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Everything posted by James

  1. [QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]James, I think you [i]can[/i] to a degree choose who you fall in love with. You can definitely talk yourself [i]out[/i] of love (I know [i]I[/i] can), so your wisdom (as opposed to your "heart" or what not) does have something of a say in it. I am also certain that you can choose what you are attracted to, but again to a particular (and likely superficial!!) degree. Clothing, hair styles, etc. You really can talk yourself into believing you like one look more than another. You do it every time there's a big shift in fashion and you go along. Note, however, that I do not mean you have complete personal freedom over your tastes and attractions (that would mean homosexuality is a choice, wouldn't it?). I mean you have [i]some[/i]. I wish I could just "think up" italics tags and not have to type them so much.[/QUOTE] [color=#707875]Yeah but...I think you're kind of missing my point. Either someone will do it for you or they won't. You'll see someone in the street and find them attractive, or you won't. If I show you someone who isn't your "type" or whatever, you can't "choose" to find them attractive. And that's the whole point. Attraction is about love and not logic. And love [i]isn't[/i] some kind of scientific, quantifiable thing that can be measured. I know that I can't go around and just manually select who I want to be attracted to, lol. The very concept goes against everything that anyone has ever experienced of their own accord (which is why people are hurt when someone rejects them -- nobody would ever be hurt, if they could simply "switch off" their feelings, which we know is not possible for those of us who are mortal lol).[/color]
  2. [QUOTE=Harry]You'll find out how very wrong that is sooner or later (most like sooner). [/QUOTE] [color=#707875]So...you can choose who to fall in love with and who to be attracted to? This means you have no attraction to anyone, you pick someone from the crowd and say "I think I'll fall for that person today"? Wow, you'll have to show me how to do that. ~_^ I'd have to agree with what Lady_Rin said about age differences, though. It's not for other people to decide. Nobody should sit there and say to you "Your relationship can't work for whatever reason". I mean, perhaps if something very serious is going on (ie: physical abuse), there would be reason enough for someone to step in. But in general, I think it's pretty unreasonable to try to mess with people's relationships. Ultimately, everyone has their own taste...and each person is going to have a slightly different idea of what is or isn't acceptable in a relationship. As long as you're happy, then that's all that matters -- relationships shouldn't be about pleasing those around you, or servicing anyone other than the two of you. Oh, and as for the age thing...that wasn't dumb. Most people on OB are teenagers. So I doubt that Baron knew he was asking an adult woman about her age. C'mon people, let's use some common sense. lol[/color]
  3. [color=#707875]Justin's right. It pays to read sticky threads. ~_^ You can post about those anime in Anime Lounge -- but ensure that you read the "How to post in Anime Lounge & Play It" sticky thread, so that you understand how the system works here. Once you get the hang of it, it's [i]really[/i] simple. Enjoy. ^_^[/color]
  4. James

    Signature rule

    [color=#707875]I remember that when we introduced the 300 character limit (and the one image only limit, which was a while ago), so many people didn't like that and felt it was too restrictive. I'm reluctant to lower the limit any further, simply because it will restrict people who want to include links and stuff like that. I think that the current restrictions help to avoid insanely huge signatures most of the time...but I guess there are always going to be people who will try to stretch it out as much as possible, by adding heaps of spaces or something. So, all we can really do is suggest that people keep their signatures reasonable. I think this is a bit like myOtaku or something -- within the limits we set, people can do some crazy things. There's nothing we can do to stop someone using eye-killing colour combinations for instance. Know what I mean? All we can really do is advise people and set reasonable limits.[/color]
  5. [color=#707875]PSP will do well -- my argument has never been that it won't be successful. My argument is that it sets a series of bad precedents for the industry (or, that it perpetuates certain negatives on the development side). But I think it'll probably do quite well. However, battery life and such are very important issues, especially considering the type of games that the PSP will contain (ie: traditional console games).[/color]
  6. [quote name='Sauce-head']Any more accusations aslong as we are hitting these phenomina at the height of their popularity? Here is one of my own, I believe you are fat overweight liberal democrat who has an internet girlfirned named Earl.[/quote] [color=#707875]But just look at your custom title. I mean...surely that says it all. It's easy to approach the situation from a bitter angle if something has gone wrong, relationship-wise (and believe me, I've experienced it more than I want to remember, lol). But at the end of the day, it's an unhealthy attitude that won't lead to a fruitful relationship in the future. And please...let's keep things as civil as possible. If you want to discuss something, it can be done [i]without[/i] insults.[/color]
