Dreamcast or PS2), I highly recommend it.[/font]
  8. [font=franklin gothic medium]Oh, I'm really pleased to hear that they've included southern hemisphere seasons. That was one thing I disliked about the GameCube version. I'm not sure if I will get it this month, but I should be online with it next month.[/font]
  9. [font=franklin gothic medium]2006 is going to be a big year for me. On Tuesday I'm moving out and it's further than I've ever been before in terms of actually living somewhere. So that's going to be very interesting. I've had a lot of things to prepare so that I'm ready for it, but now I'm pretty much set. So it's going to be very strange to be so far away from everyone. But I'm sure I will get used to it. ^_^;[/font]
  10. [font=franklin gothic medium]Actually, Drix, you're not quite right there. Most studies (particularly more recent and in-depth studies) on sexuality suggest that there's a genetic factor there. Right now nothing actually discounts that outright. It isn't confirmed, but so far, medical research is certainly pointing in that direction. In any case, as I mentioned before...this thread has nothing to do with whether or not people find homosexuality or bisexuality to be right/wrong. I do not think it wise to suggest that a fundamental part of someone's humanity is "abhorrent" - if this were said about skin colour or hair colour or even something like religion or culture, I wouldn't tolerate it. And I certainly don't think it's acceptable in this case. We all have a right to our opinions, but let's try not to degrade or insult other people's basic humanity here - at the very least, it has nothing to do with the thread. But at very worst, it causes the thread to degenerate into some ridiculous ideological back-and-forth. I should also stress that we shouldn't be comparing sex with animals to homosexuality. Surely it should be obvious and I shouldn't have to point that out. Regardless of gender, talking about something that crosses species is obviously a massive leap. "Sex is sex" is an incredibly simplistic viewpoint - afterall, sex does involve many other elements (one of the most basic distinctions being the difference between sex among consenting adults and rape, which is obviously completely different). Getting into semantics about the physical act is pointless, because it ignores that sex is more than a raw physical act, especially among human beings. I don't think it wise - or even logical - to bring that issue into these discussions. I believe that the orginal poster's question has been answered in as many ways as possible, so I think we should end it here. Again, I want to stress - let's do our best to keep it on-topic in the future. We all know that these back-and-forths just don't get anyone anywhere and only lead to either outright biggotry or general arguing. [/font]
  11. [font=franklin gothic medium]In terms of setting up voice chat, I'd like it if someone could post instructions for us lay people so that we know how to use it. I've never used something like that before for gaming and I'm willing to bet that several other guild members haven't either. If we could get some more instructions/details on that, I'd be most pleased. In regard to the cape, yeah, it has been through two changes. Colour and shape may always evolve, but I suspect that we will keep the logo intact no matter what. I felt it was really important to have a bold, easily-recognizable design. Luckily our cape is highly visible and recognizable from a distance, because it isn't messy/complicated. That's one of the important aspects I think.[/font]
  12. James

    Aeon Flux?

