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Everything posted by James

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B] Stem cells do not need to come from "dead" or "aborted" babies, but rather, can come from a placenta or blood (I think blood...) from the birth. And if someone makes [i]their own free choice to abort for personal reasons,[/i] then why should you have a problem with the cells being used to [i]help another person.[/i]. I can understand religious issues on this, but there is nothing wrong with using waste by-products, is there? I don't think someone would abort their baby, merely for the process of harvesting stem cells ~_^. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]I agree with this. Apparently there is some reason why stem cells are somehow "better" from a fetus...but I don't know enough about it to make a comment on that. What I will say, however, is that if a fetus has been aborted and is going to be discarded, stem cells [i]should[/i] be extracted. I say this for two reasons. One, because the fetus has no possiblity of life. And two, because the fetus doesn't know any different -- what it, as a discarded fetus, contributes could make a massive difference to someone with a terminal illness. I mean, if you have a four year old girl with a major spinal disease...and you can use the stem cells of an already-aborted fetus to assist her, what are you going to do? Are you going to allow her to suffer for the rest of her life because of some principle and overly-emotional commitment you have? I don't know. It's something to think about. Obviously, I don't condone the mass production of fetuses for the sole purpose of extracting stem cells. That's just weird and inappropriate. But fetuses that are [i]already[/i] to be discarded should certainly be used. If someone is found to be making fetuses [i]just[/i] to sell them or collect stem cells...then that person should be charged with a crime, in my view.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PhoenixFlame [/i] [B] You see what I mean? This proves my point right here. Also Poison, the internet is not made to make me look intelligent I do not give a crap if i look like A idiot or not ok?!(I'm sick and tired of this BULLCRAP, yes i did use all caps. Whats pathetic is when someone proofreads your message just to gripe about INCORRECT GRAMMUR.) .AND if this annoyed any admins sorry but im pretty annoyed by people correcting me for no reason trying to get me in trouble with you guys. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]I can assure you that PoisonTongue isn't getting you into trouble with any of the staff. Your post quality needs to improve. If you look at our site's rules, you'll see that we do require effort in posts. That's how this site is...and every site has its own particular requirements. So, we ask people to drop the way they might usually post elsewhere and to focus on quality here. It isn't much to ask for a few paragraph spaces and some correct spelling. In any case, I've [i]already[/i] asked for this discussion to be carried out via PM. I'll be pruning posts if that doesn't happen soon. EDIT: Okay, I see that PheonixFlame has already been banned. I'll leave my post here in any case, as I think it serves as a reminder to others.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PhoenixFlame [/i] [B]Well...I don't see how that would work, I'd get griped out by someone saying that im using incorrect grammar or something thanks for the advice but i doubt that will work as i said earlier. As for it being a run on sentance, your wrong there one i put commas in them and two, i only put like 3 commas in a sentance at the most.Thanks for trying to help me out but someones gonna gripe about it just to try and get me in trouble (no I'm not paranoid but i wouldn't put it past some people here). [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]Do people gripe at me for using incorrect grammar? Nope. Making paragraph spacing in your posts isn't going to get you in trouble; it'll simply make your posts easier. And when I talk about run-on sentences, I'm saying that you are attaching one sentence to another without any spaces between your periods. All I'm saying is that it can be hard to read. So, please break things up a bit with spacing. I'd like this topic to get back on track now, so please, if you want to discuss this further, use the Private Messaging system.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PhoenixFlame [/i] [B]Well about the paragraph stuff paragraphs should be four or five sentances which is why i didnt put it in paragraph form,i dont seperate sentances into paragraphs of two sentances each.(No im not mocking you either, but there was no need for me to post in paragraphs because it was already a paragraph like all my other posts). As for the spaceing between sentances i messed up in three places ok? I missed those places alright? I did not do that intentionally (again no need to put into paragraphs because it is only five sentances). [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]Well, PheonixFlame...all your posts are in one long, run-on sentence. If you look at posts from people such as Sara, PiroMunkie, Drix and others, you can see that paragraphs are used to seperate things and keep the post nice and clear. They're also used to seperate different specific ideas. So, I'm just lending you some advice. This is the same advice that I offer to other OBers, so don't think that I'm specifically picking on you. Some people's posts really improve remarkably after a while at OB...no doubt because the staff here really try to encourage quality and thought in posts.