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Everything posted by James

  1. [color=#808080]I agree with Semjaza on the "hot" thing. I rarely use that word and mostly that's because it's really a word with sexual connotations. Not that it's wrong to use it or anything...I just rarely do. I was talking to my mother about beauty a few days ago, actually. And I'll give you an example. You know Persephone in The Matrix: Reloaded? I was talking to my mum about the movie and I mentioned her. I've seen her in other movies and I was explaining to my mother how beautiful I think she is. I don't say that at all in a sexual way, either. I remember telling my mother about her hair and her face and the way she moves and talks. I was trying to explain that she is the most graceful woman I have ever seen. And even when she was sitting down and saying nothing, she just had that intangible sense of elegance all around her. I can't really describe it with text, I don't think. And when I saw her in the movie, I wasn't thinking "Wow, I want to have sex with that woman!" I was thinking more along the lines of "Wow, she is like a beautiful piece of artwork". You know what I mean? It's like with life drawing. I've done a lot of this at school this year. And, I find that when you are drawing someone who is actually quite ugly...you begin to see the beauty in the person. For instance, we were drawing a very large woman the other day who wasn't very attractive facially or anything. But as I was drawing her, I remember thinking about her form and when I dissected her shape down into simple linework, I actually began seeing her as a very precious and beautiful thing. It's hard to describe, but those of you who have done life drawing will probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway, yeah...I see beauty around me all the time. Sometimes I'll pass a scene in the city and I will stop to admire the beauty -- whether it's just people walking to work or something really specific, it doesn't matter. I think there is always something beautiful that can be appreciated, if that makes sense. [/color]
  2. [color=#808080]You will be writing a variety of things, including episode summaries, opinion articles, fact sheets, etc...[/color]
  3. [color=#808080]Ooo Weh. I love it, of course. ^_^ All these comics are so cool...I'm now wondering who these weird guys are. They seem to have some kind of dark agenda here (other than robbing the KFC, of course). ^_^;[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ThePikasElbow [/i] [B] The plot seemed like it was leading up to something huge, but we get one scene that doesn't make any sense, and then the end. We had no explination to anything and a thrown together conclusion. A well made movie, but I didn't feel that it's as good as others say. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#808080]What about it didn't make sense? I'd be happy to explain it; I'm the resident Ring expert. ~_^ Bishie, please do not double post. It's against the rules. But, you're right...the Japanese movies are better. They're more scary. And the final sequence in "Ring" is far worse than the Americna version...far far worse. Go watch it. ~_^[/color]
  5. [color=#808080]Please keep all anime related threads in Anime Lounge. ^_^ My parents have never had a problem with what I've watched, basically. They've never restricted me in that sense. If anything, I think my parents are happy that I have wide tastes when it comes to music/movies. I mean, you know...that's partly because they're the same way themselves. So, I've personally not had a problem. [/color]
  6. [color=#808080]You just use the [img] tag to do it. ^_^ So it's like [img] URL of picture here [/img]. Just right click on the piccy and click "properties" for the URL.[/color]
  7. [color=#808080]Yes, but what I'm trying to get at is that the implication is that you're either a "homosexual supporter" or "curious about homosexuals". So it's one or the other. You might not be a homosexual supporter (in the sense that you don't support homosexuals on whatever basic level), but that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy a story that may include a homosexual character. Or at least, whether you support homosexuality/homosexuals or not, it's really irrelevant to whether or not they get included in games. I don't think I'm misunderstanding or anything, what you are describing to me is what I already know. But my interpretation of "support" for homosexuals was like "supporting the homosexual cause" or something of that nature. Do you see what I mean? You don't specifically have to support homosexuals/homosexuality to be able to play/enjoy/accept games that include them. I probably wasn't very clear about what I was getting at in that last post, based on your response. So, once again, I hope this clarifies what I'm pointing out. This was the interpretation I had - and obviously I'm not the only one with that interpretation. So it obviously isn't hard to draw that meaning from the language used. I think that all Shy and I are really asking is for Ginny to explain the meaning/intention behind that - and it seems as though she has done so to some extent. So, for me at least, it's not really an issue anymore. I'm just putting forward my own opinions on what was said. And basically, the specifics aside, the main point of my own post earlier was to point out (from a staff to member point of view) that the discussion was getting unnecessarily immature after Shy's post. And that's the core message that I was trying to convey. I really wasn't interested in getting into a discussion about Ginny's specific comments - I quoted them so that I could provide my interpretation and explain why Shy's interpretation might be justified (or at least understandable to everybody). Thankfully though, we have sort of gotten back on track. I hope that the discussion can [i]remain[/i] civil throughout.[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B] Ginny was merely implying that some people may be curious about the lifestyle. As some people actually are. NOT that they might want to become a homosexual, or that they should be worried about becoming one.[/b][/quote] [color=#808080]I agree with that - and it's how I interpreted Ginny's post. The point is though, these are the only options. What if you are simply a person who agrees with the idea because you're being fair to people of all minorities? This is something that hasn't been included as an option. It's kind of like a "one or the other" type of thing. I don't necessarily think that Ginny's reference to curiosity about homosexuals instantly meant people who are bisexual themselves or something...or are going to become gay or whatever. I don't think that's what she meant. But what I mean is, she's implying that you're either a person who wants to see Square [i]promote[/i] homosexuality (as one might promote a political agenda) or that you are curious about the homosexual lifestyle (which in itself is a bit of a misnoma, but that's a seperate issue). It seem as though there can be no middle ground; you can't be a person who is simply fair minded and believes in including people equally. If that option had been included, I think it's one that the majority of us would probably take. So, I think the main point here is that I felt both her and your reactions to Shy's comments were going a little far. Your interpretations in this most recent post are completely reasonable to me. But your insinuation that Shy was somehow casting Christians with the same brush is blatantly false. He never made any stereotypical reference to Christians in his post. That is primarily what I was taking issue with and it's why I felt that perhaps you hadn't understood the thrust of his message. However, you've clarified your point of view -- thank you for doing so in an adult manner. I think that what you've said makes much more sense now and I can understand your reasoning process. And ultimately, that's all I was after here.