    [font=franklin gothic medium]I don't really agree with the whole looking tired thing, but I think IGN's review is probably a good indicator of what Aeon Flux fans may think.[/font] [quote]Ultimately, Aeon Flux isn't awful enough to be bad, nor ambitious enough to be good; rather, it's a classy affair, directed with panache (if not necessarily vision) by Girlfight director Karyn Kusama, and it achieves the lofty goals of not exploiting either the source material or characters. At the same time, it fails to provide an enjoyable experience for the audience, who will no doubt be nonplussed at its joyless depiction of a character whose origins were decidedly, exuberantly decadent. So while my response and indeed the live-action update may take themselves too seriously when it comes to all things Aeon Flux, my recommendation is that you don't; at least that way when one or the other disappoint your expectations, you won't consider your time wasted like I do now that I've both seen the film and written this review.[/quote] [font=franklin gothic medium]Peter Chung was also interviewed by them and he suggests that the film is a "very different" interpretation of the character and the general story. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing - it probably largely depends on whether or not you are keen on the original Aeon Flux TV series.[/font]
  13. [font=franklin gothic medium]I don't know about the issue specifically with OtakuBoards, but I can tell you that one of our four servers has been acting up lately. I am not certain, but whenever that server acts up, OtakuBoards doesn't load for me, nor do myOtaku comments. Yet regular myOtaku pages do. So I assume that the sites encountering problems are located on the problematic server. But don't quote me on that. I am aware, though, that we've recently taken steps to fix some issues on the problematic server. As a result, some of the bugs that were occurring in myOtaku have now been fixed. However there does still seem to be some issues with the server going down now and then. Unfortunately I can't offer you anything more specific than that. Adam or Justin are welcome to post if they have more information. I can only tell you that we are aware of recent server troubles and we are attempting to fix the problems that have cropped up.[/font]
  14. [quote name='Hug Monster][COLOR=Purple]In that case, what am I? That's what I came here to find out after all, so please, enlighten me. I truly, honestly have an equal attraction to males and females and would be [b]willing[/b] to have sex with either, despite the undelying consistently avoided factoid that [b]I don't want sex at all[/b']. Yeah yeah, growing process my ***, why the hell can't I just be a goddamn frikkin bisexual no growing bullcrap and no it'll change stuff, no. I'm not changing so tell me what I am right now at this second because that's what I'll be.[/COLOR][/quote] [font=franklin gothic medium]Basically, you don't have to even worry about this. If you aren't interested in sex right now - which is probably a good thing - then it really doesn't matter. If you are equally interested in guys and girls, then that's how it is. Don't worry about whether or not it changes in the future. Chances are it probably won't change much at all anyway. One day you will come across someone who you really like - whether they are male or female - and you might end up going out with them or something. Their gender is irrelevant, because if you are attracted to them...you are attracted to them. Putting yourself in a particular group just doesn't matter. I just think it's not something worth worrying about right now. Besides, nobody here can tell you what you are. Even if they knew you in person, they couldn't tell you that. You know your feelings better than anyone. If you are equally attracted to males and females, then that makes you bisexual - if you really want a label for it. But as I said, I wouldn't worry about the labels or the groups. In that post you've just clearly defined your sexual orientation. So surely that pretty much answers your own question, whether or not a label is applied. :catgirl: And guys...[b]keep it on-topic[/b]. Debating whether or not you accept homosexuality is totally pointless, because nobody is going to be won over on a thread in a forum, lol. It's a totally circular discussion that can't progress anywhere. Just stick to the original topic at hand, please.[/font]
  15. [font=franklin gothic medium]This is an impressive piece, Syn. I think the upper frame interests me the most, because you seem to have put a lot of time into the rendering. The subtle gradient on the sand and in the sky really adds a good level of depth to the image. And the clouds are beautifully drawn - the reflections also add a nice touch. Something about that beach scene is incredibly peaceful. And that it reminds me of Mario is always a good thing. ~_^ I'm not really sure what the meaning of the lower frame is, but it actually reminds me of a night club or a beach party or something. Perhaps it's the pink colouring combined with the streaks in the middle (which make me think of laser lighting). It has a fresh, crisp look to it. It almost seems to be suggesting that the beach becomes playful and exciting at night, or something like that. I don't know, but that's the general feeling I get from it. I also think that the scanlines in the background add a nice level of texture to the whole thing. People seem to often use them in a way that isn't so effective, but here I think they are subtle enough to add just a slight amount of texture and depth to the image...which works in the image's favor. Anyway, very good. I won't give you a numerical rating or anything because I don't think that could really reflect how I feel about the image. Hopefully my description gives you a more detailed impression anyway.[/font]
  16. James

    Xbox 360

    [font=franklin gothic medium]Guys, please watch the post quality. It's lacking quite a lot right now, lol. In response to your post, Grave Yard...the answer is simple. A superior hardware design, coupled with a better controller and far more Japanese developer support right off the bat. That's how Xbox 360 is more appealing to Japanese consumers than its predecessor was. Of course, that doesn't guarantee that it will do amazingly well either...but it's certainly got a far better chance than the first generation Xbox had.[/font]
  17. [font=franklin gothic medium]I know what you mean about The Thing, Shin. I have a similar feeling about The Birds, which is one of my favourite old films. The Birds is not particularly scary, but I do think it has an unnerving quality to it. And I think it's a clever idea. What impresses me most, though, is that even after all this time, it's still a gorgeous movie to watch. It has some amazing camera shots and the effects still stand up very well, especially given it's age. It's also one of those movies that doesn't seem to rely on cheap scares to frighten the audience. In other words, it relies more on a build-up of tension and suspense. I would say that generally I prefer films like that. One of the movies that scared me the most - when I was about eight years old or something, anyway - was Robocop 2. lol Does anyone remember that scene where they have Kane in the back of the truck and they let him loose in the factory where it's all dark? He walks around with a spotlight on his shoulder and a mini-gun on the other shoulder, killing the various criminals who are hiding. I remember thinking that the scene was terrifying. Something about a giant, frightening robot hunting around in the dark with a massive spotlight...it was awful. Even the sound of his movement was creepy. I also think that the slightly stilted stop-motion animation played a role in making him a slightly creepy character to watch. Of course, when I look at it now, the whole thing looks very fake and it's difficult to find it frightening. But I think that was one of the first times in my life when I was really freaked out by a film, lol.[/font]
  18. [font=franklin gothic medium]I haven't yet seen this movie and I'm almost finished reading Order of the Pheonix (so I'm a little late to the party compared to the rest of you), but I do wonder one thing. I wonder what rating an Order of the Pheonix movie would have, if they kept it true enough to the novel. It's interesting to see how each novel gets progressively darker - Order of the Pheonix seems to have some elements in it that are significantly darker than even Goblet of Fire. I'm hoping that they don't try to hold back on that or dumb it down, simply to make it a "kid's movie". Hopefully they do their best to stay true to the novel's tone. Although based on comments here, it seems as though they were not in-keeping with the tone of Goblet of Fire as much as they could have been. I'm really saddened to hear about [spoiler]Dumbledore[/spoiler] in terms of character changes and so on.[/font]
  19. [font=franklin gothic medium]I think that if you are hit on by someone of the same gender, it should be no different to someone hitting on you who you wouldn't like (ie: a girl hitting on you who you aren't interested in). I really hate the whole macho defensive crap that occurs with things like this. Of course, if you've shown that you aren't interested and someone keeps hounding you, I can see how it would be a problem. But all you can really do is be clear that you aren't interested. Otherwise, take it as a compliment that someone finds you attractive.[/font]
  20. [font=franklin gothic medium]Anyone who is interested in joining the OB guild should leave their character names in this thread. That way myself (or one of the Officers) can easily add you. ^_^[/font]
  21. James

