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Everything posted by James

  1. [color=royalblue]What does Power Rangers have to do with anime and gaming? o_O;[/color]
  2. James


    [color=royalblue]It could be a browser problem...I'm not sure. Hopefully it won't happen again in future.[/color]
  3. James

    punk bands

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]I only think of you as a ignorant little fu....bird. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]First and last warning right here, Wing Gundam. I don't want to see you behaving like this toward other members again.[/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]This is really not suitable for a thread (and even if it were, it'd be better in the Anime forum). So, I recommend that you put this in your siggy...and ask people to PM you with the answer. You get more exposure that way anyway.[/color]
  5. [color=royalblue]Shift told me that we have a default spell checker. Soo...I hope he's right. lol But I haven't ever had to use it...so I've never noticed.[/color]
  6. James

    Project Gamer

    Samus, Mario and Link dashed across the river bank quickly. Samus used her beam gun to clear the foliage from around her as she ran, Mario hovered over fallen tree trunks and Link used his sword to slash through the undergrowth. And finally, they saw the S.S. Anne in the distance. It was merely a dot on the horizon. [color=coral][b]Samus:[/b] Argh! How are we supposed to reach it now?[/color] Link furrowed his brow, thinking. Mario tapped Link on the shoulder and pointed to FLUDD. [color=red][b]Mario:[/b] I have a very special nozzle for FLUDD! We can boost our way over the ocean at high speed and reach the ship in no time![/color] [color=green][b]Link:[/b] Yes! But one thing...how on earth can all three of us go at the same time?[/color] :drunk: Mario scratched his chin as he thought. He noticed large vines hanging from the branches nearby. [color=red][b]Mario:[/b] Why don't you use those-a little vines! Just tie 'em to FLUDD's neck and ride along behind me![/color] Samus and Link looked at each other and nodded. They then proceeded to tear down several vines and tie them around the neck of FLUDD...
  7. [color=royalblue]I'm not exactly sure if it's true, but apparently the box art for LoZA has been shown... [IMG]http://www.ganonstower.com/zeldaadvancebox.jpg[/IMG] As you can see, it looks identical to A Link to the Past's art...except for the "Four Swords" logo underneath. Very cool, I think. :love2: Only problem is, I don't really know anyone else with a GBA...so I won't really be able to play the Four Swords mode. :bawl: [/color]
  8. [color=royalblue]OtakuBoards.com has a spellchecker. In fact, it's always had a spellchecker apparently. So I expect people who have bad spelling to use it...but I can't force people to use it.[/color]
  9. [color=royalblue]Yeah, you know...apparently the train takes you to different places and you stop. And then you can explore different areas. I think that's very cool! It really opens up the potential so much...you're not just confined to one particular city or building. Very interesting...[/color]
  10. [color=royalblue]Exactly. Resident Evil 0 is a prequel. It will be released late this year. Resident Evil 4 is the newest game in the series and will apparently be quite a big new step forward if we are to believe what Capcom tells us (hopefully we get some good controls this time -- 360 degree analog movement would be a nice start). RE4 will arrive in 2003 exclusively on GameCube. RE 2 and 3 will be exact ports of their PSX counterparts. The only RE coming out on PS2 is, to the best of my knowledge, Resident Evil: Online.[/color]
  11. [color=royalblue]Hmm... 1. I'm from Melbourne, Australia. 2. Melbourne is the capital of the state of Victoria. Its population is over 3 million (more than the entire national population of New Zealand, to give you a measure of reference). Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia, behind Sydney (I think Sydney is just a bit larger than half of New York...with a population of about 4.5 million). Melbourne used to be the capital of Australia, when the nation was first Federated (when all the colonies joined together as one nation). However, it couldn't be decided whether or not Sydney or Melbourne should be the national capital. So, a third city was built in between the two -- exactly. That city is Canberra. Canberra was completed during the 1930's and is an extremely modern city (considering it's one of the youngest in the world). It's not as hugely populated as Australia's other coastal cities, but it is primarily a political and historic place, I suppose. Melbourne is famous for being "the world's most liveable city" (though I'm not sure who actually rated us as that). A clean city design, combined with relatively low pollution, one of the world's best public transport systems and restaurants sourced from more than 300 worldwide nationalities make Melbourne particularly special. It is also a fact that Melbourne has the world's cleanest drinking water. What else can be said about Melbourne? Hm. Over the last decade, a [i]lot[/i] of construction and development has been going on. As a result, establishments/structures such as Crown Entertainment Complex (which spews fire into the sky at night), the CityLink and CityLink Tunnel (which connects all areas of the city) and now Federation Square (a very large arts/entertainment/cultural venue) have popped up in recent times. 3. Melbourne is great to visit. If you like food, you'll love Melbourne. Even if you're from say...Togo, you'll probably find a restaurant based soley on Togo cuisine. So the restaurants are a very famous and important part of the city. Other than that, there is loads to do. You can visit the Botannical Gardens, Rialto Towers, Melbourne Arts Centre, Melbourne Aquarium and many, many more. 4. Don't know what else I can say. :drunk: I adore Melbourne. Sydney always gets the attention...but without the Harbour, it wouldn't be all that much. Melbourne, however, is a very beautiful city on its own merits. It's a shame that it doesn't get as much attention...because it's truly one of the world's greatest cities. It's like a hidden gem. ;) If you ever come here, I really recommend visiting![/color]