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PhoenixFlame [/i] [B]I love the winter for a few reasons, reason one, I LOVE THE COLD! (Don't say capitalizing things when im yelling something or seriously mean it is incorrect grammar ok?Thanks.Also do not say that saying thanks in one sentance is incorrect grammar too ok?Because it is correct grammar.) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]I'm not going to pick on you for your grammar or use of capital letters. However, I do encourage you to use your space bar between sentences and to seperate your comments into paragraphs. This isn't said to be rude; it's said for the sake of clarity, so that others can easily read your comments. Anyway, I think my favourite seasons would be Spring and Autumn equally. I like Spring because it's warm, without being hot like in mid-summer. It's perfect. Warm days with cool breezes and the odd sunshower here and there. I love it. The weather here is absolutely amazing during this time. And then Autumn...well, I guess I like Autumn because I love windy days. I also like the beginning of Autumn, when the air begins to cool off slightly...but is still somewhat warm. It's such a relief, considering how insanely hot summer in Australia can be.[/color]
  6. [color=#707875]I agree that ED's scheme is pretty suitable. In some ways, it's still quite "slow" (it maintains realism) but it's also more fluid than the current RE system.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]Well, I wasn't really going for backflips and double jumps in RE games lol. I was going for something more akin to Eternal Darkness, which uses something similar to the DMC style control scheme, in that up always goes up, down always goes down, left goes left and right goes right.[/quote][/b] [color=#707875]I wasn't really referring to you with that comment. I was basically trying to point out that fundamentally, Resident Evil lends itself to the current control scheme. It's obviously not a perfect control scheme (I think an ED-like system would be much better), but I wouldn't say that the controls in RE are terrible or unmanageable.[/color][quote][b] I just feel that there shouldn't be any excuses when it comes to bad controls...I enjoyed Eternal Darkness much more than Resident Evil because I had a much easier time with the controls. I never felt I had to wrestle with the controls or wonder which control goes where when the camera angle shifts, etc. When you don't have to worry about things like that, it allows you to get more immersed in the atmosphere. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]Well...the only problem I ever had with the controls was turning quickly. In the later games though, you had a 180 spin option, so that basically eliminated any problems I'd had previously. Also, turning while running can be somewhat slow in Resident Evil, which isn't very good. However, you're rarely in large, wide open spaces...so smoothe turning ability isn't necessary. In any case, I can see where you are coming from. Maybe I've just been playing the RE games for so long that I'm completely used to the controls...I've adapted to them and become comfortable. So, to me, they are second nature. However, I believe there is a [i]lot[/i] that Capcom can do with Resident Evil, in terms of player movement and interaction. It's possible to make the game more fluid and realistic without actually turning it into something that resembles a more outlandish game like Devil May Cry.[/color]
  8. [color=#707875]Great stuff, Chris. Lots of variety here too. My favourites would have to be "yuukai no mizu to honoo" and "Dears". Dears is just...very haunting and ghostly. It's kind of beautiful in an extremely morbid way. And yuukai no mizu to honoo just attracts me for some reason. I think Ken put it well...there are so many interpretations of it, but it remains calm no matter what. I like the brushwork in it the most -- nothing is muddy/dirty or flat. It has a strong sense of volume. Great stuff. ^_^[/color]
  9. [color=#707875]In recent times, it seems that there has been a need to reiterate the basic fundamentals of what we want to see in this forum. Specifically, in relation to how members discuss other members' art here. For the sake of clarity and ease, I've decided to simply create a few basic points that all members should keep in mind when talking about other people's art in here. [b]1) Include some kind of depth/reasoning in your response:[/b] Saying something like "Wow!!! Taht'z totaly kool!!!!" is really not going to hit the mark. Such posts will either be deleted or edited with a warning about post quality. Of course, post quality applies here as much as it does elsewhere on the boards. When you are talking about someone's art, try to explain [i]why[/i] you feel a certain way about it. Talk about what you like or what you don't