  7. [color=#707875]This forum is designed to allow people to add their suggestions and feedback relating to OtakuBoards and myOtaku. It's really not appropriate to create threads to advertise your site here. If you want to advertise your myO, you can link it to your OB account (as you've done) and you can mention something in your signature. But please, try to use this forum appropriately in future.[/color]
  8. [color=#707875]Well, honestly, kids are kids. Many of our myO users are young and rankings and stats are a fun little diversion when it comes to myOtaku. Those who don't care about the rankings simply shouldn't worry. But those who do can rest assured that the entire system is getting an overhaul very soon.[/color]
  9. [color=#707875]I have removed some accounts this week, which were violating our terms of service (one of them had some pretty severe spam/virus related stuff on it and the other was clearly using an auto-hit feature). But basically, our new backroom system should eliminate this problem. We are changing the way ranking is calculated and it will be a much more secure system. I think everyone will be pleased with that added security.[/color]
  10. [color=#707875]Wow, I really like that, Miss Annie. And it's your first attempt? Very impressive. I love the colours, and the text (as well as choice of font) seem to suit that perfectly. In regard to borders...there are a few ways you can do them. I used to use the "add border" tool on PSP, however, that flattened the image. These days, I make borders using rectangles (with a one pixel stroke, usually). It's easier, and it lets me muck around with their design somewhat. But I'm not quite sure how I'd do them in Photoshop CS or anything, since I don't use that program much.[/color]
  11. [color=#707875]I don't think that you got the virus from OB, that is very unlikely. lol I can only recommend that you remove the virus and increase the security settings on your computer. You may also want to be careful as to what other sites you visit; it's possible that you were running something else at the same time which caused a problem, as has been suggested.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Wondershot] As for the issue of sound/HTML in RPs, I'm working on it, but not everyone is willing to learn enough HTML to try and make it look much better. I can understand why, though, as the background for Senpai took more time than I think it was worth after all. As for sound, well, K.A. Vol. 2 used mp3 files, and not everyone is willing to search for webspace to put up their music (especially since most of it would require payment). This is just my opinion, but I'm not sure people would be quite so willing to put up MIDI, either, as I think most MIDI sounds too poor to set an adequate mood for a scene. If I need to set a mood, I can always just write the lyrics in the post of the song I have in question (see my latest post in terra's "stress relief"). Otherwise, I allude to the song in question some other way. [/QUOTE] [color=#707875]I should probably point out a couple of things, at this stage. In regard to HTML, I'm terrible at it. I'm worse than most people, lol. But I received HTML assistance in all of the RPGs where I've used it. That's where collaboration has been key. Kill Adam (both volumes) wouldn't have been HTML-ized without Semjaza's assistance in that regard. He took my graphics and built the code for them to be used. In regard to music...I recognize that not everyone wants to use MP3s. That's cool. However, I'm able to host them (as are some), and so, I've chosen to take advantage of that by hosting an official soundtrack of sorts. But I do recognize that not everyone can do it. And I really don't expect them to. Music is nice, but it's not the be-all and end-all -- it merely enhances the experience further. What I'm more interested in are unique concepts and unique uses of the Underground and Anthology forums. Kill Adam has worked so far (even though my current post is lagging behind, lol) primarily due to the chapter system. Even if I had double the members involved, it would still run properly, because it's under a slightly more controlled system. This does not mean that there are no freedoms though; I have absolutely no idea what the contents of each person's post will include, other than some vague directions that are set out at the start of each chapter. And that's the beauty of the system. Having said that, I simply didn't want to have too many people because otherwise the RPG would be too long and too laborious. Don't forget that a lot of people have said that Kill Adam is "short". It's not. It has less posts, but each post in Kill Adam is probably worth five or six regular RPG posts. In other words, if you look at Volume 1...you get quite a long read. Even Volume 2 is no quick, five minute read at the moment. The problem is that too many people are using old standards to judge RPGs. It's as though people are afraid to experiment, which is a little disappointing. Another example would be Reanimatrix, which took a unique approach in OB Anthology and ended up becoming reasonably successful (with 51 + unique stories and poems). So...there is plenty of room for experimentation. And that's really what I want to see (and I hope it's what everyone wants, as it tends to provide a more exciting atmosphere).[/color]