[/color][quote][b] I see your points against what Ginny said if she was not referring to equal rights, because that would mean she was asking a question with only bad answers. Which explains what you and Shy meant. I assumed you thought it was referring to equal rights. maybe not.[/quote][/b] [color=#808080]Well, what we're talking about is why/why not homosexuals should be included in video games. Ginny's comments were making implications that needed to be addressed. And I think Shy did that effectively. I don't agree with every single phrase that he used, but by the same token, I think that most of his interpretations were pretty accurate. The "becoming gay" thing isn't something I particularly agreed with, but the options that Ginny laid out where, in my opinion, both negatives. I read them as saying "Either you want to push a pro-gay point of view or you are curious about gays". Now, if that's wrong...then maybe Ginny can clarify it for me. However, this is how both Shy and I read it - and I think it's understandable that we read it that way. If that was what Ginny was saying, then yes...they are both negative options that don't factor in the basic idea of fairness to human beings, which I was talking about (the "missing option"). I mean, if we were talking about including black people in games and I said "Well, either you're promoting African Americans or you're curious about the African American lifestyle", I'd probably be taken to task on that. Do you see what I mean? That's the kind of point I'm trying to get across here. But, as I said; if I've misinterpreted Ginny in any way, I really welcome a clarification. Having said that, I don't think that my comments on the subsequent reaction to Shy's comments were at all inappropriate. I'm sure you understand that I'm trying to maintain a mature discussion here, rather than a tantrum session.[/color]
  9. [center][img]http://www.shineget.com/logo.gif[/img][/center] [img]http://www.shineget.com/welcome.gif[/img] [img]http://www.shineget.com/lakitu.jpg[/img] [b]Hi there! My name's Lakitu. If you've played Mario Kart before, you'll know me as the guy who organizes all of the trackside goings-on. I'm even responsible for pulling stranded karts out of all sorts of nasty situations. Today, I'm here to present to you the newest Mario Kart challenge: [i]Mario Kart: OB Championship[/i]. I'm here to find out who OtakuBoards' best driver is. And to do that, I'm going to set up a bunch of challenges that'll put your driving and teamwork skills to the test! But first, you might want to know a little more about why I'm setting up this race. Well, to be honest, I'm in a bit of a pickle. You see, my son - Lakitu Jr. - isn't interested in following the family business. He wants to go around dropping spikey red things on people from above, like I used to. But I swear, that's the [i]old[/i] Lakitu! I have discovered the joys of organizing kart races (not to mention the amount of gold coins that I make from charging a small fee to stranded drivers...heh heh). But my son just won't listen! He says that kart racing is boring and he'd rather cause mischief. Anyway, I've been going around the Mushroom Kingdom for several days now, trying to encourage drivers to join the OB Championship. I hope I'll find some interested parties soon, because setting up these races can cost a bundle! [size=1]And I haven't found any sponsors yet... :bawl:[/size] So, with that said, I really want to prove to my son how fun (and profitable) the family business can be! You can find everything you need to know in the rest of this information leaflet. I've sent this letter to just about every Nintendo characters' house that I can think of. So I hope to get some replies soon! If you are interested, all you have to do is turn up to the [i]Tryout Session[/i] tomorrow at four o'clock sharp! I'll be waiting at [i]Luigi's Raceway[/i] for you. Sincerely, Lakitu[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/howthegameworks.gif[/img] Mario Kart: OB Championship is a little different from regular RPGs. It is structured into two parts: [b]Racing[/b] and [b]Non-Racing[/b]. In [b]Racing[/b] segments, all players will be in a kart, racing against their opponents. The [b]Racing[/b] segments are somewhat like sparring matches; teams of players (two per kart, which will be explained below) will try to win the race. And in doing so, they will be required to not only out-drive opponents, but also to use items against them (items will also be explained later on). In this RPG, a race occurs every [b]two days[/b]. So, there are two days before each new race. During this time, the RPG's story can develop and players can interact however they like outside the track. This is also where the game's primary story will develop. During a race, each player must make [b]one[/b] post. When all players involved in the race have posted once, the race will end. At this time, the pair of winners will be designated. Winners will be designated based on the quality of their post. Each place will have a certain [b]point value[/b]. Each player in a team of two will receive the same number of points. The point structure is as follows: [b]First:[/b] 10 points [b]Second:[/b] 8 points [b]Third:[/b] 6 points [b]Fourth:[/b] 4 points [b]Fifth:[/b] 3 points [b]Sixth:[/b] 2 points [b]Seventh:[/b] 1 point [b]Eighth - Last:[/b] 0 points To keep things interesting, each player will be randomly assigned a new partner with each race. This way, players will be forced to work together to win. When winners are judged, BOTH players' posts will be considered. So, if your post is wonderful and your teammate's post is horrible, you may not win. The key is to have both players working together at all times. When you write your race post, you need to write about [b]your version of events[/b]. So, you need to imagine what it'd be like if your team won. And you need to write about how that might happen. In that sense, racing posts are not like turn-based spars. Rather, they're more like the Arena posts at arena.theOtaku.com; you're writing about a certain scenario as you think it might happen. The judge will be looking at the inventiveness in each person's race posts. If you throw in some humor, tension and drama, you