like...but don't simply say "I like it" or "I don't like it". Discuss the reasoning behind your thoughts. [b]2) Be as constructive as possible:[/b] Even if you completely dislike someone's work, it's possible to be constructive in the way you criticize it. Let's say that someone has posted some work that you really dislike. Here is an example of what you wouldn't say: "Oh geeze. That art is really gross! Terrible colours, yucky font and really awful linework. Ew. Don't post that crap on here again." In this example, we can see that the comment almost satisfies the first criterion -- it does provide [i]some[/i] reasoning as to why the member dislikes the art. However, it fails to offer anything constructive or helpful. Not to mention the fact that it's a meanspirited comment. Here is a better alternative: "I don't really like the colours you used here, but that's just my preference. Also, I don't feel that the font matches the art; perhaps you could experiment with a more modern font? Maybe that'd make the image a bit easier to read. I also think that your linework is pretty interesting, but it's a bit pixelated here and there. Maybe you could try anti-aliasing on your lines, to make them a little smoother. Still, you're improving. Keep up the effort!" See? This response is still basically a negative one, in the sense that it doesn't praise the work. However, rather than rudely bashing the piece, this critique provides some kind of advice as to how the work could improve. The post also ends with some kind of encouragement for the future. [b]3) Use common sense and treat others as you wish to be treated:[/b] Obviously, the above examples are just examples. What I've posted here doesn't constitute clearly defined "rules". However, as with the rest of the site, we ask members to be respectful and courteous to one another. The example of an "alternative criticism" that I used above merely demonstrates that even 100% negative responses can maintain some level of courtesy and constructivism. And that's what we want to see. Also, even if you entirely love a piece of work...as I mentioned, explain [i]why[/i] you love it. Is it the colours? Do you like the way text was used? Do you want to ask questions about how the artist did a particular effect? What program was used? What medium? Do you have any friendly advice on how to improve the image? How do you interpret the image? Etc... These are all things to consider when discussing art in this forum. Please bear these recommendations in mind when posting here. Thank you for your attention.[/color]
  10. [color=#707875]Josh looked at James and Sara. "So, are we ready to get back?" he asked. James rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Not yet. Now that we've bought everything on the list, there are a couple of things I'd like to add." "Oh?" said Sara, who was juggling milk and cabbages. James nodded and gestured for the others to follow. As they walked down the aisle, they came upon the asian food section. "Aha!" James exclaimed. He reached up onto a nearby shelf and pulled down a box of fortune cookies. Sara and Josh both looked at each other with confused expressions. "What?" asked James innocently. "Don't you know how much I like fortune cookies?" Josh smiled and began to speak, just as James interrupted him. "Yeah, I know that cookie eating is your thing...but these are [i]fortune[/i] cookies, Josh!" Sara rolled her eyes. "You're crazy," she said with a smirk. James simply nodded and pointed down the aisle. "Okay, let's get out of here. Doing all this grocery shopping is making me hungry." Sara and Josh both nodded and followed James to the checkout.[/color]
  11. [color=#707875]As much as I know it sounds lame, I somewhat agree with Capcom's thoughts about the controls in RE. I mean, really...it wouldn't be hard for them to make RE a more "Devil May Cry"-esque game, when it comes to controls. They say that the controls are more realistic...in terms of the fact that real human beings can't do backflips and double jumps, etc. I mean, you know...it feels very "confined" and almost "heavy". But, I wouldn't object to a totally redeveloped control system in RE4. Personally, I'm so used to the controls in RE that they don't bother me anymore. But that doesn't mean that Capcom can't or shouldn't change them. And I agree about the puzzles and so on. Also, about Wind Waker...I agree to an extent. Some overrated it, many underrated it. However, I would say that Wind Waker wasn't Nintendo's greatest effort. In my opinion, the gameplay didn't advance nearly as much as the visuals. I'd have liked to see another two dungeons in there, rather than a very forced and sloppy Triforce collecting task.