  13. [color=#707875]I don't quite know how this could be compared to a play that talks about someone who is plotting to kill President Bush. I haven't seen that play, but seriously...there's a significant difference. For one, a play is a work of fiction. And there have been [i]many[/i] films that have depicted fictional scenarios where someone has tried to assassinate a world leader (a US President or otherwise). The game, however, has two distinctively different components. One, it's not so much a work of fiction -- it's based on a real life event. This game is essentially doing what that September 11 game did. It's basically asking people to relive a horrific event for fun. Of course, there have been movies and games based on all sorts of terrible events (ie: the Vietnam war, or the sinking of the Titanic). My question would be, why are these products more acceptable than what's being offered here? My own personal feeling is that this product offers no real educational value. I mean, what's the point? You simply shoot the President. Wonderful. That's all there is to it. That doesn't particularly give this game any legitimate value as a piece of art or entertainment. In games that depict the Vietnam war (like Battlefield: Vietnam), you're talking about the story of specific fictional characters, taking place against the backdrop of a real world situation. Perhaps it's because these games don't intend to make a mockery of the event...I don't know. Either way, there is definitely a clear distinction between various types of media when it comes to stuff like this. Evidence of that can be found in the various reactions we see to different types of games or movies. So, it's interesting to ask why people will accept a certain thing and not accept something else. I think that there [i]are[/i] legitimate pieces of art that depict certain horrific events (again, going back to Titanic). But the movie "Titanic" would be different from a game where you have to deliberately throw people overboard or something...you know? It's not really a black and white issue.[/color]
  14. [color=#707875]Hm, I wonder who this Postless Banner will be. I have my suspicions. ~_^ Nice chapter, Gav. I like the fact that you actually have an ending in mind and are working towards that. It means that we won't be left hanging, hehe.[/color]
  15. [color=#707875]There is a ton of stuff that I'm looking forward to for the end of the year, unfortunately I simply can't afford it all. lol Thank god Nintendo DS isn't coming out here until early next year; it would snap my bank account into little pieces, I think. ~_^ Anyway, let's see... [b]PC[/b] [b]Half-Life 2[/b] (At the moment, this is pretty much the only PC game for the fourth quarter than I'm interested in. The only other one on the horizon for me would be Guild Wars, but that's early 2005). [b]Need for Speed Underground 2[/b] (I only played the demo of the first, but the second one is really what I want; they fixed the things that I didn't like about the original). [b]GameCube[/b] [b]Metroid Prime 2[/b] (Still haven't finished MP though...agh). [b]Paper Mario 2[/b] (Just released a couple of weeks ago here, but I still haven't bought it). [b]Baten Kaitos[/b] (Been interested in it since the announcement, and now it's finally here). [b]Mario Power Tennis[/b] (It just looks too good. It's definitely a must-buy for me). [b]Viewtiful Joe 2[/b] (First was fantastic, so the second is definitely worth buying). [b]PS2[/b] [b]Metal Gear Solid 3[/b] (I will probably eventually buy this, even though I never bought MGS2). [b]Gran Turismo 4[/b] (No brainer for me, really). [b]Katamari Damacy[/b] (Way too cool). [b]Silent Hill 4[/b] (It's been out a while, but I'd like to pick this one up). [b]Sonic Heroes[/b] (Same as above). There's so much more that I either haven't mentioned here (due to it being a 2005 release), or that I've simply forgotten. Unfortunately I won't have the money to get all the games I want, so I'll have to begin the difficult task of working out which ones I want most. ~_^[/color]
  16. [quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue']I think there's a little misunderstanding from both sides. I was talking about how most long threads are so large that a good deal of it isn't relevant to the discussion anymore, so a person wanting to post will get increasingly flustered trying to find and catch up on what is being discussed.[/quote][/font][/size][/color] [color=#707875]Well, that's the job of Moderators; to keep it relevant. Or as relevant as possible, while still allowing a thread to grow. Basically I'm not too concerned about it. I've jumped in on plenty of long threads in the past and it doesn't take long to get your bearings. If you read through the last page or so, you're pretty much going to be up to date with the goings-on.[/color] [quote=AzureWolf][font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue] I said I took offence to that comment because not every person is willing to waste their free time on material that is out of date and useless for discussion. Sure, if a person wants to, for example, see what people thought of a game before it came out, they can dig in the archives to find out. However, I don't think it's right or fair for a person who wants to enter the discussion to be forced to sift through pertinent and dead material. [B][i]That's what I was saying[/i][/B]. I just wanted to clarify where I was coming from when I felt you were implying "size = quality."[/quote][/color][/size][/font] [color=#707875]I understand what you meant. That was my interpretation of it, lol. But like I said, it's not necessary to read the first page of a 20 page-long thread. That probably [i]would[/i] be a waste of time. But reading the last page or so will allow you to jump in without much problem.[/color] [quote=AzureWolf][font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue] Anyway, after reading your recent post, I am more than satisfied. Thank you for taking the time to address my gripes, heh; and sorry for taking up too much of that time, haha.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]It's okay, you made the effort to make a suggestion and I'm making the effort to explain the reasoning behind the current system. I think it's only fair. Baron; your suggestion is a good one, but I don't know if it's technically feasible. We would have to make significant programming changes to the site's search function, I think. What I mean is, it's not something we can just do -- it's something we'd have to build and design on our own. Although we've been able to do some modifications to the vB technology, it's very difficult to mess with it too much -- to alter those fundamentals. It's a very tricky and complex system. But you never know. It really depends on the technical side of it. If that were possible, then it'd definitely be something to consider.[/color]