will have a better chance of winning a race. So, think of races as [b]writing contests[/b], basically. [img]http://www.shineget.com/tracks.gif[/img] This game will feature a multitude of tracks. Tracks will be announced at the beginning of each new race. Track conditions will be provided and during that post, players will be randomly paired up. [b]Only Lakitu can announce the beginning and end of a race period[/b]. Individual players cannot. Tracks will be announced with information that relates to characters. Some characters will be weaker/stronger on different tracks. And tracks themselves will contain various hazards that players can work into their own race posts. [img]http://www.shineget.com/judgingraces.gif[/img] Races will be judged by OtakuBoards members. At the conclusion of every race, a "Race Results" thread for that race will be posted. The public will be linked to the race and will be able to vote on which team won. At the end of the voting period, winners will be announced within the RPG. Points will also be handed out at that time. A complete tally of player points will be recorded in [b]this thread[/b]. [img]http://www.shineget.com/players.gif[/img] In this RPG, as mentioned above, players will be put into pairs during each race. One player will drive and one will use items from the rear of the kart. When each player writes their single race post, they can write whatever actions they like for both characters in the team. In other words, both players do not need to have posts that relate to one another. Rather, each player in the team will write a post that paints a picture of how [i]they[/i] imagine the team winning. So if you have a post with Mario and Luigi, for example, Mario's post might be totally different to Luigi. Both players will imagine victory in different ways. And that's okay. However, if you like, you can [b]write a post with your partner[/b]. You can be as creative as you like; each character can be in different coloured text, or you can simply write one post where both players have contributed. It's up to you, as long as you make it clear that BOTH players have written their parts in. Each character has one special attack, too. Those will be announced below, along with basic player profiles (and whether the player is a lightweight, middleweight or heavyweight). Also, when you post, you can decide whether your player is driving or using items from the kart's rear. It doesn't matter if your teammate posts the opposite; remember, this is your own account of how the race goes. Note: You can use these character shots as avatars, if you like. They're made to size. I haven't included Mario, because Mario is taken by me (hey, I deserve something for all this effort, don't you think? ~_^). The following players are available for this RPG (note, if two people select the same character, only ONE will be allowed in): [b]Luigi[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/luigi.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Middleweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Power Vacuum" - This ability allows Luigi to whip out his vacuum and suck items from nearby enemies. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Luigi's sissyesque jumping ability won't help him much when he's racing. [b]Strengths:[/b] On the other hand, Luigi is an experienced driver. He knows the courses and he works well with others. [b]Peach[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/peach.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Float" - This ability allows the kart to float for extended distances. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Often accused of being a "ditz", Peach certainly lives in a rarified atmosphere. She's not used to eating a mouthful of grass when the kart stacks. [b]Strengths:[/b] Peach is a good motivational speaker. [b]Toad[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/toad.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Kart Spin" - This ability allows Toad to lean to one side and spin the kart into an enemy, causing the loss of coins (and a slowdown for the enemy). [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Toad's lightness is his main weakness. He gets bumped around easily on the track. [b]Strengths:[/b] Toad is a Mario Kart veteran. He knows the ups and downs of each track and his Kart Spin ability is very useful. [b]Kirby[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/kirby.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Eat" - This ability allows Kirby to swallow an enemy and use that enemy's special ability once. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Kirby's rather pointless anatomy makes driving karts somewhat tough. His little "flaps", for lack of a better word, are far from skilled driving instruments. [b]Strengths:[/b] Kirby's eating ability is truly remarkable and most other kart drivers won't expect to have their abilities stolen so easily! [b]Captain Falcon[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/falcon.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Heavyweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "F-Zero Drift" - This ability allows Captain Falcon to use his size to drift into enemies and send 'em off track. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Captain Falcon isn't used to being crammed into a tiny little kart. His weight works against him, particularly on slippery surfaces. [b]Strengths:[/b] Captain Falcon is a skilled hover car driver and his drifting ability makes him a very formidable opponent on the racecourse. [b]Fox McCloud[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/fox.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Middleweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Laser Gun" - This ability allows Fox to fire his pistol at nearby enemies to make 'em spin out. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Fox, as an all-rounder, has no significant weaknesses. However, he isn't the most skilled of drivers; he's used to piloting an Arwing most of the time. [b]Strengths:[/b] Fox, being a middleweight, is ideal for beginners. His good nature also makes him a strong teammate. [b]Captain Olimar[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/olimar.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Pikmin Attack" - This ability allows Captain Olimar to throw Pikmin at nearby drivers, which slows 'em down. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Due to the Captain's tiny size, he can't see over the steering wheel without a very large cushion (o_O). This makes him vulnerable to attack; he spins out easily. [b]Strengths:[/b] On the other hand, the good Captain's light size makes him ideal for quick acceleration. [b]Link[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/link.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Hookshot" - This ability allows Link to attach his hookshot to objects in the distance and drag his kart there; useful for getting out of sticky situations. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Link's sword and shield can sometimes get in the way when driving. And his hat flies off at high speed, sometimes hitting other drivers in the face if they're not careful. [b]Strengths:[/b] Link is the Hero of Time, of course! He's determined, eager and for him, losing just isn't an option. [b]Bowser[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/bowser.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Heavyweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Flame" - This ability allows Bowser to breathe fire on nearby enemies. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Bowser hasn't been laying off the Oreos in recent years and as a result, his weight negatively affects handling. [b]Strengths:[/b] At the same time, Bowser's ample mass allows for some very aggressive driving tactics (ie: squishing smaller opponents - watch out, Olimar!) [b]Samus[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/samus.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Heavyweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Bomb" - This ability allows Samus to lay bombs behind the kart. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Samus' heavy suit can really hurt handling (not to mention the fact that she can only drive with one arm, due to her beam weapon). [b]Strengths:[/b] Samus is a powerful bounty hunter with a bad attitude; her Bomb ability is effective against any type of enemy. [b]Yoshi[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/yoshi.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Tongue" - This ability allows Yoshi to latch onto enemy karts and drag his kart into 'em from behind. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Yoshi needs to be careful when he uses the Tongue ability; he doesn't want to get it caught in the kart's wheels. [b]Strengths:[/b] At the same time, Yoshi's tongue can be very effective if used properly in a race. [b]Koopa Troopa[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/koopa.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Shell" - This ability allows Koopa Troopa to cover the entire kart in a shell for a brief moment, protecting it from enemy attacks. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Koopa is a pretty good driver and doesn't really need to worry his little bald head. However, he doesn't always get along with teammates. [b]Strengths:[/b] Koopa's Shell ability is very unique amongst the racing lineup - it can be very useful in races. [b]Makar[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/makar.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Serenade" - This ability allows Makar to play a special tune on his violin once in every race. It puts the nearest enemy to sleep for ten seconds. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Due to the fact that Makar is a plant, he is particularly weak to fire attacks (either dropping in lava or being hit by fire, both of which cause him to slow down significantly or lose coins). [b]Strengths:[/b] Makar's ability is one of the most unique available. He's also a pretty cheerful guy, who'll get along with just about anyone. [b]Tetra[/b] [img]http://www.shineget.com/tetra.gif[/img] [b]Class:[/b] Lightweight [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Pirate Sword" - This ability allows Tetra to slash an opponent's tyres when close to them, causing 'em to spin out. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Tetra can be a bit arrogant at times (and a bit sarcastic to boot). This can affect her cooperative ability. [b]Strengths:[/b] Tetra's a great leader. And she's very determined, which means she's not afraid of much (and is more likely to get into risky situations). [img]http://www.shineget.com/items.gif[/img] Below is a list of items that players can use during the race. [list] [*][b]Mushroom:[/b] Provides a boost of speed. [*][b]Green Shell:[/b] Can be fired at an enemy to make them spin out/slow down (can also be collected in groups of three). [*][b]Red Shell:[/b] Same as Green Shell, but with an added homing ability (can also be collected in groups of three). [*][b]Lightning Bolt:[/b] Shrinks all players on the map (except for the user) and allows the user to squash other players. [*][b]Ghost:[/b] Allows the player to steal items from nearby enemies. [*][b]Inverse Cube:[/b] Reverses controls for other players (ie: left becomes right, accelerate becomes reverse). [*][b]Gravity Burst:[/b] Changes player controls to make them more "floaty" (ie: as though you're driving on ice). [*][b]Banana Peel:[/b] Causes enemies to spin out when it's touched (this item can be thrown forward or dropped behind). [*][b]Anger Mushroom:[/b] When picked up, it causes both players/teammates on the kart to begin arguing (and ignoring the race). [*][b]Invincibility Star:[/b] Allows the players to become invincible for a limited time (can be used defensively and offensively). [/list] [img]http://www.shineget.com/misc.gif[/img] Please read all of the above very carefully if you wish to join. If you want to choose another Nintendo character not mentioned above, you will need to make an 80x80 avatar and attach it to your sign up, so that I can add it to the player profiles field. However, [i]I[/i] will designate your character's ability/weakness/strength, to keep things balanced. If you have any questions, please post 'em here too. This RPG is potentially a big complex, so I may need to answer questions before we start. I will be choosing final players, too. [img]http://www.shineget.com/signup.gif[/img] Sign up fields to fill out are included here: [b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Character Personality:[/b] (try to make it in accordance with your character's profile above, if their personality has been referred to) [b]Home:[/b] (whereabouts does your character live?) [b]Other:[/b] (any other details you'd like to include) As always, I'll post my sign up in a bit. This is enough for now. >_< EDIT: D'oh! I've made the avatars the wrong size. lol Don't worry; I'll redo them all and upload them again. Sorry 'bout that everyone. ^_^;;
  10. [color=#808080]I agree. Don't download the entire album; it's really going a bit far. I just want to sample some of the tracks from disc 2, so that I'm sure I know what I'm getting. I remember buying the soundtrack to Go! a while back...and it had NONE of the tracks from the movie that I liked! It was ridiculous. But it sounds like the second disc has what I'm looking for. I'll go and look for it tomorrow, if I have the cash on me.[/color]
  11. [color=#808080]Amen to that, wrist cutter. ^_^; Anime is common in Japan and many people there watch it; does that mean Japanese are more open minded than westerners by default? I don't think that what you watch (anime or American cartoons) is necessarily something that relates to how open minded you are. Not by a long shot. It might reflect that you're more open minded about certain things (like entertainment, obviously), but some anime fans watch ONLY anime and think that all other animation is trash. And that calling anime a "cartoon" is horribly offensive. Such people are, in my opinion, far from "open minded".[/color]