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I have a headache after reading this topic. Humans are not monsters in the least, really. We aren't perfect Gods or anything, but we do a deal of good along with the bad. It just takes time for us to react to problems that are on a global, or even national, scale. For example, alot of people are becoming environmentally aware in recent decades- not from a tree telling them about the air pollution, or a crab pointing out littering on the beach. It is from other humans paying attention, noticing that the world could use some healing- and acting on that. It takes 'good' people to put a 'good' influence on other people. It is true there are alot of idiots out there. Maybe it isn't their fault for being greedy/stupid/emotionally numb to destroying other people, or maybe it is. I am not one to judge, and honestly no one here is either. Oh, and the stupid doom-sayers that speak of a nuclear apocalypse need to shut the **** up, lol. I am tired of this melodramatic scenario of a ton of evil leaders pushing the red button and destroying the world with the evil nuclear weapons- it's old now, please get something else to piss your pants over. In other words, I agree with what was said earlier- individuals can be monsters. It takes time- don't judge the final product when it is being constructed. I would write more, but I am afraid I would lose my restraint on my temper.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]I absolutely agree with you here, Ken. It can be all too easy to paint everybody with the same brush. But even based on disucssions here at OtakuBoards, we should all be aware that there are often many shades of grey; there are many reasons why certain events occur in the world and these reasons are often quite complex. I could sit here and say "there's so much war in the world, all men are horrible". But in my personal opinion, that's not very fair. No war is ever the same and there are always reasons behind these things, whether good or bad or in between. Ken also brings up an important point about the environment. Just because we haven't dealt with the environment to a huge extent up until the last decade doesn't mean that we are "monsters". It has to be understood that finding solutions on a very broad scale takes time. You are taking about millions of people in most cases, all of which agree and disagree on different approaches to problems. Fundamentally, I believe that most human beings aren't monsters at all. I think most people have the right intentions and only want to do good things. But obviously, we all have different interpretations of that and we all have different lifestyles and cultures. So, I do get frustrated by doomsayers as well as people who want to say that everything in the world is completely fine. Obviously, the reality lies somewhere in between.[/color]
  13. [color=#707875]Well, the fact is...the discussion at OtakuForums would not even be allowed to float over here. Do you really think I would allow someone to make a thread based on attacking someone's art? I'm not saying that this has anything to do with another board, because it doesn't. This is only a question of Magdalena's actions. My only input into this discussion is that Magdalena has been banned on a previous occasion by me, for being rude to members. I spoke to her over AIM, she apologized and I allowed her to return -- on the condition that she demonstrate courtesy to our membership. In this case, she hasn't done so. She's also single-handedly said that every one of our members creates horrible artwork, which I know is certainly not the case. So, I don't really have very much sympathy for Magdalena in this situation. She was given a chance by me and she didn't meet her own agreement with me. She had her chance and that's that. I cannot speak for other boards or web forums, but I can only say that we [i]don't[/i] allow blatant rudeness at OtakuBoards. We expect members to treat other members with respect and dignity -- in the case of art, we want people to display [i]constructive criticism[/i] and not pointless, mean-spirited comments. Not only does this actually provide for better discussion, but it doesn't discourage people from posting their artwork. Magdalena's intentions may not have been malicious, but she is old enough to understand that being rude isn't going to help her at all. It's up to her to take responsibility for her comments. As I said, Magdalena has had her chance. [/color]
  14. [color=#707875]The world isn't becoming overcrowded. In fact, the problem is quite the opposite in many ways. In Japan, fewer and fewer people are having children. And families are growing smaller. Senior citizens are taking up a larger proportion of the population. As a result, the Japanese Government has actually been trying to [i]encourage[/i] more young people to have children. The same is true in Australia. Senior citizens are a growing sector of the population, women are having children later in life, they're having less children and many are having none at all. This is also starting to become a problem in the United States, as well as other places. When you have a very large population of seniors, the minority are then forced to financially support the majority. It obviously becomes very difficult. One might say that populations are getting too high in the third world or something...where various problems (like famine and AIDS) are already so accute. But this idea that we're going to kill ourselves by having too many babies is pretty false, based on all the reports I've seen over recent years.[/color]