  17. [color=#707875]My hair is pretty...average, I guess. It's naturally black and when it reaches a certain length, it forms fairly loose and thick curls. It's kind of good, because they aren't tight little curls that I can do nothing with, you know? And when my hair is cut very short, it's totally straight. In terms of the best/worst...I don't really know. For a while when I was little, I had long hair. It looks really weird in pictures, to me, because I can't imagine having very long hair now. The craziest it's ever been is when it was dyed blue once. The blue actually looked really good, but I only did that once. I'm not really sure if I'm keen to do it again. I've been trying to convince one of my friends to bleach her hair completely white (since she has gorgeous dark skin), but even though her hair tends to be pretty wild...she still hasn't done that. ~_^ I've had a few bad hair days, but mostly it doesn't matter, because right now my hair is always a mess of curls and straight bits as it is. So you probably wouldn't notice if something was amiss, hehe.[/color]
  18. [font=Georgia][size=2][b]Last Thursday Session[/b][/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Thank you, Mr. Turner. We will be fine now," said Dr. Stevenson.[/size][/font] [size=2][font=Georgia]Mr. Turner leaned over his daughter, who was sitting in the middle of the nearby two-seater sofa, and whispered in her ear [i]"We love you, no matter what. You can tell Dr. Stevenson anything you like. You don't have to be afraid." [/i][/font][/size][font=Georgia][size=2]He smiled. It was a thin smile; a smile that barely masked his sense of despair.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine didn't even see her mother. Mrs. Turner had cried enough during the past hour. She had embraced Sabine briefly and swept out of the room, handkerchief in hand.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson remained still for a moment, after Mr. and Mrs. Turner had gone. Her gaze was fixed on Sabine, who didn't feel at all uncomfortable. She trusted the doctor, perhaps moreso than her own parents. Dr. Stevenson had never produced a single notepad during all of their sessions, much to Sabine's surprise (and occasional amusement).[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Today, however, Dr. Stevenson produced a small diary, which she began flipping through. "Today is the...eighteenth, isn't it?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"I think so," said Sabine quietly. [/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Eighteenth of [i]October,[/i]" muttered Dr. Stevenson as she penned an entry into the little diary.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine's eyes wandered around the small office, as she waited for the doctor. It wasn't much like any office she had seen before; it was more akin to a cosy little study, or even a small lounge room. There was a certain charm to Dr. Stevenson, which was reflected in the warmth of her office. The walls were not plastered with various certificates, as Sabine had first expected they would be. Instead, the walls were dotted with small Beatrix Potter renderings. Each sat within a neat little frame and each seemed to feature Peter Rabbit in one way or another. In one picture, he was chasing his friends through a sunny English countryside and in another, he was peering out of the frame into the room. Sabine couldn't decide whether or not she found the picture endearing or frightening; on some days, when the light was a certain way, it looked as though Peter was smiling and satisfied. But on other days, particularly when the weather was overcast and grey, Peter's face looked entirely different; as though his stare were empty and hollow, with no consciousness behind those black eyes.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson finally looked up from her diary, over the rims of her glasses. "Sorry about that," she said, "I bought this diary to remind me of things that I am always forgetting." She closed the diary and placed it on a small end table beside her chair. "But I tend to forget to enter the things I'm always forgetting into the diary."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"So you forget to remind yourself not to forget what you're always forgetting?" said Sabine, with a faint smile.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson chuckled to herself and sighed. "Exactly."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]For another moment, silence fell upon the room. Dr. Stevenson's smile slowly faded and she assumed an expression that Sabine had seen many times before. Sabine had mentally noted it as the "doctor is about to ask a serious question" expression.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Sabine, I would like to continue our discussion from last time," said Dr. Stevenson. "I want to ask you about your family. We haven't had a great deal of time to discuss them lately."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine shifted in her chair. "My family are okay."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson sat further back in her chair, but did not respond.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"They are supportive, they do what they can," Sabine added.