    Xbox 360

    [font=franklin gothic medium]You aren't sure of its future, even though it had a relatively large launch lineup...and has bigger support than its predecessor? I think it's just way too early to even have that discussion, lol. Maybe it will be a valid discussion in a year's time, but surely not now. The system has only just launched within the last few days - give it a little breathing room first. ~_^[/font]
  22. [font=franklin gothic medium]As I said you to on AIM, this is something that seems to come up often with people. It seems to be like common knowledge that the longer you're with someone, the more boring the sex gets. But I have to say, that's not happened with me. My longest relationship lasted for just over four years and I found that the longer it lasted, the better the sex became. Why? Because as we spent more time together, we just naturally became better at making each other (physically) happy. This is why I've never thought that sex as a single can be better than in a relationship. If you have sex with someone you haven't known for a very long time (ie: someone you haven't been going out with for several months at least), I think it's pretty much luck as to whether or not things will be uh...mutually pleasing. At least in a relationship, you have time to practice, lol. I think the issue is probably not so much about the sex itself getting worse, it's more the idea that people get bored with the same person or something. Either that, or there is no more variety to sex after a while...maybe it just becomes routine. Either way, I have always found that sex within a relationship continues to get better (especially as a good period of time goes by). But as I said over AIM, maybe I have just been lucky in that area, I don't know.[/font]
  23. James

    Xbox 360

    [font=franklin gothic medium]Apparently most of the problems seem to be related to the power brick and overheating. The power brick has its own fan and therefore, it must be kept in a well-ventilated spot. Apparently if it gets too warm, the system shuts itself down as a safety measure. However, this doesn't really explain the "black screen of death" issue that has been coming up on some systems. I don't know if that's related to overheating or another issue entirely. This is partly why I may wait a little while, to see if they can get some of these early bugs out before newer shipments arrive.[/font]
  24. [font=franklin gothic medium]rainbowpheonix, I recommend either linking to a picture using text or uploading it as an attachment, if the dimensions are as large as that. It was distorting the page so much that it made the thread almost impossible to view. Also, please watch your post quality. Right now you're pretty much just telling us what movies you like - I think it would be a good idea to tell us [i]why[/i] you like those movies as well. If you want more information about post quality, you can always refer to the rules and FAQ pages, which you'll find on the left navigation menu. Please try to inject a bit more description into your posts if you want the thread to stay open, guys.[/font]
  25. [font=franklin gothic medium]I think the biggest problem at the moment is notification. There are a few people who change names frequently (more than once a month), but generally people tend to stick with their name for a little while at least. Right now, the previous name is listed in the user's profile. And although we can now say that we do carry that listing, the fact remains that people shouldn't have to enter profiles just to work out who is who. Signatures are okay, but we have no technology supporting it, so people can wipe out the message or edit it in any way they choose. Obviously that means people don't tend to keep it listed there for too long. So I think the alternative is to make name changing easier (so that it requires no staff support) while simultaneously putting significant restrictions on it. One restriction would be that you could only change it a few times a year, the other being that your former username will automatically be listed somewhere more prominent (perhaps in the postbit). That way we get to have the best of both worlds. People [i]can[/i] occasionally change their name (stressing the word "occasionally") and at the same time, none of us are confused because their former name is prominently listed (and we'll at least have time to get used to their new name). I think that name changing is an important customization feature - even those who have only done it once or twice are probably glad that they didn't necessarily have to get stuck with the first name they chose. If we had less users, this wouldn't be a problem, because Admins could easily just change a couple of names a month. But as we grow, I'm concerned that tasks like that will take up too much of their time, when I will be needing them to handle other things. In addition to that, we didn't always allow name changing. The reason we opened it is because when people didn't like their name previously, they would simply register a new account. The problem with that is far more of an issue than the problem with people being a bit confused over new names. One problem is that we obviously have an inactive account sitting there. Another problem is that the user who registers the new account now has none of their old posts attributed to their name - and that is probably more confusing than a regular name change. With a regular name change, your new name is active across your entire archive of posts. Under the old system, you might have three accounts spread across one user, two of them being inactive. So there are a few reasons why I personally believe that we need to not only keep this feature, but make it absolutely ideal. The model that I'm intending to use will keep name changing significantly restricted (far moreso than now), while still providing more public notification about it.[/font]
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