  15. [color=#707875]Yeah, but...kizu, the Dreamcast has Hitachi parts inside it. You don't take it to Hitachi for repair, do you? You take it to the manufacturer -- SEGA. Same principle goes here. But once again, this is what you have to anticipate when you buy an imported product like this. You simply have to be prepared to get it repaired by an electronics repair store -- you should try that as a last resort, I'd say. It's probably all you can really do, if Panasonic can't help you. But yeah, at least if you buy a GameCube, you'll be able to get full warranty support from Nintendo.[/color]
  16. [color=#707875]You're calling Nintendo about a product that they don't even make. What you want to do, if anything, is call Panasonic. Even then, Panasonic in the US may not be able to do much, because the Q is exclusive to Japan as far as I know. So, this is kind of what you get when you import a product -- you have to understand that no warranties or services apply to you when you import something like that. All you can do is try and take it to someone who repairs electronics...or scrap it, or put up with it. [/color]
  17. [color=#707875]We originally planned to have v7 rolled out by early 2004. This is because, as Semjaza said, we are planning to develop v7 on the new vB3 platform. As far as I am aware, vB3 final release isn't yet available. There are non-final versions out there and people are already expirimenting with vB3. We aren't doing this yet, because we don't want to build v7 on unfinished software -- we want to wait for the final and complete version, to ensure that we achieve the highest quality possible. I would like to launch v7 sometime next month. But if vB3 doesn't become available to us until November, it might even be a December launch. So, either way, I don't want to rush the site to push it out of the door. Either it's ready or it's not. And right now, we're still waiting on Jelsoft to complete vB3 and get it out for developers.[/color]
  18. [color=#707875]I can only really say that while I want to play this game (and actually buy it), I may have very limited funds by the time it rolls around. Apart from school expenses, I'm [i]hoping[/i] to purchase both Animal Crossing and F-Zero GX this month. That, plus the fact that I recently bought Command & Conquer: Generals, means that my wallet will be hit very hard. Oh well. We'll see how it goes. The game looks interesting and it's a series that I'd like to explore for myself.[/color]
  19. James

    Dixie Chicks

    [color=#707875]I agree 100%, PT. I guess my overall point is that one should not necessarily look at a celebrity and say "Hey, that guy is a celebrity...he knows what he's talking about!" That goes for both pro and anti-Bush people. My feeling is simply that you should be up on the news yourself...and not rely on people who are, generally, misinformed. I think that most of Hollywood (either pro or anti) are pretty misinformed about the real world as it is. So, my comments are pretty general in that regard.[/color]
  20. [color=#707875]James closed the door to the ensuite and walked over to the nearby desk to grab his comb, where he'd left it the night before. "Good morning..." said a sleepy voice nearby. It was Josh. He was sitting up on his bed and rubbing his eyes. James paused and ensured that the towel around his waist was fastened securely. He didn't want Josh to be embarassed [i]again[/i] in only 24 hours. "Um...sorry, did you want to use the shower?" asked James. Josh looked at the ensuite and then looked back at James. "Well, you're finished now. So I guess I can use it at any time." James nodded. "Yeah, I don't spend a huge amount of time in the bathroom...and I don't make it messy. You're lucky that I'm here!" James smiled and walked over to the other side of the room, where two large double doors led out onto a small balcony. He pushed them open, letting warm sunlight pour in. "Wow. What an amazing view of the ocean we have here," said James. Josh raised an eyebrow. "Uh, James, aren't you going to get dressed for breakfast?" James paused and looked at Josh awkwardly. "Oops, I guess I forgot. I'm still getting used to even being here...I feel a little disoriented after the long plane flight. It might take me a few days to settle in and actually get a good night's sleep," he said as he began to comb his still-wet hair. "I'll just go back into the bathroom and change. Then you can have it. I'll save some breakfast for you, if you like." Josh stood up and began looking through his fresh clothing. "Okay. Hopefully the kitchen isn't in too much of a mess." "Ha! It'd be funny if it were...I mean, considering that we want to run a [i]restaurant[/i] and all. I hope we don't make too many customers angry," said James with a smirk. And with that, James disappeared into the bathroom once more. Josh could hear the radio in the bathroom switching stations, occasinally punctuated by enthusiastic humming.[/color]
  21. James

    Dixie Chicks

    [color=#707875]Since when do the "Dixie Chicks" know anything about politics? They don't. Based on what I've heard them say...they're about as ignorant as most celebrities who make comments about such things. I think that if you listen to a celebrity about politics or whatever, you know you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I mean, they have the right to say what they want...but who is going to take their political stance seriously? Moreover, who really cares what they think about politics? lol. *shrug* I assume most people simply don't care. Enjoy 'em for their music...that's what they're there for.[/color]