  12. [color=royalblue]I don't undertand the suspicion of America. America isn't perfect, but come on. Why can't North Korea have nuclear weapons? Let's see... It's not democratic. It's a violent regime that lashes out and attack for no reason. It is known to test ballistic missiles [i]right over[/i] its neighbours skies. Understand yet? Furthermore, if you think Saddam can be ousted peacefully, you're kidding yourself in the most major way possible. When he was first "elected" to office, he held a meeting of the Iraqi Congress/Parliament. During that meeting, he read a list of his political enemies' names...and systematically, Republican Guard troops entered the building and escorted each politician out. They were, of course, executed. Saddam Hussein is basically a psychotic murderer and serial killer. Are you telling me we can actually negotiate with someone like that? Of course not. War is never "good". But sometimes war is necessary to create peace. I never cease to be amazed by people who don't seem to understand that. About capitalism: Capitalism works because it is based on incentive. If you make money, you get to keep most of your money. And you get to privately own land and posessions. In a communist nation, the concept is great (equal everything for everyone), but in execution, it creates nothing but misery. You can't own your own private land (it becomes property of the state), you generally can't elect the leader of your nation (historically speaking, anyway), etc etc... Communism is based on a very ideological principle. But the problem is that it isn't practical. Who is going to work their guts out, only to have their posessions taken away and distributed by the state? No one that I know, at least. Capitalism isn't perfect (it requires low taxes and a stable welfare system to function properly), but it's a hell of a lot better than communism in practice. The ideal situation is to have a mix of capitalism and socialism -- a strong identity and independence for the individual, whilst also providing a very strong welfare network for the masses. A lot of people who complain about either capitalism or communism often don't seem to know a lot about either. If you look over history and see how both have functioned in varying situations, you get a better idea of where the balance should be.[/color]
  13. [color=royalblue]Actually, our "Search" function (at the top of the page) allows you to search using keywords. This allows you to search for specific topics that are related to your own interest. Hope that helps. Welcome to the boards, by the way. :)[/color]
  14. [color=royalblue]And that's my point, with reference to hard drives and such. Panasonic could potentially add any feature it likes to Q. But that doesn't necessarily mean that GameCube games will utilize it -- GameCube games will primarily utilize whatever the actual GameCube console posesses in the first place. I just wish Nintendo would get that SD Card Adapter out. The potential for SD Cards is so much greater than the potential with the Xbox hard drive. With the SD Cards, it's basically a portable hard drive. If you download an entire track or something very large...you can [i]still[/i] take it over to your friend's house or copy it to another card, etc. I guess Nintendo has had no need for SD Cards yet. But potentially, the use of SD Cards could be incredible when it comes to online gaming.[/color]
  15. [color=royalblue]Even though there are still many questions surrounding the Iraq issue, I think you and I fundamentally agree on that point. But as for the original idea of this topic...as I said, it should come as no surprise. The true surprise was that North Korea admitted its development of nuclear weapon technology. :drunk:[/color]
  16. [color=royalblue]So why treat it as if it was a meaningful statement? Are you serious? By that measure, I should never take anything you say seriously again. If you're going to have a kneejerk reaction to something, here's a recommendation -- take a deep breath and relax. Don't post it. Because unless you say at the end of your posts "this is silly, don't take it seriously", then people ARE going to take it seriously. lol Now that you've drawn back a bit and softened your stance...then yes, I agree with you. I don't agree with people who say that America is "bad". But I do believe that America has done some unforgiveable things that it [i]should[/i] be criticized for. Still, that doesn't mean that I agree with many of the flag-burning leftists out there who have their heads in the clouds and can't face reality.[/color]
  17. [color=royalblue]Okay, but now you're changing your argument. You originally said that troops should be pulled out. Clearly, this was just a kneejerk reaction to a small number of idealist South Korean protestors.[/color]
  18. [color=royalblue]gokents...now you're seriously disregarding facts. I completely agree with you about Iraq. And I don't agree with the reasons behind the student protests. But students protest [i]everywhere[/i]. It is foolish to suggest that the United States should pull out just because it's been "insulted" by a small number of people. It's very simple. You're saying that the United States should pull out of South Korea because of these so-called insulting protests. Who cares if you've been insulted? How many times must I mention that this was only a small group of people? It does [i]not[/i] reflect the views of all of the South Korean people. I don't see [i]any[/i] reason to justify your comments on that subject. [/color][quote]I can give my opinion stating that I believe America should ditch the South Koreans but that was not to personally hurt the people of Korea. That was a statment to collectivly effect the people who protest, yet to be possibly taken actions. [/quote] [color=royalblue]Ah but you see, if you support pulling out of South Korea, then you [i]are[/i] hurting the people of South Korea. If America pulls out, who do the South Koreans have to protect them against North Korea? Remember, North Korea has the fourth largest military force in the entire world. The best way to protect the interests of innocent people in this situation is to remain in the region, so that they are protected against North Korea. Granted, some will disagree with that. But surely the protection of the many outweighs the protests of the few.[/color]