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Would you say that your parents are strict? Do they have solid rules around the house?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine paused before responding. "They're not strict, they...my mom is usually the one to get angry with us if we do something wrong. Dad is always the good cop."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Do you think that puts a strain on your mother, always having to be the bad guy?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine nodded. "I guess it does. But at the same time, she's always the one we go to if we need advice. It's not that dad doesn't give good advice, but..."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"But?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"But he doesn't seem to care as much."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson's eyes remained focused on Sabine. "When was the last time your parents punished you, Sabine?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Just after my birthday, last year," said Sabine immediately. The immediacy of her reply seemed to surprise her, as she then paused as if she had said something wrong.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"What happened?" asked Dr. Stevenson.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"They punished me for having an argument with my brother over the dinner table. I swore at him and that's something I never do at home."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson cocked her head slightly. "What did they do as punishment?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Can I lay down?" asked Sabine.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Yes, go ahead," said Dr. Stevenson. Sabine took the cushions from behind her and lay them at one end of the sofa. She lay back, with her arms folded over her stomach.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"They confiscated my computer for two weeks."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"How did that make you feel?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "Alone," she said.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Alone? Because you weren't able to chat to your online friends?" asked Dr. Stevenson.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine nodded slowly. "I don't think they understood how much that hurt me."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Was it easier for you to relate to your online friends, rather than your family, or friends at school?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"I love my family, but sometimes I don't feel like I'm living with them. Sometimes I don't feel like we are ...together. We might share the same room, but I don't feel like we are really together."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Do you feel like you're alone?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine looked up at the ceiling, as tears began to well in her eyes. "I don't know," she said, as her voice trembled ever so slightly, "but when they took my computer away, I felt alone. It didn't matter that I was living in a house full of people...I was [i]alone[/i]."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson spoke softly, "Being alone...does that frighten you?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine brushed the cuff of her shirt over her eyes once more. "I don't want to be alone," she said.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]For another moment, there was silence. And then...[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Do you still dream?" asked Dr. Stevenson.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"All the time," said Sabine. "I dream when I'm awake, too."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"When you're awake? Can you tell me what it's like to dream when you're awake?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine smiled to herself. "There are times where my computer talks to me, even when it's switched off. Sometimes I can sit in my room and talk to it."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Oh? What does your computer tell you?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Lots of things," said Sabine slowly. "It tells me that nothing is real. I'm not real, you're not real, my parents aren't real..."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Dr. Stevenson leant forward in her chair. "Do you believe that nothing is real?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine laughed. "No, that doesn't make sense. If nothing was real, then we wouldn't be having this conversation."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"What else does your computer tell you?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"It tells me that it's a messenger. That it's here to save me."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"A messenger? From God?"[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine closed her eyes once more and smiled to herself. "I don't know," she said. "But it's my only friend now, so I feel like I should trust it."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]The grandfather clock in the nearby hallway chimed. Sabine sat up and ran a hand through her hair. This was to be her final session with Dr. Stevenson and she felt relieved, though slightly worried. The pills she'd been taking for her daylight hallucinations weren't working. If anything, the visions had been getting steadily worse.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Just as Sabine went to leave, Dr. Stevenson put a hand on her shoulder.[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]"Sabine," she said softly, "I want you to know that those pills you were prescribed...they were placebos. Just water."[/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Georgia][size=2]Sabine didn't turn around. "Thank you, doctor," she said, as she made her way out of Dr. Stevenson's office.[/size][/font]