  22. [color=#707875]I think that girls can be just as noisy as boys in class...so I don't really buy the whole distraction thing. If you're going to be distracted by a noisy guy, you'll probably also be distracted by a noisy girl. The key is obviously to focus on your work, regardless of your situation. So, I don't think there's a HUGE difference. I'd generally just say that co-ed is probably slightly better, simply because you'll be mixing with both male and female people for the rest of your life (in your career, etc). Being confined to just one sex in school probably won't help. And, wrist cutter, I'd like it if you put a little more effort into posting something relevant. [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B] James, I'd have to disagree with you on the richest country aspect. I think money is fairly relative, each dollar valued at some certain price. I'm no economics major, but I think the only reason China is really steaming in today's economy is their use of labor, cheap labor. I know they have some fairly exclusive, or monopolized resources in China's vast expanse, but US technology is driving alot of improvement in our marketplace. I mean, look at Japan, it holds ALOT of technology sources by the balls; a fairly resourceless country is one of the major economical powers of the world. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#707875]I'm not talking about dollar value at all. I'm talking about physically how much money the country turns over. China is currently the world's fastest growing economy (and it will be for some years). It also has the world's largest population and is undergoing major market liberalisation and structural reforms. Your second point about Japan is one reason why China has so much potential. China is determined to grow and moreover, it has the resources to do so. In addition, China is now a member of the WTO -- the result being that the country's markets are being forced into greater global competitiveness. So, I can only say that maybe my view is different because I live in this region in the world and perhaps I have a little more understanding of China. I can see how, from the outside or a casual view, it can be seen as some Communist state which is stuck in a cold-war-esque position. But really, that's not the reality of today. Yes, China is still a communist nation. But it won't be like that forever. China is frequently undergoing major economical and political reforms. Already, leaders are elected on a Provincial and citywide level. Democracy is absolutely in China's future, and most people in this region of the world have no doubt about that. I've also heard many economists predict that, if China continues on its path to reform, it [i]will[/i] be one of the world's richest nations within a fairly short period (perhaps ten years). I don't see any reason why China wouldn't be the world's richest/most economically powerful nation in 50 years time. All the ingredients are there -- increasing freedom, market liberalisation, massive technolgical development, political reform, business law reform, world's best practice pursuit, etc etc. The list goes on. In terms of this space launch...it doesn't really achieve much for China in a physical way. It's more a symbolic thing. China believes that by launching a man into space, this will symbolize its growth and emergence as a major world power. Moreover, there is [i]some[/i] practical benefit to this -- it's expected that China's technology companies will receive greater international exposure and so on. In any case, I am well aware of China's turbulent history. And I'm accutely aware of China's position in the world today, given that I live in this region of the world. But by the same token, I do not embrace or accept traditional stereotypes of China. I know enough about trade with China and modern Chinese development to be aware that many of the traditional stereotypes no longer exist.[/color]
  24. [color=#707875]I think it's possible that China will end up being the richest nation in the world, eventually. It has the population and it's moving toward democracy. And, unlike countries of a similar population (ie: India), China is generally far more developed. Lots and lots of new industries are opening up there...the country is becoming a major global force. So, this is just a further sign of it. These days, putting a man into space isn't as relevant as it once was though, in my opinion. It's when you start putting weaponised-satellites in space that we have cause to worry. lol In any case, I think it's exciting news. I can't wait to read about what happens and see the pictures. I think that China has a very bright future ahead.[/color]
  25. [color=#707875]My first question was going to be "You actually take an apologetics class?" Doesn't that indicate something? lol Oh well. I tend to agree with wrist cutter. You're asking people to ask you questions...which you can rebut. The problem is that this is a confrontational way of dealing with the discussion. And I think, the more we can minimize these discussions, the better. [/color]
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