  12. [color=#808080]The image thing really has little to do with Nintendo. It's something that other companies have focused on and it's something that gamers themselves turn into an issue. Nintendo is Nintendo. It makes games for all ages. Some games (like Yoshi's Story) are obviously for younger players, while games like Zelda are obviously for older kids/adults. And games like Animal Crossing are designed for parents and children to play together. I mean, really...I'm getting to the point where I no longer want to mount any kind of argument when it comes to Nintendo's image. If people are going to get hung up on the "kiddie" thing, they are only proving that they [i]don't[/i] understand video games and that they also don't understand Nintendo. It's as simple as that. When you look at games like MGS: TTS, Product Number 03, Resident Evil 4 etc...games that Nintendo are sanctioning as GameCube exclusives, you can't possibly say that Nintendo is focusing only on younger players. By the same token, we can't ignore that some of Nintendo's franchises are aimed at families (I wouldn't even say that they are aimed directly at little children; most of Nintendo's games are aimed at many ages - so they have to be warm and approachable, which excessive gore or sex won't help). People who play Nintendo's games know that Nintendo is the master of gameplay. When you play Super Mario Sunshine and you realize that Mario's movements are as soft and smooth as melted butter, you completely forget that this game is "colourful and looks kiddie". And that's what it's about. [/color]
  13. James


    [color=#808080]Lalaith is right. Annoucements are handy, particularly current ones that you can see at the top of every forum and which address your very concern. ^_^[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B] In fact, most of the assumptions you made are based on a stereotypical view of Christians and "homophobes" and the two being the same, rather than [i]anything[/i] that was in that post. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#808080]No, I don't think so [i]at all[/i]. Didn't you read Shy's post in its entirity? I think he brought up some extremely valid points. He was questioning Ginny's points and raising questions about implied double standards. I don't see anything wrong with that - I think Shy's response was intelligent and very well conceived. We should encourage this kind of intelligent back-and-forth rather than being so dismissive. The idea that this is a "pick on Ginny day" is a bit silly, really. We are adults here. And in any kind of discussion, people are going to disagree and rebut other points of view. And that's just fine - let's not make this out to be some sort of victimization of one person or something. I don't think Ginny was trying to single out anyone, nor do I think Shy was trying to attack Ginny. Ginny constructed her initial post with great care and she put forward her points of view very eloquently and respectfully. And Shy responded with an equal level of eloquence and reason. Why must we start jumping in as though this is going to turn into a bar brawl? This is a critical problem on OtakuBoards. The moment anyone says something contradictory to someone else, we start getting all flustered as though it's some massive assault/argument. That's ridiculous. This is a perfectly reasonable discussion. Those of you saying things like "calm down/let's be friends/kiss and make up" are really missing the point here. lol And Dan, I think your post was really way off the mark. It might be more appropriate for you to quote Shy's points and rebut them specifically, rather than accusing Shy of stereotyping Christians. I've been accused of the same thing when I've tried to bring up points about homosexuality and it's an unfair attempt to dismiss the legitimate points of view that Shy brings up. Let's try to be reasonable about this. I don't want anyone to just jump and and throw around vague references and pointless banter. If you have something to say about homosexuality in video games (as both Ginny and Shy do), then I encourage you to participate. But the other posts are starting to really detract from this discussion and [i]they[/i] are what will cause any break down here. So please, let's behave like adults. Now's not the time to get all hot and bothered over a single thread. If you can't just stick to the discussion and treat each other with respect, you won't be posting in here much longer (and most of this is a message for several of you, not just Dan).[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn:[/i][b] So, without sounding spiteful (and if you think I am, then you might want to check your maturity level on this subject ..), why? Is it because you wish to see SquareEnix support same sex relations, or is it because you are curious about them and hope to have some questions answered?[/b][/quote] [color=#808080]Shyguy's response to this point in particular is something that is being attacked unfairly. Ginny, are these the only two options here? It seems as though people who support the idea of including homosexuals in video games are either people who have some kind of subversive agenda (ie: wanting Square Enix to push a particular point of view on everyone) or that they have some sort of curiosity about homosexuals. That is what you said and that is what Shy responded to. My response would only be the same as his. It seems to me that you're discounting that idea that people might [i]simply[/i] want to see equal treatment of all human beings. Maybe that should have been your third option? I mean, you did mention that you don't want to sound spiteful. I don't think Shy was trying to tell you that you're being spiteful and I personally don't think you were [i]trying[/i] to be spiteful. That's not what Shy's post was about. He was simply pointing out an implication in your post, which is something I noticed but didn't comment on. [i]"This is a very immature "Us vs. Them" philosophy, Ginny. I support women's rights, but do I have to worry about suddenly becoming a woman?"[/i] This is part of Shy's response. Why take issue with it? I think Shy's comparison about women's rights is particularly appropriate. If I want to see a woman in a game, does it mean that I'm either curious about women or that I am really gunning for some kind of feminist agenda that I want SE to promote? Nope and nope. Perhaps I want to see women in games because I feel that woman have historically been treated unfairly and that all human beings should be able to be included in games. See what I mean? Really, c'mon now. This is a discussion. Shy wasn't picking on you Ginny; he was trying to [i]discuss[/i] this subject with you. And part of discussion is presenting opposing positions and dissecting what others say (I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately - ugh). Anyway, I think my post is pretty self explanatory (I hope so, anyway). If you guys want to keep discussing this, PLEASE do so in an adult fashion. We [i]all[/i] need to "check our maturity level" when it comes to this discussion. If any of you are unable to disagree/explain/discuss things without recoiling like a snake, then maybe these discussions aren't for you (and that goes for several of you, unfortunately). [/color]