  19. [color=#707875]Although it's fine for you to discuss the pros and cons of gun control or carrying a gun on your person, I really [i]don't [/i]approve of people unnecessarily providing information on weapons here at OtakuBoards. Remember, this place is suitable for all ages and threads in OL don't carry ratings, as they would with stories or RPGs. So please, discuss the issues, but don't start sharing such information on the site. Also, I strongly advise against using other people's accounts to post, even if they allow it. This could lead to potential problems. If you violate the rules while under someone else's account, that person may easily be banned. And there is really no recourse for them; saying that they let someone use their account really isn't an excuse. Everyone is responsible for their own accounts, so please remember that.[/color]
  20. [quote name='AzureWolf][font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue']I take great offence to that comment. First off, just because a topic is extremely large and verbose doesn't mean it has as much content as it makes itself out to be. I dare say there are quite a few "legendary" threads in the RPG area that were just large for the sake of appearing "epic" and amazing. When you read for actual substance, there's little to be found relative to its reputation.[/quote][/color][/size][/font] [size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size] [font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue][color=dimgray]Wait a moment, I don't quite think you're understanding what I meant with that comment.[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue][color=#696969][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue][color=#696969]I am not trying to imply that a large thread automatically equates to a high quality thread. In fact, that would go against everything I've been saying from day one. So we can throw that notion out the window right now. lol[/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue][color=#696969][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue][color=#696969]What I'm saying is that if a member is intimidated by a thread's size, it probably has to do with them simply not wanting to invest a little effort to at least skim through it and see what's there. Make no mistake; just about all threads, no matter how large or small, are going to have varying quality from post to post. Substance is substance, regardless of the thread's length. But a large thread shouldn't be intimidating by default, particularly if we are always encouraging people to pay attention to the discussion.[/color][/color][/size][/font] [size=2][color=#696969][quote=AzureWolf][/color][/size][font=book antiqua][size=2][color=blue] Second, it's a big mistake to think that quality is directly proportional to quantity. Some of these threads have outdated information that can't be applied anymore - a wasted read (and time) for someone who wants to enter the discussion and introduce something new. A good example would be in the Play It forum, where a "preview" of the game isn't really useful anymore. People talking about the possibility of X being implemented, or Y character introduced, and so forth isn't something that can be used in the discussion anymore.[/quote] [size=2][color=dimgray]Again, I don't know where you drawing that assumption from. lol[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]I have always said -- and will continue to say -- that quality and quantity are not one in the same. Nobody here, as far as I can see, is making that argument. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]The comment about a preview thread is also somewhat erroneous. It ignores the possibility for a thread to evolve and change. Although people should remain on-topic, it's entirely possible for one thread to contain multiple strands of conversation -- and to change over time.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]The best example of this might be the Nintendo DS thread. That thread has had many points of discussion in it, but it's progressed beautifully. Everyone is keeping up to date with it (at least within the last page or two, which is fine) and as more information comes out, more questions are answered. When the system is released soon, people will be able to use that thread to talk about the system as someone who has played it themselves. In other words, the thread won't simply need to die just because it began by discussing a prospective release.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]The same is true for absolutely any subject. It would be possible to create a Star Wars: Episode III thread right now, and discuss the trailer...and then still be using that thread to talk about the movie itself upon its release.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][quote=azurewolf][/color][/size] In short, just because a member has little patience to enter a discussion doesn't mean it is deserving for him to wade through what could potentially be weak and wordy posts to do so.[/quote] [size=2][color=dimgray]He doesn't have to read the entire thread if he doesn't want to. He only has to take a look at the last page or two. And that's fine, I have no problem with that, even if similar points are raised that may have occurred a few pages previously. It's [i]better [/i]than having a second and third thread pop-up, with identical issues in them. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][quote=azurewolf][/color][/size] I know you are more experienced on board-related matters, and because of my inexperience, I have little choice but to agree. However, I was around for v6, whose anime section never missed a day for posting. On v7, however, I've seen this happen at least once or twice already. So, v6 was far more active that v7 - at least that what it seems to me. If things are truly better now than they were before, so be it. Haha, but it just appears to me to be the opposite is all.[/quote] [size=2][color=dimgray]I guarantee you, v6 was not more active. It was less active than the current v7.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]Right now, at this very moment, Anime Lounge isn't terribly active. But if you look at it during the v7 launch until now, you'll find that the activity has been consistently higher than it was in the previous Anime Lounge.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]There are multiple reasons for this, not least of which being that Anime Lounge simply used to be a forum for "all anime that doesn't have its own forum". The end result was that discussion was being split unnecessarily between multiple locations. That, in turn, allowed Anime Lounge to go for long periods without much activity.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]It also meant that we were accommodating forums (and having Moderators in them), which were highly inactive. Need I remind you (or anyone else) of the old Yu-Gi-Oh forums, or the heavy decline that we saw in the Dragon Ball and Digimon forums? It's true that in the latter case, you're talking about the end of a series -- and perhaps the end of a discussion.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]However, what you have suggested here would mean that we'd be making near-frequent changes to our database, because we'd constantly be creating new forums everywhere. This would mean frequent mass-thread moves. Apart from the fact that it would be an exercise in needless busywork -- where such work could be devoted to other things -- it'd also be potentially very confusing for members.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]I am not trying to suggest that our current system is perfect, but it's a [i]lot [/i]better and a lot more organized than anything we've had before. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]And I'm not just mentioning that on the basis of v6 - v7. I'm mentioning it as I look back from our version first version 'till now. There has been huge change at this place over that time, including what is almost a complete re-alignment in what has become popular (ie: OB is now far more bottom-heavy than top-heavy, lol).[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][quote=azurewolf][/color][/size] I don't enter many parts of OB. Only the Anime Lounge, Manga W, Otaku Lounge, and of course Suggestions/Feedback are the ones I frequent, so the inactivity may only apply to those forums. The others I may occasion and have little knowledge of.[/quote] [size=2][color=dimgray]Well, this goes back to what I mentioned a moment ago, about the change in traffic. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]Even Manga Workshop was a huge stretch for me to create, because we [i]barely [/i]have enough interested people to fully utilize it. And Otaku Lounge...that place is always shifting in one way or another. It'll be quiet for a while, then it'll spark up again (as it has recently).[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]I think that if you look at the gaming areas as well as the Arena area, you'll find where most of that activity has gone. The fact is, the members are making their voices heard, ultimately; they are deciding which parts of the site are going to be more successful.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]If Anime Lounge was maybe four or five fold what it is now, in terms of activity, I'd definitely consider your idea more closely. In fact, I might even be prepared to hire all-new staff just to deal with the constant forum shifts. But as it stands, we just can't accommodate it, no matter how good the idea itself is.[/color][/size] [quote=AzureWolf] If the problem for everything is that OB is just too small for it, isn't there anything that can be done about it?[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [size=2][color=dimgray]Not really. The reason that v7 has generally seen more activity than v6 and previous versions, is because the site has become more centralized. With v5 and 6, things were dividing up a little too much. Discussion was being stretched around the site and that was resulting in a net loss of activity in specific forums.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]I mean, v7 is growing (as all previous versions have). But OtakuBoards doesn't grow quickly, by virtue of the steep entrance requirements (more steep than those at myOtaku.com or at other forums, for example). So OB's trends tend to take a while to reveal themselves.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]The main thing I am concerned about for this site right now, is that the staff keep on top of these issues. I mean, I am concerned about some areas of the site becoming a little sloppy due to a lack of staff activity.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]But that is somewhat understandable, in the sense that we are relying on fewer staff than we've ever had before. So, as we move into our new upgrade, more staff will be added across the site, to keep it that much more in-shape.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#696969]Whatever we do, though, it has to be done with an eye on growth, as well as with an eye on our current levels of activity. That's what makes running a place like OB difficult. If I immediately dive in with certain ideas, I run the risk of making a great mess of the place. So it takes care and patience, as well as an understanding of how the place operates in general.[/color][/size]