  19. [color=royalblue]I'm sorry gokents, but your over-simplistic rantings aren't making a great deal of sense. Just because a small minority of people aren't "recognizing the greatness" of America, doesn't mean that the entire nation does not deserve support from America. What you're saying now is coming off as some stupid emotional rhetoric. There isn't a lot of logic behind it. What you are essentially saying is that just because the United States gave South Korea its independence (and I don't mean to trivalize that important point), South Korean people are somehow unable to be critical of the United States. That sounds a hell of a lot more like a dictatorship situation, as opposed to a democratic situation. We should [i]always[/i] be able to criticize Governments from ANY country. This does not make South Koreans "anti-American". It simply means that they are protesting the policies of a foreign Government. You have to put this in perspective, gokents. And you're clearly not doing that. I could sit here and make a list of all the foolish things that the United States has done over the course of history. But does that mean that I hate Americans? No. I have many American friends and I would never speak ill of them. The same goes for my own Government. I can (and should) openly criticize my own Government. That doesn't mean I'm "anti-Australian". The problem is that you are seeing the world as simply black or white. You forget that there are many shades of grey in between. Most problems are more complex than they appear -- and in this case, it's unfair to suddenly dump an entire country just because a few individuals are refusing to kiss America's collective toes. Even if they [i]do[/i] protest about the USA, it doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't thankful for the USA's support of them. It [i]is[/i] possible to be critical of something, whilst also being thankful and supportive of it at the same time.[/color]
  20. [color=royalblue]But you see, your reasoning is wrong. Just because a few people in South Korea protest, doesn't mean that the entire country is somehow disrespectful to the United States. If you were to use that measure, then you'd say that the USA wouldn't be allowed to have a presence even in North America! Flag burnings go on all over the world and generally do not represent the views of the majority. You can't possibly say that you want to crush communism on one hand, whilst subsequently saying that you want to pull out of South Korea because of some sort of lack of respect or whatever. That doesn't make sense and it's contradictory. Part of the containment of communism is [i]based[/i] on having a presence in countries like South Korea. You said yourself that if America pulled out, North Korea would feel much more comfortable about invading. While that argument is questionable in nature, surely you can understand how your contention for pulling out is directly oppposed with your contention that communism should be restricted. So the bottom line is simple; you're always going to have people protesting about one cause after another. People (even those in the USA) are going to burn your flag for reasons you disagree with. But as I said, these people do not represent the majority by any measure. [/color]
  21. [color=royalblue]Since when were the boards "political"? o_O I don't mind some political based discussion, but I don't want Otaku Lounge to be our unofficial politics forum. lol Anyway, when all is said and done, I don't believe that North Korea will take any strong actions against anyone. If they do, they're as good as dead. I don't think American (or any other) troops should pull out of South Korea, simply because they have a responsibility and a commitment there. It's very immature to just dump your commitment because you don't feel like making the effort. [/color]
  22. [color=royalblue]Oh, and about that blowing up buildings thing... I saw an interview with one of the game's Scottish designers...and he specifically alluded do the fact that "some can even be blown up!" -- referring to structures. So that's interesting. I wonder exactly what he meant...(since obviously, it would be stupid to blow up every building...that'd kind of ruin the game lol).[/color]
  23. [color=royalblue]"Screw the South Koreans". Yeah, while we're at it, let's "screw the Afghans" too! gokents, try to sound a little more intelligent. And for the absolute [b]last[/b] time...[i]clean up your posts![/i] Capital letters! Punctuation! Argh! I don't think that this evidence should be any surprise. Intelligence sources from all over the world have known about North Korea's programs for a while now. In addition, North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan a few years back, which almost hit the Japanese coast. I suppose the only good thing to come out of any of this is the fact that South Korea has engaged North Korea in a very active way (and rightfully so). South Korea has nothing to be blamed for; they have bent over backwards when it comes to building a relationship with North Korea. And the end result is that we are now getting closer to reunification than ever before. A rail link is being rebuilt between the two nations as we speak -- remember, these things take time. I don't expect relations to be repaired in only a year or two.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Always looking for an excuse to flex our administrative muscle, are we? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]Always looking for an excuse to rebel, are we? You know just as well as I do why I question this thread (not even mentioning the fact that we've only recently had a couple that discuss men having emotions). I recommend that you keep such comments to yourself in future, wrist cutter. I don't mind you having an opinion on something, but I don't recommend posting just for the sake of furthering some rebellious image or deliberately getting on my nerves.[/color]
  25. [color=royalblue]Best poster of his time? You should see some of the hateful things thimoc has said over email. He deserves nobody's respect. He's just some idiot who likes to cause trouble. The only person I've ever encountered who is as venomous and nasty as him would probably be ProudClod.[/color]
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