  15. [color=#808080]I think there are a few basic points to make about this long running discussion. Firstly, video games are no different than any other form of entertainment (be it music or movies, for example). Various public officials and private groups want to treat video games differently to both movies and music by not only creating are more strict ratings system, but by also binding the hands of developers and discouraging them from creative freedom. And really, there are a few things to remember here. The video game rating system is generally appropriate. Games suitable for older audiences are generally not being marketed to kids and their ratings are usually adequate. So where does the real problem lie? The parents and the retailers. Parents who complain about violent video games are, in my opinion, washing their hands of responsibility. They are essentially asking for publishers to only ever publish child-friendly games, so that parents don't have to make any effort to be aware of what purchasing decisions their children are making. That is an obvious disregard of parental responsibility. Just as parents should monitor what their kids watch on TV or see on the Internet, they also need to be aware of both video game ratings (which are insanely simple to understand) and the actual games that their kids are buying. If parents check the rating (and even read the blurb on the back cover), they're going to get a fair idea about what the game's content is like. And thus, the problem is solved. Retailers are mostly pretty good, but some out there are not obeying the laws that relate to selling games with various ratings to kids under that age group. It can be hard to make the distinction, but sometimes retailers blatantly ignore a "17+" game and sell it to a kid who is obviously a 10 year old or something. Clearly, retailers have to be brought into line on that point. But that whole argument relates to kids getting their hands on violent games in the first place. It doesn't relate to any effect that these games might actually have on kids. On this question, there is some evidence to suggest that violent games make kids more excited after they've played for a few minutes. So that excitement could translate to violence (in the case of a more aggressive child) or simply talking too much (in the case of a chatterbox lol). And while that's all fine and good, some people are trying to point to these studies as proof that violent games breed violent children. That is false; it is a misinterpretation of existing studies. These games will only affect kids if they are predisposed to violent behavior. They won't [i]make[/i] a passive child become violent. That notion is ridiculous. Throughout my entire life, I've played violent games - and yet I am a peaceloving person who is absolutely horrified by real life violence. Violent games have also definitely not desensitised me to violence whatsoever; in real life, I am just as sensitive to violent behavior as I always was. So I don't really buy the desensitisation argument either. Also, let's look at a particular case where games were blamed. Look at the Columbine High School shootings. After that terrible incident happened, people were pointing to the fact that the killers played Doom and that they had commented that it'd given them ideas. What they [i]fail[/i] to mention, is that BOTH students were taking mind-altering anti-depressants...which are [i]proven[/i] to affect behavior. In particular, anti-depressants have been shown to cause violent tendancies and to lower tolerance levels when it comes to dealing with stressful situations. So you see, video games are the scapegoat in that situation. The parents are either ignoring (or are unwilling to accept) the fact that their kids were taking substances that altered their behavior. Oh no...that might just cast some doubt on the treatment that they were being given! How terrible. Also, people act as though this "problem" is recent with the invention of games. But it's not. In decades past, parents would blame violent and delinquent behavior on rock music or horror movies. Video games are just the latest trend to be targeted. The Columbine HS killers would have done the very same thing with or without Doom. If Doom hadn't influenced them, Marilyn Manson would have. Do you see my point? A person predisposed to violent behavior isn't being pushed into action by an outside media source. Rather, they are actively seeking out these media sources to fulfill their violent desires. So it's not a question of these kids having Doom in their house affecting their minds. It's a question of these kids [i]already[/i] having violent tendences and simply feeding on anything that satisfies it. By the logic that some use, we shouldn't just ban violent games - but we should also ban any kind of "exciting" music, novels, movies, news television and published articles, etc etc And then, of course, it would [i]still[/i] happen. This violence would continue. And then who do we blame? The next door neighbours' cat?[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi1827 [/i] [B]And, uhm, i've noticed this about the skins. The 'rules' link is nto on the Industrial Okakt (i think it's that one) It has the f.a.q, but no rules. Also, the other 2w have rules, but no f.a.q. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#808080]I suspect that we'll be ditching Industrial Otaku when we move to Version 7 sometime this year. This is partly due to the differing software on v7 and the fact that we may need to possibly ditch [i]all[/i] current skins and redevelop v7-specific ones. So, I understand the complaint and it will be addressed. All issues with skins will be fully sorted out during v7 development. But for the time being, we have some other things in the pipeline that we want to focus on. ^_^[/color]
  17. [color=#808080]I'd have to go with Desbreko on this one. Even though people here are allowed to express opinions, it must be done in an appropriate way. Saying something deliberately inflammatory like "I hate this" or something something simplistic like "I like this" is just pointless. In all cases, you've got to explain yourself a little. I don't think it's much to ask. As far as Millie's suggestion...I think we have enough rules as-is. I'm not prepared to rule out people's expression of opinion, because if I start with that...where do I stop? The aim is not to rule out people's expression of views, it's to rule out deliberate flaming/rudeness to others. I think you can express your view without being directly rude and inflammatory to others, which is what we should be encouraging.[/color]