  21. [color=#707875]I think it's like any area of OB. You get periods where you'll find a few really innovative and interesting RPGs and then you get periods where you find little but the "standard fare". It's worth noting that although most recent RPGs may not be highly innovative in concept or execution, many of them at least manage to retain a sense of quality in the writing that has not traditionally been the standard. So at the very least, I am pleased that quality of writing is improving across the board. In terms of new ideas and originality...I agree with you. I'm disappointed, for example, that so few people have adopted the Chapter System. That system was created so that everyone might benefit, but only a few RPGs have used it. I don't believe that most people yet understand how it is capable of saving an RPG from death and confusion, lol. But that's only a small part of it. What disappoints me most is that lately, we haven't seen many RPGs that have attempted to experiment with the fundamentals. If you think about it, there's so much that you can do here on OB. You can use HTML in new and unique ways, you can use imagery (perhaps even have a "manga RPG") and you can utilize sound and music. Unfortunately, few people are taking advantage of the varied palette of options that they have here. But having said all of that, I can understand it. Many people just want a quick and fun RPG; they don't want something too laborious or difficult. Still, I think it's possible to have an interesting concept without it being overly-difficult or challenging. And I must say, the Inn has had a [i]lot[/i] of creative and new concepts within recent months. But some of those RPGs haven't taken off -- perhaps they were a bit too unique for the mainstream RPers. I don't know. But whatever the reason, it's still somewhat disappointing.[/color]
  22. [color=#707875]This is a great idea. I think we are going to put in some new features after the backroom upgrade. This should definitely be one of them.[/color]
  23. [color=#707875]I don't think that this is a question of clinging to the past at all. On the contrary, actually. I am always the person who is most eager to change things. lol The problem is that the suggested system has been attempted before in various ways and I don't believe that we have the membership activity to justify it at this moment. That's not to say that it can't work in future, or that we can't perhaps attempt a variation on that theme. Most of the threads we are talking about (the larger ones on one subject) [i]aren't[/i] that large in general. And even the very largest threads (like Star Wars 411) manage to continue to be active. People who are following the discussion know what's going on and people who join in late can jump in at any time. I don't really see any evidence of it being confusing or misleading -- people were complaining when we had far too many variations on one particular subject, previously (like a million threads about one anime). That problem is the reverse, where you have a discussion that isn't focused enough and that is dissipated far too much. So, yeah. My concerns stem from my experience running the site for several years. I'm always willing to entertain ideas, but this isn't a new idea -- it's been done and we've done it ourselves. But it hasn't worked here. So, that's really what it comes down to -- what will and won't work at OtakuBoards. Right now I think we're between being a very large and a very small community. It can be difficult to organize a site that has so many different behaviors/patterns within the one site. Edit: Just to add something, related to in-thread searching. We implemented the "topic per game" rule in Play It so that the search function's usefulness would be increased significantly. If we have multiple threads on one subject, members may accidentally post in older threads (as in, not the most recent iteration of a particular discussion), which causes problems. For one, their replies may not be responded to because they are not posting in the latest thread. [i]Or[/i], alternatively, a discussion gets dragged between two threads simultaneously, which has the effect of diluting both discussions at the same time. I don't believe that our current system is at all perfect, but that's not the point really; it's a question of getting a close to the sweet spot as we can. We're a lot closer to it now than we were when we had several forums for several different anime. If a member is too intimidated to post in a thread simply as a result of its size, then I would question whether or not OtakuBoards is the appropriate destination for them in the first place, really.[/color]
  24. [color=#707875]Just because it didn't happen for you doesn't mean that it can't (or shouldn't) happen for others. I guess I agree with the statement, I mean, in an ideal world it would be true I suppose. Unfortunately far too many communities focus on what divides them, rather than the more important things (ie: providing a safe environment for kids and allowing kids to grow up happily without too many pressures from school and stuff).[/color]
  25. James

    Nintendo DS

    [color=#707875]Yeah, the problem is that you were using a different control style, Alex. There is a scheme in Hunters that allows you to look with the stylus (ie: mouse-look), walk with the D-Pad and shoot with the L Button. ~_^ That's the cool thing about most DS games; they give you several control schemes, in both left and right handed variations.[/color]
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