  18. [color=#808080]I basically agree with everything you said, Mitch. Although, [i]nobody[/i] seems to understand what the rave scene was about. I heard a guy on Fox News can the entire movie because of that one scene. [spoiler]The rave scene was not about celebrating impending doom - nothing of the sort. The rave scene was a kind of metaphor. In this case, mankind fears the machines that are burrowing down toward Zion. But, as Morpheus pointed out, fear is the only thing holding the human race back from achieving its ultimate victory against the machines. And so, you'll remember that Morpheus spoke about "letting them hear us". That's what the rave was - it was symbolic of the idea that Zion can shake its fear and can send a clear message to the machines; you won't destroy us and you won't ruin our way of life. As far as the Neo/Trinity love scene...some of the responses to that are so ridiculously prudish. lol It was [i]hardly[/i] explicit. I mean, god...it showed Neo's butt. It didn't even show Trinity's breasts. I wish people would get over themselves. lol The scene wasn't particularly wonderful, because I don't think it expressed much about the characters' love...it could have been done in a more beautiful way. Instead, it came off as being "just a quickie". lol So I think that hurt it. And, in regard to the mother of The Matrix. I believe that when Neo guessed who the mother was, The Architect made some comment which was kind of like saying "I knew you were smart enough to figure it out" or something. He even had that nasty little grin, as though he was deriving pleasure from seeing Neo work things out for himself.[/spoiler] Generally, I think that the reaction to Reloaded is a LOT like the reaction to A.I. A lot of people canned it because it was too deep. It requires audience participation in a sense - it requires you to think and analyze for yourself. Yes, some things are blatantly blurted out for you. But a lot of things are done in a subtle way - which is probably better than EVERYTHING being done in an overly obvious sense. With A.I., people who canned it could never seem to see the beauty laying underneath - the subtle artistry that held everything together. While Reloaded is probably more complex than A.I. in some ways, I think the comparison holds true in this area. I'm really glad to see your post Mitch - to see that you can connect with what was laying underneath. I'm not saying that people can't dislike the movie, but often, people seem to be disliking it for overly trivial reasons. If you can appreciate its depth, you're more likely to enjoy it.[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (_)ltryneo [/i] [B]Well the mods do take it a bit hard on new people but their just doing their jobs,and still u can't know all the rules if im correct the rules haven't been updated for sometime. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#808080]Well, the rules are essentially 99% accurate. The only inaccurate part is the name of certain forums and a few updates that haven't been put there. For instance, you have two images in your signature. But our rules CLEARLY state that members are allowed only [i]one[/i] image. If you had read the rules, you would be aware of this. See what I mean? It's not hard; it takes little effort. Most people do follow the rules, which is good. As far as the newbie bashing - I don't see a lot of that. The people who bash newbies lately (from what I've seen) are, funnily enough, people with poor post quality themselves. Very ironic. If anyone ever has a problem with a Moderator (who might have flamed them or been very rude), I encourage you to PM me with details including a link to the thread. I will not mention your name to the Moderator if I give them a warning - and believe me, I'm quite prepared to warn Moderators to remain civil. Moderators are members too. And they're required to do their job with maturity - being rude when a member genuinely needs assistance is a big no-no. So, people shouldn't feel that I'll get mad if they report a Moderator. On the contrary, I [i]want[/i] to know if someone isn't working out so that I can replace them. But yes, as Desbreko said...Moderators and Category Moderators can be stressed out by their job. So I do ask that they be given a little understanding. Still, if you're being flamed or verbally abused by a Moderator/CM, that's unacceptable.[/color]
  20. [color=#808080]I'm a mixture of Ether and Water. I'd say that I'm probably closer to Ether. But yeah, I guess I have every element as part of my personality in some way. Afterall, we can [i]all[/i] be fire at some points in our life...we can all go through these elements, I think.[/color]
  21. [color=#808080]I just thought I'd post it here officially; theOtaku.com/dothack is looking for writers. I've already had a couple of people express interest, but I'm looking for people who can begin submitting work very soon. All I require is that you have an understanding of the series and that your English is accomplished. The fastest way to be approved is to email me at: [email][email protected][/email] with some sort of writing sample. [/color]
  22. [color=#808080]The two women were both remarkably different and oddly similar. Both were tall and slender. Both were immaculately manicured. And both had a link through time that defined their very existence. And yet, one was as overt as she was refined. While the other was quiet, both in personality and in physical form. One demanded attention by default, but never appeared to notice it. And the other somehow managed to be a wallflower, despite her noble and powerful history. The woman with the long dark hair and vivid green eyes sat at one of the enormous metal desks, which ran across the library's white-floored lobby, like dark pinstripes on a light suit. The library was filled only with those who made books their life; teachers, secretaries, geiko* and philosophers. The rest of the population were either shopping in The Core's thousands of boutiques or watching digital television at home. Either way, libraries were considered far from interesting in modern human society. The woman with green eyes (who was also adorned in what appeared to be a garment of taut white latex) sat silently at the desk. In front of her sat a bulbous book, bound in dusty leather. She opened it with delicate fingers and began browsing its pages. At the other end of the lobby, the woman with the plaid skirt was watching her. She had just exited the elevator and seemed somehow fascinated with the other woman. At first, she merely stood there, as if unsure what her next move should be. But finally, she approached. She crossed the lobby gracefully and sat down opposite the latex-clad woman. "Hello, my name is Ariel," said the woman softly. She smiled. A pleasant smile that seemed to warm the air around them. The woman opposite her peered up from her book and nodded in acknowledgement. "Yes, you're an ancient force, aren't you?" she queried with a look of certainty in her eyes. Ariel paused and nodded briskly. "I am, yes. How did you know?" "I can tell," said the woman cryptically. "My name is Zara. I'm the same as you." Zara did not extend her hand for Ariel to shake, which made Ariel feel somewhat uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in a way, but Ariel also felt the warmer air...as though she and Zara shared a common, intangible link. "I'm not quite sure where to go," said Ariel, after a brief silence. Zara nodded slowly and closed the old book. "That's okay. I have been living in The Core for several months now. I have an apartment on the northside that you can stay at, if you so desire." Ariel smiled. "Wow, that's very kind of you!" "My pleasure. We have to stick together if we are going to solve the situation out there," said Zara. Ariel nodded and stood up. "Shall we walk there now? It must be a long way," she suggested. Zara stood and pushed her chair under the table. "Yes, you're right. But I must warn you; the streets can be dangerous at this time of night." Ariel ran a hand along her neck absently. "Yeah...I am a healing force, so I am not offensive," she said. "That's fine, Ariel. My powers are gravity-based, so we'll be fine. We can work together." Ariel's smile quickly returned. She seemed genuinely happy to have found a partner so early in her mortal life. And while Zara was not outwardly excited, she too was relieved to find one like herself - especially in a neighbourhood that was notorious for being full of thugs and gangs of all kinds. The two woman walked side by side through the lobby, toward the library's massive entrance. This was the start of their journey. (*Geiko = Geisha, a traditional Japanese hostess, who is highly educated. Look up "Geisha" in the dictionary if you don't understand. ~_^)[/color] Eep...I hope that was okay. I had zero creativity in my body when writing that. I've been way too overworked today; 'breko, feel free to do what you will with this. ^_^
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]Maybe my post was not clear enough. I was not admonishing the federal government for the wrong donigs in the american educational system, in fact, I was noting the variation between blaming the fedral government opposed to blaming state governments. As for demographics, you have entirely missed my point (although maybe I did not clarify the point that I had wished to make). I am well aware that Australia is broken down "sectionally", I know that they have areas, or states, that have political prowess. I quoted your post because you specifically mentioned "American states", and it indicated that no American States have strong educational systems, which is ludicrous. Some states have extremely good educational systems some have extremely poor ones. Increasing accountability in schools is a great idea, but who is going to be in charge of keeping tabs on the standards? State governments? They haven't done too good of a job so far. What makes you think a similar program to work? What the government need to do is cut ALL federal aide to states that don't meet minimum fedral critereia. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#808080]Firstly, I [i]know[/i] that you aren't blaming the federal government for the American education system (and any problems it may or may not have). I never implied that. I was simply pointing out the [i]similarities[/i] in structure between both systems. So that's the first point. Secondly, you misinterpreted my reference to American states. I thought that the original person I'd quoted was talking about national standards (when comparing various nations). And in brackets, I said "unless you're talking about American states, where my post would be irrelevant" or something of that nature. So, I wasn't sure if I'd misunderstood the original post. I never inferred directly or indirectly that [i]any[/i] states within the United States have a poor education system. I was simply trying to point out that I wasn't entirely sure about what the original quote was referring to. Of course I understand that different states have different standards; that's not exactly rocket science. In regard to demographics, once again, you've not really explained what you mean. You mention demographics but then you go on to point out something that you think I was inferring, which may or may not be related to demographic comparisons between both countries. By demographics, you could be talking about issues of race, socioeconomic status, political ideology...anything. That's all I was trying to do; nail down what you mean by differing demographics. And finally, yes...as I said, more accountability is needed. But where did I ever suggest that the United States' individual states should be responsible for school accountability? I never mentioned it, nor did I infer it. I was talking exclusively about the education system we have here - whether or not you choose to compare it to the USA is another matter entirely. That wasn't my point. I was simply clarifying and explaining what we do here and how the education system is divided up. In Australia, states are primarily responsible for handling school accountability. If a state is doing this job poorly, then it needs to rethink and restructure its approach. If specific states can do it here, then specific states/provinces can do it [i]anywhere[/i]. It's not a question of saying "the state can't do it, so who will?" The state [i]can[/i] do it and would be able to do it if the funding/training/standards/monitoring etc... were all appropriate. I mean, there are so many issues there. I am not trying to say what America should/should not do, nor am I trying to convey the idea that the system here can be applied everywhere. Where our states might be capable and efficient when it comes to monitoring schools, states and territories in other regions may not. That much should be obvious. And even here, of course, there are different standards in each state and each different state has its own individual successes and failures when it comes to educational standards. I really feel that we're getting off the track a bit here. My original comment in brackets was definitely taken the wrong way by you, which is probably my fault - it wasn't worded very well. But now I've explained it. Also, just touching on the demographics again...as I read your post, I see that you might simply be using the word "demographics" to describe the breaking down of responsibility based on specific territories (ie: states). If that's the case, fine. But generally, when you mention the word "demographics", you're talking about a whole host of issues that deal with centers of population. So it's only natural for me to ask for further clarification - it's not unreasonable of me, and it's certainly not unreasonable of anyone else to ask me for clarification on what I'm saying too. That post was longer than intended, but I hope it uncrosses the wires here.[/color]
  24. [color=#808080]The rules are 99% up to date. The only issues that need updating are references to forum names, because specific forums have changed over recent months. But don't worry, it'll be updated as soon as possible. [/color]
  25. [color=#808080]Well, that's what you get for starting rumors about people. It really came around to bite them on the butt, didn't it? lol Anyway, yeah...go along with the advice here. Or something. As much as I sympathize with these guys, I also do feel that this is a kinda good lesson to them not to spread rumors about people.[/color]
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